How accurate is this scene?

How accurate is this scene?

Kinda scary to think about if you ask me, that I could be walking in a supermarket or sitting in a restaurant and there could be a secret gunfight going on right next to me

Attached: 1550812336394.webm (1444x600, 2.98M)

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This is what it's like every day in America don't you watch the news? I almost got ran over by a gang of tanks on my way home from work at the steel factory.

Hollywood bullshit, even with a suppressor on a 9mm handgun, it is still loud as shit and would cause people to look, see a gun, and flip the fuck out causing a panic.

This is one of the most accurate depictions of silencers committed to film. They don't call them that for no reason, OP.

This scene was obviously a tongue-in-cheek reference to other absurd action scenes in other movies. John Wick almost plays out as a satire of the entire genre

the people bitching about this are the same people bitching about the rat in the departed. Stop taking these types of movies so seriously


Yeah you could literally shoot a whole country with a supressed handgun and noone would even know that someone is shooting

>steel factory

Attached: steel.gif (500x374, 3.42M)

Do amerishoots really walk around the airport casual shooting each other while they wait for their flight?

I was once shot by a silenced 9mm and didn't even realize it until the next morning

If it was silenced and using subsonic rounds, it would sound a bit like a paintball gun going off.
Depending on the ambient noise around them, its possible that it would get drowned out.
However, the muzzle flashes and sound of the rounds hitting the stone around them is something else entirely.
In a cramped space like that, someone is gonna notice after the second or third shot.
Its dumb, but still a fun part of the movie.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>le no stopping power 9mm face

/k/ has some pretty underrated memes.


JW and JW2 are realistic when they need to be, but they aren't afraid to sacrifice realism for style, and they fluidly transition between the two. It's why they are such good action films; it's serious yet tongue-in-cheek at the same time.
Go to about 3:00, it really is like a paintball gun at that point. Or a really shitty pneumatic nail-gun.
In a really noisy place, I think it'd be really easy to not hear just a shot or two

What if the bullets are soft so they don't make noise when they hit the concrete?

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Wtf Yea Forums you guys told me that silencers don't actually work all these years.

soft things are loud too, like the ocean

you'd hear it

Retard its wet

I'll show you something soft and wet
*unzips your dick*

Why is noone paying attention to the guy with a face covered in blood?

Dad, why'd you take me to a gay steel mill?

Hi faggot ass user, I too read the article Gizmodo ran on editing that rat out. Good thing we read the same shitty blogs

Attached: donald-trump-body-pillow.jpg (644x364, 32K)

Suppressors lower the shots' volume to about 120dB, so no, couldn't happen like this.

Also on top of that, it was a gag by the directors/writers or whoever.
The joke was that no one in New York notices anything. One of the writers tripped and fell over when he was in New York and no one either noticed or gave a shit that someone had fallen over and hurt themselves. That's why the scene is in there.

The John Wick movies are fucking god awful, jesus christ

Yea it's a game called shooties. Schoolchildren play it a lot.

I think they're both fun

suppressors lower the shot to something you don't need ear protection for and changes it so it's not a gun shot

but it's still fucking louder than a lawnmower