>Sources close to the investigation tell us he was found just before 1:00 PM. We’re told the cause of death is being investigated as a suicide by hanging.

It's no surprise Patton Oswalt a huge far left operative starts tweeting about him immediately after his death. How the fuck do you even hang yourself it's not possible.

Why the fuck have the Clinton's never been investigated for any of these suicides?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why was it the clintons

I don't remember this guy from the Hangover. I've seen the first two a few times.

fucking YAWN. 2020 can't come soon enough.

lol at all the celebrities posting on twitter to "morn" him. these people are so vile. no wonder the guy offed himself surrounded by those fake fucks.

Seriously! What did he have to hang over?

>was scheduled to testify about his involvement with Clinton Foundation fundraising
why do people agree to do this still?

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Well that makes sense why they just aired The Hangover on HBO

Hopefully this piece of shit is getting skinned alive in hell. Who is he again?

Jesus Christ, what a circlejerk competition among comedians to proclaim their love for him. I've never seen anything like it.

I want to believe it's 100% genuine, but I'm too cynical. They're establishing their pecking order and making it about them.

on a bunch of meds apparently. pharma "cure" really just spirals you farther down

>How the fuck do you even hang yourself it's not possible.

Brooks was here

Depression is a crazy bitch.

never heard of him

Fucking right. That's why I stick to cocaine, booze, and weed to self-medicate. Stick to the classics. They will make you feel like shit but won't perma-fuck your hormone levels.

You guys are worse, though.

>hangover character
>hangs himself

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Literally no.

You got it!

I remember him from the brian redban's podcasts, funny guy

What did he "hang" himself "over"? That's the money headline.

>How the fuck do you even hang yourself it's not possible.

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wonder if they will release what he was on

He's in it for like a minute in a super small role.
Its funny because in his stand up he exaggerated his signficance to the Hangover franchise as a joke

Yeah... Hollywood does that to you.

its this new self deprecating comedy

>How the fuck do you even hang yourself it's not possible.
my fucking sides

Nigger you can hang yourself with a belt on a various things and just sit down till you pass out and keep hanging. It's that easy. Going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are trolling.

I'm sorry your reading comprehension sucks. Let me explain. "What did he hang himself over?" can also be read as "Why did he hang himself?" not "What did he hang the rope on?"

Do you know him personally? Are you his shrink? Lmao. People kill themselves all the time, you retard.

They are suicided so young

why? I could honestly give a fuck about the guy, never heard of him. I mean I'm sorry he killed himself, but, not going to pretend it affects me at all.

he was an hero

Yet here you are bitching about people who actually knew him are mourning his passing.

Holy fuck, I wasn't judging him. I was legit inquiring what his demons were. I have nothing but sympathy for people who do themselves in.

I know a bit about suicide and it is absolutely possible to hang yourself

I know right? Science proves no one can physically hang themselves so it must be a murder right? Top kek user. Your Powdered Toast Man pic doubled with OP's retardedness made me LMFAO. Well done sir.

prove it

Yeah I'm really trying to remember his ass in the film and am coming up short. How fucking sad to be remembered in a role so small no one remembers you.

he anti-clinton and pro-trump, one of the very very very few in the LA comedy scene

What was he in he hangover? I’ve seen it like 20 times and can’t place him? The ER doc?



Proof or fuck off.

>How the fuck do you even hang yourself it's not possible.

looked him up, he's one of the cops when the group gets arrested giving the tour to the kids. A solid 10 seconds of the movie

I wanna say this is the most stupidest thing I've seen written on 4channel (not even counting Yea Forums itself) but I'm sure it isn't but it did make my Friday night with my dumbfounded laughter.

fuck yourself cuck

I wish I could get off lexapro bros. It’s the only thing that keeps me level, if I wasn’t on it I’d drink a liter a day and try to find to pills to boot
>inb4 just workout bro
I run a 18:07 5k actual race speed I’ve gotten lower training. And can do 2 plates bench, 2 1/2 squat due to a bad knee and 3 1/4 due to aformented knee at 170 lbs avg body weight.

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Jesus OP was already proving himself to be retarded but you user are very new or autistic or very weak bait.

if it works why get off it

Did he die by hanging? because that would be kinda ironic

he was the police officer doing the check ins after they jacked the police car. then the next scene was with riggle doing "in the face"

cause his sex drive is probably gone

>I run a 18:07 5k actual race speed I’ve gotten lower training. And can do 2 plates bench, 2 1/2 squat due to a bad knee and 3 1/4 due to aformented knee at 170 lbs avg body weight.

Nice, bro. Keep at it and that shit will make your knee stronger every day.

You're going on about reading comprehension yet you obviously missed that he replied to the wrong post

i think he was a cop

>non-response, gets hostile

Guess you can't provide an answer

Are people going to start guiltshilling this kike's terrible specials now?

If you've ever watched "Brody Stevens: Enjoy It!", you'd know this guy was very unstable and frequently in a bad place.

fuck off russia

RIP Brooks

I've been following it all day and id say 70-80% is genuine but the rest bs. The bs messages stick out so they seem like more than they are. Its usually those closest to the deceased that take the longest to respond. Joey Diaz hasnt said anything yet and this has got to be crushing him. Redban has been silent too.

Eh, I've been watching this guys videos and interviews today, the most recent ones.. dude was part of that group unknown comics who you only hear on podcast uploads, after you find out one of them died.. because they'll never be on the tonight show
Or any show for that matter.

Just a bunch of nobodies with boring banter, boring streams and monotonous voices.. he must've gotten tired of it. About to hit 50 and no financial security or break through in sight.
He just wasn't a great comic or good enough to host an entertaining show and neither are his circle of low tier comedian acquaintances

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Yeah you can usually tell who's genuine by who takes the longest to tweet. People who actually gave a shit are suffering for real and don't have the mind to go on social media, whilst others hop on to pay tribute as quick as possible for virtue points.

All the people closest to him haven't said a word, Diaz, Bobby Lee etc.

>what did he hang himself over
>hang himself over
>hang over
>"The Hangover"

>well done sir

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Same thing happened when Patrice Oneal died and cunts like Sarah Silverman who he never talked to were tweeting about him for points

I heard this guy on podcasts, he was nuts, no surprise

>suicide by hanging.
What are the odds that it was really autoerotic asphyxiation?

Well, I've never tired to fuck any kids so I guess I'm OK.

Oh, wait.

I want more ren and stimpy shit.

I for one can't wait for podcastors to stop doing his impression now

By the way, it still sucks but.. this is no conspiracy or societal issue you need to get on board with.
Unless that issue is the consequence of chasing fame or of a failed stint in show business.

It's unfortunate but it's been happening for a while now. You can't do anything about it and why would you, these people were motivated by vanity.

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Apparently the guy was into ladyboys and was a self proclaimed 10% homo

Auto-erotic strangulation isn't completely off the table yet.

A real human bean

>how do you even hang yourself
you can die of asphyxiation as opposed to a noose and a tree. just tie something like an exercise band tight enough to cause you to lose oxygen, tie it to a doorknob and sit down and you pass out then die. oddly enough, this is also how chris cornell and chester bennington died

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He had a temper issue

You just know it was intentional. These fucking e-"journalists"..

Who is he? Who does he work for? Why does he wear the collar?

I too, want to know what the fucking deal is. reminder all three of those men killed themselves the same way during dates that had esoteric numerological meaning. Hollywood is starting to actually look like a hellscape

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>killed themselves the same way
hanging has historically been the most common method of suicide. it's still an extremely common method. it's considered one of the quickest, most painless, and cleanest ways to kill yourself (according to survivors of attempts of hanging vs survivors of attempts by other methods)

it also stands to reason that these men, being entertainers, were probably narcissistic and didn't want to obliterate their heads/faces with a gun.

>during dates that had esoteric numerological meaning
literally every date has "esoteric numerologic meaning" if your autism is severe enough. this is idiotic.

Another one lost to Balamb Garden.

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okay shill, how many shekels are you getting paid to piss on the death of others? even if there was nothing malevolent with the deaths, the circumstances of them should tell you that this society and especially Hollywood are harmful af. stop worshipping studio execs and rapey producers

Sometimes people say outlandish shit to try and be funny, but the real humor comes from the pedantic pseud faggots who think they're smart for asking those people to source a claim that obviously wasn't serious.
Those images about fallacies and arguments have done more harm than good, all the kids ate it up and think they're hotshot debaters now, you must mean and be able to source everything you say or you'll be branded as not having an argument.

Sounds like backpedaling there

Nice deflection, be careful or I'll ad hom the fuck out of you.

I'm on anti depressants and they're working pretty good desu.

I read something a while back that they started to discover that for some people certain anti depressants actually do just make matters worse though. That's why it's important to actually kind of pay attention to how they make you feel and not just assume they're helping.

>How the fuck do you even hang yourself it's not possible.

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>"morn" him

You know it baby. Hes probably doing stand up in hell.

Bobby has said a word though.

There's no evidence that antidepressants are more effective than placebo

He hated you. You are so stupid that he had to end himself. He told me that in a snapchat message. Those delete themselves btw

Hope you didnt hurt yourself writing this post, son

>hollywood for sure doesn't love sacrificing white male stars to moloch

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What the fuck is wrong with you people? The dude actively talked about his bipolar disorder. It’s almost like crazy people kill themselves sometimes, huh?

he was an actor with some decent credits. surely he could have afforded a prescription and, if absolutely necessary, a shrink

>dosed by john frusciante in johnny depp's nightclub with drugs he never used together
>was a heroin addict who didn't use cocaine
>was given a fatal dose of coke in hollywood
>killed himself
you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about dude