Leaving Las Vegas

watching this for the first time, and yes i'm drunk. what am i in for?

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shitty slow motion scenes that ruin half the film
random john lennon's son appearance

jesus Nic is fucking pathetic right from the get go

Just don't get too involved. Alcohol and that kind of stuff doesn't go well with each other.

it's making me really fucking sad. i've been getting a little too deep into the alcohol lately and i feel like if i keep going this is where i'll end up, that's why i'm watching it

Quit while you're ahead mate. Take a break of at least a month. How you respond to the very idea of taking a break should give you insight where you are in drinking.

>i'm drunk
The movie isn't about drunkenness. It's about alcoholism.

the thing is i just don't know how to enjoy life without alcohol. it's the only thing that make me happy

Right, that means you do what suggests. Using alc from time to time to unwind if you are stressed out is ok, but doing it regularly because you can't in another way, you get a problem. I drank after a bad breakup so I could fall asleep without crying, but that wasn't the way. Take up some sports, a good diet and you won't need it as much anymore.
In fact, lifting really helped me stay sane through that time.

She gets ass raped and beaten up by frat boys at the end.

yeah, breakup is why i started drinking so heavily. i am working on a handle right now and i have another one in the closet, and i have been getting anxiety attacks lately too. i really want to take your advice and start doing some pullups again but man i'm just so low. i really am going to try, promising this to myself

god this movie is making me so fucking sad bros
i know this is my fate

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A pretty terrible film that's too nihilistic and up it's own ass to mean anything

clearly you don't drink

>tfw no girl does this for you

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i'm sobbing bros

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The problem is it makes you depressed over time in of itself. Stopping is hard, but if you already think you can't you have to really force yourself to do so ASAP(of course not in a cold turkey way if you do have withdrawal symptoms or are worried about it.)
Running is a good idea forces you to focus for sustained periods on something, and will hopefully give you runners high. Put yourself into something that in the past has just gripped your attention and do it during the first few days. The first few days can be really fucking hard with cravings. Don't listen to all the ways your brain might tell you its a good idea to drink. Most importantly just keep that shit away, no half assing.

Why are you watching such a shit-quality yify version? The bluray release of this film isn't the best, but your screenshots are horrid.

yes i am gonna get back into running when summer comes around
sorry man i just got the yify rip because i was being lazy, forgive me okay?

>tfw no whore gf
i'm hurting bad

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It's alright. There's better CageKino.
-t. alcoholic

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thank you nick, i understand

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>Hangover Boner

very true to life. Except he got Shue to sit on it.