What is the vulgar display of power of movies?
What is the vulgar display of power of movies?
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Pantera: The band that was unpopular until they decided to make it their life's mission to mimic the production quality of And Justice For All, an album frequently criticized for it's poor production quality choices.
You mean the movie where the previously amazing singer forgot how to sing and just started to yell like a retard? I don't think there is such a movie.
I don't know why, but trash humpers
Cowboys from Hell is better
anselmo is literally based and redpilled though
American History X
That's not how you spell far beyond driven
you millenial dirt bags dont even know the quote from the exorcist
Not to mention blatantly rip off the style of Exhorder.
Joe Dirt
A man of taste
Quad nom nihil est?
Freddy Got Fingered
he literally cried and apologized for saying white power
but still
This is such a stupid critique. Yes, Exhorder pretty much invented groove metal, and yes, Pantera heard it and became inspired by it. However, Pantera also put out music that was about 100x better than Exhorders, and Exhorder doesn't own the subgenre, so get over it.
>forgot how to sing
More like binge drinking and drug abuse leads to megatron voice.
>Anselmo bullying the soifag
>all those batshit insane stories from his life
Unintentional kino.
what else would he be if not white?
He is white trash. I thought it is generally agreed upon to not consider them white.
Yes, and Power Metal is better still.
> any pantera album except for maybe TGSTK
Raid 2.
American History X
The band that got what it deserved after stealing that poor boys songs.
>brown eyes
>says he is "Sicilian"
sure he grew up in the south but that doesnt change much
Why are you so asshurt? When Pantera failed at Glam Metal they became a carbon copy of Exhorder, just the riffs are dumbed down some and the song structure is digestable to fuckwits. Even Anselmo's vocals are a direct copy. Exhorder were pretty fucking average by Thrash standards but Pantera were awful by music standards in general.
Not to mention the aforementioned "Wow, And Justice For All sounds GREAT! Let's cut out the bass and go for clicky drums and hard scooped mids FOREVERRRR!!" they did circa 1989.
somehow this is the correct answer even though there's nothing about white power in the album
this boy here is based
Pantera was popular enough to warrant contrarian trolling attempts in 2019, so I say they did something right.
Fight Club
You misspelled The Great Southern Trendkill
is there literally anything worse than metal snobs?
it all sounds like shit
I am old enough to have seen Pantera live at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall in KCK from their Cowboys from Hell tour.
Seen too many bands that are dead now:
>Pink Floyd
>Tom Petty
>Stone Temple Pilots
And what music do you listen to?
really i just like japanese music and old snes music. and synthwave and classic hits from the 90s. also i really like the band ghost
>likes classic hits from the 90s
>doesn't get hyped by playing Walk when him and bros go to get matching tribal tats
what are you doing
Beyond cringe.
holy shit why are you so old xd
>i also really like the band ghost
bait and redditpilled
Drag the waters some more
I would say... SpiderMan 2 maybe.