Why is it always China to the rescue?

Why is the West LITERALLY incapable of supporting kino?

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because they know kino when they see it

If only 10% of china will see this movie it will be big as fuck hit. There is so much of them that you can produce literally anything and they will eat it up

>you can produce literally anything and they will eat it up

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Too many people dont want to venture out of their comfort zone.
>her eyes are too big, haha right guys?

No jews in China

There's a comfort zone, and then there's shit which obviously looks retarded.

lol keep dreaming weebs

Thanks god for china

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What is this philosophy kino


not even 10% of china has seen any movie you fucking brainlet

>There is so much of them that you can produce literally anything and they will eat it up
Think of just how shit the new Star Wars films must be for no one from a group of 1.3 billion people to be interested.

being edgy 101

because they have a stronger more homogeneous culture that doesn't let women ruin everything. IDK how long that will last but.

>not wanting to be a doormat is being edgy


Jews were the ones who produced this movie you paranoid spergs

Yet it doesnt have any subversive elements

Spoken like a true NPC

Wandering Earth will murder Alita and take a $1 billion.

Alita is anime live action done right.

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>he hasn't seen Three Kingdoms

Attached: Baby tossing.webm (720x400, 2.54M)

china likes cgi trash and they don't care about bad stories at all since it's gonna be translated

Based China

>Mouseshills in full defense mode wasting their time on the 4channel.

Is the mouse afraid of Alita memes?

The Maus has a movie about Captain Feminism coming out so they can't handle competition from an empowered female who doesn't hate men.

>a-am i pretty enough for you china?

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Looks like Maisie Williams honestly.

>What did you call me!?!

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if there's one thing I like about china is that they hate niggers and knows about nigger bullshit

>Fuck this sexist movie about a brown girl who's strong and likable
>The real diversity is a blonde, white woman who hates men

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Grey dude looks like a Chinaman Karl urban

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I take it back.

that's what they want you to think

Please be advised that China's biggest Xianxia drama series, Ten Miles, had a total of 50 billion views online, not inckuding Youtube.

Now imagine if it's a unique scifi or fantasy hollywood movie you can watch in the mall anytime you feel bored.

They just have a LOT of people.

>he says while Black Panther was a massive box office success in China
Back to /pol/ with your n-words,child.


This movie is garbage. Anyone who likes it should be ashamed of themselves.

This. Go see Captain Marvel instead fellow chads.

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Schizo. Take your meds.
Oh no! I've stolen your scripted responses! What will you do?

Daily reminder the jew is the master race not your race white boy

What kind of emasculation is the average american submitted to?

Remember when they changed the title of Ten Little Niggers into Ten Little Indians and then to And Then There Were None?

Master religion, you mean

Just did my bar mitzvah

Mazel tov! How's your huzpah? Is everything verklempt?

>Black Panther was a massive box office success in China
It wasn't. It had a strong opening weekend and that was it.

>Xi has used his powers as the General Secretary and lifelong President of the Chinese Communist Party to mandate that every one of the 30 million party members see Alita: Battle Angel at least once.
>State run Global Times has quoted Xi as saying that Alita was "very cute" and that he would "use every means at his disposal to secure a sequel"

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The highest grossing non domestic movie in China is Fate of the Furious though. And that's made up of a mystery meat cast.

More brown than captain Fungus

>real name is Yoko
>is a native Martian German tumor
>portrayed by a spic

China wont even allow it. A big part of the films plot is about Alita vs some higher power in charge of a city (that is to say, the government).

This is a big no no in China.

China has allowed it and it had good opening numbers yesterday you utter moron.

What happened to main thread anyway?

Nobody made a new one.

The Jews stole it. You fucking incel.

not even 10% of china has seen A movie

They don't seem to care for 'critics' opinions and I guess there are only a limited amount of Western movies released in the country.

Late stage juice to be specific.
Their brand of cultural Intersectional imperialism.
they did sperg out due to “big eyes” and an insinuation of “evil white cis males” fetishising girls with alita.
The main problem is the movie isn’t a barely hidden piece of shitty intersectional progressive agit prop wrapped up as a movie as most of their tent poles are supposed to be now.
They would be shilling the shit out of it if Cameron and Rodriguez were killing white males and upsetting the power balance explicitly because they were white males and female protagonists.
(Not that alita doesn’t have a strong female character that actually kills white males in robo bodies, but it’s non politicised so they are mad)
Also alita was unabashedly feminine rather than feminist (part of the reason the character and performance is so charming)
Honestly put Rosa salazars performance up against Brie larsons joyless humourless, charmless agit prop and you’ll get it.

>Ben Mendelson


The absolute state of freedomlets. I guess you just love the taste of boot that much.

Based Xi 'Tiannamen square Winny the Poh Free Tibet reeducation camp' Jinping

Please be true.
Please be true.
Please be true.

This is blackface for white people

I think they were just concerned with rose and women who might take her up as a role model becoming fat and unhealthy?

>Chinks rescuing burgers from capeshit
what a time to be alive



The article you quoted says:
>Chen Tao, a project manager and longtime Star Wars fan who runs a Chinese Star Wars forum says that one of the reasons the movie failed at the box office is because the actors "aren't very beautiful."

So a star wars board guy is used to substantiate the headline kek quality article

why isn't there an alita edit of this yet?

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Cant wait to see Manhater Brie btfo Shazam, just so that you faggots can shut up

Shazam is just Rem Lazar for millenials

Less than 90% of China have ever seen a moving image produced from a series of still images generated via light


Hmm i cant give you a source but i worked within the system here and i can tell you that between the black guy and the fat asian girl, it was never gonna do well in china and the system there was always gonna block it out. The hope that they would get it past was based on the fact that is was star wars and a “sequel” and that’s probably why they took the risks with rose and her relationship in the movie.

Based Bugmen saved the day again.

>the system
The fuck you talking about mate
Is this some alt-right "racism is not real, big government is the real racism"?

America is mentally ill.

>by supporting this dogshit

The Chinese taste in film reflects their subhuman nature.

Kek i can only guess that you are a confused lost kid from that post. Ricardo, if you have to ask you’ll never know

Because guzzling the Captain Marvel kool-aid speaks so highly of America culture, right?

STFU filthy Burgerstani

>these are people who post in capeshit war threads


>hey guys the chinese gov is against racism! And if you say otherwise you are alt right

Nice post!

Did you write this?

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>insect race likes bug eyed characters

Because China has really shitty taste.


>powerful woman/robot that rises up and save the day
>fucking white males don't know how to write a woman it should have been a woman director
Pretty funny to be honest


Not when it comes to casting attractive people.

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Jews basically taught China to be the way it currently is.
Who do you think established their multitude of factories and financial institutions?
China is the golem.

How well did it do in China? Are we going to get a sequel?

they are just selective with niggers
they don't like Idris Elba but love Will Smith

Around 20 million so you might as well pack your bags, no more Alita.

don't expect more than 2x the opening in China. So if it gets 63 million this weekend it will finish around 120-125 million. Definitely wouldn't make it a "box office wonder woman" whatever that means.

>american movie poster left
>chinese movie poster right
what wrong went?

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That's kinda sad. I guess there just isn't hope for anything big budget ever being good again.

They didn't want the negro on the poster.

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Captain Marvel coming out soon sister WHOOOO


It only made 20 million in China and incels here still think there's hope for their cringe fest

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it made 20 million on Friday, I'm talking about the whole weekend which will be 60+

Is Alita really worth watching multiple times?


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Yeah that's not even much. Literally no one on Earth wants to see this trash.

Uhh, what do you mean "whole weekend"? Chinese people work during the weekend retard.

"Fatso-ray" you say?

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based alitafags aren’t sub90 IQ retards that salivate over box office numbers, they just enjoy movies they like

yes it really is
you will never pass tranny

Absolutely nothing

Still more attractive than brie.

It's as much as ready player one, but it won't have the same legs.

>Woman's idea of a hero is a fat drunk Amy Schumer taking ten nigger dicks at once and then aborting it and crying about it later to her nigger bf

>giving money to support a Japanese character/story
Nah. It will make money because there's so many Chinese people, but it's going to be a small percentage of the population going to watch that movie.

Your Name was huge there.

no it's because there's still a lot of people that don't have disposable income. Wolf Warrior 2 is the second highest grosser in a single territory with 854 million after The Force Awakens' 936 million even though China has a billion more people than the US.

WW2 was amazing.
I mean the movie, not the war.

>What kind of emasculation is the average american submitted to?

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Western audiences are too cucked to watch anything other than marvel films

Anime is great, this movie is fucking shit.
Dunno what's up with you niggers defending it.

the right poster is kino as fuck


What's going on here?

I like the chink poster a lot more

Chinese poster is better, the left one sucks

this is Yea Forums you doublenigger

Liu Bei tosses his baby to the ground. When the child grows up he's dimwitted much to Liu Bei's great annoyance.

I'm surprised someone that faggy isn't a vegan.


all the imagery from the left are what the ads in the shanghai subway use.....

These are the kind of guys that hate on Alita.

Teal'c just lost all his hair because of you.

mahershala ali was kino in the movie

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>Box Office Wonder Woman
>not a Box Office Captain Marvel
It's over, Disney! We have the high ground!

you will never pass

I'm Australian, my wife is Chinese

Our son will be the most based lad in the world

I wonder what it is about this film that appeals to virgin polcels. I'll pirate the webdl when it leaks to find out

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What movie

Fox will only ever see about 25% of whatever it makes in China. It's a flop. They can spin the PR and try to make it seem like it's not, but it bombed in the states and that's where box office matters the most.

Is that 5head supposed to be attractive?

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based chink emperor

the war was okay too, though it really went downhill after the 1941 episode