/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #26 - Time for art Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Conversation Starters:
>Have you seen it?
>What did you think?
>Who is planning to see it?
>What do you expect?
>Who won't be seeing it?
>Why not?

Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Someone explain the rules of Motor Ball to me


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Good, I didn't double post. OP image is definitely my favorite out of the new stuff I've found.

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It's pretty clear she took other bite off the chocolate

Grab the ball
Kill the others
Cross the finish line.

pure anime kino

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>Ruroni Kenshin
>Death Note (japanese)

These three are the best live action anime adaptations.

How is she so sweet bros



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get ball
go fast as fuck
winner is ball possessor after x laps or last manstanding
there are rules about weapons.


Before I start reading the manga, does it have a good ending? Nips are notorious for writing amazing premises but absolutely horrendous endings.

Apparently when I was drunk last week I was telling my friends how interesting “that movie about the girl with the big eyes looked” and how we should see it

So apparently I did my part and I didn't even know about it

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Alita winning fans in her hometown (Japan) …

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Tell me your honest opinion guys, will alita become as well recognized as marvel/dc heroes at time goes on?

He thought he would die for some disease so he made a good ending and then when he got better he went full retard, said it's not canon and made new series that are shit as fuck.

feels good bros

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Any news on performance there? I've heard fucking nothing.

If only there was any other way, but there isn't. Propaganda capeshit, star wars and remakes are all you will ever gonna get from now on. Even based JC cannot make anime real.

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… 3D kino Alita …

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Looks like I ended up with about 18 or so good new images, some of which are already posted. The movie stuff on Pixiv dries up about 2 pages in but there is a lot of good stuff for the manga. Just going to post my folder in order to not miss anything.

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Ido deserves his own series.

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first ending is alita transforming into a 'tree of life' to keep salem from collapsing down killing everybody

second ending is alita transforming into a space angel to stop the onion frame (basically space salem) from coming down and killing everybody

third ending is TBA

It will be a respected film like Blade Runner. Unless, however, this weekend the film makes a fucking shit lot via foreign revenue and some more domestic. It depends if the sequel gets made and they push merchandise.

>You too should give Alita your love~

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>"Guys are usually bothered when the girl can tear their arms off without much effort"
>"teehee.... well, just don't make me angry..."
>"You know, this new body is way more sensitive than the older one, it was way more touch and texture receivers, ahh, wanna try?"
>"Do you feel this?"
>"And this...?"
>"Close your eyes"
>"You are... with me..."
>"Are you bothered that I am not fully human?"
>"You are the most human person I have ever met"
>*stares at Hugo from the window, her eyes sparkle more than ever while she looks at him sleeping

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At least spoiler that kind of stuff man. We're obviously going to have new readers. I just grabbed the manga off of Nyaa myself.

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made wallpaper res

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Alita will be remembered as one of the firsts of great adaptations.

capeshit will soon die

Where's this one from? A Yea Forums thread or something?

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based and cameronpilled

Unfortunately not. She will become a cult classic like Robocop, Dredd, and Mary Poppins(original). Although it will be nice for her to have a sequel you and I both know they will BLACK her because (((they))) cannot allow such a pure, feminine, touching, innocent and delicate thing to exist. That's why the bm/ww is always pushed because all races see blacks as digusting and pushing them on to white women is considered "tampering" with that.

I'm not white btw, even we admit this.

anyone have the clip where the girl tells the black dude "it was 300 years ago, get over it"?

Yea Forums hates Yea Forums

Are the Martians or the Terrans the good guys?

>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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Holy fuck i didnt notice that
is this movie BASTED AND REPLIED?
these threads are now /pol/shit, time to delet

Oh Raimi didn't know you were friends with Cameron

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Depends on your perspective

Neither. Doesn't matter much for the story either, the age of planetary empires is over.

Not so sure guys. BASED CHINA HERE.
So, by 2:30 p.m. on Saturday in China, it's grossed 30 million US dollars since Friday. That's half way in to the weekend, and with the big Saturday night coming up in the next couple hours, this shit will most definitely get 60+ million China opening weekend. LET'S GO.

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But she was asian. doesn't count.


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fuck the spaceniggers.

BASED DRUNK user, you should drink more

Does anyone plan to scan that making of art book? I know we should support it when possible but $30 isn't happening for me any time soon.

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and its counterpart from where it came from I guess.

Can't wait for the blu-ray to come out. Probably going to make a bunch of webm's myself.

I'm just thinking Mickey/Disney is Yea Forums. I don't remember draw threads on Yea Forums normally.

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absolutely cash money of China.

mmmmmmm shiny

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A couple of these are reposts from the previous thread but whatever.

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does alita have a cunny?

She can make one probably.

The rest should be new now I think.

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>those THICK android legs

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No. It's all smooth.

>that kino ring defense scene

adaptation of the war when

Holy shit

Haven't seen this movie.
Do I like it?

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I imagine the doll body does, intended to make Ido's daughter feel as human as possible.

Berserker seems like it'd have one by default since it shapes to her mental picture of herself. I kind of hope she has control that function and can make a benis too.

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>go to my third viewing on today(or yesterday whatever)
>movie just started, surgery scene finished
>first shot of alita waking up in bed
>hear a little girl a few rows down yell out

made my fucking day

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rip small doggo

I don't think any of her suits come with it, but the berserker one she has karmic control over so that might work. I'm sure there's some kind of hole to be found in all of them in any case.

>I kind of hope she has control that function and can make a benis too.
Ah, a man of culture and taste as well, I see.

do you think she likes creampie?

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>Graphene based nanomachine tech just had a massive breakthrough recently



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>Guy is dying on the ground
>Puppet master is speaking through him
>You can hear the struggle in the voice as Vector is forced to give his final breath to Alita

I loved that scene.

>Get robogf
>Do vanilla shit
Disappointing, user. I'd go for a heartjob personally. Never gonna get that option again.

that sure did happen, shill

Is this currently the movie with the best CG in existence?

It was pretty great, only hangup is not seeing Ido's reaction to his exwife being turned into jars of organs

This. A prequel would be awesome

>Song called "Swan Song"
>This is not a swan song.

Okay, I'm confused.

Wait what? This from the movie? When?

hmm that looks fatal

It's a new life

Bless you

tonight when she chopped grewiska in half near the end someone in the theater clapped a few times

Ali’s acting was very good there.

I think that's up for debate. What I think isn't up for debate is the sheer ambition of the project with respect to CGI. As we all know Boatman isn't one to shy away from pushing barriers and setting new standards.

I'm sure there have been objectively better CGI scenes before in terms of seamless-ness, however nothing to the scale and advancement of Alita has been done yet, aside from Avatar.

I mean we're talking about potential here. Compare the CGI dreck that is something like Black Panther or Civil War to this and it's night and day.

heard this at a restaurant tonight, am pleased.

Would you believe that an entire tourist group of about 20+ girls from an all girls boarding school in the UK sat right behind me and were constantly saying the same sort of shit the entire movie?

Everyone loves Alita people just didnt know about this movie.

>all races see blacks as digusting
>I'm not white btw, even we admit this.

That's sad to hear

Meant for

Respect for the based trio who worked to bring Yoko/Gally/Alita to life.

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I want to slide my dick between her titties if you know what I mean

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Were you in Georgia?


i swear to god it did. it was a little girl's voice in a half empty side theatre. even i couldn't believe it myself but by god it happened.

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What was Justin Trudeau doing there?

Florida. It's not a terrible song, or video, I expect it'll on the BD of course.

Every line in that whole scene was perfect. Shame about Chiren still, Alita left her to rot like a burrito

Yogallita for short

Plenty of blacks are well liked by other whites and non-whites. This is some silly /pol/-tier cope.

>if you know what I mean
You want to hold her hand?

UPDATE: Now at 3:00 p.m. in China, they've grossed 31.2 million US dollars since they opened Friday. If you want to continue following updates, go here:

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My internet just took a total shit for like 10 minutes. Still have a few left.

I've got one image that is too big and I can't be assed to deal with shrinking it.

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tell me more heartfelt audience reactions. my theater was empty.

No that sounds like some retarded health fad a 3dpd would be suddenly obsessing about.

I dislike almost every modern/pop song nowadays and I actually like this. Is Alita brainwashing me?

Thanks for all the rare Alitas.

Anyone else just find themselves totally enamored with Doc Ido's fucking rocket propelled Warhammer? Like, it's just so on the nose but it works so hilariously well.

Sadly it seems there is only one futa picture even looking into the manga stuff, and she has a human body.

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It's just positive association. You like it because you like Alita. If this song had no connection to Alita at all and you heard it on the radio or whatever, high chance you wouldn't give two shits about it.

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There's no way he's agile enough to be a Hunter Warrior.

>I've got one image that is too big and I can't be assed to deal with shrinking it.
Use Pinga. Very easy to use.

The problem is not the hammer. It's Christoph Waltz.


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a summary of all the things that happened the times i went

>laughing and the "bitch broke my nose" part
>bar fight clapping, YES!'s
>girls laughing at the kiss scene
>the little girl shouting out how pretty she was(utterly adorable)
>THAT'S IT?! at the ending

curious thing to not in the first IMAX theatre showing i went to i was near the top and could see the bottom rows and i didn't see a single phone nor a single walkout and the place was packed. i was pleasantly surprised by that.

Yeah, I'm just hoping it spices up these threads while they're still around. Until there is a good rip of the movie I feel like the same pictures and gifs keep getting posted and that will probably make this stale sooner. I don't know how general threads fair on this board normally.

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I'd love to hold her hand. Or walk arm and arm with her.

If so it's for the better. Dua Lipa is great and so is a lot of recent pop. Do a quick tour of Taylor Swift, Tove Lo, Bebe Rezha and Ariana Grande to check if you still care about classifications.

>girls laughing at the kiss scene

They are bolt-ons, literally.

I usually just use paint.net but it's getting late for me. Knock yourself out. I don't think the picture I linked is mind blowing or anything so it's no rush from me.

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I was surprised that Kishiro has a Youtube channel with only 226 subscribers. He seems to post mostly videos about his little pugs but there's two good videos about him being at the London and LA premiers for Alita.

>I don't know how general threads fair on this board normally.
Nah you're doing good m8. Without fresh and new content cycling through, generals become dead bumpfests forced by the truly desperate. This shouldn't be a long term general anyways. Just until it's out of theaters in my opinion.

>Fuck your Marvel!

Based Jim.

comic alita > movie alita

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Any good quality rips?

Gonna do an amv with this song


the pacing is so fast that if you blink you will miss a great action moment or small world building dialogue.

Me and my bud saw it last Saturday.
The scene where Ido puts Alita in the Bezerker suit comes on.
Ido says "It's making micro adjustments to replicate her subconscious version of herself". My bud leans over and says
"my dick is making micro adjustments"
I almost choked

>Alita frantically apologizes as her metal body pinches a chunkc of your skin off.

Getting healed by Alita!

she assumed cyborg will never replace biocunt.

That's why he tried to sneak attack the woodchipper with a rocket propelled hammer. Not all hunter-warriors are frontal attack brutes.

Her having a dick is canon? WTF.
Where is this picture taken from? It's not in any of the movie scenes.

a little kid behind me really liked it when the movie ended she was laughing about how hard it was to hold in her pee becase she didnt want to miss anything

>mfw being GITSfag
>mfw all this alita success
>mfw gits will never have another live action movie again
>mfw no more Batou, Togusa and shit

It hurts. I just wanted more GITS

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>sexist joke


This is another favorite.

I hate to say it but I think Captain Marvel is going to kill any momentum Alita has. Maybe not in China but it is releasing the same day worldwide as far as I can see.

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So this is what it feels like to have a fuckload of newfags and normies flood into one of your favorite franchises bringing endless crappy deviantart pics of the new movie versions of the characters.

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>Her having a dick is canon?
Actual spoilers: One of her copies sent out to kill her, after being freed from those orders, opts for a male body instead

No, no. It's just fan art of the original manga design.

One more from Gelbooru, which has DeviantArt for a source. I'll have to dig deeper there tomorrow.

Maybe they should have devoted 20 years to production and not tried to cash in on a name. I think a lot of Alita's popularity for people who didn't initially get into it during the 90s stems from Cameron's "is he/isn't he" question since 2003. Like 15 years of Big Jim supposedly devoting time to this action manga.

So where do they go from here bros?
New Anime?
More Manga?
Maybe western Alita comics published by Dark Horse or IDW or some shit (God no.)
Will Cameron be too busy with Avatar to put out a sequel within a reasonable window, or is he giving the reins to Robert 100%?

31 in one day?

I grew up reading Green Lantern. I know that pain.

Fucking captcha

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Aight. Gotta head on to bed.

>Abatap, vindicated in death

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good shit my man

>but I think Captain Marvel is going to kill any momentum Alita has
I dunno. Based on the 'honest' reviews that came out, the ones where they meekly went against their Master indicates to me that while it *might* have an explosion of popularity at first opening, it's going to quickly drop as the initial "loyal" viewers tell their friends and family and colleagues that it was subpar.

What movie was it that followed this same trend? It was something recent. I want to say it was the Last Jedi, but maybe it was something else.

awkwardness i suppose. i got the feeling they were really into it but i dunno. funny thing about the scene where she slams her hands on the table after ido refuses to graft her new body, the reaction was EXACTLY like the one the audience had in the dark knight when the joker says "look at me!". shit got tense as fugg

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>New Anime?
They literally can't make new anime unless Cameron lets them because he's bought up all the screen adaptations rights since 1998.

More anime would be easy. Anime comparatively is stupid cheap, you're talking $20 million for a feature anime film is equivalent to $150 million for live action. TV episodes only cost like $250k max.

I'm seeing douvle here! Four Alitas?!

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You're making shit up.

It's in the music video with Dua Lipa.

Attached: Dua Lipa - Swan Song (From Alita_ Battle Angel) [Official Music Video]_Feb 23, 2019 at 02.16.56 AM.j (1920x1080, 217K)

Why do you think there hasn't been one?

Do Japanese people like this adaptation?

It hurts, because it is pretty easy to make GITS shit and they still fucked up. At least We well have more GITS SOON.

you still had justice league and will have an inevitable reboot (and grant morrison is writing one comic right now)

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Kishiro didn't like the last anime

>Where is this picture taken from?
the Dua Lipa Swan Song, you should be listening to it on a loop user

I like this movie and I like Alita, but what I really want is more content of this quality. Movies like this that aren't trying to tell the audience what to think or trying to influence.

You're making shit up.

Welp Dubs wills it James, call up a decent studio and have it out by 2029.

Above all, it's not about politics and it's sincere. Honest filmmaking.

>be me
>never saw a trailer for it
>basically 0 interest
>gf says " user this looks interesting, lets go see it"
>agree but sad cuz I wanted to see httyd 3
>movie starts
>"I like where this is going"
> as I write this I am on my second viewing

Why is this movie so based and why is alita so damn cute anons?

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sleep tight cyberpupper

I would love to get drunk with you, my friends tell me I do this shit all the time

>Thai schoolgirl uniform
>Kneehigh doc martens
>That haircut
Guess I'm in love with an albanian woman now

It's just the fact that it's a Marvel movie regardless. Unless it's absolute trash like some of those earlier movies (Thor 2) it will likely have a pretty strong run, and being Marvel's first female led movie is a big deal for a lot of people. I don't necessarily think it will have the exact same audience, but there is some crossover and the more general audience will go with the series they're invested in over the new robot girl movie.

I'm out of movie related images so just a few manga ones I liked left.

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the cgi is so blatant in still pictures but throughout the movie i never though about it. it was very convincing.

All 99 posts are to be believed. Also, you could put a studio to work and have an OVA out by July.

>meanwhile Major destroys her body stopping one of those

What kind of retarded ending to a movie was that?

You could probably start a flamewar asking why they didn't make Captain Marvel InsertRaceHere and why is it just another blonde white bitch? If this is so important to Brie Larson, why didn't she demand a woman of color play the role?

When will they adapt Aposimz for more robot girl shit

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This is not a, this is not a swan song, swan song, swan dive

I'm seeing double here. Eight Alitas?!

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One last thought if anyone else wants to search is Twitter. I'm not all that literature with Twitter but many artists post stuff there, especially now that Tumblr nuked the site and drove off a lot of talent.

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the still pictures look great, but yeah it looks even better in motion, and even better in 3d.

I went from wanting to throw things at the people talking behind me to wanting to throw things at the screen. Either they were banking on a sequel or else the people cutting out all those scenes messed up and cut out the ending too.

a lot of people like my brother who is as normal as you can get and some friends just flat out dont know what to make of Alita and are uninterested because of that. And I mean total flatline "how the fuck should I even respond to this", the problem here is I dont think there is seemingly a logical way to overcome this without changing Alita. The entire premise of cute + deadly is a Japanese idea too, like I dont know how to explain the character to people who I want to see it with. With captain Marvel you instantly get it, so theres that.

Get your shit together, user.

Oh that reminded me. I really hope someone somewhere eventually makes a Doom mod with Alita, using her facial reactions from the manga. I'd do it myself but I'm shit at level design, and not sure what weapons she'd be able to use or what enemies/creatures she'd be fighting. I've really only seen the OVA and live action film so far.

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Sequel. While the movie takes some liberties it is pretty close to the Manga storyline. There is no better cut than that one, right after that moment a rather complex Motorball related arc starts that introduces a fuckton(metric) of expanded concepts and new characters.

Explain this picture please.

It's one of Nova's labs I think? I dunno like I said I've yet to read the manga, for the most part I just copy and save any dumps of it that kind anons post. Which is actually fairly hard, I've noticed the art style isn't entirely consistent and there's panels posted that I have zero freaking clue if they're actually from Alita or not, they're so crazy or seemingly unrelated.

IIRC Alita has second thoughts about killing nova so kaos tells her to open that door. It's full of horrific human experments which remind her that nova is a monster

all Alitas are special

Advanced Zalem style Feng Shui interior decoration on top, Alita missing one eye on the bottom


Sifting through Tumblr I did find one nice new image, and that heart picture someone else posted earlier seems to be from there. Could be worth it but there is a lot of other stuff to dig through. If there is a Reddit for Alita it may be worth checking there as well.

I don't really want to get into all that retarded talk. I don't think the average viewer of the gigantic Marvel audience will have even heard of that stupid controversy. It's hasn't become the entire discussion surrounding the movie like it did with the Ghostbusters shitshow.

As for diversity whatever, I think one reason they set this movie in the 90s is to have Captain Marvel well established in in-universe lore so they can bring in Kamala Kahn Ms. Marvel easier. Personally I think she has been a great character so I'd be pretty happy with that. It seems like it's win-win.

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>watched the movie and loved it
>been about a week, Yea Forums probably forgot about by-
>general #26 first thread I see
Well shit guys gotta say I was impressed but most importantly that tight leather suit unf that's literally my exact greatest fetish ever

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>bar fight clapping, YES!'s

i had to use the bathroom and missed some of the bar fight. i left when alita is fighting in the bar and when i came back she only had one arm and no legs. i was told after the movie that doggo was squished.

Filthy dirtniggers

you missed one of the better parts of the movie lmao.

It's been 300 years, let it rest

If they ever got to the KAOS/Barjack part they'd cut out the wedding dress because brides are a no-no now.

Its basically Cameron saying "I'm not done yet, bitches"

>not Blame! first

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Honestly something that specific isn't happening unless you become the change you want to see. I don't really know where you'd find them but there are plenty of existing Doom modders out there so maybe you could make a small team. I'm sure there is a Doom modding discord or forum or Reddit or something, but you'd either need to sell people on the idea or luck out and find people that are fans of both like yourself.

From what I understand about Doom WADs, I think texture swapping is pretty easy and you could probably do that yourself if you can make pixel art, though converting detailed manga art to something that looks decent in the Doom Guy face box is probably challenging. As far as levels and weapons I really don't know. One thought is that Alita is pretty melee focused, so maybe you'd be better off using the Build Engine like Shadow Warrior does since melee in Doom pretty basic. I don't know shit about modding that engine though.

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Nova or Venusian?

you're in for a treat with the manga then. The movie outfits are lame

>Want to play an Alita vidya badly
>Search on google, see if any was ever made
>One vidya was made in the late 90s for the PS1
>It doesn't look that great, but it's very close to the original manga, and the author was very involved in its creation
>It was never released outside Japan, never translated officially
>No english translation patch exists either



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started in china yesterday, let's see how they took it. even after being fairly negative about the movie and what it is, i am interested in the sequels, because it's still salvageable material. i just hope they come to last order in the future and tell the story of best character.

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Art poster still. Digging through Tumblr for a bit, man it is shit. Digging though the search function it doesn't keep the original file name or use artists takes or anything so I guess reverse image search if you care.

Anyways, someone posted some images of that $1000 statue. This is surely still some form of prototype so bear that in mind.

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They'd have to rewrite the whole thing to cut out the wedding dress.
Get it on Emulator for now. Pretty solid ARPG

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>If they ever got to the KAOS/Barjack part they'd cut out the wedding dress because brides are a no-no now.
I don't think they give a shit about what's no-no now.

Ripper guys are/were working on a patch. I've owned the game for many years but never played it.

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Alita's Tuned body is the lewdest.

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that story takes the core element of alita's story and hardens it like a rock. human/cyborg, why does it matter? even a cyborg can love...

Honestly it looks pretty rough. Interesting seeing a licensed Action RPG back during that era though.

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I'd read the manga but the lips look like shit

It began development as a 2d super nintendo game but made the jump to primitive 3d.

>leaves boyfriend behind
>"no cheating"
>one volume later
>sucking face while being penetrated with some rando DJ
What did Alita mean by this?

What the fuck were we thinking in the PS1 era?
No wonder I stuck to PC master race back then.

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Don't talk shit about her octopus lips. Alita a CUTE.

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all women are thots, even cyborg ones

It'd be cool if the movie sparked renewed interest. I remember like a year or two ago on /vr/ in the Game Center CX threads, one very motivated guy completely translated the official 3DS game almost entirely by himself in a couple of months.

I'd wager this is probably a bit too obscure though.

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Alita's PS1 model gets me everytime.

Attached: alita.jpg (486x482, 45K)

It just came out here yesterday, cinema was packed.

Shit. You manga collection looks more organized than mine right now.

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>What the fuck were we thinking in the PS1 era?
Don't know about you, but for me it was mostly Pokémon and how to girls
Best arc too

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I don't really have a manga collection it's more of a gunnm merchandise collection.

damn. its an excuse to go see it again but in 3d this time.

Rollerball but edgier

If there is one thing that will never go out of style, it's the lewdness of skin-tight leather/latex battle suits

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This guy had a couple of nice pieces.

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someone posted a webm of it the other day and i think they said it was from an ad for something.

Perfect, thanks

would have improved the movie by a lot.
Boatman better include flan in the sequels

Yea Forums hates Disney

but loves Disney products

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>dogie may get saved in extended cut

Have faith

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Just remember that if they did make sequels the first movie would probably be the best one anyway.

The end scene would've been perfect for a little nod in that direction too. Instead of having Desty just look down at the Arena have him sit there all arrogant and feeling superior with a nice flan in front of him. Don't mention it or anything, just a nod.
Also I just realised that whoever is going to play Kaos is going to have to play some Alan Parsons Project. Can't wait.

Twitter this time. This guy's style is very cute.

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Attached: alitadoggo.webm (854x480, 2.39M)

>tfw Alita-tier Blame adaptation will LITERALLY never happen
Hold me, bros.

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The first one got all the boring stuff out of the way, the sequels would be all sci-fi craziness and action.

With all the changes they've made to the story in this movie any sequels will inevitably deviate ever further from the manga and we all know what happens when adaptions wander from the source.

Stay safe cyberpupper

just got back from seeing it. I had read the manga twice, first time about 10 years ago. It wasn't bad, I got chills during all the action scenes. It actually made motorball my least favorite part of it appealing to me. but on the way out I heard some nerds grumbling about wanting a refund ha. and I told the uber driver on the way home it was just a "james cameron movie". I might check it out again in IMAX. obviously the manga is better. I miss zapan going full dragon and blowing shit up. maybe in the sequel?

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I really hope someone scans this whole thing.

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I hated Hugo. If you removed him the movie would be kino.

I don't know if it qualifies as hips if he woman has a spine for a waist.

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if his character had been faithful to the manga it would have been kino.
Hes a lot more obsessed with getting to Salem, and its pretty much just Alita having a crush on him

Man, I really hate artists that place obtrusive watermarks or signatures. Had it just been down on the bottom I'd have been fine with it, albeit begrudgingly, but that shit right on top of her arm? Unforgivable.

he was a borderline serial killer in the manga would that make you like him more or less?

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>"You're...with me..."

This was the line that got me teared up in theatres, so fucking adorable and wholesome holy FUCK

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>the whole world loves my waifu

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look up taimanin asagi on a booru and enjoy

Is that a unicycle-segway driving by?

Is the city of Salem a paradise?

I actually liked Hugo’s character and it was sad that he died

ok I'm going to bed. Way past my sleep schedule. Somebody else make the new thread.

Wait... y-you don't want to buy my book user?

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>Alita... You must DESTROY Jerusalem... AND the jews!
Man, Raimi is totally unhinged now

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When did this happen?

That's really weird thinking that Ido made a pussy for his daughter, not sure how I feel about that

no user, Jeru is further up the tower, Salem is just the first level.
Its run by a space yoga nigger

sort of. It's one of those "paradises" with a hidden dark side.

That is wholesome as fuck user, glad to hear this movie makes so many people happy

I think I scraped Twitter clean, at least for media with the tag #alitabattleangel.

It seems to be way more of a factor with western artists than most of the stuff I see on Pixiv. With the good art I assume it's to drive people to Patreon. With the rest I have to assume OC DONUT STEEL.

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>eh he he he he

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Stop using that reddit word.

I was worried the audience would laugh at it like it was comedy relief but thankfully they didn't, the line probably should've been changed up a little bit to not sound so silly

How to download manga from Nyaa?

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I really hope the Bluray has the more hardcore version of the doggo's death.

One of the most absolute "holy shit" moments of my childhood back when the OVA came out stateside.

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>space yoga nigger


It's an Utopia allright. Lots of empty space in higher altitudes though. Brains are replaced with microcomputers that allow the authorities total control over the populaceAlso widespread eugenics

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I'm too poor, I saw the movie with a gift card from Christmas.

I don't know the universe well enough, but just thinking with common sense I feel like you'd want as functional a body as possible it was going to be mostly artificial. Alita can feel with with her body which would make little sense for a killing-machine other than to keep them feeling semi-normal. Hard to say how far that thought goes since she was able to fight with her body in pieces and break her own arm off though, if she felt in full I imagine she'd be in agony if not passed out.

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>Alita can feel with with her body which would make little sense for a killing-machine
Feedback for getting damaged? That's part of the point of feeling things in the first place.

I thought the movie was okay, it had a lot of story flaws but something about it makes not outright hate it like I would for any other movie. I'm not even mad that you all seem to love it like I would see other movies get high praise that I don't think deserve high praise. I hope it gets a sequel and I want to see alita kick more ass.

Is this an after credits scene??

it was cut from the film

Do you think movies like this can bridge the gap between leftists and rightists?

Nothing can bridge the gap with people who choose to seethe on their own volition, except for a bullet.

thanks brah

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Do you think you can leave /pol/ out of the first major movie not to cater to flavor of the year politics?

Alita could literally bring world peace if people actually went to see it

>Its been 300 years, get over it
Nope, if anyone politically minded notices this movie, itll be another clusterfuck

Budget $200 million
Box office $152.6 million


>separate rolling eyeballs
Yeah you need separate rolling eyeballs to roll your eyes at all the dialogue in this movie

this decade*

But that's what makes alita so special, something everyone can enjoy

bro one more question. how do i search for other mangas there? im stupid

Lol was that line an allusion for slavery, wasn't it said the black character haha

she looks perfect here wtf

Do your part in keeping it that way and keep the bullshit in the containment board.

Fantastic detail, it'd absolutely break my bank if I bought it though this thing is expensive as fuck

>Fuck the Martians
>its been 300 years dude
probably not intended, but if it can be interpreted that way, it will be interpreted that way

Actually, the movie is great because it's not pushing left or right politics. It's just trying to be a great movie.

If SJW's had their way, Alita would have been a titless woman of color, Yugo would be a Lesbian Motorball player (like how Lesbians/Feminists have some sort of lady boner for roller derby) Vector would have been white because evil, and the dialogue would have been cringe level shit about girl power.

If you make a SJW shitfest, no one goes. If you just make normal fucking movie, /pol/ will shut up and pay money while SJW's complain, but then at least you have money.

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>If you make a SJW shitfest, no one goes. If you just make normal fucking movie, /pol/ will shut up and pay money
What timeline do you live in because that's not how it works over here in ours

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Earthlings aren't supposed to know anything about history or space or mars what the fuck did the writers do

20th Century Boys tho.

Second week will be huge, just watch.

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I've run dry on art for what I'm going to look at tonight, and it's fucking 3:40 AM here, so this is my last post until tomorrow night.

Might as well post the rest. I don't know if we should add them to the OP or whatever. I also don't know the quality of the other manga.

Battle Angel Alita OVA

Battle Angel Alita - Last Order

Battle Angel Alita - Mars Chronicle v01-04

Battle Angel Alita - Holy Night and Other Storiesnyaa.si/view/1106528

I guess. It seems like this could be accomplished without simulating pain with how advanced the tech is in this universe. Maybe not with a human brain at the core I suppose.

I just hope current politics don't sour more good things. The discussion when this stuff comes up just deteriorates so fast it's frustrating to even go near it. Much like how /pol/'s addition to the site really fucked it up. If anything can bridge that gap (and I think it generally does), I would think it be more mainstream stuff like Marvel movies. I think the constant complaining about SJWs or whatever like this ( ) just make everything worse and keeps the shitshow flowing.

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Please tell me about the not-sjw laden movies /pol/ has had a shit fit about?

>/pol/ will shut up
That's not the impression I got from this thread or the ones prior. And the same thing you just stated about SJWs can be said about the Reeesquad under whatever flavor of the month monicker they identify themselves. How well did that road trip power fantasy with the young girl and old dude make again?
Just cut that shit out and enjoy the movie for what it is as you stated, stop dragging your vapid identity politics into everything under the sun.

>saw the movie yesterday in IMAX 3d
>actually felt my something in my heart when I saw alita cry or sad
>go home and instantly buy the art book
>tfw have my own alita in that book

Attached: 354.jpg (680x684, 42K)

fuuuuuuuuuuck I want it so bad though

How much is the artbook?

Can we make a "Real Human Being" edit?

Hope the sequels introduce the Alita Replicas, so we can see Sechs(female).

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30 to 40 bucks depending on your location

I'm right there with you user, I ordered the limited edition I can't wait for it to arrive

i didnt know this place had manga. i thought was anime torrenting site. how do you get manga? just search the name?

>that road trip power fantasy with the young girl and old dude
What movie are you talking about?

Attached: Confused tanya.jpg (600x345, 41K)

That's steep. What do I get for that money?

Trust us, we would LOVE to drop the identity politics off the face of the fucking earth and right into the sun. But we also can't allow SJW's to power walk all over entertainment anymore. We tried ignoring them so they'd go away, and that didn't work, and then they fucked everything up we liked, and threatened like 3 industries with bankruptcy.

We cannot turn off our alterness to it until it is destroyed.

We apologize in advance. We won't stop till the ideology is gutted and a distant memory.

retards think Mad Max Fury Road was a feminist movie for some reason

Whoop, stumbled onto one more important thing. Looks like kino costumes are already on the menu for Halloween this year, boys.


Though there are listings there for "grand heritage" versions of the Berserker and Doll, which appear to be slightly better looking. Not that there are many women or people having sex with women in this thread.

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It had a female character giving Max orders. This was a rape of the character and the mythology of the Mad Max movies. No I've never seen Beyond Thunderdome, why do you ask?

Came out not long after /pol/ was created I think. Something about murdering lots of people, /pol/ had a boner for it.
Yeah, fuck you and your bullshit. You're two sides of the same coin. Doesn't matter whether you reee about the jews or the patriarchy. You'll destroy nothing except this site.

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That was about the director hiring the vagina monlogues retard as a consultant.
The movie itself wasn't really feminist except for the whole one-armed woman somehow became a top-tier warrior and a bunch of grannies somehow being able to survive in the wasteland. Those 2 things are fucking retarded.

next anime expo is gonna be lit

Yeah, search whatever and there are filters you can use if you want. Since Alita is old I just searched her name and sorted by most seeds. There is a focus on video but there is plenty of manga, music, and games on there too.

Click on the Fap tab for porn, though that's sometimes harder to search since many titles aren't translated. Using external sites for JAV codes is recommended to figure out what you want, like JAVlibrary. If I'm downloading doujins I usually try to do so from exhentai first.


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>le sjws and pol are the same thing redditor

>Yeah, fuck you and your bullshit. You're two sides of the same coin.

>Marxism, the destroyer of all it touches, hijacking feminism to infect the minds of young women to betray their own liberal culture which keeps them safe from the eastern hordes.

>/pol/, mostly too smart to be useful washouts who just want to watch some kino and anime, play video games, but the above group said "no" because it's not "progressive", so they went to ideological war.

These are not two sides to the same coin. One wants to force their values on you, the other wants you to live freely, and to be left alone. But no one shall have peace so long as /pol/ does not have peace.

>Defaulting to calling someone reddit
And this is why noone except your circlejerk board takes you seriously, just the newest iteration of Yea Forums complete with power fantasies and shitflinging galore.

"Western civilization is good" is litterally the same thing as "Western civilization is bad", got it. Thanks for enlighting me.

>Alita kills the black guy
>casually calls him “another dead slave”
You just know he was right there, whispering ideas into their ears

Reee stays reee.

>You have one less puppet now

>invoking horseshoe theory
both sides are extreme, but they arent the same.
You absolute retard

Nonsense, how could someone who likes flan be a monster?

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>Two sides of the same coin
Dear lord

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I really need to go to bed but apparently this exists. Starring "Angelita"



Attached: Angelita_013.jpg (1920x1080, 393K)

> the lips look like shit

GTFO of this thread immediatly

Hot take: the manga is not that good and has a lot of ridiculous 90s JP sci-fi stuff that looked silly even back then, the movie is overall an improvement to the structure, but lacks the proper edge.

Mine came in earlier today. My god is it an absolute treat to see just how much work went into making this film. Definitely going to keep this book somewhere safe.

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It also had "look at all these males oppressing women by raping them, aren't us poor women such victims, WHO KILLED THE WORLD???!!"
It was like their wettest patriarchy strawman come to life and it being defeated by a stronk womyn and some dude who shuts up and does the things she wants.
Women's power fantasies are not characters like Alita, who are proactive and have agency, they are characters which basically get men to do things for them.

Flan is truth!

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Long shot, but was there ever a recipe for Novas flan given? Like in one of those pages that are mostly just Nova giving context?

>Flan Nova jobs around Salem being cool and shit
>when Alita returns to Salem

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You guys might not be saying anything, but I saw the number of leechers jump right up. You're waifu will be upset if you aren't honest. How could you lie to this face?

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Flan Nova is exiled, movie Nova is still in Salem. Though now that I think of it, do we ever actually see him up there? All I recall is him stating he was and a few very close up shots of his face.

I think it's pretty 80s desu, it's in that nebulous early 90s period that was still mostly 80s

Why does the West suck at supporting kino?

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>I'm too poor, I saw the movie with a gift card from Christmas

same. i dont go often.

No im talking specifically about Flan Nova.
the somewhat harmless clone that skulks around Salem in Last Order, after OG Novas death
theres like 5 Novas, possibly 100s if you count that one chapter, and only Super Nova is currently confirmed alive in Mars Chronicles

As for Movie Nova
the last shot of the movie is him looking down on the motorball arena, its still a closeup though so he could just be standing on a cliff out in the wasteland i suppose, but i seem to recall him leaning on a nice railing

the 80s didnt end till 92.
mango started in 1990

> somewhat harmless
>I've set it up so all your kids die if you mess with me anymore.

hey, i said somewhat

Attached: Snova.jpg (261x323, 42K)

I'm reallly lookinh forward to seeing this again this weekend.