When the age of cosent is finally abolished in 30 years, what is the first thing you will do?
When the age of cosent is finally abolished in 30 years, what is the first thing you will do?
Why would that ever happen?
>implying lolis would be attracted to 50+ year old men
Get that loli threesome I've dream about since kid
buying barbies has a strong effect
its for the greater good of future generations user
plus by that time the NAP will be established and we will be buying genetically modified loli-nekos for ethereum
girls like older guys nimrod
What if said 50+ yo male look like pic related?
Head down to my local Suck & Fuck
Born too early to be attractive to AOC legal lolis, born too late for AOC free lolis, born just in time for ????
Experiencing sneedposting at its height.
Societal collapse of the western world due to feminism.
Prostitution will be legalized too so it doesn’t matter.
God I wish that loli was me
Why wait 30 years when VR will dominate in 10 years from now? VR porn is already decent, but in 10 years from now it will be the go to jack of platform.
uhm sweetie
Where's your morals?
why does his eyes look JUST'd
Morals without god are a huge meme. I have tried to believe again but it's some impossible shit
I wish I was that man but also wish you were that loli
Its already a pain in the ass to clean up my onahole after usage, but imagine having to set up your VR anime sex rig everytime to wank off
>implying i can last 30 more years
Hey, it works for the middle east.
when you think about it logically, the larger the age gap between man and woman, the healthier the relationship will be. Two early 20 year olds getting married and having kids will have too much trouble balancing their work and home lives, assuming both are attempting to climb the corporate ladder. a 16 year old and a 30 year old? it works out perfectly. women go bad around age 30 anyway so economically, the man will get around 15 years of sexiness, while a grown man will be more mature and have more resources. the "half your age plus 7" is a shitty jewish psyop to get white knights to react violently against anyone who is rational and cares for the greater good.
Incels over 21 should be sent to labor camps. You've never had it easier in the history of mankind yet you still fail. Sad
>knowing right from wrong is hard to do if you don't believe in God
women under 21 should be sent to breeding camps
how does it change anything?
never been on a situation where said "if not by aoc laws i'd be fucking that 10/10 cute young girl"
white incels have invented everything good in this world. vagina worshiping normalniggers are holding us back. the artificial womb will be the biggest technological advancement since the printing press and it will finally set us free.
And that's a good thing
It's ok. Lolis are naturally attracted to their own fathers.
>if not by aoc laws
Right and wrong can only exist with the guidance of an omnipresent omniscient omnipotent being.
It's either Stirner or Kierkegaard, if you think anything else you're a rethard
>implying we wont all be in our own custom loli cyborg bodies in 30 years
>implying i wont model mine after laura b
Lol, calm down incel, even if they were, you would be denied entry.
just in time for conservative, christian men to stomp you cockroaches under the heel of our boots. you vermin deserve a thousand deaths...
>Lol, calm down
anyone that says this has 100% chance of seething
I suddenly want a qt daughter now.
>right from wrong
The only thing it matter is to not get caught. This is why thousands of closet pedos are masturbating to pedoshit in this exact moment. They will go next week to work or college, will probably give a sneak peak to some little girls while going there too. No one will ever know.
Do we really need a future where group of old Neets remote pilot little girl avatars and have tea parties?
this thread with this OP wouldn't last 30 seconds on the anime boards because the mods are huge redditor sóyboy cucks
Yes but its pure love. And that's why those types tend not to be the megasluts.
Yes. Just like that one henreader image
>implying a 3rd worlder, elderly man, will be able to afford that
mine would be either alissa p or ns amanda 1
>non-anglo subhuman is a pedo
Color me surprised
don't you just put on the headset and play?
I got laid last night ;-)
Grindr proves women wrong. It shows women really are lookist Chadist pieces of shit that give non Chads hell for simply trying to breed. You dont see fags complaining about men like we do with you.
Nod approvingly as vigilantes lynch any suspected pedophiles
Its already happening in VR, why not bring it to life?
God damn I csnt wait to upload my brain into my own laurabot and star in those traincar gangbang JAVs.
Sure but theres a rig set up with a fleshlight where you can grab on and fuck it or let the fleshlight machine do the work for you and be on auto fuck
Thats okay we nees to keep some of them around to slobber on their big adult dicks.
In previous eras murder was permitted and considered "morally right". In some cultures it was the norm, and would still be if not for euros pushing Christian morality onto them, ironically slaughtering a lot of them in the process.
Morals, what's considered "right" and what's considered "wrong" have fluctuated throughout history. I find this trend of removing christ from Christian based morality stupid.
You can try, but you've just removed the justification for your entire system of morals making it flimsy and without foundations.
Just become a trap, then you can fuck Chad
>tfw born too early for android body immortality
>tfw I will never be a 300 year old man in a cute anime loli android body
faggots aren't chads
Traps aren't gay
to be honest the cleanup after would be the main hassle. at least my gf goes away and showers herself
all of the bongoloid elite are pederasts what are you talking about
As a dad and uncle of many young girls, it's clear from much of the stuff I see on this site that incels have no idea how prepubescent girls' brains are wired. It's so unsurprising when they get fucked in stings that I can't even take joy in it. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
le epik meme fellow Yea Forumsedditor
Nothing because the age of consent being lowered doesn't mean 16 yr olds will want to fuck a 60 yr old.
Go back in time and fuck my best friend's younger sister. So fucking hot. Never did it because she thought her brothers' friends were tools and bros go before hoes. That's a code I live by.
based dubs
Most anons brains are addled by japanese media, which regularly features prepubescent girls that act like 19 year old whores, and lose the ability to distinguish fiction from reality.
>quotation marks inside quote arrow
epic simply le epic
Reminder that only women and reddit male feminists use their word, incel.
if you have enough cunny to spare then remember that sharing is caring
Best post in thread
Imagine going to a bar to try and relax one evening. The bartender is being friendly, so you talk to her. She's rambling on about something, and you notice she's getting interested, the more you tip her. You decide to take her home and fuck her, to which she willingly agrees. You get her home and she hate fucks you. You can barely stay hard, but manage to do so by thinking about Jamie Lee Curtis. You wake up with this bitch in your arms the next morning, and she starts bitching at you to take her home. Later you see on the news she got elected to Congress. That would be the last time I took LSD, I don't know about you guys...
>Jannies have left porn up for almost an hour
checked, but bragging about getting laid to strangers says a lot about you, and nothing good.
Fucking disgusting
FUCK. This makes me the angriest manlet ever