What's the most violent fight or beating scene you've seen in a film?

What's the most violent fight or beating scene you've seen in a film?
Ever seen one you couldn't finish?

Attached: finishhim.webm (800x1422, 2.95M)

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>what a fucking sava-
>transgender woman
oh ok

lmao trannies btfo

Wait why is that minority attacking another minority?


Dude has no chill!

hol up
is that a cop just watching and doing nothing?

how do these maga kids get away with it?

stop shilling this shit zoomer
>le sneed
fuck off

Let me guess, "she" tried to suck his dick or something and he found out Laquisha used to be DeShawn

I don't get how people can stand by and watch another person kill another person.

Mentally ill who refuse to help themselves are not persons.

I dont see any on the vid.

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>Intervene against some crazy dude who is possibly high on drugs or armed

Okay lmao

Attached: chairthrow.webm (720x1280, 2.99M)

Theirs niggers in my neighbor hood theirs subhumans in my neighbor hood

Theirs niggers in my neighbor hood theirs subhumans in my neighbor hood Dosent it feel bad

dat titty tapping resuscitation techinique tho

Attached: boondocks chair.gif (365x231, 444K)

Black people typically have such an incredible lack of human empathy that they commit murder without the ability to see themselves in their victims position. Most whites would think "this is a brutal beating and I don't want to hurt him because I personally don't want to be hurt".. meanwhile niggers: *chimp noises intensify*. It has a large part in why blacks fail to build a functioning society

>Risking harm against yourself for getting between some drugged up nigger and a tranny who would probably kill themselves later anyway
Fuck that.
Maybe if humans were involved.

Because blacks are violent animals and trannies are obnoxious retards. It wasn't ever going to end well.

Attached: tranny.webm (480x480, 320K)

Why was the she/him smiling for most of it?

*kills half of Europe*
Yeah whites have empathy


Fucking masterpiece

It knew it deserved it.

It's sad that real victims of hate crimes like the person in the OP won't be believed now that Jussie Smollett made up his attack. If that wasn't caught on camera then people would think it never happened nowadays.

Yeah, this is an affecting scene that stands out in a violent film.


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the angle that this is filmed at is unfortunate. looks like a juicy stomp.

u needed to see when it confidently with the same smile start to provoke him the beating shut off its brain

I don´t like being around trannys but i hate people being this violent . I hope the police captured that savage nigga.

this is actually a Trump supporter in blackface beating this poor tranny

Far-right bigots come in any skin color. They don't care about the consequences, all they want to do is brutally attack a vulnerable minority.

Kek my first thought

wh*toids are spineless and weak

Y'all must be some sheltered white-ass motherfuckers if this is an example of extreme violence to you. I've seen attacks much more brutal than this in person more times than I can count.

At least that tranny looks like they'll probably live. That's more than can be said for most beatings outside of your gated lily-white communities.

not counting anything cartel related this is the absolute worst beating i've ever seen on video. nothing else comes close.


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That's rite sucka

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Stay out, nigger.

Now that's more like it. If the sheltered white boys in this thread are so disturbed by the relatively low leve of violence in the OP webm then they'll probably faint when seeing that video lmao.

>tapping her titties to wake her up

This is like the whitest website on the internet, what do you expect? 95% of these people have probably never even witnessed a single gang shooting in their entire life.

Thank god I don't.

>Imagine living in a community so broken that violence was onions common that acts of extreme violence are waived off like nothing and people are called sheltered for being repulsed by it
I am so thankful I am white. So thankful.

this is like the most nigger thing I've seen on here in ages, bravo negro living in a nightmare world of extreme brutality, bravo!

Bet you deny that white privilege is real though...

It feels bad being a nigger.

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> violence was onions common

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It's not white privilege, it's a civilized man's privilege.

The "privilege" was earned by centuries of hard work and better genes.
Sucks to be you but I'm not going to apologise for benefiting for the hard work, behaviours and habits of my ancestors.
Sucks for you that yours were so shitty but that's just life, I guess. Don't destroy what my ancestors built just because yours couldn't build anything.

God, Yea Forums turns into reddit on American hours. Really makes me think!

imagine using public transport in a city in the US. might as well play russian roulette with 6 bullets.

I dont wanna be mean,
But thats exactly my thought

a privilege is a entitlement granted by the state you absolute nigger. Not being a degenerate isn't granted by the state but by being Caucasian with an IQ above 100.

I have and I'm Finnish :^)
biker gangs chimping out

white privilege is genuine, just not in the way its commonly advertised as.

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I live in a much more brutal place than most of America, but i still think that OP´s video is fucked up. Even if i have seen worse things in real life.

Where the fuck do you find black biker gangs? Biker gangs are predominantly white in Norhh America at least

non user but i assumed he wanted to say so common but accidentally added a y to so and got filtered

they weren't black. Whites are capable of chimping out too.

We convince ourselves that the other person deserves it.


1. The "people" watching are niggers
2. The "person" getting killed is a tranny (discord)

White priviledge earned by not being a violent monkey

Cops dont get freaked out by whites because they arent out to shoot them...
Stores arent afraid of thieves because whites dont steal as much

White priviledge is just society getting used to whites acting like normal decent people and getting used to blacks chimping out all the time and getting used to being afraid of blacks....


That's a seriously kino angle to shoot video at

White people commit around half of all murder and robbery in America though. Your narrative that whites do not commit crimes does not hold up to reality.

>95% of these people have probably never even witnessed a single gang shooting in their entire life.

This isnt something to be proud of

of course they commit about 40% of the crime, they're more than half the population of the US, retard, now niggers and spics on the other hand

We are talking about whites though.

he never claimed that.

Growing up around violence teaches you how to survive. When the world goes to shit we're the only ones that will know how to thrive in that environment while you white people sit in a safe space and cry all day.

How do you think you guys will be able to handle life when global warming ruins the planet and everyone has to fight for limited resources? You guys have a fucking mental breakdown and call it a violent attack if someone calls you the wrong pronoun...

>White people commit around half of all murder and robbery in America though.
The argument has never been that they don't commit crimes, just that they commit far less. They have the majority yet are still responsible for less violent crimes than hispanics and blacks. Blacks are only 13% of the US population yet responsible for more than half the murders. Considering most are by males that's more than half the murders by a group comprising just 6.5% of the population. You surely must concede there is a problem there?

Attached: white_criminals.jpg (1580x3431, 939K)

Please fuck off with this racist shit. Crime is caused by poverty, plain and simple. No matter what race the poorer the area the more crime that exists.

Better you than me muthafucker!!!

It be LYFE or DEAF owt ear muthafucka.

Whites are 70% of the population
Commit 40% of crime

Blacks are 13% of population
Commit 50% of crime

Geez........ i dont know dude.......
Seems like 1 out of 3 black men commit some kind of crime

true, I regretted my wording as soon as I pressed submit with my dirty yellow finger

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What's the story behind? It's Brazil, i guess...

Im not sure blacks will make it in the apocalypse

How do u explain africa being a dying shithole RIGHT NOW...

don't forget the "crimes" like weed, oh man. Such a destructive drug. Good thing the white man is here to throw people in jail for a fucking leaf.

>absolute rates
Now do it in per capita

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Africa is exploding in terms of population and is estimated to become the vast majority of life on Earth within a few decades. You're a fucking idiot who has no idea about reality.