What is objectively the most kino Kanye song?

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Kanye chan?

what the fuck does "kino" even mean? I'm seeing it everywhere used in all ways

anything on mute

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it from song.

Through the wire


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All of the Lights

Oh I love "Nigger Bopper DX (Groids On The Grind '97)" myself, it really speaks to the American experience.

The only answer.


what you're not a wignat?

sorry im a spic or as you guys say here "alt-right"

Trying too hard. Reddit.

Can't tell me nothing

let's have a toast for the douchebag

the alt right are all right with me, white power!


I don't know anything else. Or maybe that Daftpunk sample.

New Slaves
prove me wrong

Pinocchio story

Flashing lights

That song is cry-worthy

There is no Gucci I can buy
There is no Louis Vuitton to put on
There is no YSL that they could sell
To get my heart out of this hell
And my mind out of this jail
There is no clothes that I could buy
That could turn back the time
There is no vacation spot I could fly
That could bring back a piece of real life
Real life, what does it feel like?
I ask you tonight, I ask you tonight
What does it feel like, I ask you tonight
To live a real life
I just want to be a real boy
They always say Kanye, he keeps it real boy
Pinocchio story is, I just want to be a real boy
Pinocchio story is to be a real boy

Is this your first fucking visit newfag?

checked and /threaded

The most kino songs per album in my humble opinion.
Last call
Everything I am
Nothing, because 808s is musically bad
Devil in a new dress
Bound 2
Saint Pablo

>not liking 808's

>liking autotuned notes with no definite rythm

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>808s is musicay bad

Based voice of reason user. Not to mention it paved the way for so much shit popular nowdays

Coldest Winter

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Touch the Sky

Trying too hard? You're the one supporting African jukin and jivin' bro. The assholes eat each other to cure aids and you want that kind of influence here at home? The only fucking thing Reddit here is someone who listens to groid music,but hey Bernie 2020 right!

>Nothing, because 808s is musically bad

So you're gonna leave out Coldest Winter, Paranoid, Amazing, Love Lockdown?

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ok Tanner

>Leaves out Street Lights


Lost in the World or Flashing Lights. This is the objective answer.

>Giving MBDTF a 6
Why do people like him again?

Jesus Walks

All of Late Registration. Namely "We Major"

i like spaceship

It's fine, you know and I know what your doing for our future. If you can live with it, eehh great I guess? But judging but your choice in named imagery I can only assume you are a shitskin or derive tranny pleasure from subverting your host.

Enjoy the clown world while it lasts for when the tent comes crashing down things will not end well for your kind.

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>14 tracks
>only about half of them are great
6/10 sounds about right.

I used to be just like you user. I hope you'll grow out of it once you reach emotional maturity.
MBDTF for me isn't better than 7. It got old fast. I really Devil in a new dress and Blame game, but can't listen to the rest anymore.
Graduation is the underappreciated masterpiece.

Most of the vocal features on MBDTF were filler

real friends

Yeezus > LR > College > Dark Fantasy > KSG > ye > 808 > Grad > Pablo

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Hold my liquor

That was my very first thought when I saw the thumbnail.

>I used to be just like you user. I hope you'll grow out of it once you reach emotional maturity.
Nah I grew up and saw the writing on the wall. We all have to face reality of our children are going to have a proper future but I do realize the year and place I am in right now. You likely are a scavenger feasting on the scraps of a dying civ and that is OK I get it, I would too if I was born like. Also I harbor no hate to you, your kind, or others like you- I just don't want you around since it just won't work. I mean it could work but it won't work thanks to so many of your kind wanting more scraps irregardless oft he state of the host.

But don't worry, you'll be allowed to go out to pasture when it all comes to pass if I have anything to do with it. I have compassion. Oh sure is a shame thought innit? /yourguy/ bernie is already being assisinated by the corporate media. Bummer, whatever she wench of colour you end up getting in a few cycles I truly am sorry for. Regardless of what fucked up tribe you hail from you will never be enough for the mentally bugchasing politicians becoming so en vogue with the rest of your kind.

Oh well. But hey at least when your kids are getting shit on you can think back to how you grew up so many years ago and how that made you better person here on the channel.

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What level of shitposting is this?
Is this pasta?