Attached: 1-7.jpg (1000x650, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sorry bro can't let you use that emergency exit

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Anyone have the pic of the guy casually smoking a cigarette surrounded by the inferno?

Attached: 1493183976672.jpg (3008x1960, 1.91M)

That would be Jeff Rader, who was also mentioned in the last paragraph of .

He supposedly escaped but then went back in to get his girlfriend; both of them died.

Attached: a7dfb127b1ea84a3d68aaab174783a89.jpg (1398x1119, 191K)

was this that Rhoade Island bar that burned up and killed like 110+ people?

Fuck, I didn’t know this existed. Has it ever been made public?


Attached: Stationvictims.png (1434x1006, 452K)

Not sleeping tonight. Thanks.

Based Biechele taking responsibility for his actions like a man


However, the lab/restoration/crime scene photos (), tons of news footage before and after the event, police/fire dispatch calls and lots of other resources/documents that were made public can be found in this Google Drive folder:

Who cares. People who go to concerts are worthless, and metal fans are twice as worthless.

Start a thread when a cop kills an innocent black kid again.

No one care to post the YouTube video?

Is this the Station Nightclub fire?

The one and only.

Attached: tip.png (1280x720, 533K)

What makes it the spookiest story that gets told on Yea Forums?

Attached: station.jpg (629x461, 36K)

Those screams at 1:25

why do you want to give us nightmares

>innocent black kid

now THATS fucking metal

He's accepting his fate.

Why cant they just walk out?

You felt the fires for a few moments but will suffer the flames for eternity. Every soul that suffered is on your back.

Attached: >Why can't they just walk out?.jpg (742x464, 80K)

>Fire starts
>Some low wage, rent a cop tells people they cant use the emergency exit.

Did that piece of shit go to jail?

On an educational note, pay attention to how close the cameraman is to the stage and once he sees the fire makes a B line for the door. This type of keen awareness of your surroundings will save your life, it did his.

Too many people, trying to get through a door way at once. So the ones at the front fall over and they all pile on top, till no one behind can get out.
The worst part is watching the fire spread to that door way, and just seeing the mass of bodies burn as they all scream.

That one alpha who went down boogying to the beat.

Fuckin Legend!

That was merely a rumour and was never confirmed.

Thats a crazy last image

euros make the best cheese

Sheeple are stupid. When shit goes down they herd to where they came into the venue. There are those exit lights for a reason. Also jump fences and run to the kitchen because there is a door to the parking lot for sure

tryhard dweeb

Why are threads like these allowed but cop body cam and interrogation footage threads get pruned?

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Why are boobies not allowed on YouTube but this is? What if a kid came across it?

At least two of Yea Forums's mods are redditors and one of them is a kike.
Gotta shut down anything showing niggers acting naturally.

Education on how fast a fire can spread

Watch the documentary dude. The people in charge of the building were breaking laws, letting a fire risk like that building house, nearly 300 people.
Some security guard wouldnt let people out the exit by the dance floor, and the entrance had a railing that made it impossible for a mass of people to run out.

even faster than the video shows, there was burning foam falling from the ceiling, that lit people's hair up & shit on the ground in like under a minute

Because of this & the humanlog in the doorway, a lot of people burned alive before the smoke even KO'd them

>current and future liberal votes burning to death
Why would I feel remorse?


Don't cut yourself on that edge

Something interesting that I learned several months ago: many various species of animals are prone to stampeding behavior, including humans. But it isn't some universal, instinctive trait shared by all humans, or even all mammals. One doesn't hear of stampeding tigers, for instance.

As a species, we simply have the misfortune to share this behavior with the other cattle.

rhode islanders are alright, this isn't boston or nyc

catchphrase fag

>The fire, from its inception, was caught on videotape by cameraman Brian Butler for WPRI-TV of Providence, and the beginning of that tape was released to national news stations. Butler was there for a planned piece on nightclub safety being reported by Jeffrey A. Derderian, a WPRI news reporter who was also a part-owner of The Station. WPRI-TV would later be cited for conflict of interest in having a reporter do a report concerning his own property.

do you see a lot of herds of tigers dude

lol, rekt

Fag fag

>Great White fans
I don't really buy that user

Would you pass up the chance to grope the lady in the front's tit?

No, and it's for this reason that they don't stampede: because they are solitary animals, likewise bears.

>herp derp but if they were herd animals then they would

besides the point.

>doesn't understand logic

Thats kind of what he was saying. Only herd animals stampede aka cattle

there's nothing profound about that

Yes there is.

yeah bro we're like all sheep damn mind blown