>old Yea Forums was go-
Old Yea Forums was go-
Other urls found in this thread:
lol sneed
>no Yea Forums
seems pretty good to me
i like the simple excitement in the majority of the posts
we now live in a post-ironic age where nothing is straightforward
9 am
Why did they get rid of the lolikon boards?
What was the first post on Yea Forums? I know it'd have to be on Yea Forums
Reminder that you're a fag if you don't browse using frames.
www.Yea Forums.org/frames
Finish the sentence, moron
>tfw want to post old Yea Forums caps but don't want to give that meme facebook spic group new material to spam
Based moot
is this
why doesn't frames work with 4chanx anymore?
back then we weren't so detached and cynical, people weren't hyper-vigilant about boogeymen like redditors and /pol/tards
member when /g/ was a guro board?
I found a picture of a few of there members btw
>No posts complaining about /pol/
I'm an old fag and this picture is bullshit
awful bait
No por favor
Honestly feel bad for zoomers who werent apart of old Yea Forums before pol faggots ruined everything
go back to gaia, fag
I wonder what we'll think of current Yea Forums in 15 years when we're still here
whos moot?
I miss moot. I wonder what boards he still browses
>implying you were part of it
Lmao manlets when will they learn
I started using the internet near the tail end of the old old internet. like aol chat rooms era/dial up era,
I used to post on some forum called toon zone and someone on there linked me to another forum called something awful, and from something awful i found Yea Forums.
i was like 12 or something.
oldfags spoke just like redditors lmao
>tfw you tried this for real, and even your own mother rejected your advances
Fuck you /pol/ you didn't get Trump elected fuck off
Ive been browsing r/Yea Forums since 2012 and came here in 2016 im basically an oldfag and y'all should kill yourselfs
based dad
>it was da wussians!
I miss Snacks, efg, and raids where the one and only goal was lulz. the chaotic neutral days, when no one gave a shit about politics or social issues beyond what was and was not a potential lulzcow. no white knight/sjws OR alt-right. just lulzy or not lulzy.
the pool is closed forever, guys. due to aids.
funny how /pol/ is the last place in this site that still creates OG content
I still come here occasionally
/pol/ this /pol/that why don't you go back to 9fag
Pol didnt come in numbers until the donald announced his presidency. That was 2015. 5 years after Yea Forums had ceased being a relevant and fun site. If you actually do remember peak Yea Forums, you've been on here for 10+ years, and you're not only a sad piece of shit, but also one of the main reasons why this site has devolved into such depressing garbage.
Yeah, they should shut this shitpit down. It's way beyond saving at this point. If there's relevant discussion going on it's incidental.
its a furry, dont give him atention
new Yea Forums pretty good
What does that make you, fag?
And when we would invade other websites we would claim to be ebaums world in a false flag attack.
Zoomers cant get this concept of causing mass chaos and staying hidden.
Snacks was a literal shithead who caused nothing but issues for moot.
The minute he was banned was the moment Yea Forums started to slip, however.
Never forget moot and mvb left the text boards to fester and die a slow death for years.
haha yes good american humor comrade i like burger and cowboy hat and also funny clown being. it is the hilarious, no?
p.Yea Forums.org/tv
This is the future you chose
I actuallly dont use Yea Forums as much as i used to. I do use other image boards. Normies dont know there are other image boards. The other image boards remind me of the old Yea Forums
>chanology happens
>user's meet up and women show up as well
>user's post about scoring for the first time in thier lives
>user still gets called a faggot and to die of cancer
oldchan was best.
rest in piss /prog/
if we created a porn board
would we be able to save Yea Forums from what it became?
imagine that every time someone got butthurt on twitter or facebook they left and created a twitter clone and facebook clone
Yea Forums was never good
This is depressing
>you chose
I was against swaglord pandering to you reddit bane posting scum that made this board mainstream though
HWNDU was Yea Forums's peak. The first few weeks of that stream and the threads were the most fun I ever had online.
The next stage in Yea Forums's evolution.
Theres already porn boards
Reddit 2.0
>Yea Forums
Chanology was just a bunch of newfag cancer. Old /b died in 2006.
there already is a porn board called /hc/
man Yea Forums was the best board
i trully miss Yea Forums
It's true. I distinctly remember people using terms like "I can haz..." and gay shit like nyan cat getting posted routinely. People like to act like this place is an edgy, tough-guy hang out, but it's got some pretty gay shit deeply rooted in it's history.
Once it left NY it got boring. It was pretty funny when he tried to do a single flag hidden somewhere, and it became a global game of capture the flag.
Shia severely underestimated the power of weaponized autism.
yea. shame it became /lgbt2/
A zoomer knowledgable about history. Yea Forums sucks but its the last place on the web I don't have to fuck around creating dumbass email accounts that demand phone numbers to verify an account with in order to post my stupid opinion while I'm bored and shitting
Oldfags have moved on to clover. Fuck hiro and fuck captcha.
once a boards gone theres no coming back
If Hiro tries to implement this sitewide we're all just going to leave, doesn't he realize that?
Like so much else, reddit just regurgitated what Yea Forums did, and the people here got sick of it because of them.
Like how shit that was popular in the states gets popular in Asia 20 years after the fact.
link it
It was a different time.
We don't call them spics anymore we call the the alt-right
My favorite is the simple
>lol Internet
That's what it was all supposed to be about
Idk about Yea Forums as a whole but a Google search gave this as Yea Forumss first post
>t. discord tranny
If you ever want to know ifsomeone is an ancient fag ask them if millhouse was a meme.
also to do a barrel roll
Hes gonna crash this plane with no survivors
Well get ready for that too faggot
Remember when we used to joke about how "the Internet is serious business"? Pic related.
Somewhere along the line the internet actually became genuinely serious business, and the world's been awful ever since.
>posted 3 months before I found Yea Forums
>i've been on Yea Forums since 2006
We will leave but the redditors will move in.
Hiro wants this though.
It's easier for advertising.
>you've been on here for 10+ years, and you're not only a sad piece of shit, but also one of the main reasons why this site has devolved into such depressing garbage.
Oh look the pusy eater telling us about how being a faggot is better.
Really could have gone worse
Normalfags eventually took over the internet.
Yea Forums used to be not so different from the rest of the internet.
What an absolute fucking moron. What does he think he's doing?
We all love to shit on The Last Jedi on this board, but wouldn't Hiro essentially be pulling a Last Jedi by doing this? The Last Jedi failed because Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm purposefully drove away all the old fandom of Star Wars and tried to court a new fandom, only for the new fandom not to show up because they didn't care. Then Star Wars was left with no one and Solo bombed at the box office.
This is the same fucking thing. Hiro will literally drive away all the old userbase if he tries to make us log in to post. Does he think a new userbase is going to magically appear out of thin air? Who, exactly, does he think he is going to attract to this site? Redditors already have Reddit. Nobody else will even bother.
This just seems colossally stupid, and something guaranteed to lead to the site shutting down altogether. Am I missing something, here?
I miss 2011.
shit, got some nostalgia feels right there just by looking at that image
The gook jew doesnt care