Pick 2 fav movies of yours. No judgement thread

Pick 2 fav movies of yours. No judgement thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

>kanye has KINO taste in movies

Is there anything this man doesn't have

RoboCop, RoboCop 2

The only black man we trust.

Taxi Driver and Shrek 2

Alita Battle Angel and The Fellowship of the Ring

Lethal Weapon and Lethal Weapon 2

How to train your Dragon
the Count of Monte Cristo

Heathers and Toy Story 2

The Fall and Apocalypse Now

Vanishing Point and Smokey and The Bandit.

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Once Upon a Time in America & The Ten Commandments

The Cable Guy and Coming to America

The Thing and Back to the Future

Back To The Future 2 and Y Tu Mama Tambiem

2001: A Space Oddysey and The Raid

Good picks, fellas.

I always find it surprising when black people enjoy things that are inherently white.

Children of Men and Manchester by the Sea

The Matrix


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For me it's Apocalypse Now and Lord of the Rings

as of now, a handler.

Princess Mononoke and Goodfellas

Lars and the Real Girl
Right now probably Network, I'm a bit not sober but it's sticking put in my mind as I type.

thanks user ^_^

The Godfather Part II and Goodfellas

Excalibur and An American Werewolf in London.

blade runner 2049 and American psycho
not even joking.

I really appreciate this user, thanks.

Peeping Tom & The Master

Wayne's World, Branded to Kill

Hell or High Water

More kino pics. Keep going bros.

My picks would probably be The Social Network and The Master.
t. OP

>movie about a man coming from nothing and building his fortune through blood, sweat, and determination
Is Kanye the most based rapper alive?

The Fast and The Furious & Robocop

Paprika & Terminator 2

Probably yeah. Which is why the MSM keeps calling him crazy. How discography is fucking flawless.

2001 and Blade Runner 2049

*His discography

Child's Play 2, Paths of Glory

Ernest Goes To Camp and Transformers

Superman and In Bruges

Tastecop here ready to deliver judgment

Sentenced to life in prison.
I'll let you go with a warning.
Both of you will nearly be cellmates ready for death row.
Didn't get pulled over because of skin colour.
Ticket for speeding.
Ticket for driving too slow.
Arrested for posession of amphetamines.
Let go, and complimented for good demeanor.
Ticket for blocking traffick driving a slow lawnmower on the highway.
Sent to a state psychiatrist for regular treatment of bipolarity.
Arrested because of ethnicity.
Let go with a warning.
Spent the night in jail for being too drunk in public.
Blended too well into the crowd of normies that he wasn't even investigated. Might carry marijuana.

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In Bruges is kino. Too bad we lost McDonagh to SJWs.


I'm and the OP said no judgements
But I almost said Apocalypse Now and Manchester by the Sea

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf
Tree of life

Kanye is inherently white.

Glengarry Glen Ross and Casino.

>inherently white

why did asa retire? she was literally halfway to GOAT status.

>Is Kanye the most based rapper alive?
No, by the law of nature that title goes to Lil B, but he is a close second

Glengarry is my ultimate comfy kino.

It's a Wonderful Life
Taxi Driver

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Satoshi Kon... I believe he died before he was able to create his magnum opus. 46, what a brilliant mind


Paranoia Agent is great. Also love his 4 films.

I would have liked Akira a lot more if it was actually a film about motorcycle gangs in New-Tokyo and not... whatever it was supposed to be about.

Mccabe & Mrs. Miller + Before Sunrise

eh agree to disagree m8 his discography after Yeezus is reeaaal spotty tho 6/8 ain't bad

My man


Godzilla Final Wars
The Brotherhood of The Wolf

Kids See Ghosts is a 10/10 and TLOP has aged really well despite not being coherent. He's still the hip-hop GOAT to me.

Tropic Thunder and Forrest Gump.

Robocop and Alien

Forrest Gump is terrible bro. But Tropic Thunder is pure kino.

A genius... lost too soon

Return of the King & Zulu

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Kanye slander won't be tolerated

Solid picks guys.

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Jason and the Argonauts(1963)
Big Trouble in Little China

Fuck you bitch. Stop arresting my bros.

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Evil Dead
Wreck-It Ralph

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Under The Skin

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classic paul dano in both films, nice kanye

Paul Dano's in Akira?

Once Upon a Time in the West
Game of Death II

Tommy Boy and The Fifth Element

>there will be blood
What a fucking pleb. Its the most tryhard movie of the century.

Leon the Professional and Hackers

Good taste

Tron Legacy and Big Trouble in Little China

good fucking picks my nig nog

Oh fuck! hackers is classic

American Pie Beta House and Agent Cody Banks

Lost in Translation and End of Evangelion

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Only Angels Have Wings
Sullivan's Travels

There Will Be Blood is pure Kino. Kanye has good taste.

The Thing (1982)
Robocop 1

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alita : battle angel and a brighter summer day


Batman begins
Lawnmower Man

John Wick and Ip Man

Tarzan (1999), The Aviator

thanks, my nig nog

Seven Samurai, can't think of another one because movies suck and literature is the superior medium

Shotcaller and Old Boy

City of God
Chungking Express

Both mid 90's kino films


The K-ON! movie and Snatch

3:10 to Yuma remake and The Wrestler

Attack the Gas Station
Maximum Overdrive

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Probably because he sees himself in Tetsuo and Plainview.

The only two movies Brody Stevens was in.
The hangover and it's sequel.
I Love you Brody! I hope you found peace.

>Mid 90s

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He would love Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

fury road and my night with maud

Jaws and Return of the Jedi

good choices

Hot Rod

for those of you are seeing this tweet for the first time, or are unfamiliar with Kanye's level of weeabooness, here's your reminder that Kanye West used thousands of dollars of his record label's money to recreate scenes from Akira with himself as Tetsuo, including the infamous suit and bike, despite them never being seen in the video.

Bonus facts:
Kanye lived in Japan for years before the album this track was released on, Takashi Murakami did the cover art, and Kanye played a continuous loop of hentai on screen during the release party for it.

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Spiderman and Jumanji
Is this real?

Die Hard and Raiders of the Lost Ark

Alita Battle Angel and The Fifth Element

The Wrestler and The Thin Red Line

The tweet? Yeah it's real. Kanye deletes tweets a lot, so may not show up on his Twitter now

holy shit. is everyone a pleb?

Starship Troopers and Princess Mononoke

Leon (1994)
Hackers (1995)


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Can we have a YLYL Yea Forums edition

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American Psycho
Joe Dirt

So you haven't been jonah-pilled yet. I see.

Two Hands - 1999
Mad Max 2 - 1981

Everytime Akira is mentioned I need to rewatch this fan made clip.


Sorry friend, I'm not "down" with the latest "me-mes". Maybe you could take some time out of your day to teach a fellow anonymous poster the current "lingo" on this here board.

Sir, Jonah made a movie called mid90s. Not really a meme. I was just joshin with ya.

Once Upon a Time in The West
Blade Runner

>having favorites
Could one be any more of a pleb?


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Oh, okie-dokie there, friendo. Thanks for the heads up. Enjoy your weekend :)

Highlander & Aliens 2

Stalker (the Russian movie)
Babe (the pig movie)

Nice taste but there's a lot of better films for that period.

Stand By Me
Homeward Bound

The Big Lebowski and Ghost Dog

Just pick two movies that pop into your mind fastest, those are most likely to be the ones that have entertained you the most.
Doesn't have to be critically acclaimed, what matters is that they've impacted your life in some way.

Amadeus and End of Evangelion

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Harakiri and For A Few Dollars More


LA Confidential and Jin Roh

Harakiri is incredible. Shits on every Kurosawa movie.

>The Big Lebowski and Ghost Dog
stuck in 1998/9 much?

It's funny when I chose them I never even considered that

Boondock Saints and Pulp Fiction

BR2049 and Wall-E.

The Straight Story

Mars Needs Moms and Wall-E

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Glass, Bladerunner 2049

Wall-E was pretty kino

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No Country for Old Men and Drive. I'm a sucker for tense films that know to dispense with music and let sounds or lack of sounds dominate a good action scene. Recently The Hateful Eight is trying to push its way in, absolutely loved the film on my third viewing even though I was a bit baffled by it on my first two (even when seeing it in 70mm)

Police Academy 2 and Police Academy 3.

Robocop, No Retreat - No Surrender

The Lord of the Rings (ROTK is my favorite, but FOTR is objectively the best film) and The Thing.

I watch both once a year when it's cold outside.

Maximum Overdrive
Groundhog's Day

>Cudi and Kanye
>literally 2 of my favorite rappers of all time doing a side project together

Their debut was awesome. I don't know how many times I've listened to it on YT. Cudi's melancholic chill mixes so well with Kanye's raw aggression and showboating.

Prince of darkness

It's still the best film of the 21st century so far.

Barry Lyndon
The Exorcist

>Barry Lyndon

Ayyyy my nigga right here. Best thing Sardonicast introduced me to. Reminds me, I need to see The Favourite.

It is.

He genuinely has good taste.

mean streets and the adventures of baron munchausen

The soundtrack for that film is phenomenal. I listen to it frequently.

Moneyball, Once Upon a Time in the West.

Kung Pow

Redpill me on Harakiri.

Fuck your two movies I play by my own rules

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Ok. Inherit the wind and KING KONG 2005

American Psycho
The Big Lebowski

Krull & laberynth

There Will Be Blood and Inglorious Bastards

It's Basterds*, you inglorious bastard :^)

Grand Budapest Hotel and Return of the King


Absolute Patrician taste user.

Young Liam kino

It Happened One Night and Dog Soldiers.

How to gain Yea Forums's approval in this thread in just a few easy steps:
>choose a film that is good but not great
>choose a lord of the ring's film

LOTR is one of the few film series universally loved on here (unless you are a complete book purist), so it would make sense that many would choose it as their favorite.

The Matrix and Jurrassic Park

Name them

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Old Boy and Mind Game.

LOTR is garbage

Titanic & the prestige

Fanny and Alexander
Seven Samurai

>25 Hours
>Before The Devil Knows You're Dead
Love tragic drama kino

Baron Munchausen and Fright Night

The Great Race
Naked Gun 2 1/2

Stalker, There Will Be Blood

cool dudes

A Tale of Two Sisters and Man on Fire. I like to see suffering.

None of you plebs will know
1.Jean de Florette
2.Coup de torchon

The Matrix

LotR RotK and Total Recall

Blade Runner 2049 and The End of Evangelion

Interstellar & the usual suspects

Scott Pilgrim, Super Mario Bros

In Bruges
The Raid 2

itt: everyone saying robocop because the 3rd post mentions it

Revenge of the Sith and Enemy at the Gates

usually just sci-fi shiz if you know what i mean.
movies like Olivion (Tom Cruise) the bladerunners, Elysium and if there's a bit of romance thrown in like in Passengers that can be pretty cool.
But having said that, I'm most 'affected' by drama films such as 'Manchester by the Sea', 'Dan in Real Life', Room etc

Probably Casino and Awakenings

Normie LARP detected

Early posts pretty much shape the thread. This repeating digits.

Return of the King and Departures

Hudsucker Proxy and Hail Mary

the big short and the departed

Alien and The Usual Suspects

I'm not a dumb baby!

Big Trouble In Little China
The Big Lebowski

The Thing
No Country For Old Men

Solid picks bros!

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Dredd (2012) and Castaway on the Moon (2009).

Rate 'em

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Point break and sin city

Spirited Away and Children of men

The Shining
Mulholland Dr

The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford.

That is the only viable answer. Everybody who says otherwise is obviously a tastelet.

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musical talent. i mean this unironically

What the fuck is this. Did you copy paste this from a facebook comment section

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Dreams and Lucky

2001 and Eyes Wide Shut

The Thing and No Country for Old Men

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The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover
The Departed (lol i love it)

What the fuck didn't even see your post are you literally me?

wow man i bet you love led zeppelin and queen dude thats like real music right you retarded fucking zoomer tryhard fag

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It's a no judgement thread bitch

Starship Troopers and The Fall

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Gotem lol. dude's probably a Boomer. Boomers are always seething at Kanye's success

groundhog day, apocalypse now

No little zoomie, I only listen to Classical and No Wave.

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The Thing
Taxi Driver


Transformers 1 and Transformers 2

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i'm a 30 yo boomer and i feel like i grew up w kanye through all his phases
>preppy chad in middle/high school in the early-mid 00's
>art school hipster plowing hipster chicks in 08
>playing noise shows in smaller venues yeezus era 12
>settling down, giving up silly pipe dreams and starting a business TLOP-era
>business becoming successful and having 10/10 stacy level fiancée currently while being able to afford nice gym and decent shrink for mental health issues i previously dealt with via drugs
i love the old (and current) kanye

>no wave
you're forgiven. i fucked thurston moore's daughter when she was underage (she was 17 i was 22 circa 2011) and lydia lunch 13.13 and pop group xy are the two best things to come out of it

30 year olds are millennials user. Check the birth years for each generation.

The Fellowship of the Ring

Speed Racer and Army of Darkness


Spaceballs and scary movie 3

>Cudi's melancholic chill mixes so well with Kanye's raw aggression and showboating.
Love the album so much. They have more KSG music on the way apparently. :)

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Mgs4 and hero

i love speed racer so much! gonna watch army of darkness now

Based and ye-pilled.

you can only have one favorite, the one you like the most

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No you can pick two. :)

Why is a boomer 90s disaster movie your favourite?

Fight Club
Starship Troopers

There Will Be Blood

Hi Kanye. Big fan. :)

The Fisher King
Leon: The Professional

sorcerer and once upon a time in the west

Dazed and Confused, Full Metal Jacket.

series > movies though

Tron: Legacy
The Assassination of Jesse James

>i watched anime once pick
>pseud 'i wanna look intellectual' pick
sorry kanye but no longer going to have to vote you in 2024. youre a hack lets face it sorry

The fellowship of the ring

Alien and Toy Story

Conan the Barbarian
Seven Samurai

Whisper of the heart and predator

predator and whisper of the heart

>The House that Jack Built

Leaving Las Vegas and the illusionist (the animated one based on a Tatí script)

It's one of the few movies we had on VHS. I've probably seen it over 100 times. I also believe it has the comfiest cast, of any movie, ever.

Wings of Desire

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2001 and WALL-E

Guyver the dark hero and Insterstellar

Stay and John Wick



Heat and End of Watch

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Drive and The Tree of Life

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BR2049, No Country for Old Men

The Big Lebowski and Full Metal Jacket

Das Boot and American Psycho

Streets of Fire

Imo only a pleb lists the actual best kino they've ever seen as their "favorites". A favorite is something you can put on every month (or every day if you're enough of an asspie) and still derive enjoyment comparable to your first viewing.
There's also the condition of it having such an effect on you that you're afraid to rewatch the movie, for fear that effect from the first viewing will be denigrated.
Personally I think Kenny West is a pleb. He probably considers those favorites because he has the mental capacity of a 15 year old.

Black Panther
Captain Marvel

The man with the iron fists
Lost in translation

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Picnic at Hanging Rock
Following Sean

Eraserhead and Night Of The Living Dead

>not Manon des Sources and Nuit d'ivresse

Life of Pi
The Fountain

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Assault on Precinct 13 and Blade Runner 2049

Heat and Highlander

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and The Fly Over The Cuckoo's Nest

The Fifth Element, Gladiator, and now Alita.

Green Room & Walk Hard