Movies about the the hardships of being a woman?
Movies about the the hardships of being a woman?
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she won't learn her lesson
Of fucking course.
she misses him already
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Burn the coal, pay the ___ .
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Automated social engineering thread #3498567398456
How does one fail so utterly and completely as a father?
what a great television and film related thread
Hahahahaha He's walking his bitch.
god damn she thicc as hell
By refusing to do this
White men need to learn how to control their women.
thanks for the update schlomo
She does. I try not to hate women, but I do. With every fiber of my being.
You should instead ask why Americans love to support singel mothers that create monsters like this. Stop supporting singel mothers and start saving lives.
What is going on here?
btw, i formated my pc you know what picture to image on this post right? do it now.
I can’t believe /pol/ actually shills for (((Christian))) trad cunts
Can we make this a daily thread?
is this a sex resort like they have in pattaya but for women? an event? the actual interracial breeding grounds? so many questions.
BDSM fetish play
it's always the pretty black boys though, they have a lot of mental issues
TCU isn't exactly known for its piety you autist
>What is going on here?
>btw, i formated my pc you know what picture to image on this post right? do it now.
Shut up you stupid fucking boomer retard. God, your boomer ooze is so thick it almost got on me.
How is this a surprise, it's like the time the woman had a pet chimp and it proceeded to maul her best friend and ate her face.
Great apes can tear you to shreds and have no morality either, and a negro can only be stopped in the midst of a violence spree if reminded of the fact his grandma would punish him.
Nah, learn that turnabout is fair play.
Go date some black chicks and come back with results
Is having daughters you do not fuck the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than that. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. So why aren't you yourself fucking her?
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you give her away, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her, benefits you should be enjoying. It's planting the seed, watering the crops and allowing someone else to receive the harvest.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl. For who? For another man besides yourself to enjoy? It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
>btw, i formated my pc you know what picture to image on this post right? do it now.
Wtf is this supposed to mean?
So THIS is the power of the BBC
Remember guys, only black men beat their women!
you don't exactly enjoy your wife after a few years user. manhood is a burden in all stages.
another kunyae thread. mods ban this pedo already
So where are all the webms of White men walking their black Goddesses?
White men arent allowed to beat the life out of their daughters. Women are subhuman animals reason doesnt work on them you have to threaten them all the time if you want things done. If your daughter dates a black guy dont kecture her instead tie her down and electrocute her.
>oy vey shut it down
she doesnt look 22 she looks 30
white "people" age like milk
If your daughter dresses like a slut beat her
If she back talks you beat her
If she tries to date men you dont like beat her
If she conspires against you strangle her
Why not fuck mom and daughter at the same time? The Japanese even have a phrase for this
Im so sexist that I would hate my future daughters when they hit puberty. My cute little girls becoming disgusting selfie posting nigger fucking whores. Oh please God give me sons.
Don't forget that if she becomes sexually active you fuck her, and you fuck her good so she wants no other man but her daddy.
kek white women not even once
>not fucking your daughters
Explain this.
Did the retard single mother attempt to name her child Kanye but was too drunk so it came out "Kunyae"?
So are you guys not going to question how she randomly has another black eye a few days later and neither of them look swollen?
Reminder he stomped on her hands so she couldn't give out handies too
3rd picture
Yep Kunyae would never do such a thing
Just abort them before they are born. Here in Canada that's what the Indians and Chinese do. And it's all paid by the Canadian taxpayers too.
just show them your white cock, black girls with white features cannot resist white cock
Black women have no loyalty there are nonstop rap songs about black women cucking alpha black handsome rappers meaning a soft white boi like you cant escape it either.
im not white
Allowing your daughter to be exposed to modern pop culture from a young age basically guarantees an outcome like this
>rest in paradise dad
That explains a lot.
Man I wish I was born black ;_;
Imagine the intellectual disability.
Ooooh that dad is dead. There we go.
This. Even Idris Elba got cucked.
>check ig
>rest in paradise dad
This the future of america and its beautiful
When you learn too late that bruises show up more on white women than black women.
Can't believe I'm using this unironically but those people are so unbelievably bluepilled that it hurts
Thank god black don't crack
It's not just America.
t. nigger brainlet
This is what the son will look like.
Stop trying to reason with white women fellas if your daughter or female friend dates one just snicker at her inevitable demise.
>unironically using the word crib
she fucking deserved it for being some fake ghetto white girl. fucking hate when white sluts try to act like black girls
I love how there's no shame either. They can't wait to post all their bruises for more attention.
There are still white people.
They dont call the cops either.
what is wrong with the west?
>those two ass hurting coons
How do you pronounce this?
>been with my mexican bf for 3 yrs
>perfect ride
>meanwhile all my friends have had black bfs at least once
>they've all been punched at least twice that they've told me
why do women keep falling for the black guy meme?
Again why do they not call the police wtf.
>been with my mexican bf for 3 yrs
Coon-yay? That's how it looks in my head.
Good luck with your mutt goals 2019.
Needs 400 million more muslims only West Asians no abeeds like Somali.
because they're idiots. I've already disassociated myself from them.
I believe you.
You must live in the shittiest zip code imaginable.
Mexicans actually have a higher rate of domestic violence than blacks. Enjoy being beheaded in your sleep.
you're a mutt too, so what's the difference?
Give kenzie gf
No they dont you nigger ape.
>Mexicans actually have a higher rate of domestic violence than blacks
Keep drinking that kool aid, reddit.
>wh*Te "men" allowed for things to get this bad
lol you fags can't do anything right except whine like an incel online
yes they do you discord tranny
too thick for Yea Forums
You're an imbecile.
Read the filename
There is actually a pretty big difference between a mestizo and a European. Don't believe me? Look at the first family of Mexico.
what are they feeding highschool kids wtf
no one cares
black cock
Spics are mutts of spaniards and mexican natives. The whitest mutts control Mexico while the more meztizo mutts cause all the problems in Mexico bow aint that quite the redpill.
Cause not even fags can resist the BBC.
t. juanito burrito
shhhh, keep him ignorant please.
The only way we gonna win
How many guys do you think she fucked while dating Kuntyea
absolute crime some evil nigga got to smash
lmao Yea Forums really is full of spics
are you retarded
No way that passes dress code.
What do these niggers feel when they see their white "friend" get beaten by the tribe?
They were all black so why does it matter.
>cums in 15 seconds
lmaoing at his life. no wonder his wife fucked a black dude
This site has always been infected with beaners.
>wahh this board isn't an echo chamber
Sorry you couldn't downvote my post, Jimmy
Over 200 knowing highschool girls these days.
wtf is that from
>his school had a dress code
Where do you think you are?
If they were born after 89 they're incapable of negative feelings towards niggers
Can you please stop saying that word. That word has more context than you think. Just stop saying it.
You need one or girls will dress like animals in the heat all the time.
kill yourself newfag
Pipe down fatty
Not defending the black at all but you definitely know that she was 100% cheating. Blacks are always irrational but I also know women are all whores too.
zoomers truly are niggers
What did the chimps in her school had to say about this?
goddamn she has a nice body
I get you but blacks are sociopaths meaning they think humans screaming is hilarious so they get gfs and beat the shit out of them for fun.
I mean the tweets are from 2013, her death in 2017. At least post something semi believable..
>free fap material
>thread still up
good ol Yea Forums
She looks alive to me.
What use is she now to any white guy? You're an eternal cuck if you ever get with a woman who's burned the coal.
>there are people
>on Yea Forums
>right now
>that still don't know
>white+hispanic has the highest inter-ethnic marriage rate in the country
Why are people here so stupid?