R/the_donald general

According to this graph: i.4pcdn.org/pol/1485430405745.png Yea Forums's site traffic went up by around 33% following the 2016 election, as a result of r/the_donald posters migrating due to the sites association with trump and the alt right.
Assuming many of these posters have stayed, as well as taking into account new people are still joining regularly now with the sites increased popularity...
About 1/3 posters on Yea Forums is or was originally a redditor.
The phrase "go back to redddit" applies to a whole third of the users here, and most of the people who use the phrase themselves are, in fact, redditors to begin with trying to hide their shame.

Let that sink in

Attached: 160525-pepe-trump-tease_omxwrx.jpg (2560x1707, 670K)

magapedes OUT


i came from reddit in january 2016, am i an electionfag?

yes and also based and redpilled fpbp

Why are you assuming it's all from reddit and not just normies just finding out about Yea Forums due to the increased attention Yea Forums was getting from MSM and the rapidly decreasing trust people had in the MSM around that time?

"based and redpilled! ahaha"
"go back to rebdit! ahaha"
"stfu cuck! ur a cuck! hahaha!"
"NIGGER!" ahaha i said NIGGER even though i didnt make any actual jokes because im not funny or clever or even shocking in my behaviour but i say NIGGER to pretend i am edgy and funny ahaha"
- electionfags

>mfw i have literally, and unironically never been to reddit
>mfw trump will get my vote AGAIN

Attached: 1545033015845.png (225x225, 6K)

this kills the drumpfag

Attached: 2016-11-24T00-52-39-633Z--1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

based and redpilled but also cringe and bluepilled
ahem SNEEDkino
also fuck niggers

I got banned from r/politics for saying that baron trump will inherit his father throne and become the God emperor to crush the liberal elite and build a wall on the moon to keep illegals out of americas space clay

Why does OP always ignore these HUGE reddit injections to Yea Forums?

Attached: ew.png (934x500, 85K)


It actually kills the Hillary fag

Oh shit it's been updated

Attached: haha.jpg (974x656, 103K)

but commie tranny that's all traffic and everyone knows there are 1000 times more lurkers than users

Are you implying the L O S T finale also didn't bring redditors here?

I unironically came in here around 2015 but first heard of Yea Forums in 2008, so I would have been new no matter what. I honestly regret not coming here earlier because this is the only place I've ever felt I belong. I just understand the humor perfectly here. Never fit in or enjoyed any other site online until this place and now I'm on easily over 10 hours a day every day just browsing. I can not stand making usernames and having to write down email addresses to confirm your accounts and then there's always some type of post number system or point system everywhere with profile pics, it's all just trash. The concept of this place is a million times better. This is the one time I'm doing a faggy blogpost though.

>because this is the only place I've ever felt I belong

Thanks for the endorphin rush

The first time we ever made a "huge" appearance on reddit was because of picture related
After that it was because of paulsons survey and then game of thrones stream beggars/memes

Attached: 1275618109933.jpg (2969x2692, 787K)