Is his career over?

Is his career over?

Attached: jussie smollett hoax.jpg (814x1024, 437K)


Can I get a sneed edit with moe as Justie?

Go for it mang.

Attached: 898912489.png (720x960, 665K)


Ok, this is epic

The right hates him for pulling the stunt
the left hates him for getting caught

So let's give him credit where it is due. He's helping the right and the left come together in their hatred of a common enemy.

Holy fuck

jesus christ

libshit here
hate niggers desu

fucking based

See? Common ground. The wounds of our fathers begin to heal.

>container isn't labled as seed

Why can’t all sneed posts be like this?

Blessed thread

Attached: 2rcprpw.jpg (640x324, 54K)

Blessed digits

Holy fucking based

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