>BTFOs your favorite alt-right youtuber
BTFOs your favorite alt-right youtuber
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got twitch is so cringe on the whole
that place needs to be shut down
Reminder that Destiny advocates for legalized 'ethical' child porn and believes that child porn should be distributed to pedophiles with the consent of the abused child in the video (after he has grown up).
>BTFOs himself
This guy is only good for catching people in their own logical inconsistencies.
so he's another eceleb pedo like Sam Hyde?
>gets BTFOd by a 'you must be this tall to ride' sign
>that weight
>that form
He hasn't btfo'd anybody. He sues reddit-tier "gotcha" arguments and logical fallacies.
Wtf i love Destiny now
he gives me hope, because if a turbo manlet like him can get laid and have a kid, i know i can too
>blocks your path
I like how he pushed Jim into a corner forcing him to go "I do it for the lulz"
So? What is wrong with that? Do you have any kind of rebuttal, or are you just bootyblasted he BTFO alt-hype?
What the fuck does this have to do with TV or film?
the only person who can make a subcompact look big
Lost against the first debate with Fuentes, a 18 year old spic who graduated from High School.
>getting your political and moral views from a literal man child who plays videogames
What's next for you low IQ mongoloids, getting accounting advice from Ninja?
why is that a bad thing? If that causes pedophiles to harm fewer kids, sounds like a great idea.
He's like 4'5" give him a break.
Damn he is really a manlet. Almost a midget
Nothing. It's a false flagger who can't contain his autism to the board designated for it. Sage
>brain and body stop developing at 12 years old
lmao If my life sucked that bad I too would get my rocks off pretending to be an "intellectual" despite having no education or experience
Hi discord tranny. This Yea Forums, not /pol/. (You)’s are over that way. Sage.
this man-child is a complete joke, he doesn't engage his opponents in good faith, he hides behind a line of ambiguity and alternate data in debate
just a gamerboi retard + one ugly midget-goblin of a half-jew
redpill me on this tranny
he couldn't even BTFO of Jontron without also admitting he thinks the United States should invade Mexico to fix their governmental corruption problem, which is genuinely stupid enough to invalidate anything else he said that night
He also said we should carpet bomb Mexico. A statement which my Federal Government teacher states in class relentlessly.
>the guy who responds to "hahah libtards btfo" with "haha conservatards btfo" wow what an intellectual
Its dishonest to say this who are you brittany venti? he only said studies have shown that utilizing already available CP has been shown to curb abuse or stop it entirely based on that he only has ever supported it in a hypothetical situation where no more porn is produced and no further children are abused.
I want to fuck her so bad bros
Fucking BASED. Link?
i'm fucking dying
is the anecdote about your prof supposed to make Destiny seem smart or your teacher seem like an idiot
Losing subs and need to shill huh dunstiny
He also molested a woman on camera.
guys boring as fuck
As much as people like to meme on him about that it's an entirely reasonable position. Letting pedos watch CP from the FBI's files or giving them child sex dolls is going to make it a whole lot less likely they'll go out and abuse children.
based dawson fucking owned that pedo
Jontron was an idiot for trying to have a political debate without being prepared, but Destiny is a manlet cuck so nobody's a winner.
Destiny drinks onions on stream. It's like he tries so hard to be an unlikable contrarian faggot. Some of his debates are hilarious to listen to (aydinpaladin, Mrdeadmoth reaction, janitor fired reaction, JLP) but at the same time his harping on about leftist positions can be grating.
>saying this on Yea Forums
>farm positive replies
I only watched one of his "debates", it was with that Metokur guy named Jim, and it was genuinely amazing. Highly recommend it to anyone with the patience to sit through an hour and a half of the most disingenuous, sniveling, bitch-boi attempts at desperately lisping his way through a livestreamed ass-reaming. It's astounding how well he's able to mimic a woman-like response to every single fact and logical premise thrown in his pedofaggot face.
I'm sure there's a bunch of other videos where people throw their arms up in response to his constant bullshit strawmanning but the one I watched was hilarious.
>conservitards unironically think asking questions about your opponents decision is an underhanded debate tactic because of desTINY
>throw their arms up
Is he mimicking black people in that gif? Because I wouldn't put that past him after all the insanely and unabashedly racist shit he said while arguing with that Jim guy, all while desperately trying to act like he was a good and open-minded ally.
>I'm a quarter Hispanic but my spirit is white so it's more like 90% white
Yeah I don't think so, that guy went full retard
How is that even a corner? That potato nigger breaks into people's houses to tell them that
Ah the sweet battlecry of the butthurt redditor
Imagine being btfo by Sargon of all people
jesus christ what horrible genetics the no wonder the poor guy is always angry and bitter
Watch the NakedApe one. It's not long, only about 10 minutes then Destiny ragequits kek
this guy was a faggot when he played sc2 and he used to say nigger/faggot all the time. he is loud and his own platform (like all these types of people), he's not intelligent.
kill yourself pedo fag
>Lectures you for 2 hours straight about basic geopolitics
shilling on Yea Forums now manlet boy?
stands at an impressive 4'7" and weighs a whopping 74lbs soaking wet
Wanna know how I know you're an alt-right retard?
OP is a BETA!
>Unironically believes Trump is worse than Bush
I can confidently say that he has trump derangement syndrome for having an opinion that fucking stupid
How do you know he's an alt-right retard?
> implying
>youtube politics
>n-nooo he swaid sowmetwing bwean awout Twump
Waah waah waaah pwease stawp him pwease
has Destiny ever contributed to anybody's understanding of anything?
>has destroyed JonTron, Sargon, Dick Masterson, NakedApe, NoBS, Lauren Southern, Blaire White, Nicholas J. Fuentes, Mr. Metokur, Roaming Milenial, Baked Alaska, in debates
>on one occasion destroyed those last five ALL AT THE SAME TIME
>BTFO TheAltHype so hard it turned him from a white nationalist to a neoliberal
>Styx pussied out of a debate
>Richard Spencer fears his name
>Ben Shapiro can't handle his facts and logic
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply using the socratic method, the most basic logic people have had 2400 years to adapt to
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking if they really believe what they post online and watches them pussy out and start minimizing
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking them what it would take for them to stop believing their points of view and watch them flounder around
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply looking up where they get their "facts" from and finding they're bullshit taken out of context or made up on some kids blog
>only recourse the alt-right has is ad hominems and strawmen
It's fucking over lads. He's too strong.
>discord trannies have resorted to shilling midget esports man
JF really did a number on you faggots