Was going to message a cute girl on Instagram with only 40 followers

>was going to message a cute girl on Instagram with only 40 followers
>but pussied out because she might think I’m a creep

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>Fuck a beautiful mature woman doggy-style
>Cum balls-deep inside her whilst squeezing her large breasts
>Roll her onto her back, kiss her hard on her lips and whisper "Thanks, Mom" in her ear

mind if I join you?

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Well, she would've so you probably did the right thing

Tfw I had girls hitting on me and literally throwing themselves at me when I was in high school but I was too much of an anti-social autist to actually do anything.

I even had my middle school bully (she was a female) try to fuck me after prom at her house but I spazzed out and left because I didn’t want to fuck her.

I hate fuckers like you more than any chad. You could've lived the dream, but you pissed it away.

Messaging someone over social media is going to get you nowhere unless you're out of their league.

You’re saying that as if it was my fault that I was born and raised without social skills.

honestly if you are over like 25 and don't make an effort to learn the social game then it is your fault

nigger, you had pussy throwing itself at you. you already won and you still folded.

And everyone hates worthless incels like yourself, so much so that no woman has ever been attracted to.

to you*

I’m 27 and married now albeit I married the first woman I lost my virginity to.
As I got older I’ve aged pretty well. Lost some more weight, grew a beard and look great. I’ve actually had girls hit on me while I was with my wife. I would never do anything with them though. My wife loves how I’m really loyal to her and think every other woman is a Thot.


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This is a great thread on television and film

>bully (female)
Just like my animes. And you blew it.

uh... yeah?

Me it’s the opposite. Only started getting attention around 24. By that time the damage was done. My hatred of women was cemented

I’m not kidding. This girl was my middle school bully. She would call me “gay kid” and “Faggot” and would tease me all the time. I hated her.


I respect you. nothing more annoying to me as a virgin then guys that are in relationships that also consume sluts like the borg around me.

Good. Living alone is the final redpill. It's not fucking worth it.

t. Disillusioned chad (age 24)

Seems like she was right, shouldn't hate her for telling the truth.

should have fucked her
I got revenge on my highschool bully by marrying her and forcing her to have several children


i have a girlfriend

ask me whatever you want

what's it like to be loved?

when you lack social game you don't even realize when women are trying to fuck you

it's pretty neat. Won't change that feeling of eternal despair and loneliness that dwells in you heart though. At least not that much. Maybe I just have autism.

>tfw she asked me if I've ever been to the doctor and checked myself out

How much more free time would you have if she vanished out of existence right now? You can simply say a lot less free time, less free time, no change in free time, more free time, or a lot more free time if you can't or don't want to elaborate.

Well obviously more free time. Why would I have less free time if I stopped seeing her or anyone at all for that matter?

She doesn't take up much time and I'm usually pretty free and she isn't very ""demanding"" if that's what you're asking.

>qt3.14 coworker just married a few days ago

I hope she’s happy for the rest of her life. At least I’ll get to see her and talk to her at work.

that's pathetic, user

>befriending girls
Yikes, they’re not like bros who would try to hook you up with their girlfriend’s friend. Female friends are useless unless you’re trying to sleep with them which I highly suggest you don’t because that’s fucked up.

I got my first kiss at 26 and my first girlfriend later that year. Done pretty well dating since. Yea Forums anons never want to put any effort into anything as long as they can complain about it, but for me the big difference was just learning what enjoyable social behavior is and forcing myself into situations with other people. Women like guys who're interesting and have a sense of humor. That's about it. I'm poor and still live at home and my last two GFs made six figures.

Don't believe the memes. Dating is easy if you grind some social skills and women aren't that different.

>because that’s fucked up.
Not him but why? Isn't that how some people become bf/gf?

This and you have to learn to face rejection to be honest. I've probably had about ten times more rejections than something that could even remotely be a success.

Have you considers beating your gf? I myslef do enjoy some beating hard slaps and light punshes during sex, it gets me to stay hard much longer.

Yeah. My luck hasn't been that bad, but you can't be afraid of being turned down or losing her after a few dates. That's what dating is--figuring out if you want to spend time with this person. My first kiss was a disaster story but it's hilarious in hindsight.

Most important thing is just trying. I've asked out women in some pretty awkward ways and gotten dates. Haven't gotten any dates from women I didn't speak to.

Why would you message a girl online? Thats creepy af. Once you message a girl online, you immediatly are a in the category of guys that message girls online. The dick pic guys, the supreme gentleman, the lonely sacks of shit, etc.

It's acceptable if you're trying to start something, and are prepared to never message her again when/if she turns you down.

just do it. you don't have much to lose. start out normal though don't come off as a creep


not exactly true i'm a little over average in looks and get a lot of cute as fuck girls messaging me

granted most of them live NOWHERE fucking near me but still

>was going to message a cute girl on Instagram
yeah...dont fucking do that. thats as bad as Indian guys trying to pick dudes with female avatars on Youtube comments section

you seem really jealous

that can be a sign of affection believe it or not

No it's not appropriate its creepy. You should know them in person before ever trying to "start something," online. Girls choose the guys they want. They will message first, but guys should never do that.

She wont. I do that all the time and they like it

nice double standard. either way it works if you're attractive enough

>I was about to do something creepy but then I didn’t because I realized it was creepy
Congrats OP you now have the emotional maturity of fully formed teenager.

>girls choose the guys they want
You know nothing

10/10 bait

>guy doesn't talk to anyone
"What a creep."
>guy talks to someone
"What a creep."

So it gets you nowhere just like he said, congratulations on proving him right

I mean, you could find girls that live near you. I'm not sure what your point is. I'm just saying you should go for it if you have the chance

Its not a double standard retard, its called appropriateness... Not messaging strangers based on their looks. Thats a path to inceldom. Its pathetic for men to message girls online. If They like your posts they will message first. But guys shouldnt be going that.

Fer sure bee. I know nothing about women. Thanks for clarifying that. :^) I do love when chicks post the messages losers send them, so everyone can roast them. Please.. Continue .

That's a strange way to look at it. Granted, it's hard to tell if you're someone's type if they don't engage. attractiveness is highly subjective

I don't know about Instagram, but in the rest of the world girls expect the guys to make the first move. I've got contact info for a few girls online in not-dating-situations. Got an awesome autistic girlfriend, a trashy slut, and boring day with a couple confused lesbians.

chicks only do that if you sound absolutely desperate. no one is going to post a message of you introducing yourself in a normal manner and trying to strike up a conversation

>If They like your posts they will message first
That's creepy user, girls shouldn't message guys. That's a path to femceldom.

You did good, user

>Hello I just saw your profile and I realized we were made to be with each other forever you're so beautiful will you be my girlfriend

I mean I'm the same but I stand by my decision, I don't fuck out of a relationship and who wants to do that is not relationship material in my eyes.

yeah, that's an example of seeming desperate
you can cut all of that out except for "Hello" and then start from there

>Hello pls send bobs and vagene

That's not quite it either, lol

This movie is boring.

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ugh no, NEVER contact a girl trough the Internet if you don't know her personally in real life UNLESS you are a 5 and she's also a 5 or below she might be desperate enough to actually reply.
I'm a girl BTW

>Yea Forums - Some Dipshit's Personal Blog

>I ounce found a friend's tumblr and dared her anonymously to put nudes on her tumblr
>She did, and after that I sent a link to all my friends and now they all know she's a whore
> And that I'm a creep


I'm like a solid 8 and I look quite a lot like the guy from a certain netflix series that a lot of internet chicks fangirl over. I've never had a problem with it.

The standards have been adjusted the last few months, so I'd say guys have to be at least 6 messaging 4s or below. But you need to be at least 70% of the way to full Chad and they can't show any signs of Stacey, or else you'll be an obvious incel and they'll just find a black guy to cuck you with.

Message her "NO FUCKING WAY!"

Respond 2weeks later

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>tfw crush unfollowed me after I posted a new pic on ig
why did it feel so insulting

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Don't have "crushes." You're either a stranger, a date, or a friend. Pick one and stay in that lane.

Mods, do your goddamn jobs.

She jus wanted your attention baka!

Actually don't crush on, date, or befriend anyone unless you've already married them.

This. I've been married four years and we're still not friends.

>tfw my gf is an depressive antisocial anxiety driven princess

I love her, but life is suffering knowing I can't do ANYTHING to help her.
I learned a lot about depressions this past 3 years

Honestly, I'd leave. There are other women to love who won't drag you down with them. I've dated a couple girls with mental illnesses who I really wanted to stay with but the damage wasn't worth it. I'm happy one of them finally got treatment, years after we broke up, and got her life straightened out. A woman I know a has husband like that and the last 20 years of her life have been nothing but trying to keep him alive while he dumps on her.

It's not about the other womans I can love, I have a ton of those
It's about the only one that loved me back

>every other woman is a Thot
And she´s absofuckenlutely right.
It´s a nightmare out here with all these emotional vampire cunts.

Don't fall into that trap. Seriously, I'm not memeing. You're being self destructive.