Why aren't any /pol/ fags talking about this? I love this movie.
Why aren't any /pol/ fags talking about this? I love this movie
Because it's kike propaganda.
/pol/tards don't actually watch movies, they just whine about them on Yea Forums
Says a guy who cries about /pol/ daily
Heavy Metal is for degenerates.
What movie? Until the light takes us?
t. /pol/
It makes a joke of black metal so metal heads arent going to watch it. and metal is a nich thing so normies arent going to watch it.
Also varg has a youtube channel and exposed those kikes already
Metal is way too white, even black metal. cringe
Check the file name. There's a book about this movie as well.
It's Hollywood, commercial trash. A better one was made 6 years ago and it's available on Youtube
trailer: youtube.com
I'm about to finish the movie right now. Give me the quick rundown with no spoilers. Expose the Jew.
fuck off mr cachet
Didn’t they get an actual kike to play varg?
my least favorite genre of metal is black folk
Varg says no to watching porn and no to watching movie that spreads lies. Euronymous was a queer
Yeah that got a short fat one. One so short that he is shorter than the actor playing Euronymous
I'm OP. I get where Varg's coming from. It's definitely just a popcorn flick lol but I do admit that I enjoyed watch it. I'm checking out the other one some other user mentioned.
Yeah I just watched that lol but the real irony here is how some user recommended I watch Until The Light Takes Us on Jewtueb for free. I looked it up and it's two fucking dollars. How convenient; just in the nick of time.
because it's jewish propaganda. they hired a jew to play euronomous and a fat jew to play varg, two white European men who played nationalist black metal. this entire movie, good or bad, is just Hollywood trying to make fun of based vikings
>based vikings
my ancestors :)
at least you post and then take into consideration the opinions of others, op. stay based and keep speaking your mind, this looks like something I would have liked when I was a 16 year old metalhead, but knowing the story is kind of blatant propaganda and glorification of murder and death. considering two people in the film died, both possibly murdered, it's pretty fucked that some jew producer thought it'd be cool to make a teen flick about their lives with crackhead skye ferrara and the culkin who wasn't raped constantly by producers and execs
That dude lost his fucking mind.
Torrent link?
sent ;)
for real someone post it. anyone else think skye looks like trash in this? she rarely posts on her insta, she's basically a skinny rat crack head who models and is bottom feeding with films like this. no wonder she jumped on this project considering she dates and idolizes junkie musicians
Just download it like a webm.
just saw it, it was pretty bad
why wouldn’t he? you shit up Yea Forums all the time how could you not notice that
I have heard it's pretty bad.
Just go to any free movie streaming site, find Lords of Chaos, open inspect element, click on the video player, click the link the video leads to, and download it like a webm.
-Varg, again
i mean, the source material isn't much better
This movie was all right but not great. I can't stand Varg, but even I have to agree that this might be the worst casting I've seen in the movie in a long time when it comes to the guy who plays him. He looks nothing like him, overacts the whole time, none of his delivery is any good, and its clear they casted him to go one up on Varg and not because he was a good fit for the role.
Jackson Rathbone was supposed to play Varg before the fat Jew.
It still wasn't a perfect casting, but it was better. So I think it was more of a "well fuck. just cast whoever now" kind of thing rather than a blatant fuck you to Varg.
it was shit
real life kino
>I love this movie.
Fuck off poser scum
oh shit that would have actually been good.
Shitty scheduling conflicts made him drop out. The film was also supposed to be directed by Sion Sono and center mostly on Varg.
That would've been good.
Apparently a film made by the original drummer of Bathory (you know, the guys that literally inspired Mayhem) is kike propaganda.
Other user said movie ends with varg walking barefoot in the forest mumbling about rpgs. Kek, is that true?
Yeah I'm still wondering why people think that somebody else could've done better (as far as veracity goes) than one of the guys who unironically started black metal.
no one cares, just from the trailer alone I can tell it doesn't do the original story justice. Lars von Trier or Michael Haneke embody the black metal aesthetic more than some westernized version.
the whole point of bm is isolation, depression, pointless rage against modern society. To just make a normal action/thriller movie where characters say or act "evil" is not using the medium of film properly to convey those emotions.
>the whole point of bm is isolation, depression, pointless rage against modern society.
ah yes the dark and brooding black metal, nothing says isolation like having your volvo-owning rich parents pay for your record store's lease
Euronymous wasn't a nationalist and even Varg has distanced himself from that line of thinking.
It's so cute how dumb you are.
Not a single lyric in a single Mayhem song while Euronymous was alive is NS. Not a single line in pre-prison Burzum material is NS. You are a fucking poser
The kid was a tubby, short, communist retard, not a nationalist
I just think from the trailer it seems like a pretty stereotypical thriller movie. To me the story needs to be darker and more brooding, long shots of the Norwegian mountains, something that reinforces the aesthetic of the music a bit more
until the light takes us was a pretty good documentary and also this one
Poseur faggots kill yourselves. Why the fuck would a Swede who had nothing to do with Norwegian black metal and who hasn't had anything to do with black metal in general since the mid 80s know anything about the Norwegian black metal scene? Jonas Åkerlund is just an opportunist kike who makes music videos for pop acts like Madonna, Metallica and Maroon 5. Besides as far as I'm concerned the only member of Bathory was and will only ever be Quorthon. Åkerlund was a session drummer at best.
>Akerlund was a poser
>posts Quarthon with Slayer, the mac fucking daddies of poser metal
Tell us more, you Slipknot beanie wearing faggot
Back to metal archives you tranny cock sucker
Turn your monitor on
It's a biopic, not a thriller. What you're saying would work for a movie more focused on the music and environmental influences, but in this it's mainly just about all the drama of varg and euronymous and the black circle.
Funny, because when he said "original drummer of bathory" i was tempted to reply the first drummer of bathory was a drum machine
*record scratch*
Yep, that's me.
They went so overboard with their portrayal of Varg (making him this fat and retarded), it's a joke. I hate the fucker and I can see why they did it, but it wasn't very enjoyable.
this, i know he's a larping we wuz vikangz fag and all, but they just went a bit overboard with the character in the movie, and also portraying euronymous as the cool dude
>They made a Varg movie?
They made a Varg movie?
>They made a Varg movie?
They made a Varg movie?
also closet homo
t. Varg
>the whole point of bm is isolation, depression, pointless rage against modern society.
lol. face it, BM was just some teens trying to be as edgy as possible
>Caring what others listen to
the very definition of pathetic losers with tons of self esteem issues
lmao jonas was a sesssion drummer before quorthon even made any albums
The scenes with Dead were the highlight of this movie. I even liked the bizarre dream sequence stuff with him.
Was that chick with the dead tooth supposed to be some kind of warped replacement for dead? During that hair cutting scene I got some vibes that he wanted her so bad because he misses his butt buddy and she vaguely resembles him (meaning blonde and not particularly good looking) and has a dead thing in her mouth.
that girl didn't exist in real life
Yeah, I know. That's why I'm wondering if she's supposed to be symbolic since she serves no real purpose in the movie otherwise.
they're butthurt because it makes fun of varg
case in point
Yeah, I have strong doubts any of these guys got laid nearly as much as this movie pretended they did. They obviously got some, but I highly doubt Varg was smashing chicks left and right like he was in the movie.
honestly it was probably something as simple as trying to make it a metal sid and nancy
that's probably true and varg said he didn't fuck any metal girls, he liked "normal" ones. so i don't see how he'd have girls lining up to fuck him if he wanted ones with no interest in the underground black metal scene
Somehow I doubt varg was as much of a humorless edgelord dork like in the movie. At least not 100%of the time. Plus I hear scandinavian women are all sluts and he was in a band, so it isn't impossible.
varg murdered the commie in cold blood but he deserved it
>in cold blood
i think you ment in self defense, friend
>tfw no Corn Flakes scene with Varg and Fenriz or just comic relief Fenriz in general
all the metal fags like this i knew growing up are all massive bummers now
i take it they must have also been then
>goes to someone's apartment with a knife looking to kill them
oh yeah it's self defence because he was threatened
Premeditated self-defense is a thing.
how dense are you?
>but knowing the story is kind of blatant propaganda and glorification of murder and death
It really doesn't do this. The violence is uncomfortably awkward, which is exactly what you'd expect from someone who talks about death and destruction and then realizes he's in over his head when he tries it for real. Most of the people are portrayed as insufferable edge lords.
I'm a fan of the music and I get that they took a few too many liberties with the story, but the movie itself is really good.
I think it is mediocre at best, not absolutely awful but nothing special
I would describe it as "watchable, entertaining, but ultimately only average at the end of the day."
It's biggest problem is they went with a very montage based music video style for the movie's editing and structure, which is not surprising considering the director and that is also the norm for music biopics. But it just doesn't fit black metal, and it feels rushed. It would've been better if it was slower and methodical. Also, every performance besides maybe the guys who played Dead and Faust were only passable at best, and the Cohen guy who player Varg was terribly miscast.
This. The suicide and the murders were the best scenes in the entire film, if the rest of the film would have been as slow and intense it would have worked a lot better.
>Metal is way too white
so that's why varg's coalburning daughter doesn't like it? makes sense.
That's not his daughter.
lol Varg's daughter is like three and lives isolated in the woods. She either doesn't know black people exist or is already being raised to hate them indiscriminately.
He does have another daughter in Norway from before he went to prison, it's just not the girl on the picture.
>still coping
that's his daughter that he had before he went to prison. varg is a hypocrite.
Fine, what's your source? I only ever see her picture posted on this site andand Varg himself says Rebecka Sivertsen is _not_ his daughter, but he doesn't deny having one in Norway.
Oh, actually never knew that. Maybe he was actually smashing more girls than I thought he'd be.
Varg's lying then because she's a friend of his mother and brother on Facebook.
why is varg so based
How can Varg be so based and unbased at the same time?
For every good thing he says, he says 2 stupid things.
>Bathory (you know, the guys that literally inspired Mayhem)
>BM was just some teens trying to be as edgy as possible
Why are you people even here?
Sauce then
Varg spend his time at rave club and fucking Norwegian girls because he doesn't like hanging around those metalhead.
varg is a crazy faggot that makes shitty music now
>Varg spend his time at rave club
I don't get how anyone, let alone varg, could go to a rave sober and alone.
>fucking Norwegian girls
meant for
>it doesn't do the original story justice.
it absolutely does. it shows how dumb and edgy teens can be. it shows how euronymous just wanted to be a rock star and how varg is a fucking autistic dweeb who can't read social cues and takes everything too seriously. there's much else to the story than that.
I loved it. Easily one of the best rock biopics.
Death to posers, go watch Bohemian Rhapsody and get AIDS instead.
also, fuck scorpions
Åkerlund is a complete sellout hack. One of the worst directors of all time.
kek, nice
Everyone from that era has trashed that book as horseshit consistently for like 20 years. Not that I'd trust the bearded hustlers in tinseltown with any source material regarding the one kind of music that's (close to) impervious to their tricks.
Why are there more Sigur Ros songs in this movie than Mayhem songs? Host in Serephim was also left-field and tonally odd with everything going on around it.
There's a few facts that throw a wrench into your little idea bud.
1. The origin texts are shared with Judaism which means they are literally the same religion but it's just a spinoff.
2. (((their))) history of lies and how you can't take anything they say at face value or seriously
3. The backwards morality of weak humility the opposite of Pagan ideals which that religion preaches and are at their core the same as the one they branched off of.
4. The Catholic Church's ties to Judaism and their pushing for the crusades which was an obvious ploy and used to this day, the Catholic Church has also unsurprisingly been likely the most corrupt organization in history.
5. Jesus was likely a scam artist and lead his cult for obvious personal gain as he had many cultists following him and we all know from Scientology that being a cult leader can be extremely lucrative. There's even evidence to suggest he lied about his celibacy and had a wife and everything behind the scenes.
6. If you believed everything Jesus said you would literally think he was a demigod and could turn water into wine and do various other magic tricks aka "magic shows" he put on for his original followers, more evidence of him being a simple mild mannered scammer whose followers carried the religion to very odd places after he "ascended" and turned it into a batshit crazy apocalyptic death cult.
7. When you say Jews killed Jesus that's a stone cold lie and you know it because he was executed by Roman authorities and when you say "jews killed him" it simply means that local rabbis did not intervene in the sentencing and agreed with the Romans that he was a megalomaniac cult leader.