ITT: first boners
ITT: first boners
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I love that they made her super fat in the future
don't ask
Right here. She left my dick feeling tingling.
Naz was better.
>that one episode where shes wearing boxers
Me on the left
this, the ultimate tomboy fetish awakening character
Late one night...
I guess second run theatres worked differently when I was a kid, because my mom took me to see this when I was like 2 or 3, long after it came out
i jerked off soo many fucking times to this little cut slutty face
She wears boxers in an earlier episode where her pants fall off in front of everyone. Pretty hot honestly. I think its the one where the Ed's are missing, season 3 or 4. I think its the embarrassment that turns me on more than the actual underwear.
Fuck, I wish I had a frozen future gf
Unironically the first nut i ever busted was to hawkgirl
Anyone else?
red pilled as fuck
This evil chick from Heavy Metal.
I liked how she walked around naked and didn't give a fuck.
I have no fucking clue why my 6 year old self was obsessed with her
Patrician taste
not me, but i was wondering if anyone else did. i just keep this pic ready to ask others about it, not me though
Look at the shit taste on this guy lmao
She was always meh to me. Not to mention that she had her dude, so I automatically shipped her and him. Aelita though, man it came to the point that I watched the show because of HER
>Bugs straightens out
>Sounds like hard wood hitting the ground
Not sure how I missed that when i was younger
I saw all the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies for the first time in a theater when I was like 4.
Shit was cash. Thanks dad.
oh fuck yea
Space jam 2 coming soon
exposed midriffs are the shit
The Kankers gave me very unfortunate fetishes. Them and that fight scene between Kano and Sonya in the MK movie. I am regretful yet accepting of this
fetish for what? rednecks?
I remember a cartoon octopus named Ingrid but google doesn't give me anything so maybe I'm remembering the name wrong
Weirdly enough I didn't get any weird fetishes, at least not from that
>tfw my first gf had dark hair and lived in a trailer park
>mfw just realized 17 years later I was creating a facsimile of real life Marie Kanker relationship
It was an awful experience desu
I mean they were more the catalyst for what the MK fight got me on than anything else. Go ahead and judge, I know its fucked
idk what to make of this
Nothing to make of it. It gets me off and I just have to live with it. It almost makes me want t do therapy but I function about as well as any normal person and I can get off to normie shit it's just that whenever I see this sort of thing I get sprung
i mean you do you but what about it is attractive
>The episode where they kidnap the Ed bros, tie them up and kiss them all over
Gave me a femdom fetish at lik 6
>haha n-not me though
My first grade waifu
I don't know. Just the idea of some dude struggling to survive while she just decides to not let him and effortlessly ends him just gets me going. The more taunting the better. I don't think its femdom or whatever since literally everything in that category bores me to tears. And like I said normal shit also works but the idea of a hot chick killing people just works for me. There's a surprising amount of material for this stuff if you know where to look but next to no way to discuss it with people who share the interest
I'd just gotten my first pair of glasses. This set me off for sure.
It won't be the same. LeFaggot James is infinitely inferior to Micheal Jordan in every way.
>those scenes where she's taking a bath
if you have such a specific severe deviancy and you're thinking about therapy you should probably just do it if the money is reasonable
Yeah this gave me a confusing childhood boner also.
I still find it hot on some level. I think it's a form of submission.
Absolutely. Especially Gadget and Washu.
Best girl
I aint clicking that shit, what are the contents of the video?
Idk why
it's barely porn, its catwomen chocking dudes out with her thighs while wearing clothes
Its not serious thinking. Like after the fact I'll just say "I need a therapist" I will never deny It's fucked up but I really am not hurting anyone. The second I cant get off normally then I will start looking at therapy
probably because your mom is mean sometimes
I've had a thing for hair over one eye ever since.
>that episode where they hypnotized the Ed's, put them on leashes tied to a pole on their front yard, and made them their dog slaves
this exact episode gave me a femdom fetish as well as many others, Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy also helped to stregnthen my femdom fetish, I distinctly remember an episode where Mandy was basically abusing the black kid and I remember it giving me a boner.
Which episodes?
fucking look it up you lazy faggot
God I wish that was me.
it is however nice to be able to get it out once in awhile, thanks
there was some1 for everyone in that movie
kino taste
I remember watching this even before I could get boner and getting aroused at the scene where she's naked. I took my baby pants off while watching, I didn't know what else to do so I just stood there with my pants down around my ankles. My mom eventually walked in and yelled at me :(
It's responsible for me liking feet.
Hello! hyuck hyuck, gwarsh
First boner was laying in bed with my mom's friend's daughter when we were both like 6. We got naked and touched each other while the adults were across the house playing poker.
First orgasm was at 11. I was watching Brooke Burke on E! Channel and just kept rubbing to see what'd happen. Thought I'd broken something when I finally came and got super nervous for a few days. Eventually started humping basically anything I could get my hands on like the retard I am
a nice memory is my stepsister always wrestling with me. She has nice tits and at the time never wore a bra. 25 years later and I'd still fuck her even if she is a roastie whore.
had my first vivid sex dream the night after I watched this episode
Is that Doug Walker?
right now
Unironically this scene. What the fuck is wrong with me?
You have autism
Nothing. She had a banging body and just because it's a meme now doesn't make it less so.
Striperella on spike
madonna desu
Pretty sure I started watching that show purely for the teases
I don't remember my first boner as there were far too many, but the first nut I ever busted and when I finally understood how to masturbate was
watching a vhs of american beauty and beating off to the 17 year old with the big boobies by mimicking what kevin spacey was doing in the shower earlier in the movie
still the dumbest part of that movie is why she thought she needed a boob job
I always forget, was this an ep or a movie?
They had NO RIGHT to make her that attractive god damn
First boner was finding a bunch of pinup girl paintings in my grandpa's closet. Stole a few of them and hid them under my bed.
Mom found them and when confronted, I told her that they made my weewee feel good and not to tell grandpa I stole them from his closet.
She laughed and said I can keep them but they don't leave the house.
I was 4.
She single handlely gave me a "Girl's hair hides one of her eyes" fetish.
Loosened hair Jessie is superior. Ash wasted his time with those shitty girls while he had this hottie in front of him.
I always thought hawkgirl was a dyke. pic related was my first boner
My grandpa had some pinups in the basement which was just storage (and cold as fuck usually). i'd make up some excuse to go there and jack it at the speed of light
A few years ago I pieced it all together that Marie Kanker was the primary source for so many of my fetishes
>blue haired girls
>bare shoulders/tanktops
>goth/emo looks
>hair hides one eye
>foot fetish from that scene where they put the edds in a stockade and play footsies with them
>bossy/dominant women
>hot girls who are poor
And that's just to name a few. It's crazy how a cartoon can ingrain so much with you. There is definitely truth that cartoons can affect kids in not so innocent ways.
I'll have to try and find it. I haven't seen it in years, but I remember loving it.
Wednesday Addams is responsible for my obsession with pale skin/dark hair and unstable women.
thanks for giving me the nostalgia tingles.
that gap in her front teeth kills my boner a bit though.
oh damn I don't remember her having hair down
But looking back, how did they get away with all this?
It's not bad. One of those kid's films that's still enjoyable as an adult, even without nostalgia.
The same way Nintendo gets away doing sexy and lovable girls and still being family friendly.
I owe a debt to the japs
you can tell it was animated by japan because of all the subtle panty shots.
all those things she said music video
When I was a kid, I thought Jessie's black undershirt was just a shadow and she was topless under her coat
I'm assuming you fapped to bloo me?
That would indeed be very lewd with angles like this
I like the way you think.
literally the first time i came, i thought i was dying lol.
Remember that time James had bigger tits than Jessie?
You should check out Buffalo 66. She's way hotter and more age appropriate. And it's just a damn good movie.
fuck outta here kid
>that bulge
Thanks bud i've seen it, we're talking first boners though and Ricci as Wednesday was something special to a young me.
oh jesus its a youngfag. Although when I was 13 I went ham and hot glued a mini Quorra figure, several times in a row
The memory is so faint, but I swear I remember seeing that episode and being embarrassed as hell cause my mom was there. Although it did only air twice
you just thought "damn jamie lee curtis looks LIKE THAT?"
Probably jessie from pokemon or lara croft's triangle boobs
Combed multiple magazines for the supposed nude code that multiple kids on my block said they'd seen.
You owe a debt to my great grandpa getting rid of jap scum
I picked up many viruses trying to find those, even bought a gameshark in the hope that it was the key to them
Why the heck was she so thirsty in the second movie? Borderline yandere
Hot, she could poke your eyes out with those
Glad to see there are true men of culture in this thread
Same, I wanted to rape that squirrel
did you grow up to be a masochist?
Tomb Raider, specifically making Lara swim since at that age I swam every day and formed a swimsuit fetish
I'd let her drown just because I could
Me too man, me too
Not with a fucking 40head like that, christ almighty
obscure tv show called "The Lost World" - the blonde "Jennifer O'Dell" I think...
Man, I used to watch that episode a lot. I also have a femdom fetish but I never put two and two together.
>not even waiting for a thread to slide before stealing its OP image and posting it in another thread
Fucking S H A M E L E S S
oh and of course all fag boys were into him
Ain't no shame in my game
I sure did!
Imagine if all of them didn't want to fuck her because she was smelly, ew gross am I right? Hahaha.
Probably not the first but one of the most memorable. She probably started my midriff fetish.
... why is it nearly all animated characters?
You guys don't like real people or something?
Cause we were all KIDS neega, the target audience of animated shows
Most of us would probably had our first with porn stars that might be dead now.
Yeah for me too bro
that wasn't my first but definitely the video i probably watched the most back then. keyra augustina and that school uniform
>not picking the obvious patrician choice
Ooh yeah
I wanted to hatefuck that squirrel
T. never saw Taryn on the psp version
Also Sailor Moon (all five of them, especially Mars) and Misty + a couple of other Pokemon girls from the first show.
fuck you don't mention this again
How does Peg manages to not get fucking broken by when she gets fucked?
shit. this and this for sure
>3 polygon titties
could they not have made a little more effort
Far from the first, however she was a cornerstone of my burgeoning sexual awareness
Core Design could with the sequels when they had more budget to play around with.
>The only round thing in the game are her tits
Wow, that's fucking dedication
I wish I was joking
anyone else here /nala/?
My original waifu.
When Pokemon first aired in the US I was in 5th grade, and I eventually developed funny feelings involving her. Not right away, but I guess the seed was planted even then. Now I'm 30 and will sometimes pretend that the pillow I'm squeezing as I go to sleep is her.
What's wrong with me?
patrician, future 150+ iq
we will inherit the earth
A lot of tease on this show, but I recall having a very early hard on with Mikami's shadow, to develop a crush on Shoryuki.
It is an absolute travesty, a complete crime against humanity, that girls that look like her cant physically exist. Even cute redheads with ponytails dont do her justice, and i haven't seen a single cosplay that actually gives off the same feeling.
But its alright, we'll get realistic vr within our lifetimes. Also a girlfriend does help, but that only works because you end up being distracted
Sorsha is the reason I have a lifelong boner for redheads.
And chainmail.
>(and brownies)
Based as fuck
she's ugly and you're 14
Rose in Titanic
What a good fucking movie, imagine how this board would react if it was released today
Imagine sacrificing yourself to a girl you barely met who had sex with you faster than you can count to 10, and knowing in your last moments that she will jump on some other chads cock not long after
god I want to mating press Temari so bad. Her and tayuya get me diamonds
oh god no, not again, please...
half the crushes here would put the poster at 14-15
At the same time imagine the ego boost from a pretty girl spitting in the face of a life of luxury with one of the richest men alive just to be with you
Time passes quick, 2000's zoomers are 18 now
4 generations of furries:
70s: Disney's Robin Hood + The Sword in the Stone
80s: Gadget from Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
90s: Lola Bunny from Space Jams
zoomers: Zootopia
I wanted her to gently dom me
I always thought this was just a dumb edit until I rewatched the series last year. That episode is true kino, so is the other banned episode with safari zone clint eastwood threatening to shoot Ash every scene.
the fuck you guys hitting puberty at 4yrs old? I didn't get my first boners till I was ~12
I'm rewatching s1 as well, the banned ones are always interesting. The seizure episode had some spooky existential shit, getting almost trapped in a computer where you cant die pretty much forever. And they didnt get to clown the guy that put them in that situation
For real? Pretty sure baby's get it up sometimes too, unrelated directly to puberty
Not even memeing
First boner was when I was 4 or 5 and slept with my teddy. I learned that friction on my peepee made me have electric shocks of orgasmic pleasure.
Then I grew up and cum appeared. It was disgusting and my orgasms weren't as powerful.
First tv/movie boner was Kristy Swanson in Deadly Friend and JenCon in Bowie's Lap-byrinth (and maybe Bowie gave me a boner too. Don't fucking judge me, I was a child of about 8 or 9 yo)
It's the smile right? I've always thought the same thing.
Could have been worse, at least it wasn't a barbie or a pony or something. Also David Bowie is one of the few acceptable man-crushes, the others being Hugh Laurie and Chris Evans
Can barely remember anything about this show other than how she was my first waifu.
I'd pop boners from Totally Spies (all three chicks), XJ9 from teenage robot, frankie from fosters home. I didnt even jack it, or know what it was, but I knew was that my peepee was in hevane when they showed up. Later when i got older (11 or 12) i graduated to jerking off to cellphone screensaver ads that featured girls on them, in gameinformer magazines
12 year old
She still give me hard on.
Because you have excellent tase
Me too user.
from mads or craig? one means you're a faggot the other a patrician heterosexual
So in german
Gadget was Trixi
Monty was Samson
Zipper was Summy
Dale was Chap
and Chip was .. Chip
I get why they changed Gadget its an awful name for a Girl and Inspector Gadget was big back then but the rest. idk
Far from first but this
Still is.
Bro, we need to grab a beer sometime.
and Kim Possible.
Mostly the bondage and pain, but yeah definitely more Mads than Craig
The Scarlett Jo one for SURE my guy
Wait did they?
This was mine too.
Did you watch the live action movie?
Shego was so hot. Kim was meh.
First Yea Forums boner was probably something on MTV, I used to watch that a lot...
First Yea Forums crush however was Emma Watson when the prisoner of Azkaban movie came out. And then the actress who played Luna Lovegood who I was obsessed with for years and she was also my favourite HP character. I was fucking obsessed with HP for years, I used to draw scenes from the books before the movies came out and Luna in the movie was exactly like how I pictured her in my head.
I feel ashamed for having that as a fetish but young me loved it.
bruh sound effect #2
A. fuck the shit out of A.
Can I get a quick rundown
>tfw this and Willy Wonka ruined me
No. I like Shego too.
10 year old me had a shameful crush on E, I still love shy dorky girls like that
>tfw made an OC that I roleplayed as for years that was Terra's brother named Tundra that had ice powers
Ahh, it hurts looking back
>tfw it was dragons for me
I don't even know which was first, all I know was that giant reptiles always gave me massive boners as a kid, due to that I for a long time thought erections were a bodily reaction to something cool.
Still a scalie to this day.
>used to masturbate to this scene all the time
Thanks user.
My nigga! I can't stand furshit but I fucking love dragons since I was pretty young. Everything related to dragons, I had "scientific" books about dragons, dragon figurines and everything. And yes, my favourite band was Dragonforce. Being a teen in the golden age of the internet (2004-11 in case it's not obvious) sure didn't help. I think at some point I transitioned from dinosaurs to dragons. Might have been thanks to Harry Potter or something.
She wasn't the first but along with Raven and Marie Kanker she basically defined what my taste in women would be well into adulthood.
Never really transitioned, both dinos and dragons got me erect. But dragons moreso due to them being portrayed as sapient.
>tfw when your first boner is to inflation stuff
Rolling for H
Kim dickens in hollow man
Hello, dobson
Patrician taste.
Holy shit I just laughed so hard at the memory of jerking off to that very video on my ipod in my bathroom after school
you already posted my first boner, op .
Dizzy>>>>>>>>>>carmen>rando ship commander bitch
Dobson is trash.
this scene was my first boner
i´ve always felt disgusted because she ended up with a nigger, fuck
Absolutely fucking based.
There was way too much stuff in TV and films catering to fat fetish and inflation crap in the 90s to not get a boner from it, man.
Me too...
I'm not even a fanook or nothing...
I donno...
Same dude
Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Not my first, but one that raged so hard I had to go to the bathroom and stare at it until it went away
I wonder if my parents were suspicious
C, E, or K for me
It was the fishnet
I jacked off to this
I don't remember anything about this scene other than the sheer magnitude it impacted my dick at the time. What a strange memory.
Same, everyone was about Ryoko but fuck that.
Cookie cutter porn addicts can't appreciate the goddess.
Ellen Page was in a cartoon?
You're a confirmed faggot.
The early 2000 era was the golden age of porn. I remember visiting anything Heather(?) was involved in.
>my first gf had dark hair and lived in a trailer park
hnnng, sounds awesome. Was she awesome?
This is it, chief
Are you me
lel, well played
Based Elmer Fudd poster
Absolutely based