

Attached: sketch-1550893017561.png (720x960, 808K)

not gonna lie, I'd hatefuck anita

Don't know about the other two, but at least Anita's anted up a bit since breaking up with whacky Mac

Do they know they're actively helping enforce society's beauty standards with shit like this?

Someone post the edit

>ywn give Anita's DSLs the D




>but at least Anita's anted up a bit since breaking up with whacky Mac

Attached: lj8z5c6dow911.png (1440x2560, 3.19M)

Why the hate? She's a sweet, passionate and sensitive sweetheart.

She's a seed, pHionate and sensitive sneedheart.

I think the blonde is okay but hey who the fuck am I

This bait is so weak it caught me by surprise

Kek. The complete lack of self awareness is astounding...

what kind of genitals does the left one have

Middle is cute
Right just needs to slim down a bit


Attached: Gamergate.jpg (1200x800, 67K)

>lack of self awareness
That's really the wrong term to use here. It's not as if each of them isn't keenly aware of their attractiveness. That's the motive behind representing themselves with cartoons in the first place, I'd guess. What they're doing is probably hypocritical, assuming they actually represent the same general platform that they present themselves through, but it's not an issue of their believing they actually are accurately represented by these cartoon images.

its always the ugly ones desu

Attached: 28031508784-offset-1686-social-preview(1).jpg (1617x1080, 233K)

I like how the exact same bitches who complain endlessly about attractive women in entertainment media also have themslves drawn as anime cuties.

Anyway not a movie.

Hm? The upper ones fuckability seems perfectly cromulent.

This is a good point, but i still think that they're still delusional. Probably 50/50.