Stop believing in god

stop believing in god

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Other urls found in this thread:á'í_Faith

come on guys, do it for her and her... current lesbian life-partner

your right i should support tax reductions for people who put penis in their buttholes instead

Holy kek

stop worshiping mammon

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You know what's so based about god? No matter how much hate is in her heart he still loves her. She's welcome back to him anytime. I hope she pulls through.

what went so wrong

Varg & Ellen collab when?

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pussy addiction

oh my gosh this belongs in the Louvre

meth?not even once

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Nah dawg, once you exhaust all philosophical options, you realize there is God. That, or you realize certain (((people))) peddle atheism like it's nobody's business and you start believing out of contrarianism

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>Yea Forums is now filled with christcucks
I want phoneposting zoomer southern cunts to leave

Women are poison.


Veganism breaks people, you're supposed to eat meat

god Varg was such a hot young man (no homo)

Christianity is only true because it ripped from every other religion

Is that the demon from the exorcist?

we were always here, Silently judging and praying for your faggotty soul

meth and veganism

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Why couldn't that Brazilian bro kill her for being a dirty dyke?

>"You wanna go hang with me at the comics place, dude?"

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i'm getting a real strong Klaus Kinski vibe from this picture

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Oh Nosferatu!

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Buddhism is the only worthwhile religion

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Oof, women age like milk. Wonder how big that forehead's gonna get before we're through.

Don't worry, the Republicans will take the White House soon enough and atheism will become the counterculture again.

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Redpill me on Buddhism

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bye bitch

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it's bullshit

Spiritual nihilism.

Buddism is the redpill

only niggers believe in god

She desperately needs a hairline reduction or something, and to put the eyeshadow back on

gay hipster religion

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Buddhism me on the redpill

>"Oh, user. I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you. Your wife, Ellen, is waiting for you in the company lounge."

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>declares she's a lesbian
>her character is still straight in The Umbrella Academy
I half expected them to change it otherwise to make more 'progressive'. That's the whole Netflix agenda anyway.

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>102 lbs

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Wait she's not a lesbian there? Should I give it a try after all?

no, fuck you bitch

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Anything for you Jesus.

>tfw Ellen used to be my Yea Forums waifu

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Nigger. It's not a curse, right?



Watch it for Number 5 & Klaus.
Everything else is okay.

There is basically no propaganda as far as I could tell, but it's still kind of a chaotic show

Also Ellen Page looks 50


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stop believing in wash cloths

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She took a Cruz missile head-on and never recovered. I tried watching Umbrella Academy and not only is the show awful but she is as well.


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who's your current waifu?


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what is she crying aboot

she lost too much body fat
pretty easy to gain it again

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Why wasn't she saved? a dick could've just corrected her behavior, made her eat meat, gave her some protein, protected and safeguarded her, and kept her young and pure.

instead she got snared by the foul pussyjew.


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Someone has never read the Bible, let alone the old testament

l-lads, does this mean god is real?

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literally what the fuck

Rebecca Chambers(Vendetta)

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based and devotionpilled.

damn gay hipster Chinese monks

It's more than that dude. Her facial bone structure changed. She was cute when she was a kid but now she just looks like some old hag with bad skin and an awful hairline. Plus she's clearly doing tons of blow, I mean her voice is so nasally and awful now. She's gonna check into rehab or end it all within the next few years, just watch.

im not giving up hope
she might grow out of it

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as above, as below

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you JUST yourself and your career when you do vidya gaymes

Vedic Hinduism makes Buddhism seem like high school philosophy

Mike Pence, Chris Pratt, and the MAGAfags who beat up Jussie Smollet.


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when's the next flood?

the N-word

yeah she aged and her constant lesbo vibe that you probably found alluring wasn't just for show, cry about it. how many threads does this need?

August 29th, 1997.

in all seriousness, probably 2024

you die and you come back as an animal or something based on how you lived your previous life, but your memory is completely wiped clean so you can't learn any lessons from being rebirthed into a certain state anyway, making it all kinda pointless and useless. and eventually you reach enlightenment and you stop being reborn and you no longer exist in any way, which is basically the end goal of buddhism. it's basically a religion for depressed hipsters and middle-age women without structure or cohesion in their lives

the N-word

What would be the patricians religion?

The N-word
Or nigger
Which everyone you want Lord



Christianity, of course.

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trips confirmed

can't wait

see you there


Jesus wouldn't promote race hate. Nice try, impostor.

support gay rights

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Is that the guy with frank the pug in the first MIB

a lot of your face appearance comes from the relative tensions in the facial muscles which come from being worked over the years by the expressions you make - gay men try to signal feminine and make pursed mouths etc. not sure specifically about lesbian expressions but i'm pretty sure lesbian signalling will degrade your face somehow


Fuck the world is cruel. Oh well time to beat my meat


why wasnt she in the mummy remake

Can someone please post the original image of Ellen please. I need it thanks


She played Layhe's daughter then disapeared from the show.

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>Watching Umbrella Academy
>Every scene with her makes me physically uncomfortable

Is this just her or her character?

thanks jesus


Le Acteur

Wrong on both accounts. Lesbian radical feminism stress plus no make up are the biggest factors. Dykes always age faster than normal women and Most vegans are actually really healthy in real life, as they actually pay attention to what they eat. Normal women vegans that is, not soiboy fags.


Hahaha, this obese fucktard who pretends to be christian to fit in with other trumpanzees thinks this has anything to do with atheism, and not everything to do with aging. Look at this sack of diabetes losing his fucking mind.

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No amount of meat or protein is going to stop time, cockbreath.


if you don't believe in something bigger than yourself, you will perish

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Shhh, he doesn't know Buddha is an avatar of Vishnu



imagine triggering incels this fucking much lmao

Belief is a cop out. I need knowledge.

Stupid little rat-faced cunt. Imagine kidnapping her and her lesbian lover and taking them to a secluded and abandoned underground bunker. Imagine strapping them both to racks and then killing Ellen's lesbian lover in front of her eyes as she screams and begs for mercy, only to find none. Imagine starving Ellen and feeding her on the stewed remains of her dead former lover, permanently scarring her mentally. Imagine inserting a "pear of anguish" torture devide into her cunt and asshole and slowly opening them until it rips open her orifices and creates one bloody, meaty uni-hole.

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trips of truth

With their prayer beads and lattes

lifeless posting at its finest.

Your sensory experience precludes you from ever attaining this. All you will ever know is circumstantial interpretation.

I'm here to type the n-word. nigger

include me in the list, FBI bot.

Transgenders age poorly


You said the c word.

someone post the predator one


His acting in the show was god awful, and I felt bad for the manlet who was forced into kissing that disgusting abomination.

Got chu senpai

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god i hope so badly shes seen this

*tips fedora

jesus she looks like she only slept a couple hours since new year's eve

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based finn


the N-word.
It doesn't really say that You have to reply to the post with the word nigger, just that you have to type it.

thanks my guy

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There literally *is* a religion that willingly and proudly admits to stealing shit from every other religion and it's not Christianityá'í_Faith

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She's a Sodomite, which means she's of a reprobate mind. She's already rejected God and been rejected by God in kind. Read Romans 1.

Oh sweet, I just had Baja Fresh the other day. Does this make me a member?

the N-word

believe in god all you want, just stop going to church and reading the bible.

Bolsonaro should had just raped her right on the interview to remove the dyke and put God in her.

imagine what her feet smiled like there haha

who are you talking to spazz?

She has hiv and the anti virals are causing her to go bald. Common side effect.

she's also a heavy smorker, if I'm not wrong

Dubs dont lie

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which swans album is this?

how do gays cope with the realization they are going to die alone? is this why they fill their lives with hedonism and degeneracy?

Thank you and God bless you for saving my accursed soul Lord Jesus, you nigger

She looks like a female nosferatu

If there is a god why do women exist?

>as they actually pay attention to what they eat
the point is that not every vegan do that, and it can have disastrous effects on your health.
It's a lot more difficult to have a healthy, balanced, complete diet on a vegan regime. Most of the times you have to take at least some supplements.

Look a like a reference to Le Acteur

this image looks like a ghoul from an rpg back in the days of 16 or 32 colour graphics

who are you talking to spazz?

To make us suffer. God is not kind and loving.



Not true. In the Bible God tells man he should rule over woman. However, we have strayed from this commandment and as a result everything has gone to shit. It's our own fault for allowing women to rule over us against Gods wishes. God told us women need to be kept in check.

jesus give that woman a hamburger or something else to eat

my Lord

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Hope this stupid bitch kills herself soon.

I long for the day when all religious people get purged from the face of the earth.

If 7, she dies in 10 years

Looks like Captain Howdy


You mean the rapture?

she went full retard

Wtf this movie was only a few years ago, how did she change so quickly in such a short time?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that she feels guilty for being gay (formerly straight). Why else would she care about somebody else's religious beliefs unless she felt guilty about it? I have more respect for homosexuals that fuck and suck each other all day without remorse. Ellen Page is a self hating lesbian that can't stop projecting. Y'all can get married now, stop complaining. You can't control how others feel about you, you can only control how you view yourself.

yes but it's not just faggots that do that

Or she's just on testosterone.

didn't she fly to brazil to meet up with the president because he said that if his son was a faggot he would beat him?

ravages of time

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When did Yea Forums evolve into kino graphic artists? Teach me your ways, not because I want to devote my life and payroll to a studio but because I want to devote my life 4u

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A man of taste

fuck that webm made me spit my beer all over my monitor you bastard

"Hello, I need the police sent immediately to 222 Trips street."

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God led us down this path. Why didn't you listen?

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Take the final redpill.

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Now I'm not gonna say it because satan is my compadre

So do people ITT seriously think she looks worse or is it just /pol/ whining as usual? I don't know which is worse, literal faceblind autist children or triggered snowflakes.


That image is beautiful.

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Jesus, My Lord, My Nigger

Is this shopped?

She looks like a Nosferatu

>Lesbianism & weed

Just say no frens.

>waaah a married woman over 30 stopped wearing makeup why doesn't she cater to meee waaah
Those grapes sure sound sour

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Ever feel hopeless Yea Forums? Like your life has no purpose and there's nothing you can do about it? God has the answer.

Mark 10:27
>With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

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>Child actor become ugly once adulthood hits
She's not the only one right? Something about studios selecting people with large features, cute on the moment but that become ugly later on
also drugs and lacks/excess of dicks

>homosexuality isn't a disease

>skull literally got bigger
how does this happen?

left literally looks fine. have a sook, roastie.

>your memory is completely wiped clean
>you come back
I don't get it. What's you coming back?

not the same god, braniac

Try not being a faceblind autist and you might find out

the N-word


You're wish is my command

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Explain to me how you begin to believe in God. I'm interested in religion but I don't understand how you can start to believe.

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About every six months we have a new guy who starts attending our church. It's always some young quiet dude who seems mostly interested in religion for the politics and they are always trying to get close to the girls who attend as well. I suspect these are guys who've been told to start going to church by /r9k/ to find a pure girl. They usually stop showing up within a couple months.



This is what social justice does to women. She's made to feel like the injustices of the world are her responsibility and she's stressing herself into an early grave because it's too big of a burden for anyone to shoulder.


I liked her in Umbrella Academy

She has talent and bright career ahead of her, she was very good at acting depressed


He also called her cute and said he would whistle at her if he saw her in the street.

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>acting depressed
Good one

too much mewing more like

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the N-word

Wrong. Age and no makeup


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I hate kikes and kike enablers yet I hate niggers too.

Is she okay ?

The Jussie Smollett fiasco even though hate crimes aren't actually all that common in the US and haven't been since the 70s.

Her insane body more than makes up for her face not being immaculate without makeup.

Some rich kid runs away from home and sits under a three for thousands of years. This for some reason really pisses off a demon lord so he sends his big tittied demon daughters to seduce him. The rich kid says „no way fag“ and gets enlightened as a result.

Her hairline is the same, she doesn't hide it with a fringe anymore. She became more robust and angular, lower body fat, stronger chin, which makes her look like an ugly boy. Maybe she took growth hormone to look more butch.

the N-word

How many Niggers did it take to kill Jesus?
None, those peddling hook-noses did

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You don't know that. You suspect it to be a possibility and assume that it's the case.

you will perish either way


7 hours and 30 minutes.

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250 replies! Good job o.p. you had a good run.

And now, it's time for the tread to disappear.

What did she actually say? Did she actually go on a TV show and desperate tell people to "stop believing in God"?

i love you jesus


No, of course not, it was a bit subtler

Jesus is a nigger.

I will always be your sword, Jesus.

new planet of the apes movie?

Has anyone posted this yet?

No it's just Ellen Page.

>Imagine inserting a "pear of anguish" torture devide into her cunt and asshole and slowly opening them until it rips open her orifices and creates one bloody, meaty uni-hole.

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>your right i should support tax reductions for people who put penis in their buttholes instead

So no change?

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>hairline reduction
even more?

Funny thing is he didn't know who she was.

>yeah she aged
She's just 31.

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>Most vegans are actually really healthy in real life
Vegans always look sick and half-dead.

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>Most vegans are actually really healthy in real life, as they actually pay attention to what they eat.
lack of animal products leads to premature aging

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how do lesbians get HIV?

>papyrus font

say what you want about the devil but he would never do such a thing

What's her final form?

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she or her partner fucked a bisexual man who fucked an asshole with the virus.
