What kind of film would a person like this enjoy?

What kind of film would a person like this enjoy?

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That list describes the jannies to a t

Omg that's me

>Paranoia about jews
>Fixation on cartoon seed and feed store

How is that a "disorder"? Isnt everyone like that?

The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Literally me. It's just one of the many excus- I mean disorders I've expertly diagnosed myself with

does everyone just webmd and say "omg thats totally me im so quirky and depressed" or should i actually go to the doctors for this shit?

I have most of those, but I'm also pretty narcissistic.

If you're an incel, you don't have AVPD. People with AVPD almost never blame outward failings on others, and blame themselves for pretty much everything.

Social anxiety =/= Avoidant Personality Disorder. A person with AVPD will literally hide medications they need to survive because taking them is a stressful experience.

Is One Hour Photo a guy with that snapping or?...

But most people are assholes though.
Make one mistake and people will record for the internet forever.
People at work are constantly trying to tear each other down for that promotion.

Almost all psychological disorders are a spectrum. You can say "that's me!" for any of them because it is you to some extent. It becomes a disorder when it is severely detrimental to day to day functioning in a way that is provable.

>"That me!" - have a lucky pair of socks I wear on fridays
>disorder - when I can't find the lucky pair of sucks I curl up in the corner and cry and are physically incapable of leaving the house

Literally Yea Forums in general.

Lmao what? You think incels are only incels because they blame others?
Avoiding intimacy will make you an incel too you fucking retard

Im serious I feel like this is what I have. But what are they gonna do but put you on some anti depressant and have you talk to a therapist.


Which doesn't make you special, my fellow blade runner 2049 viewers.

Can you even call someone an incel if they don't even try?

Blade Runner 2049
The Big Short
The Place beyond the Pines
The Nice Guys
Gangster Squad

Incel in this case refers to a specific subset of people, not just virgins.

I'll rephrase it. If you think the reason you aren't getting laid is anything but 100% your fault, you don't have AVPD. People with AVPD assume fault for things they literally have no involvement in. Taking the blame is pathological.

Lol what do you mean goy, you don't want to participate in our clown society? Obviously something is wrong with you! Take him to room 101 he needs to be reconditioned!


well undiagnosed depression for 14+ years possibly APD as well, i wont eat for days so i dont have to walk past anyone in my house, pissing in bottles so i dont have to leave my room or burden anyone with my existence with the noise i create

ya exactly, i dont want to do pills and i definitely dont want to talk to a therapist, but my life is a mess and i have a small feeling that i want it to end now after

why come up with a term that stands for 'involuntarily celibate' and then use it to describe people who aren't involuntarily celibate?
it's so fucking stupid. you're the type of person that ruined words like "epic" so now it has no punch, no meaning. words like literally, pic related. terms like MILF now no longer need the person to be a mom, she just has to look old, even though the entire point of it is that she's a MOM I want to fuck, not just some old hag
god i hate everybody but me, why can't words just mean what they mean, why does everything have to get bastardized and run into the ground until it loses meaning

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What is the one where you think that just because you post something you will automatically get noticed or something and it'll become some big thing just because you did it.



Sneed Poster Disorder

That was a fucking great movie though.

I liked Drive though


>god i hate everybody but me
now that sounds like something an incel would say

The term incel is actually quite specific if you want to google it. It doesn't just mean virgin. Blame mainstream culture for turning it into another word for loser.

I'll be honest user that sounds pretty pathological. See if you can score a neuropsych somewhere and get your autism bucks, you certainly qualify if you have a sub 45 GAF

make it end

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I don't have agoraphobia, 'mistrust in others' and 'problems in occupational functioning' but almost everything else is at a pretty high level. You won't believe the retarded shit I've done despite being completely aware that it would make my life a lot harder just to avoid situations others wouldn't even think about. Being homeless for 6 months only because I didn't want to tell my parents or friends who would have definitely helped me is not even the worst thing. Even got a missing person report on me thanks to that stunt

Lars and the Real Girl

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Because the english language is a highly informal language.

Case in point you just complained about people not using words correctly while simulatneously being hyperbolic in saying that you hate everyone and "everything" has been bastardized. Welcome to english

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losers just want an excuse to why they're losers
