ITT: Movies with this feel?

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I like this one better

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2005 was dope tho

It broke my heart wen Robert Redford said in the promo for his last movie: 'In my mind I'm still thirty, but I'm 85, so that's a reality you have to accept.'
Fuck, I'll always be that boomer who thinks he's able to pull a twenty year old because that's his age bracket. At what point is it going to become sad?

>At what point is it going to become sad?

when you don´t look the age you´re pretending to be

This is too relatable wtf
I also really wanna know how memers knew I drink so much Monster Zero Ultra - like do kids not like it? It's just a good tasting energy drink with zero calories :/

The Grinch

Are there any memes for 00’ zoomers. I feel left

needs runescape too

Could have guitar hero 3, iron mad 1, gameboy advanced

>Simpsons went downhill after Sneed

I like this one more haha....

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>The Simpsons went downhill after the movie

Bitch nobody who was 10 during the movie isn't old enough to say that

>people born in 97 are now 21-22


This one is too close to home. Cease! Also, 2007 was the last good year.



Are you me?

What was the last good/real era with soul here?

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Guitar hero 3 and iron man 1, while good, came out in the early gen z era where everything went to shit

Imo, 93-05

Everything stagnated around 2012.

1989 zoomer hater here

Tobey Maguire is the only Spider Man
Soulja Boy is based
2005 was dope

Literally me except I'm almost 30.

Wow. It seems like just yesterday we were having these same fucking arguments about whether being too young to remember the early 90s disqualified you from being a "90s kid"

Guess those guys all moved on and got replaced with zoomers

Born in 98, the only thing I remember from 05 was Liverpool winning the champions league

97 zoomer reporting in, now that I’m 21 I’m dreading every future birthday. How do you boomers cope?

This one I can get behind.

>people born in 2000 are adults now
>im one of them
i'll fucking floss on you if you keep saying how good the old days were, old man

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Kek the categorizations on that chart are fucking retarded

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Millennials were born early 80s-mid 90s according to most, and that's what it says on the chart, so i don't see how it's wrong.

fuck off

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waiting until 34 to feel this way

Probably about 36 realistically, give or take a few

>tfw 1997 zoomer
>none of this applies to me

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haha go mow the lawn dad lol

nah I'm 94 and runescape peaked when I was of age for it (12)

same bro

Zoomers are now posting nostalgia on social media for 2007-2012. That was once considered the Era Where Everything Went to Shit. It's funny to see the shift over time.

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fuck off sal, go collect your centrelink

>now that I’m 21 I’m dreading every future birthday. How do you boomers cope?
By being men

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Guarantee who ever made this is an early 90s zoomer and was just trying to pretend they were a boomer. 25 year old boomer meme started 2 years ago, so if you are born in 93 or later you are a zoomer.

Saturday Night Fever was for boomers.

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You have one more good birthday, 22 is pretty fun, 23 is the real no going back point

This is so cherrypicked. You could put Care bears for gen x and DBZ for millennials.

you'll "floss on him" and then he'll kick your ass cause in his day kids got into fights growing up so they didn't turn out complete pussies

There was a thread about this yesterday. Gen Y / Millennials ended '94. That's the emerging consensus among sociologists an contemporary historians after years of going back and forth between mid-90s and early 2000s. It's where the effects of social media and digital platforms first took hold of a full generation.

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2007 is unironically the year that destroyed everything. It's as massive as 9/11 in terms of how much the world changed. Also the last year for decent films to go into production. 2012 was the year all of this became obvious.

People born till 95 are millennials you retard.

the mayans were right after all. we were just blind to it with our arrogance

>he'll kick my ass
impossible. a diet of pure onions has kept me healthy for years and will give me all the power i need

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2005 was unironically dope though. The last year before social media and cellphones fucked up the scene. It genuinely seemed like the last year people seemed positive and were just having fun. There was a brief resurgence of the attitude in 2011/2012, but it was pretty much the last gasp.

I genuinely feel sorry for zoomers and beyond who never got to experience at least a BIT of pre 2006 society. Y'all missed the last good years. It's indescribable how comfy life was before it.

2006-07 was when the zoomer kid culture began, which says it all

To all the the people born in 97 how does it feel to be stuck in the middle of two cultures.

lmao epic zoomer wojak feels boomer nostalgia :) i love night time america Yea Forums

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As an adult birthdays just have less meaning. Get some drinks at a bar with friends for free and be home with your wife by midnight

Everything went to shit after 9/11. It would start to recover and then every few years we'd get a new kick in the nads. The war, the recession, the rise of social media and social justice (I'm grouping it with those two because the effects are just as profound and wide spread if not dangerous to life and limb), we've always been on the cusp of recovery and then something else comes around to fuck our shit up.

Gen Y

So true.. I was born 89 and I got to experience the best of both worlds in suburban USA. Life now feels like some weird social experiment with a layer of superficial meaninglessness. I recommend reading simulacra and simulation, we're in it.

>we've always been on the cusp of recovery and then something else comes around to fuck our shit up.
Those are called Jews

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The term "Generation Y" which used to be very famous died and changed to "Millennials" in 2013.

Many people have reported that "Millennials" was never popular or well known before 2013, never, then just spontaneously popped out of the ground like ants. The name change may be more proof we died in the 2012 apocalypse.

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Kids don't need energy drinks because they already have energy.

Has never happened.

>has a plan

This is where I'm stuck. Nothing seems worthwhile. I'm passionless. Even movies I barely care about anymore.

same user, I think you're just realizing how empty this world and the people in it really is

That's not a movie

33 go getter here. Have 7 more months to work on my business to turn out like the picture. I know I'll do it! Then it's off to eastern Europe to find a local 18-21 year old cutie, take her back to my ranch to live in isolation, and pump her full of babies.

>2005 was unironically dope

You need to find something to create. Art, writing, a business, a club, wood working, an engine, a mobile ap, learn sailing, something.

They arent though, theyre just zoomer niggers

rebranding was a mistake

It feels unique honestly, I always felt like we were the test monkeys for a lot of new shit growing up. I know we had internet before 97 obviously but I still vaguely remember being younger when the internet wasn't nearly as integral to every day Life as it is now

shut the fuck up

Is it weird that I was born in '93 but identify much more strongly with the lower middle? Fuck, I watched Hannah Montana when I was like 13 - 15 (Is that weird?)

I don't feel like a 90s kid at all. The 2000s were bland and generic but they also were the most important and beloved part of my late childhood/early teens.

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The term "Generation Y" which used to be very famous died and changed to "Millennials" in 2013.

Many people have reported that "Millennials" was never popular or well known before 2013, never, then just spontaneously popped out of the ground like ants. The name change may be more proof we died in the 2012 apocalypse

please stop embarrassing yourself


Proto zoomer