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imagine a zoa-kazuha threesome...
kai sisters we're here


Attached: 1651760257185.jpg (1536x2048, 440.08K)

the only le sserafim members i care about

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Attached: IsoHeart.webm (606x758, 2.96M)

Attached: 해피발렌타인데이🍫❤️ 00.15.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

the tinman is a modern day desert father

Attached: 1643776920082.jpg (1891x4096, 659.88K)

In this airplane in my room right now
I will have a dream that only you and I know about

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Still the best kpop jap


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honestly brave girls eunji is pretty based

Attached: wony wachu.webm (1600x900, 2.83M)

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thought id be a chimp akgae but then this happened

and the loonasisters take it as a personal attack on loona when it isnt... i actually think yves is cute sometimes. the problem is ur a relentless spammer of a crapy group musically and low on the attractiveness scale as well. ur a delusional weirdo

keep your omostick out of my wifes mouth

the wall is cruel

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Attached: wonburger.webm (774x718, 884.95K)

sex with leeseo yeseo zoa j jihan

it was pretty cute when she seemed taken aback by yves calling her their unit leader


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cute womy

Attached: pog.webm (1600x1080, 1.53M)

She is not for lewd

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why am i tired in the morning when its time to get up but not tired at night when its time to sleep

gross dude wtf, ritz are nasty

Attached: bar.png (768x1024, 1.34M)

brother that is life but i think it's because we have a crappy sleep schedule


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her chin would destroy a wall

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for all the recent success Brave Girls have found for most of their careers they were nugu so they probably mentally still feel like nugus with no respect. its a shame

why do i only want to do something when i have no time

yejibruv nuuuuu

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lips flat chest
my lips

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Vivi teaching Yeojin to take it on the face in order to avoid abortion for when they go on tour in the US next year

Attached: SorrowfulSinfulCockatiel-mobile_exported_5135.jpg (640x360, 42.64K)

damn who's the fuckpig on the right? chaeyoung?

imagine scratching off the grime from yves' armpit and mixing it with the stuffing of an oreo

He is V's bf

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me on the left

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based yujin enjoyers

kim 'piggy #2' dayeon

some lucky ceo experienced this...

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who's the better maknae yujin, wony or leeseo

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dude wtf I'm eating

he looks like white cardi b

and looks like bang pd going fake love over again

Attached: bar2.png (768x1024, 1.28M)

yeojin is better than this wtf is wrong with you...

kazoo is not flat, you're thinking of kazootoo

when does the uncut video drop so we can see if they held hands

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She wanted that guy



cute kid

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this but jessi

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i want to date nayeon. I will be the model boyfriend until I meet her famiy. the entire time i would've been setting up the ultimate display of ineptitude ever. i'll meet nayeon's family and pretend i can't speak korean at all. i'll accidentally say ssibal ssaeki to her father, in front of nayeon's grandmother then look at nayeonnie like i said nothing wrong. I will 'accidentally' knock over the vase that has been passed down in their family since the Joseon period and then laugh and say something very american. Nayeon will beg me to go back home but I'll challenge her father to a slap box duel only to fart in my hand and slap him with iut then run away. leagving Nayeon at the scene alone.
I'll pretend to flee the country, but in reality i'll spend te next two years messing with her froim the shadows. ill break into her house and leave the water running every other day. I'll unbset all her alrams so she geos to work late and gets fired. ill call the [police and sayt that she's harboring a fugutivei from North Korea that plans to assassinate the President of Korea. Then I'll show back up in front of Nayeon and tell her I love her, so that she takes me back and I coiniceunt another devious plan to ruin her life (again)

Attached: 02.jpg (1536x2048, 371.47K)

maybe it was won e coyote and garamrunner the whole time...

imagine scratching off the grime from yves' armpit and using it as dipping sauce

Attached: smack.webm (700x720, 1.34M)

Boing boing date with my mia gf!

Attached: mia trampoline jump.webm (404x720, 995.75K)

JYP trained them so fucking well

Attached: 154532785325.jpg (738x738, 122.45K)

>fake tits
>melting face

lips toned thighs
my face


i want to have s*x with her at school

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Attached: suzy jisoo.webm (792x858, 2.87M)

Attached: 1649671748465.webm (1110x1920, 2.95M)

it dropped hours ago, they just waved at each other at the end

there is nothing more that i would relish in in this world than seeing cai bing on an emptry street in guangzhou, and dragging her to the 100th side alley with no street lights and just railing her, dry and raw, as everyone ignores her screams. I want to penetrate her against her will, over and over again, until she finally gives up and resigns herself to being raped. I want to watch the light leave her eyes as she realzies that she's become nothing but a cock sleeve for me this night. and I will finish as deep as i can inside her. I'll shoot my hot load right up her fallopian tubes so that she conceives on the spot. in 9 months I'll show up to the hospitasl with a bouquet of roses with a card that says 'Good luck on the single motherhood, Cai bing

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the dububro looked


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fucking stop it

I don't get the appeal of Kpop culture

I mean these girls don't even look like human being they look like some plastic androids made in China factory You take a good look at them and you know there is something really wrong with that country

Attached: 1642433858158.png (459x758, 663.32K)

cute. brown. simians.

leeseo seems to be a genuinely good person. there's no way she's faking any of this

imagine lip's toned tanned swimmer body in a one piece

big head, big brain

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so what are class:y sales at

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making fun of your lip gf's little tiddies and she gives you this face

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golden cow

cute future yuna

>fake tits
That seems made up by a jealous sister


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also naky tried her best in vocals in that naky/henlo mv considering that she's rish, knows chinese, looks good etc

I get the appeal of nayeon posting

Attached: FH8eRDmXEA0B25s.jpg (1080x1350, 132.58K)

post leeseo

Kim lip punching you full force closed fist...

I post on kpg, can I become any more wrong?

Attached: Dqsa-E_XgBAvOfC.jpg (1038x1309, 242.33K)

the jessification of yuna


Attached: 156236619766.webm (580x524, 713.48K)

>they look like some plastic androids made in China factory
what kind of factory would make nayeon

shiny realise

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you are the gayest motherfucker here, and tinnys here so that's saying something

panda's vocals are underrated in the group

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bronze crow

imagine scratching off the grime from yves' armpit and using as body lotion

>that naky/henlo mv
post it

Bun is cute and natty.

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i think lip would be the kinda gf to enjoy that banter


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play fighting with her and laying chest to chest feeling each other's pumping hearts...

a dogfood manufacturer that runs on chinese gutter oil


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Attached: 1631476551090.webm (602x720, 2.94M)

so tiny!

Kim lip had the best solo song by far

Attached: lip_butt.webm (1306x1080, 2.92M)

kazuha has a certain allure i cannot explain with words

Attached: 1651840937267.webm (798x1080, 2.87M)

good post

leeseo is slowly becoming kpg's girl...

they hated him because he told the truth

imagine the smell

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

word but choerry

xiaoting doesnt have a clue what is going on

Attached: FR_Mm6LaUAAkrBZ.jpg (1152x2048, 372.7K)

very cute and talented

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Attached: [IVE ON] 'LOVE DIVE' DANCE PRACTICE BEHIND 2.webm (900x1080, 2.95M)

and ugly

give me an invite to the kpg discord so i never have to post here again

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she and megan are top vocalist in their group after henlo
henlo can hit high notes, while panda cannot and megan is not stable
but those three are the core vocal in fromis

Attached: 1629455105729.webm (400x400, 501.06K)

i can:

le sserafim? more like le pplagiarism

buy rope and end it

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blobfish factory

Attached: mia ladida angel.webm (1440x1080, 862.7K)

have fun talking with tinny and maxsmell and carl all day lmao


Attached: [IVE ON] 'LOVE DIVE' DANCE PRACTICE BEHIND juicy.webm (900x1080, 2.9M)

top three

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suzy mogging jisoo into oblivion

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he looks so incredibly ugly, so does his sister

it must be seriously difficult. her full life right now is like watching vlive without subs except she cant close the browser window

eclipse and new are goat tier kpop songs


would say megan is more stable than henlo and it is the between those two for the top vocalist but seoyeon is definitely 3rd best in the group

hapa chew

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cute smol jisoo angel
manly suzy with BROAD western roastie shoulders

etransfer me money for it i wont use it on methadone

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just kill yourself already


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the perfect chink doesn't exis-

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Attached: cuteho5.webm (1122x1080, 755K)

don't use that word, it's a racial slur

life is really just slipping through your fingers at the speed of light these days huh?

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why would you do this

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Did kepler win queendom?

i think you have it backwards, both hayoung and megan can do high notes but megan can play with her voice more in the higher register.

lower notes are harder for women to do generally and megan and seo are good at those

they are the 3 best in the group though for sure

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sorry, chinaman*

sleep tight lil iso

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seems like only divedaddies and lessermen are the mentally stable posters these days

Attached: wony groove (5).webm (1170x1022, 2.95M)

yejibros leeseo has won our hearts

megan is stable when you need to hit "standard" notes
henlo is more diverse in terms of high notes, but lacking stability

they're getting btfo

kepler wouldn't even be on the show anymore if it wasn't for loona missing round 1 and brave girls getting shit on both fairly and unfairly.

spam this guy with massive images to waste all his data

ching chong chinky chink

leeseo and wony like each other a lot

Attached: yeji_FACEFUCK.webm (520x900, 1.45M)

not the preferred nomenclature

the best pair

Attached: [ENG SUB] 슈퍼 루키들의 귀여운 패기와 고막주의 텐션🔥 아이돌 인간극장 - 비하인드 편.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

can i fill her ass while she sleeps

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hash tag cookie jar

Attached: 1637489337077.jpg (1080x809, 122.28K)

these girls are perfect

>20 sneezes in a row
save me

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whats your problem
yes ok now let me retire with all the good posters

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megan can definitely hit the high notes but i would agree with that


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looking at kajeuha

what a beauty

reply to this post as much as possible

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pretty cutest blanket