Is he a hack? Or truly talented?

Is he a hack? Or truly talented?

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He steals from old movies, rewrites them, puts a flare on the dialog, and calls it his own

He does have genuine talent, the problem is that he's overly self-indulgent and tends not to stray out of his comfort zone.


Tarantino's head during script writing.

What Classics? Genuinely curious


Tarantino likes to toe the line sometimes with his edgy films, but he's yet to put a foot wrong in my opinion.

he was good until the end of Kill Bill vol 2. Then he got obsessed with remaking 70's schlock with his name on it.

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Quentin "blast the gas out from my ass every time i see that fine foot pass" Tarantino
Quentin "Pray I don't blow you away when you take off your shoes for ballet" Tarantino
Quentin "When I see some fine foot art, a fart just blows my ass apart" Tarantino
Quentin "When Bare Feet Are Close Expect Severe Bowel Movement Loss" Tarantino
Quentin "Keep yo feet in check if you dont want yo' couch wrecked" Tarantino
Quentin "Show Me Them Feet And Watch The Back Of My Pants Rip" Tarantino
Quentin "smell of feet in my nose, shit myself on your shows" Tarantino
Quentin "show me the nails and I'll blow wind in your sails" Tarantino
Quentin "Show me your heel and my fart goes through steel" Tarantino
Quentin "take of your shoes and watch my stool get loose" Tarantino
Quentin "The Smell Of Her Socks Caused My Asshole To Pop" Tarantino
Quentin "When she removes her shoes my anus gets loose" Tarantino
Quentin "The Feet Of Blacks Makes My Sphincter Relax" Tarantino
Quentin "I see heels, I see toes, now my anus blows" Tarantino
Quentin "foot-fetish fiend with a gust of sour wind" Tarantino
Quentin "seeing a toe makes pants clean no' mo' " Tarantino
Quentin "when i see those heels, my anus squeals" Tarantino
Quentin "feet of a bull makes my underpants full" Tarantino
Quentin "show me those toes but cover your nose" Tarantino
Quentin "toes and heels give me diarrhea feels" Tarantino
Quentin "See a shoe rack and it's a gas attack" Tarantino
Quentin "toes and a sole overide my back hole" Tarantino
Quentin "Ain't Nothing Wrong Farting on Nylon" Tarantino
Quentin "seeing a sole will loosen my hole" Tarantino
Quentin "I Gave MFX Their Sound Effects" Tarantino
Quentin "Her Foot Game, Farts Untamed" Tarantino

all these are garbage

kys reddit

Why are you trying so hard?

oh look the same tired criticism levied against him. Let's pretend that that isn't every artist in history and he just does it better than every other director

everything after jackie brown has been like watching cartoons.

This, he's said he won't make more than 10 movies because he's afraid he'll get overly sentimental and lose his edge, Hateful Eight was already indulgent with a low key love letter to cinema aspect, the fact that his next film is 70's Hollywood murders seems like big red flag for him to over indulge in his own tropes.

He has genuine enthusiasm for film and enjoys what he does. He's an absolute madman that somehow gets away with doing things that no other Americans directors would. I don't personally care for his movies, but I'm glad that someone like him still exists in Hollywood.

90s = Cinematic genius

Post-90s = Shit-eating hack

I like his movies. They always feel like an event when they come out.

>Genuinely curious
Truly one of the worst reddit phrases. You have to go back.

Watching pulp fiction or reservoir dogs baked tripped me out several times, good stuff. Tim Roth is fucking goat in reservoir dogs

Hack. Like a dull machete.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
City of Fire
Bande à part
Casualties of War
Gone with the Wind
Rio Bravo
8 1/2
City of Living Dead
Black Sunday
Vivre Sa Vie

Countless more. Basically he sees something he likes, re-writes the dialogue and then uses the exact scene.
I enjoy his movies but he's a completely and utterly shameless thief.
Homeage is one thing but he just rips things off completely shot for shot.

A footfag hack.

>Is he a hack?

>Or truly talented?

Literally the only talented American filmmaker still alive. And that's a good thing. But yes, he's also a hack. And that's ALSO a good thing.

a niggerlover that niggerfies classic westerns

Reservoir Dogs was kino. It's the perfect drama flick. It's simple, not too long, has good acting, good tension, a nice action scene or two and some good bleak humor.


He's doing a Manson movie isn't he?

He's literally one of the greatest modern directors but of course, Yea Forums hates him.

>oh look the same tired criticism levied against him
he makes the same tired movies over and over again, so it's legitimate

He's a creepy nigger lover, I think.


Please explain how Jackie Brown, Django, Fiction and Kill Bill are all the same movie, thanks.

Both. Even his worst movies are watchable, his best are kino as fuck. Foo/tv/ags just hate him for fear of being called reddit, even though reddit is where they found out about 5chmong to begin with

Been here for 11 years and have no fucking clue what this word is or means.

>He does have genuine talent, the problem is that he's overly self-indulgent
this, and increasingly so

Nah he made it, he makes the movie he wants to make with the actors he wants to cast, does not have to spend millions of dollars on marky names because everyone knows that a tarantino movie is a huge career boost in general.
I think he is falling off in the last few years but still he does not produce capeshit which is a huge plus.

his movies are stylish bt they don't do much for me except reservoir dogs (and aparently he stole that one from some japanese movie, city on flame I think?)

I think he makes his characters talk about random shit because he wants to make them feel like real people with their own quirks and interest independant of the movie's plot, but it just makes me feel like the characters are aware they're in a dumb movie
>dude, why are we talkin about quarter punders with cheese?
>I dunno, this movie sucks anyway who gives a shit lmao

also, he should never deal with """serious""" topics that require some subtlety like slavery, racism, nazism, joos etc.
I can already imagine his manson movie with a scene of a cultist stabbing an 8 month pregnant sharon tate and her stomach exploding with blood and baby parts everywhere

thank you for reading my blog

He makes violence looks great and entertaining.

No one else on earth can pull this shit off.


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>He steals from old movies, rewrites them, puts a flare on the dialog, and calls it his own

So like every other director, ever? I love how people think tarantino is the only one that actually does that.

Everything is derivative but I’d like to see him do something more original. The constant homage and stuff gets old.

No one can question his ability to write and visual sense. He’s a true genius but just needs to get out of the comfort zone, as someone mentioned

what scenes in jackie brown are stolen from old classics?

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Some of the photography (or whatever you call it) I really like. The actors shooting the breeze and just talking about the mundane is really cool.
> Oh Dang! I shot M!arvin in the face!

What I don't like is his exhausting use of the word nigger. And the fact that this guy is all style and no substance. Who gives a shit if Kill Bill was a handmade movie? It's a piece of trash and only Quintin himself and the Rizza should be interested in it. Only time he did try his hand at anything that remotely resembled decent writing was 'Jackie Brown'. And from what I gathered on this board, it wasn't even his. So yes. H A C K. For me.


Is it weird that death proof is right behind dogs as my favourite tatantino movie? The first section is fantastic and the car chase might just be one of the best car chases I've seen on film. That chick actually hanging from the car is some crazy shit.

He's great but he's overrated.

not that guy but the whole vibe is from 70's movies like French Connection, Shaft, etc.

He didn't go to film school he went to films and it shows

The opening tracking shot is ripped off from the Graduate
Michael Keaton's character is from Out of Sight
Melanie dropping the phone is from Truck Turner
The drop off sequence is ripped from the Killing
The "Wanna fuck" bit is from Shampoo
The shot in the car where they're wondering who took the money is from Stick

his movies always achieve what they set out to do, which is to entertain. By that measure he can't be a hack, but he's also not the cinematic genius that people make him out to be either

talented but overrated

>Michael Keaton's character is from Out of Sight

Out of Sight came out one year after Jackie Brown

Touche. I thought it was the other way around. Rest are accurate though.

It's called an 'hommage' you halfwit. basically, it means he's paying tribute. As in, giving them props.

>I don't know who john mctiernan john woo or paul verhoeven are: the post
tarantino is great at violence but if you think he's the only directer good at it your're a fucking underage

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the criticism has been refuted many times for decades now, your assertion that having trademarks through all your films = making the same film over and over is equally retarded

>an original screenplay by quentin tarantino

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There's a fine line between homage and imitation.

>movies are just endless scenes from other movies taped together
>"It's a tribute to the movies others made"

Name a great violent movie where Tarantino's influence is absent. Do it, I double dog dare you motherfucker!

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literally every director I named above made a violent movie before tarantino

He was a better director before he got addicted to splashing blood everywhere. His brilliance lias within his great dialogue pieces that, even though silly, really feel like actual people talking. I really liked his part on Four Rooms.

this but unironically

imagine being this much of a faggot

Tostinos film legacy:

>four rooms
complete dogshit and yes this counts no matter how bad he wants it not to

> Reservoir dogs
rip off of city on fire

>Pulp Fiction
decent, but a C at best

>jackie Brown
great film. funny how he can only tell a cohesive narrative without "muh disjointed chapters" when the material isnt his.

>kill bill 1
rip off of lady snowblood

>kill bill 2

>death proof
the less said about this one the better

>inglorious bastards
decent. suffers from meme chapter directing. the shtick gets old

fucking horrible

>hateful 8
his second worst movie (next to DP). what a waste of good talented actors on what essentially is a boring as play.

tortallini is a meme director loved by first year film students who think he actually ever made anything worth a damn

>that require some subtlety like slavery, racism, nazism, joos
How do you intend to represent, let's say, slavery in the southern states in a safe, neutered manner? I'm genuinely curious.

this isn’t your actual opinion is it?

>he stole that one from some japanese movie, city on flame
Hong Kong action flick called City on Fire, lots of the major plot points are lifted.

He's a truly talented hack.

>safe, neutered
lol, yeah making your antagonists look like goofy comic book villains in django (the nig butler and the clansmen) was really brave and edgy
the cartoon blood splatter at the end also totally didn't look silly

there's this video of sam jackson describing tarantinos directing, he literally goes like "ok the lighting is out of movie a, the character acts like x in movie b etc etc"

He's up there on my list, but nobody can top Based Big Money Movies Bay.

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>The constant homage and stuff gets old.
lets be honest here, you wouldnt even be aware of him doing homages without you reading imdb trivia. well, at least i wouldnt.

Hacked and talentpilled

wild bunch

Talentless hack. The only midway decent things in his movies are scenes that he ripped off from other movies and music, which I will admit, he has an ear for picking good tracks. His dialogue, though, is fucking horrendous and he has a tendency to drag out a punchline for so goddamn long that it loses all of its kick.

tartallino makes all these revenge PC films, but they only maje me hate women, jews and blacks even more than before. anyone else feel the same? calvin candie is my fave tirturnino character

Most of his movies after Jackie Brown sucks.

In the words of Stoklasa, he's a stylish film-maker, and that comes from a place of innate genius. Is he an intellectual of any kind, though? Fuck no. He's also most likely on the spectrum and he's cringey as all hell IRL.

he's a old one trick phonny

absolute hack. his "career" is build upon ripping off and literally copying countless old-ass asion action flicks.

have any of you actually seen the movies that you say he's ripping off? city on fire is nothing like reservoir dogs aside from the last scene being an influence, lady snowblood has little similarity with kill bill either.
imagine being this brainlet

but near every scene is a direct rip off of other cinema, it's iconic because it's already an established style.

>Tim Roth is fucking goat
Yes. He's great. Ugly actors are objectively better.

>Watching Pulp Fiction high

Nothing quite like that feel, user, I absolutely agree. The movie is so pleasing in its editing.

>city on fire is nothing like reservoir dogs aside from the last scene
have you seen city on fire?

Yes, I've seen every single one. I bet you cock sucker can't even name the dozen other films he straight up ripped off scene by scene.

Imagine being a Quenchin Fartatino dick gulping whore, defending that foot fucking fag on an anonymous stamp collecting forum.

every filmmaker borrows stuff from other films. what you're referring to is individual shots and stuff that youd see in a compilation video im guessing. which says nothing about the overall construction, which is original.

yes, full contact's my favourite ringo lam flick. and lady prisoner scorpion is my favourite from lady snowblood director.

its funny seeing people this passionately hating him, the most loved are always the most hated as well i guess

It's just some ironic name for 4chin like "chinese cartoon imageboard" and its variants

Underrated foot fetish comment.

Bit of both. He hasn't made anything good in a long time

People seem to love it though.

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Hateful 8 is top kino.

perfect for edgy tweens who want to sneak into R rated movies without mommy knowing