ITT: anime adaptations that could actually work

ITT: anime adaptations that could actually work.
>Doesn't have weird powerlevel shit or hokey magical elements that would require a big CG budget
>Story would be palatable to normies because it's just a 90's action crime story
>Already has a diverse cast so they wouldn't rub anyone the wrong way with weird casting.
>Stronk female lead for progressive points, and she's actually a fun character to boot.
Seems like it'd be a home run

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Yeah many consider Black Lagoon to be a very Western anime, I think it would make a great live action movie, especially for SJW cunts as the MC is an Asian Male, Female protagonist is Asian American, Strong black man is the leader of the group, nerdy white guy is a Jew so you can't cry about it.

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Black Lagoon would never work because of Revy.

A) they would hire some bony white chick with no ass and b-cup tits to play her
B) they would turn her into a sympathetic character with a moral high ground instead of the monstrous psychopath she is in the manga.
>but revy is sympathetic she's the way she is because of her environment
Everyone in Roanpur had a shitty childhood, bding raised on the streets is no excuse.

Black Lagoon sucked. That said, I'd probably watch a western adaptation because I think a western production team would be able to make this a much better story than the nips could.
Cast it.

I'd only watch it if they got based Chow Yun Fat to play Chang to bring the John Woo homage full circle.

>Black Lagoon sucked.
You suck you niggerfaggot

Idris Elba unironically as the black fake vietnam vet
I don't know any half-chink and half-white actresses and trashy chick
I don't know any Japanese-American actors as rocku
Jonah Hill as the jewish hacker
Liam Neeson as the Nazi guy
Emily Blunt as the roosky chick

No, you suck.

Would be awesome but CYF is 64 years old now.

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Baccano is set in 1920s america and is about the mafia and wizards riding a train

needs more poc

Rock - Randall Park
Benny - Seth Rogan
Revy - The girl from Crazy Rich Asians and Ocean's 8, the really trashy Asian girl. Can't remember her name
Dutch - Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson

The timelines would confuse too many people.
Hell, enough of Yea Forums already complain that they can't follow it even though all you need to do is put your fucking phone away when you watch it.

Nice dubs, shit casting.

The jews have done it. They actually are the last bastion of the white race now. Even hitler would have to side with them.

>Awkwafina as Revy

Consider suicide user.

i actually think there was a black character from what i remeber but he was only like in a few episodes

also kill yourself pol

>le everything is bad and im a victem

>yfw paul ws anderson directs the adaption

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lighten up niba

>that's actually her name

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>t. reddit

Yuru Yuri

>t. Laziest response on Yea Forums.

You can also jump on a pyre you shitposting faggot cunt.

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cast her

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>Black Lagoon sucked.

You're not wrong, it sucks in Japanese.

>That said, I'd probably watch a western adaptation because I think a western production team would be able to make this a much better story than the nips could.

This already happened. It's called Black Lagoon's English dub.

More examples of anime where the English dub is better than the original?

Ghost Stories

Who would play Balalaika?

Fooly Cooly

>le diverse casting
>weak, effete male as main character

I'm sure Netflix is trying to acquire the rights as I post this.

The first scene in this montage is kino of the highest order.

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The scenes with hotel moscow fucking shit up are kino though

Michelle Rodriguez, that chick what rode the hellencopter in that Titanic sequel movie James Cameron did with blue cat-nigger looking space Allens.

>Cast it.
>Protagonist from Japan = literally any male actor because Chinamen arr rook the same.
I don't have strong enough opinions about chink cartoons, movies or actresses/actors to cast the rest, but a movie (or high-budget TV adaptation on a decent network) would be pretty good.


As long as you got a crew who treats the material right e.g. like a period piece, this would be absolute ez mode to do. The hardest part would probably he the space battles, but honestly they could be knocked out with models, painted canvas, and limited CGI and it would look great.

But it will never happen like that.

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It'll never happen
China would never let it fly, and the west wont make a movie without the Chinese market

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This show is surprisingly bad in Japanese, but the dub actors somehow save it somewhat by giving the characters far more interesting personalities. I still wish for a BGC adaptation that really lives up to what feels like its potential ought to be, but on some level I know, in my heart, that it was always superficial and never really had a chance to to be anything deeper.

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I could totally see a western adaptation doing a far better job of this than any of the anime we got.

>Lucy Liu as Shenhua
>doing a horrible "me rove you rong time" accent

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Space Dandy.


underrated and extremely based

I know it’s childish, but Dragon ball z and bleach had great dubs

Yikes this could get ugly

Death Note...
Oh wait. They fucked that up too. I'd rather they didn't bother trying.

The Bubblegum Crisis OVA was best. This one wasn’t great. I can’t even remember Bubblegum Crash except for the awesome opening.

This could be condensed into 9 or 10 really good episodes.

A Silent Voice
Filmed like Boyhood. Film the kid story parts first then wait 5 years and film the main chunk of the film.
Could also be great if Americanized. White guy bullying a Asian girl.

Welp, supernatural has done it well several times now, I mean it's supernatural. The premise is very open to creative minds

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Would never happen. Sadly

I've read a decent Black Lagoon/John Wick fanfic before. As long as it was made like that it could be decent. Not sure the shitty east asian slumtown setting would be ok in the west today though.

Unironically Hellsing.
i miss the naive days of edgy vampire fiction.

>Riverdale style reboot
>Daphne is an instagram thot
>Fred is a private school turbochad
>Velma is a gamer girl
>Shaggy is in full blown DUDE WEED LMAO mode
It would be absolute trash and I'd watch every episode

Bebop's dub really is overrated as fuck though. There's nothing weak about the original acting that that dub would be able to improve on, and it really just doesn't. It's a perfectly passable dub for Toonami, but that's really just it.

>...he doesn’t know about the millennial SD reboot

Turn back now. This isn’t a rabbit hole you want to go down.

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that's fucking stupid
they would hire a latina and prob exagerate the "child abuse" thing

and FMA is pretty good too.
Bleach only works cause Jonny is rad.

Keanu if they transfuse him 20L of newborn blood
Alex Daddario
The Rock

Laurence Fishburn as Dutch
Lucy Liu as Revy
Jerry Seinfeld as Benny
Ken Watanabe as Rock

Have been saying this for the last 12 years. Hire me Hollywood

Ah, Michelle Rodriguez as Levy.

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Please no

BGC is fucking kino
BGC2040 has potential but turns into the Priss show except 2040 Priss is a sourpuss vs the hotheaded punk rock singer who wore wigs and makeup like GaGa of the Future

I would be so upset if they did a Black Lagoon adaptation.
They'd fuck up the guns.
they'd give Revy her FS92 Inox, and call it a day.
Gun Nun would probably get a regular Glock 17 instead of the 17L

im getting angry just thinking about it

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>you crazy bitch!
Fuck, revy vs the maid was kino

Cast her or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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>>Doesn't have weird powerlevel shit
That fucking episode about the cringy edgy twins
That fucking weird if they delet that then it's fine also that maid hitman sucks

>also that maid hitman sucks

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>that scene in the manga where that girl steals a kiss and makes out with rock in front of revy basically cucking her

something about girls stealing men is very hot

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Holy shit wtf did they do to Shaggy?

Lol, good luck with the maid arc.

Sofia Vergara

Any shoujo manga. I wonder why Hollywood hasn't adapted Boys over Flowers yet when a billion people in asia know this story from all those adaptations. It's prints money.


Zipang would be cool as fuck


>BGC is fucking kino


It's just that having fantastic direction, and the utter awesomeness that is Priss and her music, is all it really has and it's in need of something more to make it have impact beyond being the admittedly highly atmospheric cyberpunk show it is.

>BGC2040 has potential, except 2040 Priss is a sourpuss

Again agreed. The other characters thankfully become much more well defined and interesting specifically in the dub, but Priss, who otherwise deservedly takes up the limelight in the OVAs, is such a frigid tryhard that there is no saving her. She absolutely cannot pull off the utter charm OVA Priss has, and this is detrimental to the show. I can hardly even buy the idea that she's supposed to be in a band or that her music or performance is in any way successful, nor that she's the kind of person who honestly gives enough of a shit to be in something like the Knight Sabers. I don't even need to bring up how much more awkward her relationship with Leon is compared to how exceptional natural it is in the original.

However, the overall attempt to have a plot and development that meaningfully progresses in ways the original OVAs struggled to is something that makes me think of it fondly, despite how it can drag.

This is the best answer

Black Lagoon up till before the stupid shit like terminator maid and vampire twins could be great if Hollywood ever figured out how to make live action anime adaptations that somewhat tried to capture the original. Personally, the one show I'd love to see adapted (though as an HBO/Showtime miniseries and not a movie) would be Baccano!


This has been thrown around plenty of time with no takers. I'm pretty sure guillermo del toro was attached to it at one point.

There's just too much to condense and still keep it coherent.

>Michelle Rodriguez
too fucking old. It's gotta be someone young and cute therefore unassuming.

cyber city odeo 808. has the best english dub of any anime period.

I came here to post this.

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Del Toro tried so hard to pitch it to networks like HBO, but they didn't see the potential. He already has a few episodes written. Guess we'll never get pure kino from someone who loves the series as much as I do.

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How can anyone claim the world would be a better place if every jew on the planer was allowed to live?