Cast him.
Cast him
ur dad lol
Elbis Idra
>Burrous began getting fisted while laying face down on the bed, and allegedly told his companion he was feeling fine until the man noticed him making a grunting noise, and flipped him over to realize Burrous had vomited inside his S&M mask.
Well then.
yep, that's the smile of a man with crystal meth up his ass.
>It went on to explain that Burrous had met up through the Grindr app with a male companion, with whom he had met four times previously. During the encounter, Burrous inserted two “rocks” of crystal meth through his rectum before falling unconscious.
The virgin azn waifu vs the chad grinder meth hookup
But by the time police had arrived, I was already dead and gay
>When the companion arrived, Burrous allegedly answered the door fully nude, and had set up the room with “DJ style” lighting, S&M toys, lubrication jelly and a massage bench
Gay dudes seem awesome. I wish my wife had that kind of enthusiasm.
Would this be a really painful death or a really peaceful/comfortable death? I don't know much about meth
that's the picture they go with
up vote
Well there's your problem, right there.
Scrolls down
>At some point during the meeting, 43-year-old Burrous allegedly inserted a “rock” of crystal meth into his anus and stated it was supposed to make him “high and loose”
He then allegedly gave his companion a syringe full of GHB and a bottle of Gatorade. The two became intimate again, and Burrous allegedly inserted another “rock” of meth into his anus before putting on a mask while his companion allegedly inserted his hand into Burrous’ backside
I retract my previous statement about gay dudes seeming awesome.
horrible death, you would be pouring sweat and feel your heart pound uncontrollably until it stopped
> Asian wife
> Enjoys getting fisted by men
>Los Angeles
based degeneracy mecca
Richard Gere
Why is it always a white guy?
At least we stopped Hitler from taking over the world tho
Because black people dying isn’t newsworthy.
Awe inspiring and courageous. He's earned an Idris Elba casting.
meth is actually really popular in the gay community.
The only ones who seem to do it are rednecks and homo's
Sunning and Brave!
OP, going full method.
>my wife? she's Asian
oh shit, please tell me his little girl isn't going to find out how her (disgusting degenerate sick fag) daddy died
>white knighting chink cunts
fuck outta here faggot
this explains why hapas are always fucked in the head
too many syllables, idiot
Well it's on google so....yeah...she's going to be pretty fucked up about it.
Man, I wish I had a bag of rocks melting on mucous membrane of my rectum to get me high and loose for 4channel right now.
At least she isn’t a guy.
some soifaggot is going to get lucky and lose his vcard to that no self-esteem future basketcase
>he didn't just buttbase like a normal person
should've known better desu
faggots are good for something after all
OP btfo.
she could make a good cockslave when the daddy issues kick in
is big ben next?
Hope he rots in hell the degenerate faggot.
>white guy
>Asian wife
>secret fag
Kek of course.
We're gonna get more Facial Abuse kino in about a decade
>racist trump policies caused this tragedy. he wants more drugs stopped. so they will cry
god i wish that had been me
Next for what - having a wild and crazy gay affair?
Nobody has figured out the grindr partner's ethnicity. This is an underrated angle.
You should know how the media works by now. If the race goes unreported in an ugly, negative story, it's a nigger.
>had an azn for a beard
>cucked her with a nigger
why are smarmy faggots so based bros?
>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
Yep, that's me, I bet you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation
For once, "cast him/her/them/xir" isn't disingenuous since there is no way this isn't going to be turned into a biopic or at least a movie premise.
gay peoplle are like you and me!
Just ignore that 99% of them have fucked up sexual fetishes and were molested as children!
Oh and ignore that they are the HIGHEST carriers of STDs
lol what's this
Well, that’s one way to come out of the closet!
he probably got a big chunk in there thinking it would be a grand old time not realizing it was equivalent of a fucking bottle of adderall blasting through his asshole all at once
phillip seymour hoffman would have been good if he didn't die of his own shenanigans already
*spins bow tie*
I fail to see what he did wrong.
mind exploding euphoria that eventually spills over into the worst panic you can imagine with your body breaking apart
imagine drinking ten pots of coffee back to back and multiply it by ten again
Imagine, 10 trillion hominids including us humans have ever existed/been born (including stillbirths but not including abortions or miscarriages) in the last seven million years. One of those monkeys died from sticking chemical rocks up his ass. Just imagine.
Why up the arse?
Gets into bloodstream faster.
Gay men use their ass as an additional mouth, they drink and eat through it and carry stuff around in there.
She has already and will end up sucking cock on camera in the near future. The fate of every half gook female.
he was a disgusting sniffposter
Poor girl
>Cast him.
Unironically Kevin Spacey
He also had coke in his ass. lmao
what Matrix movie is this?
hory shit i was not expecting that
Morpheous Jorpheous Blorpheous
Is Pepsi okay?
lmao homos are so fucking disgusting