/gg/ guitar general

manlet edition

last time i tried the links they blue screened my computer on the upload so no links

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Other urls found in this thread:


PRS is the now the best guitar brand

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You're one to talk dude

First for Gibson™

>stupid headstock
no thanks

>epiphone with birds


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The second track is killer! The first one has a bit of a nasty digital clipping, check your master levels.

mogs the fuck outta your strat

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somewhere out there is a piece of shit that gets mad when they don't get to start the guitar threads
thanks for making 'em seethe

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sounds like good production quality but I'm not really a fan of that kind of music. I liked ozzy better with iomi than with rhoads

im not well inside

I own a nice gibson and a nice fender. Imo PRD sounds just as good for half the price. I dont take my nice guitars out if the house so this is pretty appealing to me. Pic not related

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Yeah. We know.

That brand any good? I want to get their compressor, comp kore. I like that it has a blend knob.

nux is good for chinkshit, about on par with joyo

most pedal brands are ok, even the cheap ones
a friend of mine has carried a nux chorus for the longest time and still works as good as any basic chorus pedal

I am very happy with the delay pedal. I have not tried the compressor, but i would buy another pedal by them.

>mfw his ass is so hurt he just starts cryin/gg/ completely unprompted
>100% /gg/otten to

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Fender USA
Paul Reed Smith

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Berklee, and I’ve been involved in numerous gigs at coffee shops, and I have over 300k in student loan debt.

I am trained in the Wes Montgomery songbook and I’m the top guitarist in the entire local jazz scene. You are nothing to me but just another 3-fingered bar hillbilly. I will wipe you the fuck out with improvised licks the likes of which has never been seen before on this jazz club, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of session musicans across the USA and your gigs are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your hobby. You’re fucking blacklisted, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can outplay you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with one string.

Not only am I extensively trained in modes, but I have access to an entire guitar store of vintage jazzboxes on consignment and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of any campus, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit 13ths all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


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better than strymon

Something wrong with Fender Mexico?

>The second track is killer! The first one has a bit of a nasty digital clipping, check your master levels

Im a beginner at recording, could you explain what that means?

yeah the black plastic truss rod hole lining instead of a nice piece of walnut

Alright. Not that big of a deal. Thingken of getting a strat

what’s the difference between using amp sims and like preamp and saturation plug-ins?

other than that nitpick of mine the player series is nice and you can find them in great condition used but shop around

literally everyone wants a strat rn welcome to the collective>
turn the instrument gain down and your headphones up

In the mixing window you see the master bus level. Don’t let it go over -3 dB, because the signal gets clipped at the waveform peaks and it sounds nasty. If you want your mix to sound louder, put a compressor (LA-2A plug-ins are a good choice) on the master bus.

don’t forget to put an 1176 in front of it around -2db 8:1

>havent played in years
>bought an epiphone 2 days ago to get back into it
>little e string has snapped already

i don't know how to play guitar but i like seeing the pepes
pretend i posted an image of a dingy bedroom with one 100 dollar guitar, go wild friends

also put some Lister's Carbolic Unguent on a wad of cotton, put the cotton it in your ear. then get a balsam specific and don't forget to use smeckler's powder.

messing around and recorded born for one thing by gojira today
using a fender mustang i amp and a hss squier strat. hows my tone/playing?

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yup, its a cheap strat

needs some more bass

Congrats you get to start building good string changing and other guitar hygiene habits from the jump

Nice. My nitpick is I'd like a new one so it would be me to wear it out, though wouldn't say no to a good condition used one. One thing I really don't get are those "pre worn" relic guitars ot whatever. Who the fuck wants that?

yeah just sucks i have to wait until either the store opens on monday or order new ones off of amazog to get replacements

idk i guess it's like fashion where people buy expensive pre-ripped up jeans

one is simulating an amp, the other is simulating a preamp and saturation. hope that helps

using metal 2000 setting with treble at 9 bass at 7 and gain at 8. its an isolated track tho so go figure it is lacking in low end lmao

based philly mcknight having a livestream

based pmckniggy

yes, but mostly just because they've hoarded all the available and legal sources of old growth woods suitable for instruments.

>he can’t hear the difference
that’s ok this curse is heavy

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work gave me another gift card, so when it comes in i'm gonna get a keely compressor pro, and run it in the FX loop of my DI/reamp box, so i can do wet/dry compression, before going to a frequency splitter that lets you cut the guitar signal in half with FX loops on each side of the filters, so i'll have wet-dry parallel compression with multiband distortion, and i'll run the expansion out from the DI device again, and wet/dry that with the multiband distortion.

if i was really psycho, i'd get two keeley compressor pros, and run each of them on the frequency splitter, so i could get parallel multiband compression. i'd put a harder, faster squeeze on the lowpass filter, and a softer knee, slower attack, high release compression on the hipass filter, so you can have both air and punch, and THEN go into the DI box, with the distortion in the pedal loop, and do wet/dry of the distortion that came from the parallel multiband compression.

imagine the sound.

the height of the strings over the fretboard at my 12th fret is over 5mm, but it's still intonated. should i correct this.

Yes that's absurd

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loathe as i am to actually talk about guitars and guitar accessories can anyone rec me a strobe tuner? i'm looking at this one currently

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rate this tone


not bad, the mids are a little high

dude you're so funny

Smearing kaka over kaka

Yes, asap

I've got a strobostomp and it works great

thanks user
i'm actually considering getting both the stomp and the clip

For something as sensitive as a strobe tuner, I'd think an electric signal would be better than the piezo vibration sensor.

what about the darkglass hyper

good point

Hahahaha got the last one, fuckers

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>3 brand new strings from a daddario set broke in a couple days
What a piece of garbage

Just picked this up who wants to shred

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just buy ernie ball, daddario has gone way downhill since covid gutted jew york