The scene that ruined an entire trilogy

the scene that ruined an entire trilogy

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How would you have done it instead? What's your cooler alternative to an army of ghost pirates?

Why don't you tell us the name of the movie so maybe some people can contribute instead of acting all smug and superior
>inbefor muh sekrit club
Fuck off

>He hasn't seen Star Wars

What are you talkiing about here, the CGI used or the scene itself? Because while I agree the first hasn’t aged well, the scene seems fine to me overall.

it was pretty messed up that they didnt have a french accent like they should

It actually got worse
There was the ‘I Am No Man’ line

>Cuts the head off an ununarmed messenger outside the black gates
Aragorn was a psychopath.

>deus ex machinas
>ever fine

Read the filename newfag

How does it happen in the book?

>complaining about deus ex machinas
>in one of tolkien's works

the charge of the rohirrim was pointless because 5 minutes later an army of invincible ghosts kills every last orc invader

Tolkien is a shitty writer. Deal with it sperg.

4 movies so you have enough time to properly introduce the Grey Company, Knights of Dol Amroth, and all of Gondor's vassals

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>picks this over “I am no man” and Galadriel’s cringe-out in Fellowship

Aight m8

The Ghosts just scare away the Corsairs that are attacking other regions of Gondor freeing up all the soldiers there. Then Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Elronds twin sons, the Grey company (which are basically 30 of the strongest warriors in Middle Earth) take the boats with the soldiers and arrive similar to the movie in aid of Minas Tirith.

Also, Prince Imrahil riding out with Swan Knights and other Gondorian soldiers to aid the Rohirrim on the fields of Pelennor after they see the battle turning.

>I am no man
Just a slightly improved version of the twist in Macbeth.

no one actually cares about the men of Lebinnin and Belfalas, the only complaint that could be more stupid than this is being mad that Eomer saves Helm's Deep rather than Erkenbrand

It invalidates what just transpired like 10-20 minutes prior and took a lot away from Rohan coming to Gondor's aid and the age of man.
No one complains about Helm's Deep. Even the Elves being there at all was a great addition which is probably the only huge thing you could complain about.

You mean pic related?

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>which is probably the only huge thing you could complain about
and thank fuck for that

if it was up to PJ then Arwen would have lead the Elves instead of Haldir, until people talked him out of it

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Something that the movies really skimp on in terms of worldbuilding is the realms of men apart from Rohan. A lot of the context of why it’s so strange for Aragorn to be considered kingly material is lost because the movies never go into much detail about Rangers or who the Dunedain are.

It wouldn’t even have been that hard to introduce the Grey Company. You could do it in five minutes. Have them arrive during Theoden’s muster, he derides them for bringing so few men, Aragorn sticks up for them, he has a one to one conversation with Halbarad in his tent about how the rest of the world is getting on, doing a little worldbuilding while also making things seem more urgent.

You could do the Swan Knights too if you really wanted, have Imrahil talk to Pippin and Gandalf, set them up, maybe have them charge out to meet the enemy before the Army of the Dead arrives.

It’s little scenes like that that should’ve been included instead of all the stupid comic relief shit with Gimli.

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This would have been better. I hate how the ghosts show up and literally just run over the enemy in just a few minutes.

If you don't immediately recognise it then you obviously have nothing of value to add to the conversation.
>reeee why won't you talk to me about a movie I haven't seen

>It’s little scenes like that that should’ve been included instead of all the stupid comic relief shit with Gimli.

Say what you will about Jackson, who may be a neckbeard faggot autist, but he understood the importance of quips for normies to enjoy a nerdy movie and meme it up before anyone else did.

underage and b&

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Based retard

In the books the entire paths of the dead arc felt a little shoe horned into the plot. Just kind of plopped out of nowhere and suddenly became the solution to (arguably) the highest stakes situation in the books

Wasn't that a literal line from the book? I always gave tolkein a pass on that because he wrote the books generations before feminism really went batty

it's not literal but it is in the spirit of the scene it's depicting


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>“Begone, foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion! Leave the dead in peace!"
>A cold voice answered: 'Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shrivelled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye."
>A sword rang as it was drawn. "Do what you will; but I will hinder it, if I may."
>"Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!"
>Then Merry heard of all sounds in that hour the strangest. It seemed that Dernhelm laughed, and the clear voice was like the ring of steel. "But no living man am I!”

It's slightly different, but the movie goes all out GRRLLLL power with the delivery and how it's framed.

>tfw jackson hated it but only left it in because he didn't want to disappoint bookfags
christ booknerds really ruin movies

This entire movie besides frodo sam and gollum was shit
I say this as a huge lotr fan. the movie is pretty much shit compared to TTT which in itself was inferior to fellowship

I think the line is fine, but immediately after, the way she cocks back her sword and screams is so melodramatic and silly.

Great worldbuilder, mediocre writer, awful poet

Idk man. In this particular case, I'm more offended by their retardation of the prettier and more archaic prose than the gender role connotations, which, again, I don't think Tolkien at all intended in the same sense that the same words would have in any other context today.

I cringe every fucking time

It was a weak plotline in the books, and in the movies too, it felt like. We'd already had the terrifying caverns with Moria. Somehow the paths of the dead just felt lackluster, bland, superfluous, and tacked-on compared to the rest of the setting. Even worse than Bombadil, maybe.

Gad, you're right. I can see it now

I disagree TTT being better. Fellowship is definitely the best one. The reason I put RotK over TTT because I thought the relationship between Denethor and Faramir was pretty good.

its the same literal interpretation gimmick that fucking macduff used, its really not a problem when used sparingly.

In hindsight, not being killable via any man is still not the biggest benefit. There's elves, dwarves, maia, etc.

Tolkien has some of the most evocative and vivid descriptions I've ever read without feeling cringey and overdone. I don't know what you're talking about

The Rohirrim died for nothing

I'm fine with that scene but regarding potc I hate how they threw away norrington in the 3rd movie, plus the climax was pretty lame because none of the other ships even fought in the big showdown.

Oh fuck off. The movies are great by themselves. It doesn’t require strict adherence to the books. Leaving things with Aragorn facing down the army of the dead and him later jumping off the ship with the army of ghosts is fucking awesome.

The character became a parody of himself by the second movie. Was he ever funny again following the first? I can never remember anything about any of these movies (except the first)

Aragorn had no way of knowing when the rohirrim would be in time- the rohirrim had no way to know there would be an army of the dead coming. It doesn’t take anything away from either of their intentions or actions.

I’d say he’s a good writer but a bad novelist.

The reason it’s important is because Aragorn is the king returned - he has to make good on every one of Isildur’s broken promises and mistakes if he is going to be worthy of the throne

If you'd actually read the books before seeing the movies, the entire trilogy would have been ruined for you by the first 30 minutes.

>Frodo leaves the Shire almost immediately after Bilbo
>no Fredegar
>no Tom Bombadil
>no Gildor
>no sit-down with Farmer Maggot

I could go on. I nearly, NEARLY walked out of the theater in disgust

Amen. The Tolkienverse is fascinating to read about in wikis. The actual books are dull as shit.

yeah but that would cultivate a atmosphere of various tribes of white people uniting together for one purpose

not really part of the agenda of the filmmakers

Yeah except all those details are irrelevant to the main thrust of the story which had so many characters to introduce as they did. Also an unspecified length of time passes between Bilbo leaving and Gandalf returning to warn Frodo. Bilbo has visibly aged when they get to Rivendell partly because of the ring but time has still passed.

He already said great world building you retard.

Fuck you

That's not a skill that applies only world building, "retard."

>death HAS meaning!
The decision and actions in life weight more than the effects of your death.
But you are too retarded or useless to see it.
>It doesn't matter if I live a shitty life, as long as my death is useful and NOT countered by anything coming after I die!
Trash people.

In Tolkien's case it clearly does idiot.

>no Rainbow Saruman in the extended scene
>no Sharkey turning the Shire into his own Orwellian pipeweed state
kinda ironic considering Saruman was only mentioned in FotR and had one chapter of yelling at them from Orthanc in TT compared to all the scenes he got in their movie adaptions.

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Yeah it is weird how distant Saruman felt in the books, but I guess that makes sense considering it's a world where you don't simply walk up to your enemies to have a chat unless they're already defeated.

Still it made him a bit more intriguing when you actually did encounter him.