Name a better sacrifice scene in a film

Name a better sacrifice scene in a film
Protip: you can’t so don’t even try

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literally every death in Sunshine

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based retard poster

What movie?

This wins it.

Goldeneye 007

Oh, that's the best one!

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Based and Christpilled


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I don’t get it. Was I supposed to feel bad for him? He was the bad guy

Based & Sunshinepilled

gamera in avengers

He wasn't bad. It was the ring that manipulated him.


He didnt sacrifice himself. He got fucked over by the other sarge

.t woman

>He was the bad guy
literally, what?


His "sacrifice" put humanity centuries behind innovation


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I can, but only marginally so.

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based and breadpilled

itt literally all straight white men

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You know they teach you how to dodge a dog/coyote in the MSF. It's part of the basic written test. This guy has clearly done the opposoite of what you're supposed to do.

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youre a real peach

He got caught, wasnt a sacrifice per se

What are you supposed to do?

>on 4channel
>not a straight white man

To this day I still wonder why didnt she just leave a droid behind or something. What a forced piece of shit sacrifice. Idk if I should laugh or get mad


Bikes can wheelie, right? Just wheelie over the perro.

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just jump over it

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I never understood what Christ sacrifice was supposed to be. What is death to him if he can just comeback to life?

poor doggey

Swerve behind the dog's path. If your bike is going 10mph you're already moving faster than the dog can change direction.

boo hoo, some whiny jew got what was coming

"Here I come, laddies! BWAHAAHAHAAAAAA!!!:

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That's no mere Jew. That's Jesus Christ, son of God. Heir to the Kingdom of Heaven. You owe him your allegiance.

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Painful, apparently

Amen, my Jesus bro.

>agonizing, long drawn out torture-filled death
>what was the sacrifice?

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Cringe and cuckpilled


Pain isn't a sacrifice, it's something you just endure. You need to, y'know, SACRIFICE something to sacrifice.

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fuck you both

>Pain isn't a sacrifice, it's something you just endure

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t. someone who hasn't experienced pain

This isn't sacrifice, and his death results in war.

I think you meant that for this

he was killed by loyalty, the series wouldn't have been very exciting without the honor of ned stark. that's basically the core of everything. it's absolutely a sacrifice.


A lot of people has gone through those kind of experiences and worse. The whole thing seems like a ego trip, "look how much im suffering, im just like you guys"

Wonderful Post.

His death scene was nearly perfect. I wish they'd borrowed the bit from the Bakshi feature where Boromir, peppered with arrows, just releases a terrifying yell that makes the orcs freak out and back off for a moment before he finally dies.

Two alternatives
a) he can end the pain and suffering at any moment with his omnipotence, but he doesn't, so the pain can't actually be all that great
b) he can't end the pain and suffering at any moment, in which case it's out of his hands and he can't take credit for enduring it

Only humans can truly suffer. God is a poseur.

I miss you Billy.

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Moron. The point was that he didn't have to do it. He chose to in order to save mankind from original sin.

Show bob

He was the bad guy. He tried to kill bilbo or whatever and get the ring

>so the pain can't actually be all that great
Your premise is flawed. He endured great pain and suffering, and chose to endure it despite his omnipotence. He knew how terrible it would be, hence his fear in the garden.

where's the sacrifice, faggot. just because you need to believe there is one so all your crying yourself to sleep at night carries some profound meaning doesn't mean there actually is one.

He was a bit of a dick in earlier scenes, but he did good in the end.

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So, he turned himslef human but not really and sacrificed himself but not really to save his creation from his own punishment?

It's not actually great pain unless you'd do anything to make it stop.

God can never suffer to the degree a human could. Or even a rat. All he can do is put on a good show of pretending to, while still pulling all the strings and tuning all the knobs to make sure nothing he couldn't actually handle happens to him.


Close, from the consequences of our decisions.

based and Agnus Dei pilled

>where's the sacrifice, faggot
>thinking you can understand the motives and reasoning of God
>It's not actually great pain unless you'd do anything to make it stop
Moron. The whole point is that if it was just about him he would have done anything to make it stop. The one thing h wouldn't do to make it stop was forsake humanity, which is why it's a sacrifice.

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>that dodge while sliding

Thread complete.

If he is omnipresent how can we have free will? He already knows what we are going to do from the begining. If someone decides to be a serial killer God knows that from the begining and still deliberately creates that person and then judges him. It's like an arquitect building a house with bad foundation and then blaming the house when it falls over.

Oh, so neither of those anons can understand the motives of God but you do? You must feels very special

Yes but those people had sinned and so deserved (according to God's rules) to suffer scaphism or the brazen bull or whatever. Christ was sinless.

Its like talking to Brian from family guy!

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>if God omnipotent how free will?
God allows us to have free will.
>muh problem of evil
God would rather His creations have free will and the chance to fail than not have free will.
>b-but that's evil!
According to you. It's not evil according to me and more importantly it's not evil according to the omnipotent Creator. Are you going to tell him He's wrong?
These are really basic bitch normie questions.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

slide under the dogs legs and then get back up and continue driving away

Amenin’ for the pride of the ultimate fore father

Amen !

It is done

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If you didn't cry you've never had a real friend before.

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I'm wondering why the ship didn't have some sort of autopilot

He gave up a weekend for you, bro.


>couldve just gotten between the star destroyer and escape pods so the big ships shields would have blocked the lasers and such from killing the rebels

Actually yeah, you and him are both wrong. Fuck it, send me to hell if that's the case



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this movie had a few intense scenes from and otherwise underwhelming sequel to pic related.

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it makes zero sense and never did even in ancient times

Based and christpilled


Hackson ruined this scene by making Boromir into a cartoonish villain throughout the entire movie, with an exception of two or three passing shots in ONE scene. In the extended edition, Gandalf literally SAYS to Frodo outside the gates of Moria "You can't trust Boromir he's a bad guy." And again in Lothlorien, Galadriel TELLS Frodo "Boromir is a bad guy." In his intro scene, where he's admiring Gondorian historical relics in Rivendell, Aragorn glares at him, a comrade, practically his kin, for NO REASON. All this shit RUINED the potentially greatest scene and plot twist in the entire trilogy. I'm still mad about it. Boromir could have been a friend, a noble, strong, trustworthy, charismatic kind of guy. His betrayal should have been a shock, devastating, should have been a sickening demonstration of Sauron's power of corruption. But no.

came to post this

bless and save me Lord Jesus Christ

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the point of the Holy Trinity (that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons but are of the same "essence") is key to real Christian theology. Jesus is both God and the Son of God, and when He was held aloft on the Cross He suffered a painful and tortuous death just as any other man would have.
the point is that God put Himself through suffering so that His children (humans) be moved to a greater piety and follow His Gospel

you're a literal retard
Jackson did a very good job of portraying Boromir as an honorable and brave warrior, proud of his people and his heritage, who was distraught and weary from the suffering he and his people went through on a daily basis
"by the blood of our people are your lands kept safe"
plus in the Lothlorien scene he's pretty forward with Aragorn about how much he has struggled since the formation of the Fellowship

>Fuck it, send me to hell
Nice pride faggot. Enjoy the Lake of Fire and the second death that follows. I'll be NEETing it up in my mansion in Heaven.

Casuals and specially all women won't understand this scene.

>yfw the look on his face on the bridge when he knew there was only one way to get the warp drive back online

Absolute kino

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>slips the only explicit explanation of the trinity into scripture centuries later
>heh nothing personal plebes

>"by the blood of our people are your lands kept safe"
Oh yea, don't even get me started on that scene. He's a hamfisted, angry asshole far too often. *Cut away to Gandalf looking disparagingly at Boromir* Like Jackson thought the audience would be incapable of comprehending the character change if he'd been painted with a more flattering and likeable brush from the start.

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He should have outshined Aragorn throughout the entire first movie. The audience should have been persuaded by his position through the virtue of his nobility and strength, to only in the end realize why everybody was so against it. So much more depth and surprise could have been added, really demonstrated in visceral terms what the ring does, what it is. RUINED



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The preaching we need.

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platoon the guy that played gree goblin in spiderman 1

Came here to post this. This is a board of plebs.

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The end of The Thin Red Line.