So this guy is a messenger and makes no threat against Gandalf or Aragorn, but Aragorn cuts his head off from behind? Wtf? Isnt that a war crime?
Lord of the Rings: The Return of The King
yes it is
fuck aragorn and fuck rohan
Everybody knows the ((elves)) jumpstarted this so-called war with their puppet race of men to stop the Orcs from industrializing and modernizing their country.
More importantly, what were Aragorn's tax policies?
this fartknocker deserved to die for his poor oral hygiene alone
He's thousands of years old give him a break
>Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host
>My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome.
man they made him hideous
>ignoring your oral hygiene because you've been "too busy" for 1000 years
tsk tsk
How does his breath smell?
>Black Numenorean
>living past two centuries
Has anyone tried making a fan-edit that re-orders the movie so this scene happens after Frodo is stung by the spider like it did in the book?
the books explain some black numenoreans were kept alive with black magic by Sauron
I don't think anyone is autistic enough to do that
Didn't pay his taxes
Sauron used his death as a tax write off. All part of the plan.
It's sad because I completely get why people think this scene "isnt necessary" BUT it does create a great layer in the following battle. When aragorn says "For Frodo" in the ORIGINAL cut, we assume he refers to them making a stand to give frodo the time he needs. With this EXTENDED scene, the "For Frodo" line turns into an emotional "LAST stand" as they already think he's dead and for the good of the world, and FOR FRODO they'll still fight to the death, despite them thinking Sauron already has the ring and killed the hobbit.
>When aragorn says "For Frodo" in the ORIGINAL cut, we assume he refers to them making a stand to give frodo the time he needs.
Except that's exactly what it is you retard.
oh sweet summer child, how naive