Oh god I’m cringing so hard
Oh god I’m cringing so hard
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Only 2 niggers in the crew,lol
haha fucking scum. fuck them and their trash show
>they don’t know
dude on the left looks like he's wearing someone elses' face as a mask.
The Indian dude actually looks pretty cool in this pic. I wonder if he ever hates the type of character he has to play or if the money is so good that it doesn't matter.
It’s a good thing this is their final season.
That self important look on Helberg's face
>whole cast is sat and looking determined
>sheldon walks in
>"penny, that's my spot"
everybody has a price
the state of white "people"
he was pretty good in a play with Jesse Isenberg
this is fake right?
isn't the show canceled?
they're still making big bang theory?
thought it died after writers strike at season 3
Imagine being in that room with them and shaming them into taking you up on a bet on whether he was actually attacked or not.
Show some fucking respect incels. The Big Bang Theory made geek culture acceptable. You should be grateful
He's married to Miss India or something
we all wear masks, some just hide it better than others
>me in the middle after farting
>everyone else that was in room after they smelled it
Juss deserves an Oscar for this performance.
When did they do this?
>The Big Bang Theory destroyed geek culture by bringing normies and whores in masses
Fixed for you.
Also, who the hell is Jussie Smollett, somebody give me a quick rundown. I won't browse on google, because it's full of left leaning journalist results whenever you browse recent politics.
>the most popular normie show of all time supports the most popular normie mainstream ideology of all time
The nerve!
Anti trumper on gay black show. Fakes attack with bleach and noose. Race war cancelled.
You will have to be more specific.
Is this shit on youtube?
What happened to Sheldon????
He was /ourguy/
>hollywood is a lefty bubble
Acting like you're proud to admit this.
Maybe? Jussie told the police maga hat wearing kkk, poured bleach on his face and wrapped a noose around his neck. Jussie hired them. Also sent white powder to the shows production studio.
The media took it, because Trump and his followers are literally hitler.
That show is still going?
If only there was a way to find out what was going on with this "Jussie Smollett" guy. Copy and pasting his name into your friendly neighborhood search engine would never work though.
Unfortunally. It gradually lost it's bright and sense, to the point where is no longer a series about social outcasts and nerds, but a show about couples with eventual pop culture references trowed around. I can't pinpoint exactly when it died, but if I had to bet, it would be in the moment the Jew got a serious girlfriend.
I don't trust google and it's selective search. I am not interested in libtard lies.
>I don't trust google
use duckduckgo
Bizango is closed due to AID's
Dude is a Chad making fun of Virgins. Being paid the money he's being paid. Hmm, I wonder...
Huh... hmmm... oh yeah, THIS post is based.
Wear a mask long enough, and you will forget your true face
Link? I want to see the date this article was printed
Was probably Wil Wheaton's idea. The cuck bastard.
I'm pretty sure he likes the character. Its an Indian guy with a funny accent, but the jokes are unrelated to his ethnicity for the most part. Not anymore of a stereotype than Wolowitz is for Jews
>the most popular normie show of all time
Since when? BBT can't compare ratings-wise to Seinfeld, Cosby Show, or even Friends.
for anyone in this thread, always remember that if you ever find yourself involved in group think or a social justice mob, you are almost entirely without a doubt the bad guy
normie isnt about ratings its about sucking.
And you probably post on reddit, collect funko pop, watch cape shit, and non ironically use the word "yall" while not being from the south on twitter if you watch this garbage show
the worst thing a sitcom can do is make the conflict in the show be about the relationshisp and sexual tensions.
Usually when the mains get married or have kids is when the show dies
Human garbage like you should be executed
Cheers was better about it because they had the leads go increasingly insane and try to kill each other by the end.
Really? The entire team?
There wasn't one person with a different thought in his/her head? Fucking hell.
really? no bazinga memes?
If you wanted attention so much, you could have just asked.
Take this (you), cutie. I have many on reserve.
Look at all those jews though
>There wasn't one person with a different thought in his/her head?
If there was, they were fired.
you're going to have a hard life kiddo
It's on its last season.
wil wheaton is the most pathetic man alive.
The day I put a mask on was the day people started caring who I was.
If that mask were to be taken off of you, would it be reasonable to presume that you might perish as a direct result?
oh no how embarrassing, people will look back and see them... support someone they thought was the victim of a hate crime? what idiots(?)
There would be significant physical discomfort.
>Oh god I’m cringing so hard
The black-jewess that is cast to play the Black Canary (a blond haired, blue eyed character) is Jussie Smolett's sister and both are good friends of Brie Larson.
Weird, huh?
>the state of white "people"
Those are jews.
*laugh track*
Peer pressure
Liberals are herd animals. They don't have the decision making skills of conservatives.
i recommend you go the fake hate crime website. literally every "crime" you heard about on twitter, news, etc turned out to be fake. I kid you not.
>you are not weak
he's literally a faggot
everybody make your most important feeling face
Look at all those filthy fucking niggers. I'm sick of all these blacks and their hatred of whites.
It did...it's now a soft reboot of FRIENDS
Why are liberals SO FUCKING GULLIBLE?
>entire cast
where is ZIMBABWE!! man?
where is bazinga man
qanon called ... asked whomst of yall cocksuckers ate his ass wholesale (many of yalll). how about a slize o pizzagate to top that pile of conservative bullshit
they want to be
how about being in awed of that uncool cocksucker calton tucker , advertising himself as being all about facts and logic when in fact he is intellectually dishonest, a sleight of rhetoric busker...who could be gullible enough to pay attention to that small rotten potato and give have a carreer
Right in the middle, wearing glasses
I remember our team wanted to take a picture with the words "We support transgenders" and i refused due to take a pic with them due to religious principles.
I got redundiated 6 months later
sucks to be an amerimutt huh
If there was one show I could erase from history it would be The Big Bang Theory. It was the beginning of this awful trend of fake nerds gatekeeping the entertainment industry and forcing out everything that the fans like in order to attract more fake geeks. It is literally a show for fake geek girls (and their distaff counterpart), and the people who facilitated this cancerous tumor are now the gatekeepers of pop culture trying to kick all of us out of our own hobbies.
Jussie Smollett is in jail. He was recently arrested for filing a false police report and other actions involving orchestrating a racist homophobic hate crime hoax. A week ago you were racist and homophobic for suspecting this, but now that the truth has surfaced you're racist and homophobic for talking about it.
he was arrested but paid $10K for bail
he'll have to show up for court next month and go from there
Any organization that is not strictly and mission-purpose to be conservative will be eventually co-opted and taken over by leftists. Leftists are not tolerant of dissent in the workplace. They will eventually drive everyone else out that does not share their twisted world view and fill the positions with people that do.
Destroyed it, you moron.
>18 year old white kid sentenced to three years in prison for reporting a car jacking that did not happen
>Smollett attempted to frame two random white guys he claimed he recognized as the perps and perpetrated a hate crime hoax which had the possibility of becoming LA Riot tier and costing lives and millions in property damage
>will likely have to pay a fine and say "sorry"
How the hell you gonna name your son "Jussie" though
>legal system
>existing after Barry Soetero was President
Good joke
Not a single white person in that room
>somebody give me a quick rundown
Trump made America so safe and tolerant that a gay black man had to pay two Nigerians to beat him up because he couldn't find any white homophobic racists to do it
>white people
>white people in chicago
>white people in chicago who are trump supporters
>white people in chicago who are trump supporters who are intent on committing a lynching
>white people in chicago who are trump supporters who are intent on committing a lynching who choose to do so during the coldest night in chicago in 45 years
How brain dead do you have to be to believe this story? How brain dead do you have to be to believe that people would believe this story?
People who watch this garbage should be gassed
>Kikes causing never ending division.
Geee who would imagine. They are drawn to drama, like flies to shit.
Was this before or after they found out the nigger lied?
it's almost as if victimhood is so celebrated by the left that people will stage false flag attacks just to increase their victimhood status for political or financial gain
>black Judge in Kentucky
Oh I see, he's undoing all the wrongs done to his ancestors
Meanwhile that faggot in Berkeley who bashed someone in the head with a bike lock only got 3 years PROBATION. It's amazing how much Obama managed to damage our justice system.
>omg stupid Drumpfietards what would Queen Chrissy Ford have to gain by lying about a rape?
If Jussie can fake a hate crime because apparently $65k per episode WASN’T ENOUGH, then we can see why Ford would fake a rape allegation, especially one that specifically happened 36 YEARS AGO that she has trouble remembering specific details of (but can apparently pinpoint Kavanaugh’s identity) to earn millions from kickstarters and get a few book deals.
so did any of those cunts ever speak out about that picture? Don't let them bury that shit.
>hey go to this site literally called fake hate crimes, surely there is no confirmation bias to be found there
lol if you think a website dedicated to cataloging fake hate crimes has a "confirmation bias" then you are inadvertently admitting there is indeed a problem with hate crime hoaxes on the Left.
I was at a happy hour with my normie coworkers yesterday blending in, and this thing came on the news. Now, when it had happened originally I had a couple of these people ask me "oh man do you believe this??" to which I answered "No. I don't believe it. Nothing about his story makes sense". They got uncomfortable and changed topics. Then when they saw it was faked all they could say was "well a lot of real ones really DO happen!" and something about how Drumpf still caused this somehow. I've been apolitical most of my life but the past few years are slowly making me feel like maybe Hitler was right after all.
50% of those people are kikes
Be careful. They have already catalogued you as an enemy.
>"well a lot of real ones really DO happen!" and something about how Drumpf still caused this somehow.
Then you should have brought up how if these hate crimes happen at the rate you believe them to then the media would never stop reporting on them yet they seem to only report on the fake ones. Of course you'd be labeled a nazi after that, but it'd be worth it.
Yeah, cause that wouldn't get you fired on the spot.
Learn to code, vermin.
What was Hitler right about
Why do you still get outraged by these scummy Hollywood types? Stop paying attention/money.
And you have even more cases where a white judges gives black men harder sentences then white men.
It's amazing how you find a way to blame Obama
NOOOO you're not allowed to talk about it anymore! I'll call you racist!
Yeah, that little white girl is a time traveler who will one day go back in time and oppress black people extra hard.
Because Obama filled the justice system with incredibly biased and corrupt judges. It's not rocket science, moron.
Oh and this?
>And you have even more cases where a white judges gives black men harder sentences then white men.
It's because the vast majority of the time those black men were either repeat offenders or committing crimes while in a gang which carry harsher sentences.
even if it was real
what a weird fucking thing to do
>tfw my boomer parents watch this show religiously
You forgot:
>white people who recognize some obscure black actor from a black TV show
He went full retard when he tried to paint this as some targeted attack against him, instead of just some racist attack against a black guy (not that that's super believable, but it's more believable than the attackers knowing who he was).
You appear to be a man of impressive stature.
It destroyed it completely and isn't even a good satire of it. It's nerd blackface for normies, but the part that pisses me off the most about it is that it isn't even funny.
no, they supported someone who was very clearly fabricating a story because it fit their narrative. i'm sure you think you were being clever with your generalization but that just lumps you into the same group of ignorant dipshits.
Sure he did, and now it's up to Trump to fill the justice system with judges who will restore law and order. He is doing such a good job at it that there are 5000 seats are empty
The GMA interview in the aftermath of all we've learned since is quite funny. He must have whined a hundred times along the lines of: "I can't believe some people don't believe me, like, i hope they see the video because it totally happened it wasn't a lie no lie no how, not fake at all, nuh uh, totally real"
>support someone they thought was the victim of a hate crime
>someone they thought was the victim
>they thought
No, no thought was involved.
Oh no no no, falsifying a police report by staging a crime and wasting the valuable time, money and manpower of the Chicago PD will net him a felony charge, which is a minimum of 1 year in prison for the state of Illinois.
But get this, the powdered acetaminophen and attached threat (meant to look like anthrax obviously) that he sent to himself at the production studio through the mail is what will REALLY make the CPD push for a strong indictment and will definitely up his prison time. We Burgers take our mail very VERY seriously.
I love it when the justice system works as intended which is, thankfully, most of the time.
Statement from his attorneys;
>“Mr. Smollet is a young man of impeccable character and integrity who fiercely and solemnly maintains his innocence and feels betrayed by a system that apparently wants to skip due process and proceed directly to sentencing. Today we witnessed an organized law enforcement spectacle that has no place in the American legal system. The presumption of innocence, a bedrock in the search for justice, was trampled upon at the expense of Mr. Smollett and notably, on the eve of a Mayoral election.”
>photoshopping the nog to look whiter
top kek
>mfw this is all part of his master plan to get sent to prison to enjoy a leisurely life of 24/7 buggery
Gays LOVE prison.
LMAO I guarantee he's gonna be crying as he walks into prison. Realistically, what's going to happen to a crying fag inside?
OR get it, it might be the lighting from the camera flash.
I could smoke the absolute fattest blunt there is and I would walk outside, feel it was -22 F, and say "fuck that" and go back inside. No amount of munchies can make me travel through subzero weather to get it.
And yet he went and got a fucking sandwich at 2 in the morning.
The media has been known to lighten pictures of dark-skinned suspects. See: George Zimmerman.
They are also known to darker pictures of dark-skinned suspects. See: OJ
I wish I could easily make up shit like you.
Even most blacks have turned on Jussie at this point, these people are cringe af