We need Emma Stone but more talented, more attractive, more intelligent, and for a lower price

>we need Emma Stone but more talented, more attractive, more intelligent, and for a lower price
>I know just who to call..

Attached: Jane_Levy.jpg (936x1204, 656K)

Other urls found in this thread:




with a nice boot

we need emma stone to walk around Hollywood naked

Did you read the details of the pilot she's doing? Not good.

>you will never watch kino and slam steel reserves with best emma as you explain simple plot elements to her tiny brain and then have passionate missionary sex with her cute, hairy pusy while licking her tiny, pale body

Attached: 1525326473589.jpg (351x351, 17K)

>sir, shes climbing up your pant leg as we speak

and shorter

Attached: 1535236757850.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

She had the best fappaning leaks

needed blowjob video
or penetration video
or masturbation video!

that could double as a squatty potty

that's adorable.

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She's fucking perfect, lads.

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imagine if she was your girlfriend

But shes not and never will be

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not with that attitude

Choose you're wife(formerly gf)

Attached: Jane-Levy-Feet-934675.jpg (3280x4342, 2.76M)

whichever gives the most sex

>you will never have your 5'2 strong jawed blue eyed red-head QT movie star snuggle up to you for warmth while she whispers that she loves you

Attached: blue-pilled.jpg (499x496, 42K)

1>2>3, not even /pol/

Drops of lemon juice in her eyes to make her cry. A ring-gag so she's drooling helplessly. She's alone in a room with a squad of young marines who've been given a drug that increases sexual aggression by 1000%

wow do they untie her and then gang rape the monster that did this to her?


Attached: nrh3r78soA1u0nvi7o1_500.png (497x477, 337K)

You posted a who OP but anyone can be better than emma stone she is a terrible actress and truly looks ugly

I've watched every Craig Ferugson interview with a pretty girl to try and get some game, but I'm still a virgin.

Attached: peng.png (1912x792, 1.02M)

She's a jewess
She's cute and fucking hot

I don't know what to think or do, help me bros!

Attached: How-to-Sweat-Less-on-Your-Head.jpg (1000x600, 76K)


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Attached: Evil dead 2013 behind the scenes 15.webm (1000x562, 2.86M)

Start fucking men.

man, I really should watch the remake again, I really liked it even though it went for a less comedic vibe than the majority of the original movies, and back when I saw it I didn't know who levi was, now having a crush on her would make it even better

She's cute. Her ass is cute, her boobs are cute, her nudes were nice. That short vid of her in panties was pretty kino.

Attached: 417.jpg (1080x1080, 392K)

Jane is /our girl/

Attached: 254.jpg (1920x1080, 158K)

How do I get a womanlet gf?

be a 6'3 Chad with a 8"x6" cock

>tfw I was this fucking close to have a gf much much shorter than me twice
>I'm even considered a manlet here
but I'm loyal and stick to my gf who's just a bit shorter than me

post vid

evil dead remake is okay, original honestly had scarier moments like the deadites taunting Ash, remake kind of tried too hard to be like every other modern horror flick with jumpscares every 5 minutes but it's got some alright moments.


xhamster(dot) /videos/jane-levy-topless-homemade-video-9094352

was that even her? without the face it could be anyone.

yeah, they could have done something actually unique in the genre, at least for the time of the remake's release if they would have mixed it up a bit with the humor of the original series, but it was still enjoyable as far as I remember, that part where cutie redhead chainsaws her friends face while it's raining blood was fun

It was included with the pics when leaked, but then removed from fappening blogs when attempting to view it

Good, you've been able to suppress your baser instincts.
Plus if you had kids with the shorter girls they would be manlets squared, and you would be in a ridiculous Russian nesting doll situation, where successive generations would get smaller and smaller.

>more attractive
>more intelligent

Yeah she is pretty, but my god she’s dumb as a bag of rocks. Have you seen her instagram?

Attached: 1529105433563.webm (640x1136, 2.16M)

> more attractive
nope. emma has the alita BUG EYES

Attached: emma-stone-spider-man.jpg (780x585, 119K)

>leave Shameless because they want you to show your tits
>star in garbage tier sitcom instead
>your nudes get leaked
>lost all the dollarydoos you could still be making showing tits on Shameless
>Shameless is going to keep running for fuckin ever
>tfw no career

Sucks to make bad decisions

She's doing alright, Don't Breathe and Evil Dead were hits.

Yeah but how long can she keep that going for?

Until she's not cute anymore

She looks kind of haggard these days. I mean I still like her but yeah. A little tough without makeup.

>me on the rocks on the back squatting

>One movie every 3 years

scrambled eggs all over my face
what is a boy to do

Attached: Levy.jpg (1080x1080, 295K)


Steel Reserve

Attached: 3724753.jpg (1375x701, 348K)

Idk bro. I want to say she's just sweaty and purposely going for that "i dont care" look.

Attached: 49597702_347975552456463_1946063919833225815_n-1.jpg (1080x1080, 570K)

Based Steel Reserve poster.

But here she does look cute

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I saw the original blade runner but not the goose version. What is the context of the horny and alone scene

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Idk she's still kinda cute in that pic
Its the first where she's looking a bit rough.
This one is from last year. Still cute.

Attached: Levyd.jpg (1080x829, 524K)

The black one is the hottest of the 3(that body and face) followed by Levy.

What's wrong with fucking a jewish woman?

Here's another

Attached: Pickles.jpg (806x806, 472K)

smol qts are indeed dank, but there comes a limit bois.

I worked with this chick who was legit roughly three feet tall. She was probably like 3'3". she barely came up to my waist.
And no she wasn't cute, she was fuggin weird looking. Think like a munchkin from The Wizard of Oz, you know how their facial features are a bit squashed in and jumbled around? Yeah it was like that.

She wasn't a midget/little person, as I'm 99% sure it wasn't a genetic mutation that caused her to be physically so tiny, she was "simply" extremely small. This combined with her attention-seeking personality, caused her to frequently interject in conversations by jumping and waving her hand in the air so it would pass through our peripheral vision and we would be forced to give her attention. Sometimes I thought about picking her up like a stuffed animal, tucking her under my arm, walking down the hall, and tossing her out the window (we worked on the 8th floor). She would not have been able to resist or anything at all.

Attached: jokerman.jpg (640x733, 290K)

>more talented, more attractive
>lower price
LMAO yeah that's how hollywood works

this took me 5 minutes

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Nazis would have killed this qt tho

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Shes not more attractive though, she doesn't have ayyy qualified eyes. The big eyes are to dicks like flowers are to bees, its just nature and science. plus her jaw line is just a tad off, a bit too wide or something.

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Emma stone is a better actress to be honest.


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she looks like a non degenerate Barbara Palvin here

too much malt liquor

Attached: steel reserve sixer.png (400x400, 217K)

I like short girls. You guys should look up Skylar Valentine.

Don't talk shit about green juice

Attached: Jane Levy - Green Drink.webm (608x1080, 2.72M)

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short girls are patrician


someone redpill me on the Jane Levy steel reserve meme

>if only you knew how bad things really are

Yes they are. Very much so.

smol and brapilled

Attached: 1513949860255.png (1280x2272, 3.57M)

>not enjoying in ice cold steel reserve

I decided on some steel reserve a big 40 ounce bottle.i hadngotten my wife to order me some chinese food earlier so when i got home i could kick back in my recliner have my steel reserve over a huge mug of ice and watch lotr .this malt liquour us best served over lots of ice . You people complain about the oily metallic corn taste of this brew . Thats because you dont have the common sense to drink it ice cold in a huge mug . I poured it and it had such a big head i had to sip it to keep it from foaming all over the asmall table i jad all my food snacks on.it tastes great and is refreshing and strong. Just what you need after a long days work . Stop complaining and drink it right youll be glad you did.

Attached: jane-levy-social-media-pics-september-2017-8.jpg (1280x2276, 206K)

do you think they had an orgy?


She needs my whyte juice

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i think the girl that looks like her is actually her sister and Jane took this photo


Attached: 1525746550895.jpg (1440x1420, 591K)

Well im saving that and cropping everyone but levy's cute ass

>more talented
more attractive
more intelligent
don't know
lower price

>i water down my steel reserve with ice!
It's like 9% ABV just drink the thing pussy

Attached: 1525495930267.jpg (400x400, 30K)

>Steel reserve
I feel like i'm missing the joke

Attached: punished jane .jpg (665x1000, 186K)


>You know I aint no queer, right?

Attached: 1533378711907.jpg (1078x1080, 193K)

Fucking cute

you aint seen nothin

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>*winks your path*

Attached: 1519091000637.png (1064x1376, 1.53M)

More cute candids

When the FUCK are they going to leak the Jane """audition tapes"""

Attached: rare janes.jpg (1280x956, 281K)

Good thing a $19.99 quick-to-market as-seen-on-tv product has to be sold fast as fuck, otherwise people would have caught on that they were paying money to shit like an Indian

The only actress that I give a shit about is Christina Hendricks srsly

>Jane Colburn Levy
hiding in plain sight...

Do you even know how short 3'3 is? Under 4'10 is considered dwarfism.

g-got any more...?

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Attached: Smile.webm (1024x572, 1.74M)

thisisjanecolburnlevyfrommyrentedflatinlos angelescaliforniaamerica

i want her to pick her nose and put her boggers in my mouth and then sit on my face and giggle

Attached: 1536101662463.jpg (604x453, 43K)

Top qt

And gingerpilled.

Attached: 1512292729924.jpg (2448x3264, 2.05M)

Imagine being the guy she sent this to

Must be the best feeling in the world...... no joking.

>black pubes

Attached: 1529138147063.jpg (3024x4032, 2.43M)

Anyone know when her pilot starts shooting?

It's bad lighting RIGHT?!

Attached: 1550632289832.jpg (600x600, 25K)

Yeah, surprise motherfuckers! This is what a woman looks like without her makeup.

Why the fuck can't I have a gf like this?

Give qt gf!

She's sweaty from Yoga which also fucked her makeup.

She was hot in that movie with vjuice

Attached: 8nPE80O.jpg (4120x1008, 608K)

>when Yea Forumsirgins see what a woman looks like without makeup and hair done, flattering camera angle, lighting

oh hi landwhale

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every females looks hot compared to the bumpy nips girl

alrigh caralad


Attached: PpT6TgC.jpg (1000x1500, 679K)

whats her foot game like though?


Attached: 1511522011290.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

>more attractive
they're both plain Jane's

Attached: IMG_20181130_020348.jpg (750x767, 54K)

b ur self bra

Attached: 1510597109937.webm (1920x1080, 362K)

So disappointed this didn't get past the pilot stage. Glenn Close was fantastic. Demonic

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cringe as fuck. This girl has no career and her interview are super stupid. If some want young good actress then there are so much better options, Emma is older than her so they are not even competition but... Ana Taylor-Yoy, Kiernan Shipka, Florence Pugh, Thomasin McKenzie which are probably the best actresses of their generation definitely are.


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Any closeups of her feet?

Are you fucking with me

She needs more movies that concentrate on her smallness

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dead career general?

Attached: G18d.gif (500x250, 724K)

isn't that the point of this thread?

Attached: Jane_Levy_Shameless_S01E03_1.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

wtf i love shameless

Attached: Jane_Levy_Shameless_S01E03_2.webm (1080x1080, 2.29M)

still a giant compared to kondo

wtf is that

Attached: 1525738481595.webm (1920x798, 2.38M)

marie kondo, know midget

Not related to anything, but why are you amerigoblins so butthurt?
I looked up for shameless and saw this video, there is only americans losing their shit in the comments.


Asian does not count. cheat code

Attached: 1525733712897.webm (640x1136, 989K)

She looks like a tranny on this one

even hotter

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The short and sweet version is that K (Ryan Gosling) finds out that what should have been an implanted artificial memory turns out to be a real true memory. It basically makes him question his entire life/existence, thus the outburst. Can't really go into anymore details without completely spoiling the movie. You should take the time to watch it, it's really good.


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