Brie Larson is a fugly butch, zero charisma, non-entity with a fivehead, shit-tier body, horrible bolt on tits, negative ass, utterly fucking disgusting Crypt Keeper feet and is a raving Feminazi/SJW cunt.

This looks soo fucking bland and it's not helped by Brie who has all the personality of a dead eyed fuckdoll. Sure, Disney wont let this fail and will bulk buy tickets internationally, which we know they do to boost their stock value, but this is TV level trash with a piece of shit as the lead.

It might not fail but I hope it does!!!FACT!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Captain Marvel has never sold more than 20K issues and loses money with every published issue.

Captain Marvel was originally a male hero created when the copyright license for the original Captain Marvel lapsed 40 years ago. The copyright-stealing hero was never successful but Marvel never wanted to relinquish the copyright for jew reasons so they regularly relaunched unsuccessful spinoffs. Then Captain Marvel died of space-cancer (seriously)

One of these spinoffs was "Ms. Marvel" which was an unsuccessful women's lib. Over the next thirty years the two most notable events was getting leech-raped by Rogue from the X-Men who took all her powers and another time getting Bill Cosbied by some cosmic entity named Marcus Immortus who made her give birth to him, then married her in a incest-rape story arc.

Then about ten years ago Marvel executive demanded female superheroes be made so that Marvel can sell IP for female-targeted capeshit movies and Ms Marvel for all her getting raped and shittiness was one of the few that Marvel had. She became a bunch of beta male writers' idea of a forceful and commanding female which is to say a retarded, loud and authoritarian bitch who did stupid shit and demanded everyone obey her. Noone like this shit or bought any of her books but they continued to be published.

There. Now you're caught up!!!FACT!!!

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There is a difference between someone not being overtly sexualized, ie boobs hanging out and underwear for pants, and someone with an objectively shit body that has almost nothing going for it due to no real care or training undertaken with proven fungal infections who is also filled with a vapid idiot of a personality with few redeeming qualities if any. Whose sole personality trait seems to be; "So what if I don't look after myself?, I am 'empowering' to bland unattractive woman because we say so, yet I am surprised no one but desperate greasy guys want to fuck me!?"

Arnold Schwarzenegger was supposed to be emotionless as the terminator but in terminator 2 started smiling and throwing out funny one liners specifically to show he was learning to be less of a robot - while playing one.

Captain Marvel on the other hand comes across as an unhappy, hateful, depressing person to be around, who is using her godly powers out of spite. There are practically no redeeming qualities to the actress and by extension the character she is playing as a result. Brie Larson has absolutely no femininity or grace while espousing forced grandeur and feigned superiority while looking like a world class unmitigated cunt!!!FACT!!!

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The worst thing is that they've decided to taint Endgame by shoving this bitch into what is suppose to be the original Avengers swan song.

It's Rey 2.0. They manufacture some character and scream at the audience that "SHE'S THE NEW FACE OF THE MCU/STARWARS/DOCTORWHO etc...!!!" and are already setting up the narrative (ala Ghostbusters 2016) that if you don't pay to see this movie you're a "FUCKING WHITE MALE SEXIST INCEL MANBABY BLAH-BLAH-BLAH!!!". Of course Marvel wants you to forget that the first female Captain Marvel was a black woman named Monica Rambeau, which makes the MCU rendition of the character a subtle case of white-washing.

It would have been better if they made this movie, released it at the end of the year and, if it's a hit, make her a part of Avengers 5. But NOOOOOOOOOO, the Mouse just had to fuck up ten years of MCU build up with this fucking bullshit and I can't believe Kevin Feige would agree to this because it smacks of political fuckery. As if Disney was pissed that Wonder Woman beat them to the punch of having a big female led superhero movie, so they've probably threatened to #MeToo Feige if he didn't shovel out some shit and piggyback her off more popular characters.

Infinity War was the end of the MCU for me and I have no intention of seeing either Captain Fungi or even Endgame for that matter because of this roastie slag.

They took all of the franchises that all the rejects and retards that got poked fun at in school took to escape from their shitty lives, they took all of them, they ruined them and the worst part is they don't even care about the franchises themselves, they just want to be "inclusive" and make it about them!!!FACT!!!

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based creepythinman dabbing on marlel

It's funny because amber head actually has a fridge body with some semblance of tits
She just happens to be wearing a corset under that body suit
You guys are too easy

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It's Gekko!

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fuck you and Heard

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>Soulless vs Soulless
Aquaman was a steaming pile of shit, even for capeshit. Hera's wet tits could only do so much for me, and I fell asleep in the theatre.

>Aquaman was a steaming pile of shit, even for capeshit. Hera's wet tits could only do so much for me, and I fell asleep in the theatre.

Perhaps heterosexuality isn't for you. Have you considered that you might enjoy cock?!?FACT!!!

Alright fags listen up

Operation MAD

The week before Captain Marvel comes out will be the release of the latest Tyler Perry Madea movie. Madea will likely not be some huge blockbuster, but now analysts are saying Captain Marvel might not even hit a 100 mil opening - very low by Marvel standards

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to not see Captain Marvel on its release week and instead buy tickets for Madea. You don't even have to go see Madea, just help artificially inflate its box office

If enough fags do this so that Madea on its second week can stump Marvel on its first, the media will have a shitfit

Attached: shes coming for your boxoffice.jpg (700x700, 74K)

Also, do you see men lobbying for someone like DJ Qualls to be a comic book movie superhero? No and it's because we want to see strong virile men who we can admire and aspire to be ala Arnold and Sly.

Women can't fucking stand seeing other women who are more beautiful than they are because they're all pitilessly narcissistic. So Hollywood now casts fuggo roastie cum dumpsters who are more "relatable" because a bunch of cat lady shut-ins squawk on their Twitter feed.

Know why Aquaman was successful? It had likeable and good looking actors in what was, to be honest, a pedestrian story. Captain Marvel just needed to be an attractive chick fighting aliens and I would have went for it.

But these fucking lunatics are trying to make a fucking popcorn comic book movie into some sort of political statement. Fuck right off with that and fuck you for supporting it. Go dilate your axe wound, faggot!!!FACT!!!

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No, I'm just spoiled by internet porn and past puberty, so some decent cleavage isn't enough to keep my attention when the movie itself is shitty.
>Fuck right off with that and fuck you for supporting it
Oh, ok, so now I'm a shill since I didn't like Aquaman. When you you stupid DC and Marvel capefaggots get it through your dense fucking skulls that someone can just hate modern superhero movies? They're all soulless. No, retard, it's not as simple as
>If you don't like x then you must like y
Cause guess what faggot, x and y both equal z, and z is STUPID FUCKING MOVIES!!!FACT!!!

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Not him but i love capeshit!
and you're a nigger

>Cause guess what faggot, x and y both equal z, and z is STUPID FUCKING MOVIES!!!FACT!!!



Modern capeshit is soulless garbage. And YES, the over abundance of CGI does make it worse! Compare nu-Spiderman to Raimi's. Compare Batfleck to Nolan's kino trilogy. Old capeshit had heart, but now they know retarded manchildren like you fags will see it no matter what.

What did this babbling retard mean by this?

I'm afraid my theorem is beyond your simple your simple plebian mind, so, I'll make it more clear that he DEEP THROATS BIG, THROBBING, VEINY, BLACK COCKS, just like the rest of the men in his non-forking family tree!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/rh_KyO4uifc

I won't argue that they cut corners on CG. iron man's cg was excellent in the first movie, almost indistinguishable from the real thing.
But the characters and interactions have a lot of charm, and when you pay a bit more attention, they do have moral of the story and since it's hidden further into the surface most times, doesn't come off as preachy nor hitting you over the head, as sam raimi's spiderman does (though it was excellent at the time)

holy fuckin based

Are you Rafa benitez in disguise?

omfg thats actually a shot of the new captain marvel
oh no no no no no no no no no no ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
seriously though I clicked out of it thinking it was a shitty image from some old 80's shit movie and then i realized its actually our manjaw Fem Lord brought to you by Globohomo
jesus fucking christ just

I know, right. Looks like something from the fucking POWER RANGERS fer fuck sakes!?!FACT!!!

I namefag and I don’t ramble like a sexist lunatic.

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>an on set photo looks strange
you dont say!

Attached: brie.png (1520x1920, 3.4M)

did Thin Man do an 8-ball or something?

>take screencaps before any actor or actres blinks
I can do the same shit
Get outta here with that dishonest bullshit