Spooky kino about Japan Flight 123 when?
Spooky kino about Japan Flight 123 when?
Other urls found in this thread:
>plane crashes
is that a real surviving photo or from something else?
Christ, that was awful. Plane gets fucked up early in the flight and the pilots knew there was nothing they could do. Audio of the cabin was the noise of alarms saying "Pull up pull up pull up" but they couldn't do shit.
hyatt regency movie when? would be kino. all those people trapped under slabs of concrete and shit while slowly being flooded and the rescue people having to tear down the hotel's entrance and bring in the fucking bulldozers.
The worst part is the SDF inexplicably waited until the next day to go to the crash site for a rescue, and refused to ask the US base near the crash site for help. One of the 4 survivors said she heard screaming when she regained consciousness but these fell silent through the night.
What happened? Zombies or something?
>that recording
>Japan Flight 123
Is this the one where a part of the plane disintegrates because japs fuck up the assembly and then they fly into a mountain?
This one is my favorite.
Nipps can't fly. UAL 232 had a near identical failure and landed the plane at an airport. More people survived than died.
It got a tail strike and the repair was done incorrectly so it decompressed and shattered the tail.
>No evidence of a technical malfunction was found.[1] Cockpit voice and flight data recorders revealed the presence of the relief pilot's 12-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son on the flight deck.[2][3][4] While seated at the controls, the pilot's son had unknowingly disengaged the A310's autopilot control of the aircraft's ailerons. The autopilot then disengaged completely causing the aircraft to roll into a steep bank and a near-vertical dive. Despite managing to level the aircraft, the first officer over-corrected when pulling up, causing the plane to stall and enter into a corkscrew dive; the pilots managed to level the aircraft off once more, but by then the plane had lost too much altitude to recover and crashed into the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range.[5]
Jesus fucking Christ, Russians are one of a kind.
It was worse than refusing to ask for help, the US dudes offered to help and the Japs refused it.
this is played in the credits
Sum Ting Wong
Wi Tu Lo
Ho Lee Fuk
Bang Ting Ow
>mfw finding out that many people survived the crash and then died of hypothermia because the Japanese refused to let American helicopters aid in the search
>its the end
>[end of recording]
>A typical person can handle a descent of around 49 m/s2 before blacking out.
>Aeroflot 593 corkscrewed towards the ground at 70m/s2.
Fucking terrifying.
How can you be this shit of a pilot?
I'd hope to black out before impact that remain conscious all the way down
How the fuck did 4 people even survive?
who did the japs want dead on that plane?
this is still the most terrifying one for me, but fuck do i laugh whenever i hear the WHOOP WHOOP at the end
cockpit recordings were a mistake
Post CVR kino.
the tenerife disaster has to be the biggest display of aeronautical autism ever. it deserves a movie.
The absolute incompetence of this pilot is amazing.
>At 9:45 am, Flight 81 was cleared for landing, and the aircraft touched down on assigned runway 30. Noticing that there was insufficient runway length remaining for the jet to stop, the crew decided to go around. As it began to take off again, the aircraft overran the end of the runway and impacted elements of the Approach Lighting System. This caused the aircraft to bank hard to the right until it was upside down before crashing into a cornfield 2,400 ft (730 m) from the runway. Seven occupants died on impact. One survived the crash, but she died less than two hours later in a hospital.
> Investigators determined that the pilots hadn't begun the go-around earlier before overrunning Runway 30. The pilots failed to apply full brakes, and moved the brake handle towards the OPEN position instead of selecting the proper DUMP position during the landing which would have safely brought the aircraft to a stop even after it overran the runway.
Quick rundown?
>not flying not motherfucking flying
no shit, retard.
This one is probably the greatest piece of piloting in the history of aviation.
plane fails and crashes
but first, the pilots and maybe everyone eventually know its gonna crash as it slowly then dramatically descends for 30 or so minutes
>about to pull off one of the most well executed recoveries in aviation history
>then some bitchass downdraft comes along and fucks you up before your engines have time to react
man, fuck this gay earth. at least the pilots made it out.
who the fuck watches these videos
Guys im on a plain roght now. Im scared
any more with animations?
pure luck
Oh man it's funny because dumbass reporters thought it was true
god damn i never want to fly again
i still can't believe that all the pilots were back flying less than a year later, i'd fucking retire and enjoy life after that
>Those people who could walk were instructed to leave the hotel to simplify the rescue effort; those mortally injured were told they were going to die and given morphine. Often, rescuers had to dismember bodies to reach survivors among the wreckage. One victim's right leg was trapped under an I-beam and had to be amputated by a surgeon, a task which was completed with a chainsaw.
Fucking hell, m8
I want to now
but I like the animations to see how it happened
2:35 kek
They're created as visual aids for investigations and also used for flight safety/recovery training. They're kino though.
And to lighten the mood, here's harrison Ford almost crashing with another aircraft because he confused the runway where he was supposed to land
It's even sadder if you listen to the whole recording.
>And then if you have to evacuate you'll get the command signal to evacuate, but i really have my doubts we'll be in...standing up honey. Goodluck, sweetheart.
>Thanks, you too.
i love watching this, so intense like seeing the plane come down in real-time
this one was cool to read about, i imagined myself on the plane as it spun into the ground
couldnt find the actual cvr audio for my favorite airkino, but theres this
>whole accident cause because contractors decided to hang one bridge off the other instead of using the same support wire for both bridges
were they actually retarded?
im into planes so i think they are interesting. i have watched way more that arent even about crashes.
holy shit that whole comment section is /x/
Anyone have that one with argentina or spain landing in a wet grassy plain/swamp?
Did he die?
Oh no, these retards didn't take off on the right runway?
What the fuck happened here??
holy shit
>used to work as an airplane mechanic (we're called engineers but we're mechanics)
>having to make complete overhauls of some planes because the repair and maintenance have been shit
>stressing that the overhaul is bunk
>but have to overhaul because if it crashes after leaving our hanger its on us
I want to say it was stressful, but it was pretty chill. We were just very critical and analytical of every plane we touched. But I quit that job to become an air traffic controller, that tv show Mayday is something we talk about a lot in the tower. That and Charlie Victor Romeo.
Damn they actually did pretty well. RIP
That's the exact plot of Airframe.
So what happened to Airlines Flight 370? Suicide or accident?
Yeah they fucked up by using a shorter runaway (usually designated for small planes like Cessnas) they weren't cleared for. Traffic control was held responsible because they didn't have two people on duty during the shift -- which would've likely noticed the error. The only one to survive the crash was the first officer (who was actually piloting the plane at the time).
>that sound of the wind roaring in the background as the plane nose dives
>that overspeed warning
>that alarm
>it's a frame
I don't hear that, in fact the only reason why anybody would hear that it's because they are being told to hear "it's a frame"
How easy would it be for a disgruntled "engineer" to sabotage a plane? Or are there enough checks that that's pretty much impossible?
I think only the people in the first 30 floors had the time to flee
>Among the dead passengers some survived the initial crash but subsequently died of their injuries hours later, mostly due to the Japan Self-Defense Forces’s decision to wait until the next day to go to the crash site, after declining an offer from a nearby United States Air Force base to start an immediate rescue operation.
Another example of Asians being too proud and pigheaded
holy shit this gave me anxiety
flight 214 is exactly why i refuse to fly budget airlines, ever. it's paranoid as fuck, i'm fully aware, but i just feel more safe paying $300 more for a flight with an airline that doesn't look like shit and the pilots know what thewy're doing
>Japs don't let the US help for literally no reason
>hundreds of their own citizens die
Jesus fuck I hate nips
>those last 20 seconds
It was tower control error to be honest, who the fuck says "cleared for takeoff" and the goddamn plane is in the wrong runaway.
I hear this was because they didn't secure a load and upon takeoff it came loose and unbalanced the plane!!!FACT!!!
The only thing scarier than CVR footage of crashes are ATC recordings with pilots. It's baffling how retarded and cocky some of these people are.
What level of irony is this post on?
>that little nigga landed safely
It just goes to show that *all* asians are selfish insectoids.
How is he retarded or cocky?
>No Aeroperú 603
Maintenance guy painted the aircraft and covered the sensors with grey duct tape instead of bright orange, no one noticed them and flew with no instruments. Pilots had contradictory alarms like overspeed and stall at the same time while saying their altitude was fine with low terrain sounding at the same time. They hit water, plane bounced and inverted then crashed. Obviously, no one survived.
>tfw will never be belta slingshotting past jupiter
Not very easy, everything you would do would be inspected almost instantly.
Shit like this makes me glad I'm American with the Miracle on the Hudson. Only American ingenuity it seems pulls off real success.
ATC literally wanted a plane full of people to fly through an intense weather cell which could've damaged the aircraft. By requesting a deviation, the ATC made an issue out of it, which is something ATC's shouldn't do -- their job is to help pilots coming in and out. ATC then further antagonized the pilots by refusing the pilot's request to a waypoint ("you got yourself into this situation").
Basically he intentionally delayed them because they refused to fly through a weather cell / obey his command.
depends where you are, some places have higher security than others. Security tends to flex when everyone knows each other and nothing weird happens in years, like that guy that decided to steal a plane then crash it
I don't think anyone has posted this yet:
The MayDay episode is really good, but the bottom line is that they lost their horizontal stabalizer on the tail, so the plane wanted to go downwards all the time, so the pilot had to hold the plane steady by pulling up on the controls, continuously, for quite a long time. Eventually the other rudders broke off from the stress, and then the plane went down. At the end of the recording you hear the other planes in the area being hailed by the control, asking them if they can see it. They all report the same thing...the plane is now in a vertical dive....and then it hits the water.
Watch the Mayday episode. It's honestly the scariest thing I can imagine ever being involved in.
If you're at a major airport it's pretty unlikely to happen. There are a lot of layers to checks and re-checks. If you do something bold enough to fuck the plane on its next voyage the odds are good that someone will notice it right away. If you do something subtle enough to fuck the plane multiple flights from now, someone else will likely spot the issue before it happens.
Eh it honestly depends but the one drawback with American flying is the infrastructure for air traffic controllers is pretty dated. If there's any government regulatory committee/agency to praise it's the flying section of the NTSB tho. Those guys are wizards when to comes to crashes and how to prevent them in the future
nah, bullshit, that was way too different, a smaller aircraft in daylight with every instrument working, Aeroperú was in the night with the added stress of not seeing anything, alarms sounding, contradictory information and the ATC tower repeating what their compromised instruments said because it wasn't a radar information it was just repeating what the aircraft transponder was sending, which was foiled by the duct tape covering every sensor. Unknowingly the ATC made it worse by giving them false information, which he didn't knew it was wrong since it was what appeared on his screen.
For me, it's Southwest Airlines.
Crushes like the Hillsborough disaster and that Saudi incident a few years ago are fascinating. People turning blue and dying while standing next to you seems like such a surreal thing to happen.
The magical part about Southwest Airlines to me is that it's cool, calm, and collected. Every time I fly, I fly Southwest.
What about that Air France crash near Brazil where the retarded co pilot put the stick down the entire time while the other guys tried to find out why the plane was racing towards the ocean
>In the aftermath of the incident, Hiroo Tominaga, a JAL maintenance manager, killed himself to atone for the incident,[27] while Susumu Tajima, an engineer who had inspected and cleared the aircraft as flightworthy, committed suicide due to difficulties at work.[28]
Wow. That kind of thing will drive you to hell.
Hillsborough must've been hell. I've been in human crushes before at metal festivals (years ago when security regulation was shit) and just dealing with that was horrible. Would've been 100% being pinned against a cage.
In Western society they just drift away in guilt. Asian societies they kill themselves because of the shame it brings to their culture. It's their way of atonement from my understanding of anime culture.
thats a good one kek
a little shocked no one posted the video from the fire at that metal bar where people got stuck trying to escape and just burned to death
jesus fucking CHRIST what a video
tenerife's animation from Maysday is kino
this is by far the most kino tragedy
zero, he's right
Man, those teams played in south-american tier stadiums back then
>committed suicide due to difficulties at work.
Damn, those asians can be savage as fuck, they surely stopped talking to, left rooms when he walked in, left him alone while eating and called him shit on his back
This fucking video was on my mind the first time I saw Death Grips.
They were playing in a tiny venue, sold out, packed and MC Ride looks like a fucking demon when he performs. I kept myself close to the exit because I thought a fire was going to happen.
>cheering as stadium burns down
>people just sitting nearby and watching
>soccer in general
brits are subhumans
there is a show on smithsonian channel dedicated to plane crashes. basically from a stand point of the investigators checking all the evidence to try to figure out what went wrong
i still wonder how the people in the top left of the photo died, did they forget about the other exits?
:15 on this video is creepy but the rest sucks
i can't find a good quality version of the original that is really close to where the plane crashes.
>the one guy who died dropping ass in the john
What was going through his mind when it happened, bros?
Didn't she get sucked out a window?
Imagine having your last few miserable moments in this world recorded as you angrily rage like a little pussy faggot at some operator just trying to help
People panic, dude. I'm sure the smoke and screeching people only added to the confusion.
I remember being in a basement bar (with only one exit - a staircase) a couple months back watching football. The place was way over capacity. Just kept thinking about that video and knew I was completely fucked if a fire broke out.
This -->
Honestly surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
>The Station nightclub fire occurred on Thursday, February 20, 2003, in West Warwick, Rhode Island, killing 100 people and injuring 230. The fire was caused by pyrotechnics set off by the tour manager of the evening's headlining band Great White, which ignited plastic foam used as sound insulation in the walls and ceilings surrounding the stage. The blaze reached flashover within one minute, causing all combustible materials to burn. Intense black smoke engulfed the club in 5½ minutes. Video footage of the fire shows its ignition, rapid growth, the billowing smoke that quickly made escape impossible, and blocked egress that further hindered evacuation.[1] The toxic smoke, heat, and the resulting human crush toward the main exit killed 100; 230 were injured and another 132 escaped uninjured. Many of the survivors developed posttraumatic stress disorder as a result of psychological trauma.
>the US dudes offered to help and the Japs refused it
did you even look at recent posts in this thread?
it's been posted twice already
it has been like 5 times. pay attention
Fucking bullshit he died, it's not fair bro
fucking russians, man
it still amazes me some shitty local band attempted pyro in a shitty dive bar with no sprinkler system
it's actually comical how stupid some people can be sometimes
They got squeezed to death by the amount of people? Jesus britain
I didn't refresh for a while because I was reading the thread.
Fun fact is that I'm also Japanese. Gonna go stab my stomach with a katana now thanks.
>no emotion or reaction
based ruskis
What the fucking fuck
>get pinned under rubble
>hours in agony
>can't even feel parts of your body
>rescuer finally reaches you
>"sorry buddy you're fucked, here's some dope"
Honestly makes me feel less bad I totaled my car.
>fuselage just splits in two
Holy kek.
The only time I've ever been in a club I kept thinking of this shit. I do not want to be in such a packed spot if a fire breaks out, holy fuck that would be an awful way to die.
Perfectly understandable my boy. Love the food, btw
I used to work at a nightclub as a bouncer.
Honestly we aren't tried for fire safety. IDK what I'd have done in this situation. Fucking scares the shit out of me now that I think about it because there were three exits all of which would have become massive choke points and prime areas for crushes to occur.
Smoke in a burning building isn't like the smoke at a campfire or something. It's thick, black, toxic, and billowing everywhere. Everyone is in a panic in an already dark nightclub, they probably headed towards the main exit others tried to go to, realized it was turning into a pile of bodies, and tried to find another way out.
Crawling a foot off the ground to not die of smoke inhalation around a very rapidly heating up deathtrap of which you don't know the layout, and praying in your panic and confusion that you can spot on exit is an easy way to get lost, pass out, and get cooked to death. Most deaths in a large fire aren't just fully conscious people igniting. It's people getting lost and confused in the smoke and panic, breathing in too many toxic fumes, passing out, and being cooked alive while unconscious. That's how things like this club happen. Add to the fact that the fucking place was a tinderbox which was in violation of fire code by A. Letting in more people than they had permission capacity wise by the fire marshal, and B. Not having a sprinkler system which, if it didn't put the fire out altogether, would likely have bought enough time suppressing the growth and spread of the fire for people to file out of the building in a more orderly manner.
Happens more often than you think
Not to sound like a dick but I kind of half expected him to say "his taxes pays for her salary"
The one where one of the passengers took 3 prisoners on board but they started attacking him and eventually a bigger plane came to took them away
yeah i just assumed the people in the top left were like employees or some shit and would know the layout better, but was dumb of me to make that assumption
shit sucks, rip
ukraine air show was more insane
Once you get enough people into tight spaces fluid mechanics actually comes into play.
What you need to stop it is for everyone to just stop and stand absolutely still. But it'll never happen once panic sets in.
um, not if the plane that crashes is a ghost plane.
Giving the circumstances, can you blame him?
That sounds extravagant. I would bet everyone was of median height otherwise I would be extremely surprised
People in the stands were absolutely obliterated. Capas detated, etc.
>wow it's kinda weird with no lights
i'm amazed this shit is allowed on youtube
Wasn't that the one with the misfiled flight plan? I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.
>mechanical complexity of the planes
>pilot psychology
>poor weather/visibility
>complexity of airport departures and arrivals
>airspace full of other planes
>language barrier when communicating
It's amazing how safe flying is spite of all this
Mercedes stopped racing for decades after this
I didn't hear it now but I still remember the
>I don't wanna die!! *screams* *collapsing building* *call stops*
ya there is this one too
there is one where they collide more head on but i cant find it.
People don't look that shocked and panicked compared to the other videos. It seems like being only 10 years after the war Europeans were still accustomed to death.
i wouldn't open the thread to car stuff because there is so much of that.
exception for this one because of the air time
>September 1, 2004: Three died in a Saudi IKEA shop stampede
I swear if that had killed this guys family on camera like that...
>partially sucked out a fucking plane window
Holy shit
From plebbit
>I've been in a crush at Leeds festival in England a few years ago and it was the scariest thing I've ever encountered.
>This wasn't while a band was playing either, it was after all the bands had finished and everyone was trying to leave the arena. For some reason, security hadn't opened all the gates to get out of the exit and everyone - 80-90,000 people were being pushed through a tiny exit that had turnstiles.
>It happened really quickly. One minute I'm walking away from the concert, then the crowd gets a bit thicker, then I can't move.
>OP is right too, we started moving like a fluid. My feet were firmly stuck on the ground with nowhere to go to, but my body was moving with every wave, pushing me onto the people around me like one of those Weebles toys that never falls down. I kept saying sorry to the girl in front who was crying, but I couldn't move off her.
>The worst bit? People at the back were chanting 'Hillsborough! Hillsborough!' which made me realise they didn't care about the crush at all, it was funny to them. I thought I was going to die, honestly, I couldn't breathe.
>When I finally got out the crush (someone eventually opened a gate), there were people lying on the floor outside having passed out and other people bleeding. Weirdly, everyone just got on with the festival like nothing happened but it's always stuck with me what could have happened.
Honestly human crowds are one of the most dangerous situations you could put yourself in. Imagine being in the middle of a crowd of thousands of people and you are folly to the movements of the group. Crowd goes left, you go left. Crowd goes right, you go right. Crowd starts to panic and people start to run, pray you don't get trampled. If you are at a large event stay to the sides, if shit goes wrong and you're caught in the middle good luck.
there was pics from this one where you could see her body ripped apart it was pretty grotesque. im not looking for those.
>this thread
christ how awful. i'm just gonna post the hudson to cleanse the palette
That’s the flight that the co pilot knew what was wrong, but couldn’t tell his superior he was doing something stupid because of some Asian code where you can’t criticize your superior. IIRC
I hope none of you fags ever find yourselves in such situations.
We'll have to wait for the blu ray release with bonus features to find out I'm afraid
This was mental. Some lightweight components were made of magnesium. As the Mercedes crashed, the engine and hood detached from the car acting as a guillotine on the crowd, and fuel was sprayed over the crash area. Marshalls tried to extinguish the magnesium fire with water.
>that taxi
Holy fuck he better buy lotto tickets
Best thread in a while
I've flown on over 100 flights and never had any issue. It's a roll of the dice.
Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that the hood just absolutely lopped off the heads of an entire row of people.
i only wish a fiery plane crash death on the /pol/turds who think everything is a liberal/leftist/"cultural marxist" conspiracy and have ruined Yea Forums.
My dad worked at this airport at the time, it was chaos.
There was a stampede at mecca a few years ago and 2400 people died, shits ridiculous
The whole thing happened because the pilot let his kids play in the cockpit.
why don't they ever turn on the lights in those packed clubs when shit goes down
>planes being in the air more than on the ground
>THOUSANDS of planes are in the sky at any moment
>operating on such efficiency that you can have easily set schedules daily.
It's incredible. The logistics of airplanes fascinates me. It really is unappreciated what they do.
>snowy low visibility road
>drive fast anyways
burgers are dumb as shit
Have you never been to a big concert? It doesn't take that many people in a closed area to make you feel uncomfortable and like the crowd is pushing you with every wave and movement. And if you end up against a fence you better hope that there's security ready to lift you up if things get tight.
In deadly crushes there can be 5+ people per square meter, it's insane how much a drunk and excited crowd can cause destruction when they're not herded the right way.
>someone says they hope you don't find yourself in that situation
>start rambling about another board
looks like they're living rent free in your head user
Racing crashes are pretty kino
>crash at Indy
>highest Gs ever recorded
>pilot lives
would ruin the immersion
you can tell this was scripted because of how quickly there is a yellow flag
Let me guess.
It crashed with no survivors.
>he fell for the flying meme
How were that man's organs not smashed completely flat against his skeleton/skin and turned to jelly? Jesus christ.
>he fell for the sitting in his parents basement and never going outside meme
>Among the dead passengers some survived the initial crash but subsequently died of their injuries hours later, mostly due to the Japan Self-Defense Forces’s decision to wait until the next day to go to the crash site, after declining an offer from a nearby United States Air Force base to start an immediate rescue operation
i still remember the apollo mission that just exploded in mid air. then it showed the crowd with the families damn it shocked everyone
damn how have i never heard of this before
>That shot of the front door
God fuck.
>not astral projecting to travel
lmao fucking dork
>apollo mission
>exploded mid air
The US had helicopters orbiting the crash ready to drop marines in, and the Japs told them to fuck off they could handle it.
Air Disasters is good shit, if you’re in a season where they don’t overplay it.
that was The First, it was a series on hulu. it's fake, user.
oh man, that fucking *Poof*
Challenger? Yeah it was pretty fucked. Big Bird from Sesame Street was supposed to be on it. The teacher that went in his stead brought a soccer ball from his daughter's team, and the ball survived the explosion intact. It was on display at the school he worked at until it went up to the ISS recently. There's some kino videos about it.
The impact is so violent you wouldn't feel it. The odds are the damage would be so catastrophic you would be dead, and I can tell you you'll be dead fast in a crash at any sort of speed on an airplane.
The seatbelts are ridiculous, just as likely to cut you in half as keep you alive.
>see a fiery crash
>it's your friend's car
>it's upside-down on flames
>he's trapped
>try to rescue him as you hear him screaming from the wreck
>regulations were pretty lax on fire readiness of the tracks
>friend dies right in front of you as you can't do shit
>Just splits in half
>Challenger? Yeah it was pretty fucked. Big Bird from Sesame Street was supposed to be on it. The teacher that went in his stead brought a soccer ball from his daughter's team, and the ball survived the explosion intact. It was on display at the school he worked at until it went up to the ISS recently. There's some kino videos about it.
Wow...........no shit!
>Who did they want dead?
Here you go.
>Diana Yukawa, who was born after the crash, and her older sister Cassie, were the daughters of English ballet dancer Susanne Bayly and married Japanese banker Akihisa Yukawa. Yukawa died in the crash, and Bayly received a £340,000 settlement to sign papers effectively disinheriting her daughters and to remain silent, preventing embarrassment to Yukawa’s family. The sisters received an undisclosed payout from the airline in 2002
Banking families rule the world.
Jesus fucking christ... shitty fucking mediocre pyrotechnics at a small venue end up killing people by burning them alive ... this makes me never want to go to a smaller venue show ever again.
Wait.. what?
>dying on the dance floor
You fucking bastards this was a hell of an off-topic thread.
Perfect execution.
Her head got sucked out, snapped her neck instantly. The people next to her pulled her back in, but she was dead long before then.
Now the pilot who got sucked out and lived, that shit is crazy.
i already heard a few men primal scream itt, i really dont want to watch this fucking video before bed user
The guy who committed this was executed a few years ago. He was the first to be executed in his year, 2016 maybe?
muh pride
This thread is for tragedies user not heroic acts of American patriotism.
i fucking hate flying bros i get sick everytime
I can't find it anymore, but I once saw a clip from an Italian documentary about the accident that Tom Pryce and you can see the moment he hits the track marshall who gets ripped in half with only some vestige of internal organs keeping his upper and lower halves together as they spin through the air into the roadside.
The new Mission Impossible looks pretty good.
Ooof I hope that pilot has a parachute
Insurance fraud
heh heh it's a thread about disastero-filmography
Fuck everything that has to do with diving.
I wonder what he was thinking as he went down? He must have felt the entire building collapsing and that's why he started screaming.
Fuck, that's rough.
ultra-low-based and blackpilled
Oh wait, there it is youtube.com
It's a thread about my favorite fetish.
All that mythic "pride" and altruistic "shame" culture shit is entirely manufactured and used as a smokescreen to disguise the fact that Japan is a nightmarish authoritarian hellhole where due process does not exist and 80% of the population must grovel in subservience to their corporate masters in exchange for a meager subsistence standard of living, else they be depersoned and forced into permanent poverty or "suicide".
Unlucky, sure. But it was in all honesty one of the most painless ways to go. She was dead before she knew what happened. Small comfort in that.
The recent California wildfires produced some prime disasterkino
>Doesn't immediately shoot the guy when he's got the gun
Reminder that leftists and muh "deadly force" want all cops dead.
Just very lucky they're all ready to jump out of the plane before it even starts to crash.
Have only seen a shitty gif of that. Also people forget that the pilot was killed too by the marshall's fire extinguisher he's been carrying and hit the pilot head on.
70s through 80s of Motorsports were madmen tier. There's a gold mine of kino stories.
it was for a group dive event
where is that crab gif shows a perfect example of this
Before that the cop got in trouble for using too much force so that's why he was hesitant
The accident occurred on September 30, 1999, when Hisashi Ouchi and two of his colleagues added a seventh bucket of aqueous uranyl nitrate solution to a precipitation tank. Upon adding, the tank reached a critical stage and went into a self-sustaining nuclear fission chain reaction releasing intense gamma and neutron radiation.
During the accident, Ouchi was exposed to 17 sieverts of radiation with 8 sieverts being normally considered fatal and 50 milli sieverts being the maximum limit of annual dose allowed for Japanese nuclear workers.
Ouchi’s exposure to the radiation was so severe that his chromosomes were destroyed and his white blood cell count plummeted to near-zero. Most of his body had severe burns and his internal organs received severe damage.
What was cruel that he was resuscitated on the 59th day when his heart stopped three times within a period of 49 minutes, despite wishing not to be let to suffer.
holy fuck
FYI he wasn't torn open, the crappy video quality makes it look like he was. In reality he had his clothes knocked off by the impact and its his pants hanging around his ankles that makes it look like he's being held together by his guts. I don't have the link but there are pictures of his body afterwards where you can clearly see he's still in one piece.
That's the point, there shouldn't be no "too much force". Law-enforcement is exactly that, to enforce.
meanwhile in the west.
Support degeneracy or you're a racist bigot!
Don't forget the recent Mexican explosion kino
>trying to keep that alive
I mean I believe life is always better, but jfc that dude's body was RUINED.
wtf is that dude doing running across the track
Not much of a comfort since he still died but
This is somehow WAY scarier.
>his chromosomes were destroyed and his white blood cell count plummeted to near-zero
Jesus christ
what set the fuel on fire?
I don’t like /pol/ either, but come on man. That’s a little extreme. You should never wish death upon someone for their political beliefs..
Whens the last time an american business family murdered an entire plane full of innocent people to knock off an inconvenient member of their family on a domestic flight full of Americans? And thee government was stood down and allowed almost every one of those bystanders to perish just so they could be absolutely certain they got their man?
otherwise known as capitalism
Terrible safety measures. He was carrying a fire extinguisher to put out another car that's just stopped but failed to make sure there were no other cars coming first.
They actually added more safety regulation to F1 specifically because of this incident.
It's honestly really fucked up what they did. There is NO chance he would have lived and was just suffering. It's like unit 731
Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell
Guy was just beung an experiment at this point.
>running across a fucking race track like it's a 30mph street
the absolute mad lad
I failed to add, the fire extinguisher was what actually killed Tom Pryce too
It hit him right in the helmet so hard that he was almost beheaded by the strap
Yeah no one has ever died in Europe due to inclimate weather while driving.
Shut the fuck up, you faggot.
well that sucks
does that fire suit really do that much that he can chill next to that
Lost cause that one...poor fellow
>this is your brain on /pol/
can you guys make another thread pls this is comfy
The guy was so disfigured they had to line up all of the track crew and find out who was missing to identify him.
jus chillin, u
Would it have been better to just land in the ocean?
Video of the crash. Everyone lived, minor injuries.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'M never flying again
good friday night thread boys. i spend a lot of my own time alone watching this stuff so its nice to share with frens.
probably a cig
It's not over faggot we still have so much disasterkino than just plane and car crashes.
I'll bet that guy was saying "ouchi" quite a bit after that!
Government agent sent to send a message to people stealing gasoline
>The day before the sale to the second scrapyard, on September 24, Ivo, Devair's brother, successfully scraped some additional dust out of the source and took it to his house a short distance away. There he spread some of it on the concrete floor. His six-year-old daughter, Leide das Neves Ferreira, later ate a sandwich while sitting on this floor. She was also fascinated by the blue glow of the powder, applying it to her body and showing it off to her mother. Dust from the powder fell on the sandwich she was consuming; she eventually absorbed 1.0 GBq and received a total dose of 6.0 Gy, more than a fatal dose even with treatment.
Guys stole a nuclear source from a medical machine. Killed a bunch of people
Locals protested and rioted at this girls burial and she had a special coffin to contain rads
i know but i've been here since the thread started and i should get off the computer.
>Loss of cabin pressurization incapacitated the crew, leaving the aircraft flying on autopilot until it ran out of fuel
Didn't that supposedly happen with the MH370?
If I got to watch a stadium-sized bonfire rather than watching grown men kick a ball for two hours I would cheer too.
MH370 still not found. It's one theory but unlikely because the new flight path was well planned out by the pilot. MH370 appeared to be intentionally crashed in a desolate part of the ocean so it would never be found.
How fast does cabin depressurization knock you out? Not enough time to put on your mask?
You'd have some 15ish seconds of full conscience before hypoxia kicks in.
Quick enough to not notice something odd is going on and by then it's too late to react.
It was a leak so no crew member had any idea it was happening until it was too late.
How the FUCK did the pilots survive
I think it's barbaric to promote suicide as a means of atoning for an error.
But Bane.. everyone survived..
>be amerimutt living in tornado prone area
>build houses out of paper
>Hirotsugu Kawaguchi, 52, wrote a seven-page message, apparently during the last 30 minutes of the flight, when the aircraft was uncontrollable, telling his children to “be good to each other” and help their mother.
>“Dad is very sad but I’m sure I won’t make it . . . the plane is turning around and descending rapidly. I am grateful for the truly happy life I have enjoyed until now,” it said.
New kino disasters thread when
How else do you make money off of the land if you can't reuse it for profit?
One pilot had a parachute and jumped. The other plane landed safely.
Why couldn't he just try and land in some water or soft trees instead of jusy letting er buck into the mountain. Why the fuck does jet fuel erupt into a flaming ball of death
I wish more of the norman scum had died
What recording
>houses get knocked down by tornados which have thundered through this land for millennia
>news goes out to interview people sifting through rubble of their neighborhood
>ask them "will you rebuild?"
>they say "absolutely, this is our home!"
Can't feel bad for those people, ever.
>Kyu Sakamoto was onboard
yeah, I'm gonna go with kino
>soft trees
>some water
he actually stabled it early on but the pull the plane nose almost 90 degrees upwards probably in a panic then it was over
>Both lived
Fucking though luck holy fuck
lmao you can tell that guy is stoked as fuck about the whole situation
Reminder that instead of avenging these people we let their murderers in en masse into our countries and actually have to have national discourses about whether or not we should revoke the citizenship of women who fled our countries to go over and fuck the men who do these kinds of things but now want to come back because based honorable middle easterners who dont want anything to do with us have pushed in their shit.
since no one asked and no one explained
someone explain op
Everything went horribly wrong in 2001.
>put me in the screencap
same, I don't want to see anybody here in pain
This would suck if you're not insured.
You fucking retard
Some messages written by the victims as the plane spiraled into the mountains were found.
>Mariko, Tsuyoshi, Chiyoko, please get along well with each other and help your mama.
>Papa feels very sorry. We won't be rescued from this
>I don’t know the reason. Five minutes have passed. I never want to take an airplane again. Dear God, please help me
>I didn’t imagine that yesterday’s dinner was going to be the last one with you all
Something seems to have exploded in the airplane. Smoke is coming out--airplane is going down--I don’t know where we are going and what is going to happen
>Tsuyoshi — please do your best for your mother
>Honey — I feel very sorry about what is happening to me. Goodbye. Please take care of our children. It’s six-thirty now. The airplane is spinning and going down quickly. I’m so thankful to you that I was able to have a really happy life up to now
>plane goes down right in front of you
>just squat there in your tracksuit
fucking russians
Not retarded. Just cheap
I look up the story right now
No one responsible goes to jail...
They just lose their careers....
I truly hope there is a hell and the people responsible for this are tortured forever
it's perfectly rational to distrust americans in every situation. chances are those troops were involved in the accident
the heck is your deal man just help me out
Are car crashes kino?
>During the war in Afghanistan (2001–present), over 31,000 civilian deaths due to war-related violence have been documented;[1][2] 29,900 civilians have been wounded.[2] Over 111,000 Afghans, including civilians, soldiers and militants, are estimated to have been killed in the conflict.[1]
yeah surely they stayed crossed-arms
These off-topic threads are always the best.
Google the name of the image or read the thread it's been talked about
>hey lets have a thread about planes n shit
the ironing
What do you want to know? The airplane crashed and the rescue was delayed so most of the survivors died.
Back on the ice in a couple weeks.
Nobody asked because we're all on the internet and can use google without drool accidentally falling from our gaping maws and short circuiting our keyboards. Nobody answered because nobody felt the need to ask. Help yourself out instead and lurk more before posting.
>plane is tilting 45 degrees to the right
>''turn left''
>''turn to the left''
>''turn right?''
>''no turn to the left''
>turns right
Yes. I can only imagine what absolutely idiotic thing these people were engaging in before this happened.
>half a face on the ground
fug, it's creepy seeing the cliche messy writing from a person's last moments, but in real life.
>4 threads about this
Now which thread do I post you fucking retards.
Driver was drunk, also the only one who survived.
>that legend who died on the dance floor
at least all three were posted at roughly the same time
Damn, that’s heart breaking.
I crashed my car on the highway in the rain a week ago; it's not as deadly as crashing a plane but it was really scary.
This is basically just gore, nothing kino about it.
A lot of the best stuff was already posted here and wasn't contaminated with shitty memes so good luck.
the OFFICIAL one
Was shepherding the drunks one night in college. A friend of an acquaintance who had been hanging out with us pulls up in his BMW M3 convertible, almost running us over in the process.
Reply that he's drunk as fuck and nobody in their right mind should get in that car with him. Every friend of mine agrees, in spite of being drunk themselves. Acquaintance says "eh it's got a roll bar!" runs over and hops in the passenger seat while laughing giddily. Ran a red light about 10 minutes later and got t-boned by a truck. Both survived but took a full year off of school recovering from severe injuries sustained. Tried to blame me because I was sober and apparently should have tackled him to the ground to keep him from getting in that car.
lol funny that was my exact experience at both death grips shows i've been to as well.
I wonder when the death grips disaster will finally occur.
This thread just reeks of reddit. You should all go back there.
Underrated post
Damn, you can just feel his despair and frustration at not being able to do jack shit
not gonna lie last part got me teary eyed
Cucked and bluepilled
And to close this thread here's the theme song
that's not spooky
I was hoping for conspiracy spooky shit
>disasterkino is now suddenly reddit
Guess you would know, huh redditor?
Just look up 9/11 plane conspiracy stuff there is a lot
When did women go over there to fuck dudes? Whats a source for this, I tried googling
Shit I thought you mistyped that, apparently there's a 200 one every other year due to the Jamaraat Bridge and your 2,400 one was from construction restricting crowd flow to that fucking death bridge.
>Crash at G-Force speeds
>Still can't draw a dime
Lol that guy should really probably be comforting and assisting his wife/daughter/whoever she is instead of making this video but it is truly epic as fuck so I guess ultimately he made the right decision.
Wholesome as fuck
What's the best way to survive a airplane crash that's gonna crash? Get one of the float boats and jump up before it lands? Pack a parachute as your carry on?
Unironically crouch and cover your head with both arms.
It's in those safety leaflets.
Won't it explode on contact with the ground? I'm talking about one of those types of crashes
>dying in the kitchen when there's an exit right there
It's literally that and pure luck.
Lol screaming like a pussy
>inclimate weather