So we all know this is one of the few good parts of Rogue One...

So we all know this is one of the few good parts of Rogue One. But it makes you wonder: what exactly do normalfags in the Star Wars universe do when they encounter a Force-user? Suppose you run into a Jedi or a Sith. Do you try to run? Do you beg for mercy? Do you just stand there and shit your pants? Or does the average person not know what they're capable of?

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I'd pray I was one of the ones who gets tossed to the side and then play dead and wait to the battle to end and then steal a stormtrooper outfit and join the good guys.

This should answer your questions.

probably what would happen if an american army force encountered some mystic chinese bo user that can make their guns fly and move like qui gonn in phantom menace

>dumb video game written by people that don't understand the universe

>Great games that were better than the movies when all is said and done.


>don't understand the universe


Not all Force Users are not super gods. It’s why the Clone Troopers were able to kill so many with just blasters.
Not to mention there are weapons and technologies like sonics and electricity that can over power a Jedi/Sith.
Count Dooku was held hostage.
Boba Fett held his own against Vader in the EU.
And the EU had animals that blocked the force.

So you'd be perfectly fine with some unknown cosmic force controlling you?

There are ways to kill a jedi. It requires knowledge of the person in question.

Look at Cad Bane in the Clone Wars. He was able to outsmart the most capable jedi Masters through prior knowledge, clever planning, technology and an understanding of how the Jedi conducted themselves.

Even precog and telekenesis won't do you any good if one smart person gets you in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Not how it works.

Knights of the Old Republic 1 unironically got the spirit of Star Wars right unlike the prequels or the sequel trilogy

Encountering a force user, unless you're already prepared ahead of time, means certain death if they want you dead. What's running going to do when they can use the force to incapacitate you?

rip a big fucking fart and start shitting myself. the smell will gag them.

He can clearly pick up people with the force so why didn't he pick up the guy holding the death star plans, or simply pull the data disk from the guy's hands? I mean he grabbed Han Solo's blaster in Empire. Was random rebel guy better at holding things than Han? Is there a Wookiepedia entry comparing grip strength of characters?

>play dead
I'd imagine that any force user worth their salt would be able to recognize that you're faking it. If the user is a Jedi however, I think it's against their credo to kill you if you surrender, which that is a form of. If it's a sith, I imagine they would just pass you by with no concern as they move on to whatever it is they are after. Unless it is you that they are after, in which case you are fucked.

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as cool as this was, it undercut the movie. Rouge One tried so hard to be a literal direct lead into A New Hope. It ends like less than an hour before the first scene in A New Hope.

If they were gonna do that, then shit needs to be consistent, yet here Vader is amazing and in A New Hope he fights like an old man against Ben.

This is one reason why this scene is so dumb. The first thing he should have done was secure the plans; then he could go on his murderous rampage. I guess Vader's arrogance and dumb luck is why Episode IV happned.

He intentionally let them go.

It doesn't make for good entertainment when the good guys only succeed due to the carelessness or stupidity of the villain.

It's not? It was all part of his plan to find the Rebel base.

Remember how the opening sequence in The Phantom Menace has the Neimoidians shitting themselves in fear and closing every blast door to the bridge of their battlecruiser that they have, only to have Qui-Gon bury his Evian bottle lightsaber up to the hilt in the doors to melt his way through them.

Like said, if you're not a force user, and you encounter a Jedi who wants you dead (and don't have a clone army or droidekas to come save your ass), you're going to be really dead, really quickly.

that was the point of view of the game's ultimate antagonist.

She wasn't meant to be %100 right, just a fresh take from the usual be evil and rule for evil's sake.

Just use a 3 barreled blaster or a shotgun if you want to kill a Jedi you sperg.

I guess it depends on what your overall knowledge of them is, does the average person know they exist? I'm assuming based on what part of the timeline you're in that changes massively.

If you were in this situation and part of the timeline as a rebel I'd imagine you would know that there is only one force user you'd ever run into but the odds of that are extremely low so you'd never expect it. When it happened you would panic and that's it.

the first thing we ever see Darth Vader do is kill an average human

*force pulls the gun out of your hand*

I feel this is cheap fan service and i dont like it

Are you the same autistic retard from the other day. Christ you are en embarassment.

The entire movie was cheap fanservice.

He could have found it at his leisure with the Death Star being safe. Also he could have used the admirals' inability to find the Rebel base to leverage himself to an ESB-like position anyway.


>implying she’s wrong

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>waaaaaah my darth vader cameo!!!
>so fucking great movie :)

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>being this fucking retarded

It’s been 18yrs since the Jedi we’re wiped out and most force users

Both sith kept their force ability low key

Even when the Jedi were alive there were regions of space that thought they were myth.

This scene takes place like 24hrs before Han Solo says that shot about hokey religion

Suffice to say these troopers had no idea their shit was about to get fucked up

>what exactly do normalfags in the Star Wars universe do when they encounter a Force-user? Suppose you run into a Jedi or a Sith. Do you try to run? Do you beg for mercy? Do you just stand there and shit your pants?

Its the same feeling in the real world when someone runs into the Mexican Cartel or the Yakuza. You know you are fucked. You can beg for mercy or you can run, but you know you are fucked no matter what.

your presence is a cancer on this earth

>Boba Fett held his own against Vader in the EU.
The Boba fanwank was crazy back then.

>Look at Cad Bane in the Clone Wars. He was able to outsmart the most capable jedi Masters through prior knowledge, clever planning, technology and an understanding of how the Jedi conducted themselves.
More like with the help of Sheev setting everything up previously.

It's consistent with the speed and moves he uses in ESB.