I'll never get a girlfriend
I'll never get a girlfriend
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they are over rated user, dont even try, just go to /fit/ and focus on becoming chad
i dont even want sex lads
just someone
>he hasn't become the gf yet
missing out big time big guy
get a dog then, women dont know what love or companionship is anyway
what a great thread about television
lol u big silly
I have a fleshlight. I stook my dick in today. I didn't even last a minute. Fucking annoying. What's this gonna be like when I have a real girlfriend?
fuck women op just get a brofriend
Answering this for the millionth time: A WOMAN IS GONNA MAKE ALL YOUR LIVES WORST.
Try finding an apartment with a woman, planning a vacation, deciding where to go for dinner. Women are a fucking NIGHTMARE.
You guys wanna get LAID. It's different. Either go pay some whores or learn how to seduce women to pump and dump. But you do NOT want a girlfriend, especially not nowadays when there's no way to have a stable family with them and they have all the power at courts.
Jesus fucking Christ how old are you guys really.
>he hates non-whites
I wonder why....
Trust me you're not missing much.
Also nice dubs
me either lmao
I’ve given up. I tried dating. But roasties are so awful. All the decent women are still with their bfs from high school. I’ve accepted I’ll be alone. If I want I can fuck a tinder slut but I’ll never find someone I’ll love
I want a Disney tier romance and I don't think they exist.
That's an illusion, you will never live a spiritual, fulfilling, deep relationship with a woman because they are incapable of that, they are inferior and don't know jack shit about love, devotion, connexion, bonding. They're for sex and raising families, and they fucking suck at both nowadays.
This guy knows what's up. I'm 30 and I'm kinda in the middle between the 20 yr old virgins and the 40/50 yr old men who have regretted marrying, including my dad. All I do is pump and dump now.
women arent some giant obstacle you faggot
i've accepted i will never find someone. i've tried finding someone but i always fuck it up. i'm too selfish
yes they are. They aren't human and all the same
You will. Get yourself a job, a hobby, a purpose in life. Talk to more people. Get some exercise. You need to want these things before you should want a girlfriend.
>Tfw best friend is in a bad relationship with a girl and just wants to get a place with just the two of us
no homo but I'm flattered
What movie are you talking about?
>they are over rated user
>just go to /fit/ and focus on becoming chad
90s born queer shut the fuck up
t. Chasing someone who is taken and ignoring someone who wants you
Get in shape but don't get /fit/ level unless all you want to attract is gay dudes
Kill yourself faggot scum
>doesn't like the idea of self improvement
You've doomed yourself then.
Nice blog. Kill yourself.
Are they comparable to the real thing?
this board is now filled with unironic involuntary celibates and i don't like it
is this adulthood or depresion if i dont even want a gf or any contact with people just a stable job with a good income so i can sit at home at the pc with nothing to worry about
You can reply cope all you want but I swear I don't want a gf and I feel completely fulfilled getting all my social interaction off this site. I also think something is really wrong with me for being okay with sitting by myself in an empty apartment for the rest of my life. I haven't even opened my mouth to talk in over a week.
>just a stable job with a good income so i can sit at home at the pc with nothing to worry about
That's how it starts, user.
It's adulthood
Did it feel good when you fook your fleshlight? I was thinking of getting one
stop fapping to cam girls
I'll never forget my first girlfriend
Definitely adulthood. Some people are just happier being alone, unironically nothing wrong with that.
But don't be a hermit either, at least call your friends/family once in a while unless they're completely insufferable drunks or something.
I have 2 girlfriends
>he had a gf at all
I wish I could forget my first gf. What a shitshow that was.
How badly did I fuck up guys?
>really long story short
>my crush invites me over to her house with her sister/roomate gone
>we end up in her bedroom
>on her bed
>we're watching a movie together
>nothing happens because I don't initiate anything
You're right.
seems pretty based to me. the wrong woman is worse than being alone, so at least you've got than going for you.
can i have one
It's all part of the learning process. Definitely should've made a move.
On a scale from 1-10 with 10 being you fucked up terribly, this is a 17.
based and redpilled
Been there, done that. You dun goofed for sure, but learn from it. If you got that far once, you can again.
I don't understand how somebody CAN'T get ANY girlfriend. it's statistically impossible since there are more women than men on earth. the only explanation is that you're not actually talking to girls.
This guy's actually been with a woman
Omfg so true.
That doesn't sound healthy. The not talking for a week thing. Not healthy at all
This happened when I was 23 like 6 yrs ago. I don't hate myself over it, it's just mild curiosity of what it could've been. I've met guys who beat themselves over doing more.
Looking back it was pretty bad but I remain optimistic over it
You should get off this site for a while. You'd be surprised how much all the negative insecure bullshit here effects your constitution.
Of course not, I’m not a fucking normalfag.
Zyzz was actually a ridiculous looking guy, looking back at it.
Feels pretty good the first time you press your helmet past the lipps. You need lots of lube though. I'ts comparable to entring a pussy. Except you have to clean it out afterwards. I wave mine around like I was drying salad to get it dry after cleaning. But No one notices because I live alone. It does feel good.
"you're either" should be before the colon
Affects, idiot
virgins on this board WILL deny this
How old were you/ more importantly how much experience have you had with women.
I did the same thing when I was 17, but I had forgotten to brush my teeth before I left, so I couldn't make a move even though I wanted to.
Like other's have said, learn from it and grow. I'd be surprised if everyone hadn't had a similar experience
Yeah and the whole news, media and internet in general.
Its this, desu. As an incel even I know it. I never actually really try to get girls. You get a lot of elliot rodger type attitudes where they expect a 9/10 blonde to just sort of appear. There's no way all these incels, myself included, would have a hard time getting with some 6/10. And if you try to chadify yourself on top of that who knows what could happen?
Some people are just broken right?
because shit looks metrosexual
mgtow is the only way to truly be happy as an autistic. all of you pathetic >tfw no gf fags make me sick.
It's a pretty gay, masculine, albeit gay body. A lot of women will go for it, but look to the Goose if you want an actual straight body. You can even be a little fat.
t. lanklet that got more puss when I was heavier
What is the point of your post
This is some normalfag tier shit.
I don't know what your relationship with your dad or another older male figure was like but mine was not around. I had zero clue about any of the male-female dynamics because of it so I made that mistake you did many times before.
It's true, I'm only back on because I'm drunk
is it proper to try to talk to random girls at the bus stop, on the street, museums, malls, etc.??
Cause im not much of a club guy and bars here dont have a common area as its more like a restaurant.
its ironic that you crave this dream of having a gf yet hangout on a fan board of mediums that re-enforce this desire to begin with. Did you ever stop to think WHY you care so much?
Stop consuming relationship propaganda.
Slap that ass (right cheek)
man even hookers are weirded out by me
ive no chance with regular girls
reddit called. bla, bla bla, go back you normalfaggot
How the fuck are you supposed to initiate anyways?
virgin here
There's nothing wrong with you, user. You've seen the light.
Maybe it has to do with time.
Back in the late 00s and maybe even early 10s this was a normal and trendy haircut he had. Now in the late 10s this just looks ridiculous.
>How old were you/ more importantly how much experience have you had with women.
I was 23, I had no other experience with women. Even 6 yrs after it happened I still haven't talked to a woman I like.
My dad was verbally abusive towards me but called it tough love, saying he still cared for me. He also said I was the reason he didn't believe in god among other things for the slightest fuck up on my part. But on the other hand gave me the best advice he could
You are an absolute moron if you seek relationship advice here.
Did you see that thread earlier where those next-level insecure guys were saying you cannot let your girlfriend have male friends and you have to police their phone?
Can you imagine being that insecure, but attempting to project your insecurity as masculinity?
anyone heard of inatances where fake weed was sold as cbd oil? hit a guys vape pen today and it fucked me up
the 2000s were a different era
Sup cuck
by some faggot swedes maybe
unless you want to be a public figure, who cares?
>my landlord looks like my sister
literally fucking scared the shit out off me one day
tslk sbouy problems
based volcel
Ask her how much per hour. That's how I became a chad
wanting companionship with someone of the opposite sex isn't some grand conspiracy, or some brainwash attempt. It is perfectly natural. You should stop being on Yea Forums so much time, it is making you cynical and paranoid
>lifting for over a year
>strict clean diet
>6/10 face, 7/10 on a good day
>shitloads of chances to meet girls in uni
>balding dicklet with massive inferiority complex so have paralyzing doubt
movies for this feel?
Would it be a good idea to go to Las Vegas Bunny Ranch to lose my virginity? I'm 34, never cared for it but I want to get over it.
You pull it out I think, I dunno
I say go /r9k/ in the bunny ranch.
not gnna lie if it was up to me i would impregnate her. but idk. apartament to nice to risk it. she got 2 kids also
Go for it
You'll always have reddit you piece of fucking shit
Wojak is wearing a man thong in the pic lol
He should burn it down.
Insane levels of incel coping ITT
You pathetic sacks of shit, you're not fooling anyone.
t. 4 years of young love with a qt gf
I was 23, I had no other experience with women. Even 6 yrs after it happened I still haven't talked to a woman I like
23 is still young as fuck. I'd say the biggest thing standing in your way is not getting back on the horse.
I was thinking the other day, I was still a virgin at 20, I asked a friend if a girl would notice I never had sex if i fucked her.
He just said 'stick your dick into her'
it was pretty good advice, desu.
>be me
>literally a discord tranny
>have two girlfriends (female)
>have never had a problem finding female sex partners
>literally swimming in pussy
>tfw matched with a big tittied black girl on Bumble
I'm doing it lads
It's concerning but honestly I think we're just at the front of a wave, the next couple generations of normalfags are going to become a lot more like us before anything else changes. The future is going to be bizarre, hopefully some advantage can be derived from being the first in and out of the internet ringer.
Yeah, they can have male friends for sure, but there area couple of guys in their orbit that are actual threats, and if you let them have unfettered access, you are kind of a cuck
another night, another gay ass therapy thread on the wrong board filled with likely the same posters
>aniki is dead
>tarry A davis is dead
>skyking is dead
i cana not scream enough in to the void
>still in the nogf phase
>not in the impending doom phase
not gonna make it
Do it
>he hates being told the truth
incel C O P E
A couple of my friends were over last night, two of them have girlfriends. One of them said he would get me a girl, I just gulped down my shiner bock and laughed it off. If I had the courage to tell them I'm a fag. I'm so deep in the closet I've literally found VHS tapes that were meant to my Chrismas gifts from when I was a kid.
I post this every thread and half the fucking time I get one reply or the thread dies but I do it for you guys.
One of the MAIN reasons, Looks aside, is because you fucking faggots DONT GO OUTSIDE. You’re stuck in this mindset where you think you’re going to come across some girl in your daily routine or at work (if you do work and you’re not some neet loser). You need to put yourself outside of your comfort zone and do something. No I’m not saying going to a bar and force yourself to act like someone you’re not but fucking find a hobby or some community shit that gets you outside of the house to interact with people. You’ll have a MUCH larger chance. Another thing is you guys expect and will only settle for 10/10 which is more often than not a pipe dream. No I’m
Not saying settle for some fat pig but give a girl you may not find entirely enticing a chance. You guys are making up excuses to stop yourself from trying, I know I used to do the same shit. Now this won’t work for everybody but it could for people in a similar situation. I believe in you anons you can do it. We’re all gonna make it
OP I felt the same way. I was kicking 27 up the arse and finally my alcoholism and depression landed me in a mental hospital. I met a qt there and we've been together for 3 years now, it's good.
I mean I'm still pretty depressed but if I can find someone everyone can.
Worse than having a gf and taking her for granted until she dumps you and you spend the rest of your days alone trying to fix the mistakes of the past.
At least virgins can look forward. All I can do is look back. The past is my happy place. I have no reason to live now.
No. You need purpose for your empty life. A girl comes after. Get your shit together and it will happen.
I've done this thinking it was the right thing to do and I remained a virgin till I was 26.
i got a dog
Yeah but it's unlikely they'll live up to my ex. I've done lots of social stuff and not only have I not found anyone but any girl I approach gets annoyed that I tried.
Maybe offering a more specific remedy than "lol just find one" will yield more responses.
I’m right there with you user. Dated a girl for three years who gave her all to me but I never opened up to her fully because I didn’t like the way she acted sometimes, so I harbored this slow building grudge against her. I wish I could’ve done things different but it’s in the past. I know you’re probably thinking you’re not gonna get over it or you’ll never find someone like that again but you will man, we both will
Mate it's not that good, the only thing that'll surprise you is how warm it all is, but it'll feel shit if it's some random thott
And where do you get this "purpose"?
I'm not denying that this is true but does anyone else here just get physically and mentally exhausted at what you have to do to keep a relationship? Based only on what I've read here to be fair but it makes me miserable imagining it. You have to
>always be dominant and leading, never unsure of yourself
>can't show emotions and fears to her no matter how much she wants you to open up because she'll see it as a major turn off so in order for her to stay you have to be bottled up and on guard constantly
>have to actively work to limit her interactions with other guys
>have to actively start classifying guys you meet as threats or nonthreats instead of just thinking of them as people you happen to meet
>if you make her life too stable she will grow tired of you and leave so you have to be spontaneous frequently
>if you do really love and care for her you can't outright say it because then it comes across as needy and over emotional
>have to play the game of pretending you can always do better than her in order to keep her around and interested
>if you choose not to play it that way she'll see you as clingy and get turned off
I don't know how any of you reading this who have girlfriends or even wives do it.
I don’t put a “specific remedy” cause everyone approaches the situation differently dickhead. What I said lays the ground work for people who barely understand the social effort that needs to be achieved. You’re never gonna be happy if you always compare people to exes in the past.
>is because you fucking faggots DONT GO OUTSIDE.
This is a symptom, not a cause. Going outside wouldn't help with my social anxiety. And even if i "went outside", what now? Should i act like a creep and hunt for girls who are alone and cold approach them?
TLDR shit advice
Checked and wise. Thanks man, have a free cat on the house.
>hobby or some community shit that gets you outside of the house to interact with people
I have a work but there is only older males no women, so the option you mentioned is my choic but i have one problem my shitty third world city doesnt have clubs for hobbies etc.
What is other good option to meet people?? (also i finished studying 5 years ago)
not with that shitty attitude bro... Just relax and be yourself, is not that hard.
They never did. Most "romance" is fiction.
Except You read it fucking faggot. Good I hope you remain lonely. Pussy
I don't give a fuck.
Post waifus.
I now imagine a lonely user spinning around in his empty apartment with his wet fleshlight in his hand.
A girl can at least help realise a purpose, or encourage you to pursue it. At least, a real girl, not one of the ones that leaves you for nothing
All this contradictory bullshit has probably ended a lot of relationships unnecessarily.
Thanks for the advice, fignuts.
i get invited to these parties from people at work but i never go
See that I can’t help with. I’m not a know it all guru, just another guy in the same boat, im just offering my two cents on how it’s helped me. Most of the time meeting a girl is serendipitous. Even if you follow the advice it may not happen, what I’m saying is your chances widen
The 90s born queer obsession with lifting is retarded.
I wish there were a woman that would want a twink bf and we could cuddle and didn't wanna have sex that often
>he doesn't constantly sing and mumble responses to/repeat things he sees online
>You can reply cope
>You dun goofed
I've fugged 2 women with bfs and an oppurtunity to fug a 3rd
My faith in women is permanently broken