JJ Abrams Appears Unaware of the Online Reaction to Star Wars The Last Jedi


At a minute into the video ET asks JJ if the online reaction to TLJ changed how they approached Episode IX.

It didn't.

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Don't care not watching any more Disney wars

Besides angry incel communities, which I imagine someone like him doesn't frequent, there really isn't much backlash

Nothing works better than ignoring your customers.

lmao sure

Hes jewish and Feigning ignorance is just what they do
Or disney doesn't want to admit they made a mistake

obsessed incel

It's amazing how much criticism you can avoid when your head is in the sand.

get a load of this good goy

I really and truly hope JJ doesn't listen to fan complaints and moves full speed ahead. I want the basement dwelling Star Wars geeks riled up and angry. They need to realize Star Wars and all fandoms are just corporate products to waste their time when they could be outside doing something with their lives. Get off the fandom plantation nerds.

That’s awesome, it means they will double down on all the BS from the last movie.

Crashing this franchise with no survivors!

How worse can it get?

Obsessed corporate shill, bootlick some more for your masters

You know what that probably means? That he's not even going to *try* to explain any of the bullshit like Hyperspace Ram. That's an unprecedented level of arrogance, entitlement, and contempt for your own audience.

Lol you idiots. They will portray strength as best they can. Why would he answer any other way than that. And we know JJ "khan isnt in the movie" abrams is full of shit

They aren’t going to explain anything from TLJ, user.

I don’t even expect them to explain what the fuck happened to the Knights of Ren.

>directly responded multiple times
nice way to make yourself look mentally ill you schizo JJ


Why would he? Badmouthing the previous work of your employer would only hurt his career.


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> asked about Billy Dee Williams
> says "I have so much respect for him."

Calling it now. Lando is fucking dead! They humiliated Billy and killed off his character in a stupid fucking way! Screencap this. They didn't learn a fucking thing, they want to keep on tricking fans into watching their shit.

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Nah, Disney/Iger probably told Kathleen and JJ no more OT deaths after Han and Luke (plus Lando is black and that would look awkward killing the only main black guy from the OT)

Most likely, Lando will show up for a few minutes, say a few lines (probably something about “hope” and the rebellion and that the new characters are so cool and can totes save the day bla bla bla), then he’ll either leave entirety or stay in the background next to C3PO.


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Get off the board, Maher. You have a defamation suit coming up

You don't need to explain one ship ramming into another

>look mom I won argument

don't hope too much, last time white nerds decided to go outside and do something with their lives we got Nazi Germany

does anyone remember when :I want to make the next star wars!" meant someone wanted to make the next big cultural phenomena that captures the imagination of a generation? Yeah Disney pays me to not remember that either, mediocrity reigns supreme!