Do you think movies have gone down in quality over the past decade?
Do you think movies have gone down in quality over the past decade?
>your anaconda when
Did he die?
This thread won't actually have discussion but indisputably. 2007 was the most recent legitimately great year for film with numerous great movies in all sorts of genres and production budgets.
Film is absolutely trash now for the most part and mostly comprised of tentpole blockbusters that play it safe, garbage blockbusters, capeshit and propaganda dressed up in a once beloved franchise's clothes.
There's still good stuff being made, but the rate is far smaller. The people with the money to get movies produced simply have other intentions rather than making quality films or are possibly incapable of doing so due to ineptitude.
Either way Hollywood has to die.
dunno but i think Yea Forums has
The best evidence for this can be seen in the new Star Wars trilogy and Star Trek ''STD''
Both were great a decade ago, now they have been turned into generic hollywood trash.
I don't even want to know how the new LOTR re-make is going to turn out...
>Star Trek was great in 2009
>He says as he posts a pic mocking JJ Abrams, the man who directed the 2009 movie
what the FUCK did user mean by this
huh. so this is where massaposter goes during the day.
Star Trek (2009) was kino. What's your point?
Translation from incel tongue:
“2007 was when girls started making my peepee hard but they never wanted anything to do with me so I got addicted to porn and became the bitter, spiteful husk of a person I am today. I now associate the time period me and my internet peers started on this gradual spiral to eventual suicide with some universal decline of media and entertainment, through which I have vicariously lived my entire life”
That your post is mocking the man who made it
this is what really happens in those exploding head dreams
other user here.
Star Trek 2009 was pure shit with lens-flares.
Dumb story with several giant plotholes so big you could fly an death-star trough.
Only retards like this movie unironically.
The only good thing was the cast.
Why would you even bother typing that out?
Directors can make good and bad movies user
Envision the stench.
it happens just about as you enter a dream, thanks for reminding me
Movies and TV are literally better than they’ve ever been and your refusal to acknowledge this is VERY telling.
The medium has never been this bad. Audiences agree with me.
I can't believe things have gotten so bad where kikes need to remake LOTR. No one has asked for this. The trilogy has not aged for the most part. You know they have to remake it BECAUSE it is a great trilogy. (((They))) have to bury it so people forget about how great movies can be. They'll flood it with niggers and kikes like Gal Gadot. I think what bites the most is that LOTR will no longer just be "LOTR", we'll have to specify it as the "original LOTR trilogy" so as to not confuse it with the festering pile baboon shit that will come out.
It's not a new trilogy though. Apparently the rights they got specify they can't make movies out of the original LOTR trilogy of books. They are required to make spin offs set in Middle Earth. It'll no doubt still be terrible, but at least it won't be tarnishing the original trilogy.