What are my frens watching tonight?

what are my frens watching tonight?

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many frens to watch movies with here

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i'm watching the expanse fren, it's so gud!

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no country for old frens

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I'm going to bed early because I hate my life and sleep is the only escape.

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I don't watch tv

We have draps too

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The X-files and it’s getting comfy.

watching it all slip away from me, fren

>mommy thread got deleted
mobies for this feel?

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play pagliacci

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Once Upon a Time in the West

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I was about to download this exquisite meme but then I noticed that Apu somehow gains stubble between the second and fourth panels

Jim's gangstalking stream.


What a dumb stupid fucking Pepe design
Holy moly

Keep at it, fren. Things can get better.

who thinks up this shit? I've made some random type OC before but nothing like this

hey fuckface

The Philadelphia Story

spooky movie night

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The big sleep
Thanks Yea Forums.

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My dreams are amazing with the medication I'm on. Last night was Nazi occupied Wales.

I intend on getting very drunk and possibly firing shots at my neighbors dog cause the fucking thing has been barking non-stop for about 10 hours and it's driving me fucking mental...then maybe watch some Stargate

reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers

perfect for you then

>that clown in the back
heard the bounty went up on that crazy bastard

New Jon Glasser Loves Gear, last episode of You, and start a rewatch of Banshee, if I'm being honest.

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your sister's cunt was perfect for me.


yell at the dog yell at its fucking face tell it you will rape its mother and it will scurry away in fear

fine with me since you're my sister lol

what meds? do you ever lucid dream?

i haven't watched a mobie or new tv show since 2015

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get the fuck out

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To say that I'm a big lynch fan would be a ginormous understatement. You see, I'm a ginormous lynch fan to the core and I want everyone to know it. His new tv show has had me hypnotized for weeks!

But in all honesty my most favorite movie of all time is hot fuzz. It's fucking hilarious and has in my opinion some of the greatest camera work in the business. I'd put it up their in the top three movies ever made of all time.

Even my priest agrees. New orthodox bro here btw. Currently non practicing but it's so great to get back into the faith after years of being a degenerate agnostoshit. Now if only I could get my cathlocuck parents to stop being pagans!

That reminds me, am I the only one disappointed that stannis Baratheon is actually gone? Oh who am I kidding! Of course not! Sometimes I forget I'm so completely surrounded by intellectuals of mine own caliber This isn't Reddit after all!

And um, I'd have to say my least favorite movie is a Clockwork Orange. It's far to edgy for me

i cant watch anything longer thatn 20 minutes at a time, i have to watch a movie over an entire week

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S E E T H I N G lol

>tfw hungry but no food

go over there with a piece of meat and let it off its leash, if it ain't chained up let it out of the yard.

99 times out of 10 it'll go directly to the front porch and chill for them to get home