Okay guys, it's okay when you shit on alita or aquachad but capt marvel is about to come out, so ENOUGH already

Okay guys, it's okay when you shit on alita or aquachad but capt marvel is about to come out, so ENOUGH already.

Attached: Screenshot_20190222-174225_Facebook.jpg (1077x1024, 424K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ fleurs/image/Ftwsexua4D67tJtxnhGxYg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ first female/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/MK Ultra Brie/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/white dudes/
boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ 1546792781478/

Formerly fucking


Did I wake up in 2009

>trolls aren't a thing anymore in 2019
>can't use the word "troll"
classic Yea Forums and its arbitrary rules

Umm we're generation /shitpost/ grandpa.

troll is just another buzz word the left uses even though nobody used it after 2012

I can smell a flop

Attached: the pebble.gif (320x320, 3.94M)

oh no.....

Attached: its a good thing.jpg (645x1775, 244K)

This is everyone else's fault, not Larson's.

Attached: MK Ultra Brie.png (603x567, 78K)

Attached: white dudes.jpg (2068x1000, 419K)

broken clock and all that
maybe one day it will happen

we're nazis incels and russians now

>make an intelligent thread about cinema
>0 replies, disappears after page ten
>someone makes a literal no-effort "lol women right?"
>archived 500 posts
god dammit

>Ghostbusters, TLJ, Solo etc.
you nervous, mouse?

Attached: ham head.jpg (566x734, 51K)

You think you would get banned from twitter if you Brie pictures of her own feet?

Attached: 1545871941353.png (307x296, 173K)

We 'aint trolls, homie! Wez net-dawgs!

based and seedpilled

yeah its alita

I have a hard time believing there's even much "trolling" going on with regards to this movie. How anyone under the age of 60 can still trust the media is beyond me.

Attached: mike redmond.png (593x1107, 459K)

Solo was an honest to god failure and no amount of rewriting history will change that.

frick off nerd

Link the archive to your intelligent thread now or fuck off


Attached: no white males.jpg (624x721, 77K)

Goddamn society is such a retarded fucking joke

Wow that passive aggressive sarcastic AIDs ridden snark really made me love trannies.

This faggot actually believes i before e except after c, all liberals should be exterminated

Reminder we have found the group behind ALL the capeshit(marvel, dc and fox) and nu star wars spam. The links below are just a few of the "main" ones. Currently they're spamming captain marvel threads(like OP) and then they will move onto shazam
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ fleurs/image/Ftwsexua4D67tJtxnhGxYg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ first female/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/MK Ultra Brie/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/white dudes/

If you don't like our "movies" you are a (derogatory term)

Attached: marvel.jpg (625x546, 64K)

TLJ was not a flop by any metric

Attached: F3502DB5-54EE-4F7A-9809-F28544B3104E.png (1393x1079, 858K)

TLJ was a shitty movie but it was hardly a financial flop

Attached: 1550718314051.jpg (716x724, 32K)

>dude, it's the russians shilling against this *great* film and *wonderful* brie larson to undercut our values or something!
How insane are you?

Attached: discord tranny.jpg (900x1200, 279K)

>Searching for posts that contain ‘twitter.com/suloverock1’. 38 results found.
>Spammed more than most of the archives posted

Attached: 1546792781478.jpg (805x659, 150K)

Attached: gotta jew fast.gif (300x318, 116K)

idk about russians but there are definitely a lot of nerds brigading against a capeshit film because of politics

>Spammed more than most of the archives posted
THIS is the power of the left

Attached: soylent.jpg (712x905, 55K)

Why is his mouth closed on his profile?

Attached: 1515771606403.jpg (622x960, 55K)

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ 1546792781478/
Here's one of them now. Posting on Yea Forumsmblr is something no one actually from this board or site would do and especially 2019 Yea Forums(which caps of discord show is the trannies staging grounds)

>brigading against a capeshit film because of politics
Hmm. Tell me tranny, who brought politics into it in the first place?

Attached: fuck white people.jpg (127x186, 3K)

Attached: 5628791.jpg (499x719, 234K)

When in doubt, just bring up jewish conspiracy so you don't have to make an argument. Nice.

Retard, i'm posting this because i find it funny how the shitty media has "enough" just when capt marvel is about to come out

Everyone I don't like isn't a discord tranny but I don't like all discord trannies

Post Brie Larson smiling.

Attached: brie-larson.jpg (664x498, 78K)

>Searching for posts with the filename ‘laughing evans’. 326 results found.

Attached: 1510151467945.jpg (640x475, 36K)

someone is getting btfo in 2 weeks, we'll see if it's Yea Forums or disney
either way it will be fun to witness.

Ghostbusters was Sony.

it will be both/neither, right in the middle, and it will be endless shit flinging

My bet's on Yea Forums
Shouting random shit hoping it'll be right at least twice a day is what Yea Forums does

>someone is getting btfo in 2 weeks, we'll see if it's Yea Forums or disney
lets not act like we dont know who's getting btfo


We need Casey Affleck

Attached: 7260F126-B05C-46D3-B3F4-90D8186C1BAF.gif (245x300, 1.46M)

>It okay to shit on Fox, WB, and Sony but Disney is over the line

We'll never get BTFOings like Black Panther and Aquaman anytime soon

Based on the linked posts and the archive link we can confirm it's one of these twitter trannies behind that too. Again proving Yea Forums does not actually care about capeshit movies of any type

Attached: 561CCBC8-01A2-4BBC-BF42-E79EDE5C2478.jpg (750x746, 319K)

What'd she say

>larson started this shit, better pilpul fast
you will never pass, i hope you know that

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damn, she looks good for 42 years old

Attached: kong.gif (500x208, 1.89M)

It made a strong proft, though perhaps not as much as expected, so in that sense, it was definately not a flop.

it did fuck up solo into being among the biggest losses of all time (mostly because of an unusually expensive production), and will possibly fuck up the performance of EpIX as well.

She is a real-life walking, breathing NPC.

Attached: captain tranny.jpg (582x354, 54K)


Attached: 1550722207288.jpg (1100x800, 125K)


Boomer detected. We're called discord trannies now you pleb

>left uses
Makes sense
You see it used in a lot in the alita lefty general


she back-peddled a bit without apologizing



Attached: 1549699492630.png (696x665, 742K)

Apologizing is an admission of guilt
Why are you so fragile

in the movie too

Attached: Captain NPC.jpg (1292x543, 83K)

i've met a lot of discord trannies that are neo nazis though

That's appropriating black culture.

Attached: le white savior.jpg (1443x591, 222K)

She took that BBC so she thinks that gives her a license to black girl mannerisms
gay men do the same thing all the time

>When you see a white male about to review your movie

*Blocks your path*

Attached: 1550866788099.png (651x646, 345K)

>Captain Marvel doesn't have negative buzz surrounding its marketing decisions, but misleading headlines about Larson's interest in creating a platform for women and people of color have brought misogynists, racists and all-around unpleasant people into a conversation that they should have no part of. These trolls are responsible for their own hatred, but the idea that they can channel that hatred through review bombing is one born of social media accounts and film blogs' reliance on reporting Rotten Tomatoes scores and audience ratings as an ultimate testament to quality, rather than a review aggregator. A landscape has been created where trolls think that review bombing on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb will have some effect on the box office, when it's unclear that's really ever happened. And I'm not talking about people who genuinely didn't like a movie, but those who create false narratives and employ sexism, racism and harassment as a form of criticism — which it most decidedly isn't. Trolls employed this same tactic with Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017), and the film still went on to be the top-grossing movie of 2017 with $1.333 billion worldwide, and regardless of what the social media accounts are currently seething their way through this paragraph will want folks to believe, Star Wars is alive and well and far more people respond positively to Rey, Rose and Finn than don't. Yes, it did make significantly less than The Force Awakens' more than $2 billion, but it's hard to believe that's because of trolls. If Captain Marvel is good, then there's little doubt that people will respond just as positively to Carol Danvers.

It always goes back to TLJ

Attached: 1441694481743.png (300x329, 157K)

>the last jewdi made 1.3 billion
i remember that one autist that made that chart that showed disney only netted about 200 mill from the last jewdi

>comments disabled on the article

I've never seen more people obsessed with Marvel films than DCfags.

It's baffling.

True, but it created the flop "Solo".
Solo wouldn't have flopped without TLJ.

As if anyone wanted a Han Solo movie. What's with Disney and their OT dick sucking

Disney is creatively bankrupt. It's why they keep making live-action remakes, Marvel movies, and milking the Star Wars original trilogy. They have nothing.

Oh, it's gonna be as successful as The Last Jedi? Can't wait

I see, Bri Larson is an apprentice of the Steven Seagal school of acting.
Her 3 facial expressions are intense focus, overwhelming hatred and smugness.

Why is the press losing their shit over a few negative user reviews? Even if they are troll review, ignore them and move on. Is all this feigning outrage just for clicks?

They're creating the perfect narrative in the case it fails to blame on bigotry or some shit, or to "rub it in bigots' faces" if it succeeds

and everyone's falling right into it

They're not reviews. They're "interested or not interested" votes. Media is flat out lying.

Attached: 1550748431987.jpg (758x325, 68K)

Yeah solo's failure was just a perfect storm of TLJ leaving bad taste in people's mouths already, so much lowered confidence in SW movies. And the fact that nobody really wanted a solo origin story to begin with - everyone was fine with han the way he was

That makes all this even more pathetic. Are they writing these hate/outrage articles on Disney's orders or for clicks? Both?

And making the movie twice, leaving the budget over 300 million

>our attempts will fail

Attached: 1466138955638.gif (352x264, 1.99M)

>its 'trolling' to tell a stupid entitled cunt that she is wrong
i fucking hate that term. why the fuck is anything 'negative' now 'trolling'?

Disney has perfected the art of fucking up an unfuckable franchise.
Its actually an achievement. Has anybody done this before at this level?

Attached: 90F8A68F-9517-45EB-9377-853E034BF459.jpg (960x956, 111K)

okay, this is epic, you have my upvote good sir!

When will movies stop being a battle ground for this stupid culture war?

who programmed her? quite formidable software

>making up inaccuracies about a stupid entitled cunt is okay
So fake news is fine then? Got it.

Imagine making a Bollywood movie and then saying,
>I'm tired of Indian men reviewing films. It's not for them

>don't do the stuff we do

>mfw I see white people

Attached: A453CA8A-EADF-4BAA-9F51-B242713FFBBA.jpg (190x193, 11K)

It wasn't made for you, white boy.

Attached: go girl.webm (592x332, 318K)

We are still going to reach critical mass.

>Rotten Tomatos not accepting new accounts not from facebook

hope she sees that

>Wow that passive aggressive
>AIDs ridden
>really made me love trannies.
Doesn't Yea Forums offer all those things? Oh yeah, its because Yea Forums leans more towards your political aisle so its okay

>Yes, it did make significantly less than The Force Awakens' more than $2 billion, but it's hard to believe that's because of trolls
Yet every media outlet blames trolls, the alt-right, and russian bots for TLJ's poor reviews and lackluster performance. What gives?

Attached: 1541283011360.jpg (720x539, 39K)

Odd that a reporter would support Brie's demand that white men not review her film.

> by Richard Newby

Then agan....

Attached: Richard Newby.jpg (500x500, 112K)

Thats a girl

How can Yea Forums be aids ridden if they are all incels?

Nope, its a sectoid

>aids ridden
Metaphorically aids ridden, as in the way the previous user meant. Try to keep up man



good thing I voted from facebook

>people are saying they're not interested in seeing a superhero movie made by a multi-billion dollar company, and it's NOT okay
Why are media types so sensitive?

Who do you think *owns* the press? Hello.

Is it white anglo-saxon protestants?

Actually people are frothing at the mouth like a bunch of angry manchildren, except saying they hate fun and hate women

Like who?

but how could you defend this production? Why are you defending it in the first place? Its shit from every perspective, even if you like or hate marvel movies, or even if you don't care .
Also if you take everything this board hates and put it into one person/event you'd get brie, even her FEET are disgusting

I was on the fence before, trailers were just ok but way too generic

Now I believe it must fail. The bias against non conforming movies (mostly non-Disney) and the push for agenda driven ones (mostly Disney) is too damn obvious. They WANTED Alita to fail despite being "more female characters yay" and are now having to admit "it did a little better than expected". And I don't even care about Alita, just an example. But Captain Marvel must have an immediate defence force at the slight chance of underperformance or people showing disinterest?

Attached: With Her.webm (1280x532, 937K)

Alita: white male masturbatory fantasy of asian females.
Aquaman: toxic masculinity white male lead.
Captain Marvel: powerful minority lead only hated by incels.

Why can't you people understand?


>white male lead
Wasnt momoa some island mix?

>having a reasonable stance equates to defending

Attached: the future is female.jpg (883x1080, 248K)

Literally zero dollars in China

damn when did female Marvel characters become so ugly?

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>not a SJW show

It's an alt-right show