Oh fuck off PETA.
Oh fuck off PETA
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bunch of slack jawed faggots
They need to be publicly executed for this, by stingrays.
They're right, though.
so should you, by using that cancerous font.
They're unironically right
I wish white people could be left alone in their habitats as well.
sometimes I really think petafags are unironically zoophiles
these bigots are insulting australian culture, how intolerant
That statement is 100% correct. Thanks for showing us that PETA is sometimes the level-headed voice of reason.
You must be braindead to use this retarded font.
>*invades the entire planet for centuries*
>*brings war, rape, slavery, disease, and genocide to every continent*
You fucking pig-people are the worst.
They're right. Don't fuck with deadly animals if you don't want to die.
>fuck off PETA it's my right to touch a blue ringed octopus
Based retard
Steve did more to help conserve and help animals more in his life than PETA will do in their entire existence.
OP should be killed for using that awful font.
they're not wrong
PETA is based and stingraypilled
Wild animals aren't entitled to anything. This is a human planet. Don't edgelord me, it's the truth.
Should have evolved, fuckface. Now get in my dinner, dumb meat.
Your argument is exactly why I have that opinion. Mixing is just a mistake all around. I wish it never happened and everyone was just in their own countries.
fuck humans for real
this, but unironically
They're honestly really weird about owning pets
They'll straight up take pets from homes and then kill them since they think it's better than being a pet.
Because of this post I pledge to harass the next wild animal I encounter
Why are they such cunts?
Steve taught us to love animals. PETA taught us to eat animals to spite them
Absolutely BASED PETA sending normies into a seething frenzy by shitting on one of their corporate approved heroes.
Posting social media garbage here really should be bannable.
>that font
You're either non-white or a woman
Why couldn't the pokemon movie be about team peta instead of that cringe detective pikachu shit
Laws, rights, liberalism, democracy and communism was brought by white people too.
That was the jews
Communism evolved past Marx you know, especially the concept of Social Democracy that leftists love nowadays.
Animals aren't entitled to anything except fighting for their lives.
>animals kill other animals
>this is fine
>people are animals
>people should play nice and just eat grass
Based PETA, fuck the cockodile hunter and his animal harassment
retarded false equivalence
Is that illogical somehow?
Why aren't you leaving the war-mongering genocidal rapist disease-ridden slavers alone?
I don't hang around tigers or komodo dragons, why do you want to hang around whites?
Don't you know, it's because of our big brains that we have a responsibility of eating vegetables only and being sad about the animals we saw in zoobooks as a kid.
Why couldnt it be about her instead
Steve was a worldwide treasure, they can fuck right off
Sometimes you think? They are. Rabbit hole goes deep, and it's not pretty.
What's false about it?
if it wasn't whites, it'd either be the chinese, mongols, or sandnogs. the only reason they didn't was because the white man was in the way and had a lot better tools at their disposal
humanity is a ravenous parasite sucking this world dry by sheer nature of vaulting the evolutionary wall. it would have ended up this way, or worse, regardless
also sins of the father is bullshit, fuck you.
t. people with the IQ of mosquitos
I want all of the other animals to die to piss off leftists. I don't care about the environment. I hope the globe warms and kills everyone, that would be hilarious. If it were true. Either way I win and leftists lose.
not even the hardcore vegans i know support PETA
'Tis a shame.
That's not an answer.
False equivalence means it's a logical fallacy. And since humans are indeed animals that user was right.
Oppa contrarian style
>apparently so simple
>yet cannot explain it
How do you reconcile wanting to protect animals with sexually abusing them
>laws didn't exist until big brained white people invented them
imagine being this dumb
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
This, but unironically.
Fuck leaving the planet to the nogs.
Now you are falling into logical fallacies.
There's nothing to indicate we cannot be both pro-enviroment and still hunt and eat our own food like animals do.
Interesting how every industrialized country in the world uses a European derived legal system....
baste and brappepilled
>ancient Indo-Aryans weren't white LMAO
Fuck off.
This, I would rather leave a scorched earth for eternity than leave this planet to anyone else. Fuck your gay ass environment, eat radiation faggots.
I don't care about the environment you nigger, fuck the environment. It's either ours or no ones.
Mosquitos are just as valuable as people according to PETA.
What a bunch of dumb faggots, animals fuck each other up all the time in nature
I thought you were false-flagging.
it is a logical fallacy to call humans animals, we were made in our Lord and Savior's image and given dominion over the Earth and the animals
funny fyad post
PETA are the libertarian shitposters of Animal Rights activists.
nice get
>every industrialized country in the world uses a European derived legal system....
its almost like being colonized has a lasting effect on your country...
If I can't have this planet the way I want to have it, then fuck it. I'll make sure no else will have it.
In which case we're still entitled in fucking animals up and that user was wrong either way.
For someone who allegedly hates white people, you sure love hanging out on a side made by them for them.
What gives?
>the Moors empire never happened
>the African slave trade never happened
>the middle eastern slave trade never happened
>the Mesoamerican slave trade never happened
Extremely based, and redpilled as well.
Nice you too.
No the idea that it's better to burn the world than hand it over to the people trying to wipe us out is actually increasingly common.
>hurry up and die white people so we can live in your environment!
How 'bout no.
How 'bout we hit the self-destruct button on this bitch on our way out instead.
Why is nature so weak? I want sharknados and killer birds fuck off with that weak shit acid rain and climate change.
Why didn't they change them afterwards, the world has been decolonized for years now...
> on our way out
Why do whites accept their extinction so readily?
white people still bought all those slaves. People in morocco or Bolivia weren't sending slaves thousands of miles from home across oceans. they weren't sailing all the way to north carolina to sell a slave, white people did that. They made a choice to turn a self-contained cultural practice into an international business.
Whites should have burned their colonial cities down when they were forced out instead of handing them over to ungrateful faggots that are going to bitch about having access to rule of law and air-conditioning.
Imagine a world where colonization never happened and whites never gave brown people technology.....
Probably something to do with being a small percentage of the global population with no country that hasn't been force-fed foreigners yet, or maybe the constant demoralization campaign. Some 'master race' right?
Jew detected kek
The public demonstrations always involve whipping and branding and weird shit like that
It gives off a sexual masochism vibe.
We would be in space according to lefties.
But the world hasn't been all-white for a while now, I wonder why we are still not there...
because the international economic and financial system in which industrialized countries now participate post-colonization is also dominated by Europe and America, so it makes sense to keep them.
>If everyone else does slavery, then whites are blameless!
So you're being anti Semitic because Jewish merchant ships brought African slaves to the USA? Also you're anti Semitic because Egyptians were black and they enslaved Jewish people.
Formerly alive.
Brown people got dominated because they were dumb and weak. They are only now tolerated because soft hearted women got the vote.
I've noticed that brown people do this alot, first example that comes to mind is spics blaming the fact their countries are narco shitholes on the fact that Americans buy drugs, rather than on the fact that their countries are full of violent beaners that sell drugs.
They are just mad he did more for animal preservation/conservation and spread more awareness while creating interest in children towards animals than they ever could.
There are a lot of socialistic states in Africa and under China's sphere of influence...
They're right. As an Ausfag, Irwin is a piece of shit and not particularly well liked here.
So you're buying illegal stuff too?
It would have made sense not to violently kick out the white people from their countries if they're just going to participate in the white man's system too, but that didn't stop them from doing it.
Monkeys seem to love wearing hats for some reason....
>I wonder why we are still not there...
capitalism, obviously. The space race of the 1950s had a 70%+ tax rate in america, i don't see many conservatives calling for that now, in fact conservatives main goal these days seems to be making the government as weak and small as possible.
Humans are animals.
Why cant peta understand this
They're so over the top I cannot help but think they're a gigantic false flag op. It's just too much.
>it's a vegan argument
>The space race of the 1950s had a 70%+ tax rate in america
Oh god this fucking retarded meme again.....
Know what else we had in the 50s?
In every other fucking context, you say you want America to be like the 50s again an shitlibs will flip the fuck out. Feed them a bullshit line about high taxes though and suddenly its the Golden Age!
Soviet space modules were shit as hell and they would break easily after taking some photos. Some US modules from the 60's and 70's are still in function right now.
If anything, we learned so much from space thanks to capitalism, NASA is even developing a new shiny telescope to replace the Hubble (which is possible thanks to private funding).
They are right. Talk shit, get hit.
>my GF's sperm
They're just mad because they tried the same thing but whites were better at it, like everything else.
lol yes those poor abused whites weren't asked to leave nicely enough after 500+ years of enslavement and occupation. Not only does that make no sense since industrialized countries in asia and south america are doing fine trade-wise, but the main reason for de-colonization was that most of Europe was ruined after WWII, so white people did it to themselves with in-fighting
>It was because of 500+ years of enslavement and occupation
>No wait, it was because of Europe being broke from WWII
You can't even keep your story straight for two fucking sentences!
its almost like the high tax rate was specifically mentioned as a good thing from the 1950s....but dont let that get in the way of your outrage
yet the ISS still uses Soyuz pods or did until a few years ago
Fuck Steve Irwin and fuck PETA
What's the problem user? Can't handle a manly girl?
That's literally nothing since the ISS isn't even in outer space, it isn't even out of Van Allen's Belt.
>its almost like the high tax rate was specifically mentioned as a good thing from the 1950s
It wasn't good for the little nigs that's the entire point of this reply chain.
or maybe they wanted the Europeans to leave the whole time, but the Europeans didn't leave until they had so many problems at home they could no longer maintain an empire. Actually you're right, all of africa was fine being slaves for 500 years, and then suddenly some time around the 60s they got mad and made whitey leave for no reason. How rude of them! Totally inconsistent!
based and redpilled
thank goodness that the enlightened progressives invented kindness in the 60s!
If only these spineless soft cunts did a protest in Australia about how fucked steve Irwin is. Australians wouldnt stand for this shit and counter protest and beat them up if the cops didnt arrest them first
are you actually trying to say a 70% tax rate is bad because it hurts black people who live under Jim Crow? You realize the 70% was, and should still, be for millionaires, not average people? You realize that the original issue was that "we cant go to space because of niggers" and now your counter-argument is "think of the black people"?
nothing you're saying makes any sense lol
>its almost like the high tax rate was specifically mentioned as a good thing from the 1950s
Yes that's my point retard.
Correlation does not imply causation.
You throw this concept out of the window and start foaming at the mouth when it comes to taking people's money, but if some one were to connect modern social ills to desegregation you would be the first to retreat back to the safety of correlation not proving causation.
It's amazing how people watched his show but were too retarded to know what he did.
Steve Irwin was not jumping on snakes and crocs for shits and giggles.
He was removing these animals from human habitats where they were in danger of killing people or getting killed by humans.
I can just tell some brain dead wine aunt or college drop out twat wrote this tweet.
I will always hate PETA.
>then suddenly some time around the 60s they got mad and made whitey leave for no reason
And that all worked out so great for them.
what does that even mean? being a colonial power is ok because they did other nice things to make up for it? just admit you btfo and run back to /pol/ nerd
>Actually you're right, all of africa was fine being slaves for 500 years, and then suddenly some time around the 60s they got mad and made whitey leave for no reason. How rude of them! Totally inconsistent!
You realize Europe only gained colonial control of Africa in the 1880s, which was after slavery had been abolished by Europeans right?
literally every episode
You are literally the only one here getting the whole reply chain wrong.
We would be in space according to lefties, but then lefties criticize NASA for their enormous government backed budget which hurts little nigs but then again who gives a shit about them they don't contribute to anything.
There is little nothing wrong with colonialism.
seemed to work well for places like India, brazil and china, who i assume are what the original person meant when they said "industrialized countries"
jesus christ what a bunch of faggots.
>it's a liberal episode
Reminder that the most powerful country in the world began as a European colony. Stop whining about colonization, shitskins.
Steve spent nearly all the money he earned buying land to use as nature preserves
China was never colonized dumbass.
>getting MONGOLED doesnt count because we hadnt invented colonialism yet
easily one of the saddest strawman in this thread, and that's saying something. What "lefty" is criticizing NASA for having too much money lol you're delusional
so why are you darkies so eager to get into our countries that you hop fences and swim across seas?
How about acknowledging the fact that the alleged 70% tax rate had nothing to do with the space program?
because you stole all their resources and pocketed the money, obviously
>Africa is out of resources
God you niggers are pathetic.
how did it have nothing to do with the space program. It's government spending paid for by taxpayers, more taxes means more things can be built
How could we have stole all their resources, when they remain resource focused economies to this day?
Fucking Retards. Steve Irwin did SO much for the conservation movement. As an environmentalist this shit just depresses me. Why do these guys eat themselves? I'm pretty sure PETA is just a vegan shill organisation, they shouldn't have any reach.
good point. and why should triple amputees be considered disabled, they've still got almost half of their limbs
I'm Irish tho.
>Africa is out of resources after white people extracting them for a century or two
>somehow Australia, Europe and North America are still very resource rich despite white people extracting those resources for a much longer time
I can't wait for the Chinese to colonize Africa 100x worse than white people did
Well right off bat there's the fact that the 70% tax rate is a meme. Almost no rich person paid that much, which is why the tax code was restructured. Furthermore more taxes does not mean more things can be built, because nothing can be built if it doesn't get funded. The space program didn't shrink because taxes were lowered, the space program shrunk because itself funding was slashed by congress.
If all new tax money goes to universal health care and basic income, don't expect a Mars colony to magically manifest itself just because taxes went up.
Cringe yet Redpilled
I unironically feel bad for non-whites. Imagine living your whole life coping this much. It's like when the blue cat people in Avatar got irreparably BTFO when their ancestor tree got chopped down
I mean yes I also consider niggers retarded but the fact that they also inhabit an incredibly resource rich continent still isn't up for debate.
good point, all those forests in western europe, way bigger than South america or africa. All those british coal mines, wayyy bigger than the ones in other continents. yep its clear you're right, i just can't compete with that superior mayo IQ
So you're admitting that Europeans barely scratched the surface of the resources in those countries as they are still heavily forested regions with expansive mining industries?
good point, you've revealed my fatal flaw, which is that when I said "raise taxes so we can build stuff in space" what I actually meant was "increase the tax amount but make sure Congress doesn't increase NASA's budget at all". Wow my eyes are open, surely there was no way a rational person could have read that and understood that in order to improve government space exploration, its implied that we would need to raise NASA's budget.
Yep, absolutely no one could interpret it that way, that's just a bridge too far, total craziness to assume that. I can feel it all crashing down around me, you have truly bested me in a game of wits and brought down my house of cards, my hat off to you good sir, you have such a superior and inescapable intellect, to find such a glaring hole in my logic. Truly enlightened.
Why raise taxes when we can cut spending?
If what said is actually a strawman, then expanding the space program by cutting social programs shouldn't be controversial.
Such fucking reddit holy shit.
I remember when Steve Irwin died, everybody in Yea Forums was laughing at his stupidity. How times change, indeed.
shut the fuck up you meme-spouting faggot