What are the best movies about people who refuse to improve there situation and blame it on other people?
What are the best movies about people who refuse to improve there situation and blame it on other people?
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Literal garbage tier, as always.
>most money advice: "don't spend your money on stupid worthless shit."
>leftists: *triggered*
Poor people are poor because they are bad with money and waste it, rich people are rich because they are sensible with it. So of course a poor person won't listen, they always choose to adopt "gotta spend money to make money!" or "if i imitate the lifestyle I'll realise it!" philosophies which make them feel good.
t. middle class because i don't have any vices but still fall for branding
Incels (2018)
It's called Yea Forums
>I'm going to react to an article and forming an opinion just by reading the headline
big brains in here
La Haine
I think the headline sums all of the authors thoughts neatly.
>reading vice
>reading anything with the words "classist garbage" in it
>Actually wasting your precious time on this Earth reading a Vice article in 2019
What did IMDd mean by this?
Lmao, remember seeing a collaborative ad with them and Lexus the other day.
I'm sure all the poor need to do is work harder and diversify their stocks & bonds and they too will be rich just like their boss Schlomo Goldstein!
jesus christ what kind of person writes these posts?
Then why aren't you working harder and diversifying your stocks & bonds?
Teenagers working minimum wage jobs and still live with their parents.
>yep, I'm a small brain that is driven by emotion and refuses to read words
>Leftists: consumerism is cancer bring capitalist down!
>Also leftists: let me eat in McDonald's all I want you fucking bigot!
>wah why aren't I mega rich life isn't fair mommy :(((((
radical centrists on the wealth spectrum
You're supposed to save 10% but it really cuts into your fun money when you're poor. I know that isn't an excuse, but I'm a lazy person who would rather have small pleasures now than bigger, more permanent changes later on. I was born middle class to people born working class/poor who were very miserly with their money which was probably a big part of how they got where they are but I was spoiled in spite of that (penny foolish and pound wise I guess) and it's left me entitled and unmotivated. And the entire system is a joke. I can't imagine working minimum wage when there are people making 100k a year podcasting two hours a week or streaming video games. I'll probably just keep treading water until the inevitable suicide.
>people who refuse to improve there situation and blame it on other people
but that's Yea Forums(nel)ers
This reminds me of when black students refuse to read books by old white men. Poor and dumb people are free to stay poor and dumb, just makes life easier for me.
Not discord trannies
>they always choose to adopt "gotta spend money to make money!" or "if i imitate the lifestyle I'll realise it!" philosophies which make them feel good.
You're giving them too much credit, they don't have any such rationalizations for spending all their money and they don't have any plans, they just spend it for instant gratification and nothing more.
Non-retards. I'm literally below the poverty line and I have a decent 70 square meter apartment 15-20 minutes walk from anything I need, computer, TV, phone, console, major appliances, etc., all the normal western-style stuff all bought new recently, I have zero debt, $20k savings in my account, I eat whatever food I feel like, etc.
All you need to do is don't rack up huge amounts of debt going to college if you're not going to leverage that education into a job that actually makes it worth it, and not buy TONS of shit you don't need, like fucking lottery tickets or other gambling, eating out, spending huge amounts on drugs and alcohol partying, buying everything on credit, splurging pointless prestige shit on freeloading your girlfriend, etc.
But most poor people are too retarded for that shit. They constantly blow their money on garbage to show off how they're totally-not-poor, which is why they're poor.
Although I suppose I technically am poor. But I don't feel it.
>Reading an article that says saving money is stupid
Common sense says it's a waste of time.
Take out loans for a two-year trade school. The loans are no where near the cost of college loans, and the trade will allow you to live a relatively comfortable live, if you're diligent and stick to it for 20 years.
>hurr durr i have a fast food job!
Fuck off. Become a welder or machinist, you lazy unskilled cunt.
She made more money than me (). What is she spending her money on? 20k in rent? Bitch, live somewhere less extreme, or if you insist upon living in an area you can't afford, in a collective.
I dunno OP, what are the best movies about people with an easy enough life that they can overlook all their shortcomings since they won't ever see their living standards compromised in any significant way and so they feel compelled to come up with sanctimonious crap like this thread?
Maybe get a real job and live somewhere more affordable?
>t. entry level management at restaurant and lived off of $20k last year
The way you realize you're a corporatist slave is when you think that it's a human right to buy useless garbage from billionaires.
This same person probably wants a cut of the billionaires profits so they can go out and buy more useless shit.
What a retard. She unironically spouts all this marxists dribble while having corporate propaganda cock shoved firmly down her throat.
>Saving resources and being fiscally responsible is for capitalist pigs and classist assholes, yikes!
>fight the oppressive pigs system by *consuming* more and giving in to your base desires. Be a good goy- I mean comrade and spend all your money!
>23k per year
lying bitch
You're just someone that has learned to live contentedly and within their means.
There's nothing wrong with this, but you have to understand we're a society that emphasizes consumer spending and owning as many materialistic items as possible. The average poor person should be frugal, but that means going against their nature.
>Her reaction after I finish cumming in her android butthole :(
>I have to work!
Over half of America has less than $1000 in savings. You're not rich but you're definitely not poor.
I wouldn't judge people based on what they earn but seriously, if you're richer and you have a poor friend, show him how you got there. You'd be a scumbag not to. I didn't know until recently I could bargain a better price from my ISP by threatening the indian lady from customer service that I was cancel my subscription if I didn't get a better price.
>$23,000 a year
>not having $5 to open a savings account
Unless you have like 5 kids and live in Manhattan I doubt it's not because of frivolous spending
Please, oh God, I can't take it no mo'!
Most money advice that I hear not concerning stocks, bonds, etfs, etc. is simple common sense. Limit spending, especially on frivolities, budget your spending and try to set money aside for retirement and emergencies.
I’m not rich by any stretch. I like make less than anyone who works at vice. How is this classist?
Dollars to donuts this bitch lives in SF, NY, or LA and doesn't want to admit that the city isn't the leftist tolerant paradise she dreamed it to be during college before she moved there, but rather a kafkaesque nightmare of rich bureaucrats profiting off her and every other basic bitch's dreams by hiking the rent to line their pockets.
>She currently resides in Brooklyn.
Every fucking time without fail, kek
Or become a truck driver, a understaffed job that pays around 90k+ after a few years.
>you're richer and you have a poor friend, show him how you got there.
Tried it. Tried it with family members, even. For most it's a complete waste of breath. Unless they're naturally wise or really tired of being poor they don't give a shit.
>I have high time preference and so should you!
>Why am I broke?
I hate all you wageslaves and bootlickers defending literal slavery.
Just in time for that work to be automated out of existence!
I guarantee this cosmopolitan cunt's way of life would improve immensely if she took a job far from any fucking urban center. Except for...
>I will have fewer chads to pound my hole
>flyover states are gross
>where is muh beach
>flyover states are full of Republicans
For fuck's sake, all of your selfish needs are met with a decent Internet connection and there's good Internet everywhere now except in the most isolated farm communities
>It sucks enormous chunks.
Formerly feeds enormous shneeds.
>work harder
>diversify their stocks & bonds
That comes later dumbass. First you have to not spend all your money and go into debt. Then once you have some money you invest it so you can make more money.
Irrelevant. Even Brooklynites need someone to mop the floors and wash the windows. If they can't afford to live there it's a shitty way to set up a service economy.
But I'm sure your best friend Capitalism would never have any flaws, would it?
>tfw not even socialist but hate the bootlicking going on in this contrarian playground
Damn, if only there were some sort of way you could divide the cost of living with another person that you cared about and trusted. Ahh.. can't think of one tough luck I guess.
>capitalism has its flaws
yeah, it enables urb*nites and their shitty lifestyles.
>I worked 60 hour weeks because I'm a retard with no skills who has to work at Subway and McDonald's, wtf where's my yacht
Way too many rich people have no respectable skills for this argument to be made. Literally all good looking people are paid to exist in our society.
There's value in the phrase "Work smarter, not harder"
If you're ugly, poor and have no connections, you might never manage a mutual fund or become the CEO of Goldman Sachs but it's brainlet thinking to try and make ends meet by breaking your back doing shit labor instead of getting into a trade or doing something with even the smallest amount of specialization
So who does the backbreaking labor that allows wealthy/attractive people their parasitism? Does it make sense that the entire foundation of society relies on inadvisable “brainlet” jobs for low pay?
I thought everyone at Vice got laid off then killed themselves?
>Even Brooklynites need someone to mop the floors and wash the windows. If they can't afford to live there it's a shitty way to set up a service economy.
Because she's a brainlet that can't make the connection between population growth fuelled overwhelmingly by mass migration (and the descendants of those mass migrants) and her own lack of resources.
>"Why can't I have Burmese-Nigerian fusion restaurants *and* reasonable pay for low-tier work?"
it's mostly down to income, actually. savings habits are generally pretty bad for both wealthy and poor people.
though people with low income and bad habits obviously completely undermine themselves, and some people are able to propel themselves upwards simply by thrift
>If they can't afford to live there it's a shitty way to set up a service economy.
It's not a service economy, it's a free market economy. And living in NYC with apparently no roommates means you should have a better job, or be willing to live with 10 other Mexicanos.
Bojack Horseman
Don’t worry Anons, Democrats are going to take your money and give to illegals and blacks.
It’s probably just pointless to save when you already have low income. What are you saving for, so you can take vacation when you’re 60? If you’re denied the opportunity to enjoy your youth, saving money is stupid. Especially when you live somewhere that getting sick or injured means you lose all those savings.
A years supply of rice is less than 500 dollars.
Wanna save money? live BENEATH your means.
Finally, an actual answer. Good choice.