Kino is on the menu!!! I hope this is some sort of crazy confirmation that Peter Weller will voice RoboCop in the new film!
Kino is on the menu!!! I hope this is some sort of crazy confirmation that Peter Weller will voice RoboCop in the new film!
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What in the everloving fuck?
God damn, we really are living in the darkest timeline
He looks like he's wearing grandma's nightcap.
Robocop didn't do the countdown
he looks like he fucks black guys lmao
He cool hat
>tfw im cutting and shit like this is torture
This... kfc is taking a turn for the strange
this was devised by a madman
Im getting panda cheese vibes
I laughed
Wanted to post this. It seems like an amateur mistake to make.
peter no...
He must be desperate for money to sink this low.
KFC has kino commercials. Too bad all their food has gluten in it so I cant eat it.
This is like something that would only air in Japan.
KFC must be throwing an insane amount of cash at some of these actors.
Bojangles > all
>“Dead or alive, you’re coming to eat”
>we wuz rodney kangz and sheeit
>'erbs and spices
Fucks sake lads
Why would he agree to do this but not take part in RoboCop Returns. The movie is doing the Halloween thing and ignoring all the movies that took place after the orginal.
Sure he’s old, but he’s almost entirely covered up and CGI can remove the wrinkles. It’s all about how he moves and the voice
What the actual fuckkkkkkkkk
Why did i watch these
Full house user, it's because you wanted to. I downloaded some of them just because I wanted to.