>liberal media outlets scrambling to cover for jussie
Liberal media outlets scrambling to cover for jussie
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oof. republifarts think that just 1 hate crime hoax means that real hate crimes dont happen everyday. jussie may have lied but he certainly brought to light the idiocy of you poltards
And that's a good thing!
it's a yikes from me
They're scrambling to cover their own asses. They jumped on the story when it looked like two racists beat up a gay black man. They salivated over a situation where they could point at white people and scream racism. Where they could point at the president and yell that it was his fault. Now it turns out hes just a lying piece of shit. The narrative they were pushing is dust. Now they're trying to figure out how to spin it so all their outrage wasn't for nothing.
In this sense, the headline is technically correct.
it does mean exactly that though
They need to have Liam Neeson make up another fake story to prove racism
>can not confirm what he did or didn't do
But you can?
fakehatecrimes org
Also this
>smollett is top trending!
>my life has no value or worth so I’ll write words on it
>the words don’t matter. The title needs to sound slightly clever though
>what’s the most inoffensive thing to write that also is clickbait
>oh that’s right. Digressions on morality
>hehe if my 8th grade English teacher that told me my essay was “uninspired” could see me now
>38,000 clicks, that’s at least $1.09.
>I can eat a spicy mcchicken instead of ramen tonight!!!
Life of a “journalist” in 2019. No wonder war journalists have high mortality rates but are addicted to the professional anyway. If they go home they die as cucks.
Anyone got the link or screencap of that kike that turned out to be responsible for like 9% of America's hate crimes about Jews?
I don't see any of the violence Antifa causes in your links. Let's unpack this.
delet this
There are more hoax hatecrimes than real hatecrimes at this point. Sjws are so pathetic. Trying so desperately to frame the white man and get victim points. This helps Trump and the new right a lot, keep doing this to discredit yourselves retards.
Also the idea of a hatecrime is idiotic. It is just a crime, it doesnt matter what the motivation is. Most crimes are hateful anyways. Hate is a subjective word, leftists call trumpkins who want a wall or less immigrants "hateful".
Islam is extreme left?
Didn't know huh.
>when America is so great you have to hire Nigerians to oppress you
delet this
I think I would rather be a war journalist in Damascus than write shit like in an office.
>just 1 crime hoax
hahahahaha fakehatecrimes.org
This doesnt compare to the near daily attacks on trumpkins/right wingers by antifa and other leftist freaks. When trump won blacks were literally beating old people in the streets who they thought voted for trump. Also, lots of those were provoked by antifa.
And the mail bombing was almost certainly a false flag.
They are authoritarians, meaning that they believe in centralizing control over others. This idea is inherently left wing.
source: ass
>most certainly
What I don't understand is why would you have to fake a hate crime in the first place? Wouldn't the act of faking it make them realize that maybe their belief system isn't accurate because in order for it to be right they have to be the one purposely doing it? I don't get the reasoning.
When the left does this shit it gets memory holed quick. Note how much attention the Coast Guard white nationalist is getting for planning to murder some Democrat politicians and compare that to how much attention was given to the Bernie campaign volunteer who actually shot up a group of Republican Congressmen when they were at a baseball practice.
Its not my fault you only pay attention to unbalanced news. Antifa and the left commit far more violence towards thei political opponents than trumpkins do. Try to not be such an ignorant sjw please. Step outside your hugbox.
>democraps get shown as being a bunch of retarded, crybaby liars for the 6th time in the New Year
>this makes the right wing looks bad I swear!
Top tier CNN/MSNBC level delusion. Have fun with your Telemundo debate you fucking Mexican lolcows.
The actual trial hasn't even happened yet and everyone's already talking like it's been confirmed.
>When the left does this shit
Post sources or shut the fuck up.
>Antifa and the left commit far more violence
No. And all the violence from the left don't result in dead people.
Because they need these sort of victim points in to justify their authoritarian ideology. If they werent victims of anything, they would be even less justified to be bigoted towards white men. Also JUSTie Smallwit wanted more money and fame so he exploited/furthered race divisions. The left do not have the moral authority over anyone.
>who is stalin
I'm not interested in educating a partisan bigot. The left are far more violent and hateful. You get your news from terrible sources if you arent aware of this. People have already posted sources too, how fucking stupid are you?
>it's about us
>specifically us """"journalists"""" and the depths we'll sink to
>who is mao
>who is hitler
>who is stalin
>who is *insert miscellaneous south american leftist dictator here*
>report what is available as public information, until further developments
>libfags can barely contain their enthusiasm to blame Trump and every Trump voter in the country as soon as Smollett made these fake accusations, don't give a fuck about facts or proof
>it's a false flag
>"g-guys we need to wait for the trial and for all the facts to come out in a c-court of law before rushing to judgment"
>it is so because I say so hurr durrr
Typical uneducated brat. Next time better shut up if you can't debate.
Stop moving the goalposts faggot. We are talking about today's nazis.
We are talking about right violence today and not in the past. Don't enter the debate if you are mentally retarded.
based truth poster
Who are you quoting.
reminder that these people only stay afloat from you retards joining in on the mnufactured controversy
>literally who is he, can I just mention him and mao blindly whenever I get in an argument with left-minded individuals?
stop moving the goalposts faggot. your lefty friends are killing in venezuela today.
Just because your news sources ignore or downplay it, doesnt mean it doesnt happen. A psychotic bernietard went and shot up a republican charity baseball practice. There was that weirdo who was a member of a bunch of antifa and bernie fb pages who went and shot up a church. You ignore all of these. Not to mention antifa beating up jews, old people and cripples who dare hold an american flag or just outright assaulting someone for no reason whatsoever. You dont have the moral highground.
Imagine being this much of a millenial thoughslave. I bet you unironically use buzzfeed and huffpo.
>“Mr. Smollet is a young man of impeccable character and integrity who fiercely and solemnly maintains his innocence and feels betrayed by a system that apparently wants to skip due process and proceed directly to sentencing,” read a statement sent out late Thursday on behalf of the Empire actor.
>“Today we witnessed an organized law enforcement spectacle that has no place in the American legal system. The presumption of innocence, a bedrock in the search for justice, was trampled upon at the expense of Mr. Smollett and notably, on the eve of a Mayoral election”
mao was a good boy pol pot dindu nuffin
>totally ignorant to the violence on the left
>calls other uneducated
Thanks for the laugh, retard
Reminder that Omar Mateen, the Muslim who shot up the gay nightclub in Florida and killed 50 people, was a Democrat.
>t. butthurt former Vice """"journalist""""
Never mind how the women's march was lead by anti-semites.
I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that a bunch of feminazis live up to their moniker in more ways than one.
>news sources ignore or downplay it,
Lying dickhead. So there's a fuckload of false equivalency that goes on when people casually talk about how "the far left and the far right are both equally a problem" or that "SJWs are as big of an issue as the alt-right" and whatnot.
Far right ideology is getting bigger by the day and with idiots like Trump people are getting emboldened to say and do blatantly racist shit without fear of consequences. Naturally, this results in a climate with FAR more right extremists who actually harm people compared to the microscopic fringe group of extreme leftists.
Based democrats
i accept your concession
Literally every single thing that has ever happened is in the past you fucking idiot. You never set the goalposts. Sorry youre a retard.
I accept your lobotomy induced retardation, nazi.
spread that propaganda by any means necessary even if it destroys innocent people's lives right chaim?
>implying hate crimes happen everyday
lol what a faggot
Oops meant for Lol
Nothing wrong with saying racist shit my man. Nothing far-right about it either. China's the most racist country in the world and they're literal communists. Ipso facto, racism is left-wing.
and i accept your concession
Does "Criminal Act" mean that someone caused a terrorist attack because they were upset at a previous crime?
bluepilled desu
>see debate about today's right winger extremism violence
>but what about mao lmao
Shut up retard. You're not deceiving anyone.
You're not funny.
>Far right ideology is getting bigger by the day
Give a source or go fuck yourself. Trump is left wing on most issues.
You need to step up your game man. This SEETHING LUNATIC approach isn't good for anything but getting laughed at.
I find the 'naive autist'-approach is much better for generating furious replies in return, instead of just mockery.
holy fuck how are black people so good at comedy..
Let's play this game.
Who do you honestly think is more likely to be randomly assaulted?
>a homosexual person of color walking down the street
>a person in a maga hat walking down the street
>When trump won blacks were literally beating old people in the streets who they thought voted for trump.
Sources have been dropped in the thread. Read it or fuck off.
t. dumb larping nazi
>You're not funny.
That's fine, I see you play the role of clown more than well enough on your own.
>it's this easy to get (you)s from zoomers in 2019
Le sigh
>ignores the posts about unhinged bernietards shooting up a republican charity baseball practice
>ignores the post about the left wing church shooter
This is how we know youre full of shit
>deflecting this hard
>still cant provide a source for her fearmongering
Based retarded sjw
Maybe "far right" ideology wouldn't be getting bigger by the day if far left communists weren't assaulting people simply for voting Republican and getting away with it.....
Shoot, I hoped it was a real thing too
No they havent. Random msm speculation articles are not sources. Try again retard.
All this cope from y'all
jesus, you actually took a second to do this?
Yeah I'm not surprised that you hope black people beat up old people for voting for Trump.
Why are they criticising Mel for doing that when it worked and both women consensually agreed to go with him after doing that?
How is he the bad guy? He clearly gave those two women exactly what they were looking for.
>I can totally trust my wife, she only cheated like two times.
Is he winning or losing at this point?
>right wingers harm or kill people by the thousands
>hey what about 1 (ONE) lunatic left winger who also bad bad
Fuck off with your false equivalencies shithead.
based illiterate nazi
>what is cause and effect
How old are you? 4?
Lie harder nazi.
same. Very dissapoint
>>liberal media outlets scrambling to cover for jussie
Not the first time they've had to do this, and won't be the last.
They won't learn. They're incapable of it.
How are you so fucking incompetent?
Another just for fun , since youre so clueless
Great bait apparently.
have a (you)
Sadly there are people who believe shit like this though.