This is your movie star. Say something nice to her

This is your movie star. Say something nice to her.

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She doesn't last long and therefore didn't ruin the movie.

I’m sick of seeing this skag on my monitor when you niggers make hereditary threads.

and fuck you for bumping this



Was the goal to make her look as ugly as fucking possible? She looks like she has a nightly stroke that has prevented her from sleeping her entire life.


i think that was actually the case ... Paimons soul was in her but he wasn't comfortable in female bodies

you're fired

Attached: Time+is+money+get+back+_b6aa044302521f769c314673e9c7c6fc.jpg (355x240, 12K)

King Paimon is watching and waiting, son

i hear her head hit a tree

Reminds me of somebody..

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They could have gone uglier.
I was having a really hard time watching this movie till he head popped.

She's a qt In real life.

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I legitimately thought this movie was a comedy. The kid getting her head knocked off had me laughing out loud more than any movie I can think of in recent memory. The mom's spastic crying and screaming "I can't do this!" just kept me laughing. The fact the kid's name was Charlie and she looked like an ugly little boy was just hilarious as a concept to me as well. Then you had her brother banging his head on his desk and all of the scenes where he cried like a little girl. The mom sawing her own head off. The husband catching on fire instead of her when she burned the journal. It was the kind of shit you would see in a cartoon. Seriously funny as fuck.

Uh. Nein.

Thanks for the based synopsis user, gona then keep on binging Frasier instead.

still an ugly jewess

For those of us who didn’t have the beheading spoiled, it was an incredibly WTF moment ending the first act that threw me off for like, 40 minutes. I mean how often does that happen today. Or is that just me?

Unfortunately when a oujia board becomes important the movie goes down the drain.

They really shouldn't reproduce.

she looks like a dinosaur

this movie sucked and it was dumb
however, it was kinda creepy at times.
Toni Collette is also ugly

She cute.

Attached: Hereditary.2018.720p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA Milly Shapiro Charlie sleeping.webm (1280x640, 698K)