Should the show be cancelled at this point? I mean, it's basically living on borrowed time

Should the show be cancelled at this point? I mean, it's basically living on borrowed time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

it was formerly good


Living on borrowed seed satan


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I want it canceled simply so sneedfags can finally STFU

Why? Like, if you were going to cancel it, the time was two decades ago.

>they're making me mad!
>in a thread where they're definitely going to sneed it
>guaranteeing you'll see more

I Still watch and enjoy it. AMA.

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Are you a sneedposter?

>guaranteeing you'll seed more



Who isn't?

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It's been complete shit for about 20 years now, it's uncancellable.

>Using screenshots from the soulless 16:9 cropped HD version
You disgust me




>willingly taking screenshots of reddit and posting them to Yea Forums


Formerly digg


presently gizmodo

Attached: 1533501183534.gif (480x366, 2.2M)

formerly digg

They're shooting for 50 years

Formerly Yea Forums

currently 4channel

Are you a woman?

why so redditors love sneed so much ?

Attached: sneed2.jpg (640x480, 165K)

why do farmers love gucci loafers so much ?

t. Sneed


Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

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Why do redditors like to falseflag so much?

You seem lost, sir, let me give you a quick rundown.
>1. Reddit and Facebook have no idea what a Sneed is.
>2. Simpsons threads are Reddit, not sneedposting. Sneedposting is based, redpilled, high-test, and non-pozzed.
>3. Not a single sneedposter has ever been under the age of 18. Ever. No exceptions, it simply doesn't work that way.
>4. The moeposter is a bot being run by the Yea Forums mods. This is how it can accurately post in EVERY Simpsons thread. Mods know they can't outright ban or wordfilter sneed as it would make Yea Forums a worse place for little gain. All Janny can do is occasionally ban them.
>5. Sneedposting is the chemotherapy that is saving Yea Forums. Jannies, niggers, trannies, tumblrinas, redditors and city-slickers of all varieties need to learn that Yea Forums is simply not their safe-space. Sneed is one of the best ways to teach them.
>6. Sneedposting was one of the reasons why 4channel became a thing, and was discussed (with screencapped examples) in a Skype call between the moderators and Hiro. There is one Yea Forums and /g/ mod that fucking HATES it in particular, but most don't think it's that big of a problem. Hiro doesn't run the moe-bot, the aforementioned Yea Forums and /g/ mod does.
>7. Sneedposting is not better or worse than baneposting. It hasn't "surpassed" it, and it isn't "below" it. They are equals, brothers, wife and husband to each other. Yes, it is slightly more repetitive than baneposting, but because it has more OC and is a dedicated effort, the two memes are on par with each other.
>8. Most Sneedposters actually love the early Simpsons seasons.
>10. Sneed.
You literally CANNOT dispute any of the points I just made.


Yeah... that's gonna be a sneed from me.

I wish that episode where marge and homer split and date other people wasn't a dream desu, it could have gave them more fresh plotlines and actually paved the way to the inevitable end.

Qts love simpson references u just happen to have an ass for a hat

Should jeans be cancelled? I mean, aren't they "basically living on borrowed time"? No, you fucking moron. People enjoy what they enjoy, and it'll continue until it's no longer enjoyed. Thanks.