ITT: Characters you can’t believe haven’t been in the movies yet
ITT: Characters you can’t believe haven’t been in the movies yet
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what do you call that body-type?
I love Black Cat so much. Have ever since I was little. Nobody knows. It pains me that /ourguy/ Dick Bush made a Black Cat scene for Brazzers with Jordi as Spider-Man, but that the girl didn’t work for it at all, the costume looked crappy, and she took the costume off quite quickly (at least he made a phenomenal Psylocke scene too).
I’ve never told a gf about this near-obsession, since I think they’d be too weirded out, I don’t know how to work with latex, and none of them have ever really been the type (never had a pornstar fake boob gf, as you might understand).
Dick Bush, or anyone, PLEASE make a good Black Cat porno. Please.
Felicia hardy was
White girl pretend-ass
Absolutely based
Here is a better example
Good post.
me irl
Piss off Negro
she's a catwoman rip-off
God damn Enji, you're killing me
Imagine the trapped braps in there, stewing and building up. Then she hugs somebody and the pressure squeezes the braps up the suit until they fly out between her tits and into their face. Perfection.
user, braps are just the cry of a turd trying to escape. Think of the turds.
I’m white but my boyfriend isn’t.
Enji is a miracle of the universe.
She looks like she _____ _____ ____
enjoys her life
Enji Night.
expels much gas
Imagine being such a hard 10 like this. Life must be so fun.
Fucking niggers need to hang
It actually isn't. I'm not a 10/10 but I know both men and women who get stereotyped hard and some even raped and also abused online for nothing. Youre also more likely to get called out in public or find yourself in alercations
sometimes its better to be average looking.
Because when youre a 10/10 youre basically a walking target.
Like how a homosexual faces risks of being attacked by homophobes, attractive people face risk of being attacked by those who are jealous and insecure
I'm not trying to virtue signal or make some grand statement, but its not all its made out to be
>boo hoo getting called names is worse than living your entire life as a socially rejected incel and drowning your depression in alcohol while trying to come up with enough reasons to get out of bed every day
Wait when was BDH in a Marvel movie??
guaranteed angry incel replies
be sneeding and feeding
Oh man I wish, they'll probably add her to CW Arrowverse but make her so SJW and pick an ugly THOT cause fuck U Diversitywood.
>Ever since my life took a very dark turn at the age of seventeen, I often had fantasies of how malevolently satisfying it would be to punish all of the popular kids and young couples for the crime of having a better life than me. I dreamed of how sweet it would be to torture or kill every single young couple I saw. However, as I said previously in this story, I never thought I would actually go through with these drastic desires. I had hope inside me that I could one day have a happy life.
>It was only when I first moved to Santa Barbara that I started considering the possibility of having to carry out a violent act of revenge, as the final solution to dealing with all of the injustices I’ve had to face at the hands of women and society. I came up with a name for this after I saw all of the good looking young couples walking around my college and in the town of Isla Vista.
>I named it the Day of Retribution. It would be a day in which I exact my ultimate retribution and revenge on all of the hedonistic scum who enjoyed lives of pleasure that they don’t deserve. If I can’t have it, I will destroy it. I will destroy all
women because I can never have them. I will make them all suffer for rejecting me. I will arm myself with deadly weapons and wage a war against all women and the men they are attracted to. And I will slaughter them like the animals they are. If they won’t accept me among them, then they are my enemies. They showed me no mercy, and in turn I will show them no mercy. The prospect will be so sweet, and justice will ultimately be served.
>And of course, I would have to die in the act to avoid going to prison.
I wanna snort her butthole vapors.
>black cat in the PS4 Spiderman game teases Spidey the whole dlc and he'd probably lose control and bang her
Wish she played a bigger role in the other two DLCs
Wish her look wasn't based on a fuck ugly dev
>Black cat
You're confusing her with Catwoman, Black Cat is Marvel
Kevin Wendell crumb!!!
based trips of extraordinary vengeance
>image says spider man 3
read nigga
Sorry the other I mean MCU that thought she was Dove from DCs Hawk and Dove comics.
>>Damn more white haired pale beauties?? I don't think I can't handle so much pretty Whiteness.
Don't see how I missed that its still a Marvel movie mmh K??
Holy Crap she's a true QT more please.
>>Gibb me.
That's Gwen Stacy. Jyn Erso played Felicia Hardy.
this is absolutely true. funny part is that isn't isn't the incels or fatties who are the aggressors. it's the mid tier faggots who have convinced themselves they're the shit and seethe at the sight of other people who may have better qualities than them
Spot on. And these insecure incels and mid tier faggots will convice you that's it better being good looking and constantly attacked, having friends that are jealous your whole life, having people see you for your looks instead of your personality or actions.
Not a 10/10 either but that's main reason and don't hang out with insecure ugly fags
and she never will be.
A fair bit of truth to this. Being an obvious social standout, whether due to being extremely attractive or horribly ugly, often leads to people attacking you for being different.
Jealous women have verbally attacked Enji before; saying she has had surgery or uses pads to fake her figure. I'd imagine a lot of men send her rapey messages daily. This stuff simply wouldn't happen very often if her body type was average.
I'm not a symbol of genetic perfection like Enji, but I look better than the average guy walking around. I've had team mates and coworkers refuse to befriend me out of a bitter jealous about the way I look; like I somehow make them inferior by being associated with them. Random people looking to take out anger on someone usually pick me from a crowd first.
Being an 10/10 isn't some blessing that makes every aspect of life better. Incredibly attractive people usually end up being treated like objects or targets of anger and jealousy.
Hungarian Birthing Hips
can normies please get the fuck off my board
Nice humble brag, normal fag
and they'll never make a powergirl movie because a slightly skinny / built girl with giant tits isn't allowed anymore. makes me sad.
Enji is honest to god perfection. There is 10/10 girls, then there is her further above.
Yes; but can she act ?
who cares
Everybody wants to hang out with the attractive person. That person's innate prestige rubs off on everyone around them; someone who could hang out with anyone they want chose to hang out with you. That means you can't be that bad.
So maybe they don't want to befriend you because you're just a coping duchebag, bro.
Oh fuck you normie, I'd trade fucking anything to have what you got. Would you rather be pissed that a few people don't talk to you out of jealousy, or have no one talk to you because it burns their eyes to literally look at you?
>sweapants are a sign of defeat
kek, who's the puritan faggot that wrote this? Sounds like they sleep in burlap trousers
Not that guy, but see this is exact the seething incel rage responses you would except. I know it's hard being redpilled on what it really means being attractive, when you live you life based on social conditioning, society's standards and what you read in magazines.
Sure there're a lot upside to being attractive like girls pay attention to you more (not equal to that you get laid more, still need confidence).
But the depth of friendship and relationships goes much deeper for ugly fags because others see you for your person instead of your looks - instead of pure jealousy. And you can slip under that radar much more when talking to grills.
>Not that guy
If you say so, lol
Sheer Perfection.
believe what you want
I am that guy and can confirm is not me
you´re just full of shit. sure you have a higher entry barrier for deep friendships, whatever. some spastics will outright target you, wich is a great filter for avoiding petty shits in your life.
if you honestly want to complain about looking pretty consoder suicide.
there are some drawbacks, but the upsides outweigh them by far.
Enji Night, the person in question.
God I want her to sit on my face
MCU Daddario will finally make Felicia justice
Domino and Rogue. Neither have been in movies.
And fuck you for thinking otherwise
>seething incel rage responses
>the upsides outweigh them by far
>it begins
>Screencap this
Marvel will never hire an actress with these curves to play Black Cat
imagine the smell of that bodysuit
Fun fact:
The black-jewess that is cast to play the Black Canary (a blond haired, blue eyed character) is Jussie Smolett's sister and both are good friends of Brie Larson.
Weird, huh?
camera magic
fucks her fans
Fucks young spiders?
but I'm with you
Problems with being an attractive man:
1. Everyone looks at you more than they look at most people causing you always having to deal with constant attention
2. Men are very insecure around you and make for hostile interaction
3. Men are very bitter and will go out of their way to compete with you or sabotage you in some way
4. Women get angry when you don't flirt with them and then they become very bitter and unfriendly
5. People above you in social status will all feel entitled to sleep with you or ruin your career
6. Your boss will try to sleep with you
7. People vandalize your car
8. People harass you in public
9. Small children follow you around in public places
10. Everyone gets really quite when you start to speak
11. People will use anything to bring you down including racism, sexism, abuse and gossip
12. People will imitate your style and dress
13. People will try to use you
14. People will want to be around you simply for the "hot" factor you add
15. People will be more likely to hire you
16. People will be more likely to pick you to be on their team, solely for the purpose of getting to know you
17. People will assume you are arrogant and rude
18. People will let you get away with not paying for free things and being a bad friend
19. People will brag about you to their friends and family
20. Your friends and family will want to introduce you to everyone they know
21. People will assume you are taken but will still expect you to sleep with them
22. People will assume you have no problems getting laid
23. People you actually want to sleep with will want nothing to do with you because they are hatin on you too because they think they have to shun you to be considered more attractive than you
24. Then you become the beautiful, nasty, arrogant and cuthroat asshole they prejudged you to be and then hate everyone just as much as they hate you.
I'm crying.
that's thot posture more than angles
also, how bad are her teeth? She's been grinning like an idiot for years. With braces your teeth look visibly better within weeks.
damn... its like looking in a mirror...
>Small children follow you around in public places
Is this actually a common occurrence for other attractive people? I'm always having kids imitate me when I'm exercising outside at a park or following me around while I'm grocery shopping. The younger kids at sporting competitions always sit with me during the lunch break too. I just assumed it was cause I was friendly.
>having pussy and asshole on your face
no thanks
1. Not a problem
2. Men are not women, this does not happen irl
3. See 2
4. I'd rather them be mildly irritated with me than actively avoiding any interaction with me
5. Then sleep with all of them, how is this a problem?
6. See 5
7. Ancedotal, my car gets vandalized too
8. Ancedotal, I too have been harassed in public
9. Does this actually happen?
10. Cool, they listen to me for a change
11. Ancedotal, people have said false shit about me to
12. This is not a prroblem
13 and 14. As opposed to completely avoiding me out of hand?
15. Sweet, I might actually get a decent job
16. Literally not a problem
17. They do that anyway
18. Again, not seeing a downside to this if it saves me money
19. Not a problem
20. Networking? Not a problem
22. As opposed to assuming I'm a virgin?
23. Fine, I'll just fuck hotties then
24. I'd rather that then be completely ignored by society at large
Jesus christ, you're even more delusional than I thought. At this point it's not even about the arguments or the case anymore, you're too brainwashed, it's a personal incel agenda of yours to bring down beautiful people or dismiss any rational arguments, simply because chads stole you're girl in school and ur frustrated ugly fag who feels as if the world owes you.
You're right u should probably kill yoursellf now.
Not even the guy you were arguing with, just wanted to refute your points. in truth being an attractive guy is much better than being ugly, there is literally no refute to this.
I can't even remember her appearing in the second and third DLC. Her costume was weird anyway, it's like Insomniac has a fascination with slapping bits of white armor on characters
>not playing the superior spider-man game with non-tranny black cat
Never said attractive people doesn't have an advantage, but incels who blatantly refuse to any acceptance that attractive people often have a really hard time as well need to wake tf up. The grass is always greener and stuff.
Yeah but theres degrees dude. I'm not even an incel and I'd still rather your "problems" than that of an Incel
I thought she no longer did that?
Both Felicias are the best girls of their respective games.
has an Asian husband/partner
t. incel
Calling something not a problem because you wished it happened to you is not an argument.
And I assure you, constantly being treated as a sexual object does become exhausting and dehumanizing. I rarely go on dates where the person just wants to sit down and get to know me. I'm always rushed into sex with little care for who I am as a person.
somehow this comes to my mind
>character has the word "black" in their capename
who do you think they'll get to play said character in current year?
el chapo
Anna has stated on multiple occasions she suffers from anxiety though. Also her con performances are pretty awkward too
Hollywood would also spoil her like it did with Palvin. Orban is right, Hungarian women are way too pure and must be protected from the evil outside world and its degenerate influence so as to keep up the breeding replacement level of the magyaroid gene pool and its phenotypical attributes
SHe never fucked me tho :( lel
Here I am looking at her face like some kind of faggot.
Looking at her Instagram, Enji's teeth seem rather straight and well kept. Her personality is rather dorky and awkward so the weird smile is her not really knowing how to react to a camera.
Enji having a beautiful face is part of what makes her so good.
>I get laid regularly with decently attractive women for almost no effort, my life is so hard.
I can't touch someone without potentially dying of infection. But please, tell me how hard your life is.
Her name is Bryce Salad Howard
Even if she does, she will NOT look like this.
She looks a bit like that hit or miss alleged girl. they're both so unremarkably average without tons of makeup, wigs, contact lenses, and stripper outfits.
Enji walks around half naked for a living as overly sexualized video game characters. It wouldn't be much of a leap to say she could have acted on an impulse a few times to let some fans fuck her.
She was single for a long time and is exceptionally attractive and popular. That combination usually leads to a lot of casual sex.
>being this insecure about themself
The taste of salty incels tears. If you honestly think looks is the final determator of whether you getting laid or not, then you should probably stop trying and kill yourself
No one is saying attractive people have problems greater than everyone else. But to blatantly ignore the legitimate issues they face, simply because they get sexual attention, makes a person look like a jealous raging incel.
Do exceptionally attractive people often lead better lives than most? Yes. Does that mean they don't face identity and self worth problems? No. Being attractive stops being fun when no one gives two shits about you as a person.
kinda reminds me, i wondr if any future spiderman movie will bring in that spider wtich lady that occasionally invades spidey's mind and acts all grandmotherly. forgot her name, but she was in the 90s cartoon a lot
took me a fe wminutes, but im thinking of madame web
Well if by insecure you mean stage 3 kidney cancer that may possibly kill me and thus gives me a severely compromised immune system which means being exposed to ordinary bacteria could, in fact, kill me, yes...I should stop trying
>Women throw themselves at me and regularly fuck me but don't like the "real" me, my life is hard
Yeah, you still don't have real problems dude. Seek therapy.
How the fuck can you cope this fucking hard? You lookism faggots are straight up retarded, there is NO hope for this world if you think you're any better than the ugly people you berate and beautiful people you treat like fucking gods. You're not even human, just a sad shape of someone who was told everything they need to believe in.
>acceptance is everything in my life
For your shallow self, definitely. But most people are mutli-dimensional,and get tired of the same kind of harrassment. You need therapy far more than , who is completely right, but of course the Yea Forums lookisms faggots love to berate everyone.
Attractive people are given everything for free. Sure they can have problems but not ones anyone should acknowledge. That’s the price you pay having a lifetime full of undeserved charity.
Look dude, I dated someone with end stage kidney failure for 3.5yrs. I know it fucking sucks. I've seen what it does to someone first hand. But just because you're suffering immensely doesn't give you a right to be an insufferable cunt that down plays other people's issues. People are allowed to experience and vent about hardship even if it doesn't equal what you're going through.
>Omg being at the top of the food chain is liek, so hard u guyzz.
Everyone gets their lot and life and has to learn to deal with it, but this is the equivalent of suggesting billionaires have it hard because they have to deal with gold digging whores.
Dealing with jealousy is a shit argument.
I'm well above average for attractiveness and I live in poverty; having to beg my landlord each month to divided up my rent so I can pay it. Which is a huge improvement over when I was homeless a few years ago. I'm joining the military just so I can have some economic progression cause being a min wage cook isn't going to do that. My money problems are due to drug addicted parents abusing me my entire life and fucking my head up. I don't even qualify for social assistance because I'm white with no physical disabilities and half a bachelor's degree.
Oh but some grocery store clerk flirted with me yesterday and a girl from work wants to hookup so I don't have any problems in life. Fuck off.
Why are you arguing with a faggot who thinks social acceptance = everything? These are literally kids from middle school comparing their dicks, they want to be the best no matter what.
If your not being made to suck your landlords dick for rent every month then your not attractive, nigger.
fuck she was hot in that game
Deadpool 2
Social acceptance grants confidence and purpose, which are 2 things among many that attractive people are given for free instead of having to earn.
>She was single for a long time
She's with somebody now ?
that wasn't her. that was a perverse bastardization
That fact you believe that the food chain is arranged in order of looks is exactly the low self-esteem degenerate belief, that beta male incels orbiter constantly mindfuck them self into believing and is why you'll most likely never will achieve happiness or win at life. But hey, you do you.
>aTrActiVe pEoPle GeT eVeryThing foR FreE
>NobOdy hAs As MaNy prOmBLeMS aS UglY pEOPle liKe Me
the incel virgin rage is strong in this one
>Social acceptance grants confidence and purpose
For the weak-minded, yes.
>tfw no literal 10/10 Hungarian Gf
Why live?
>>Who is this gem from heaven I must know she is unimaginably beautiful.
What race is this semi-negro?
says the virgin
You've got some pathological delusion going on here. Take a look at where attractive people get in life versus what they actually deserve. Consider examples like Pewdiepie or Justin Bieber. Looks make the difference between a minimum wage lifestyle and hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank, and that's just the very surface.
Yah, ugly people like this never go on to accomplish things in life
Good luck getting that in a Marvel movie
It's a Marvel movie, but not a Marvel Studios movie.
Wasn't she kinda in the background of homecoming in a hallway scene? I can't confirm, probably just misremembering some broad with white hair.
>let me tell how how hard it is to be a hot chick, which I totally am.
Imagine caring if a hot girl can act
My God she looks perfect in this picture. I want to kill myself.
Unpopular opinion: Enji could still be way hotter. If you look at her ass, there is a ton of cellulite and it just looks frumpy as shit. She is blessed with godlike genes and does nothing with them. She stays skinny, which is basically enough but if she were to be even like 25% more fit, her ass would look fucking amazing.
>Like how I face risks of being attacked by homophobes
>how stupid can one man be?
This is objectively true, although she already shits on 98% of girls as-is.
She does workout but not consistently e light to make any major progress. Enji just does the min to keep what she has.
Personally, I don't mind a little cellulite. Kinda have a thing for it on thicc girls but I do see your point. She is way beyond 99.99% of women out there yet isn't anywhere close to what she could be.
His mum was a high up at IBM and basically gifted him fuck ton of IBM's money for some shitty software he had written that no one else would have looked twice at. He used that to start MS.
Pajeet? maybe.
I'd like to say some sort of spanish hybrid but then again one of the early pics has him with afro similar to kaepernicks. Still is one of the luckiest mofo to be able to tap that sweer Hungarian ass.
>mfw seeing this next to Brie Larson's no booty on Catalogs
>HiS mUm WaS hiGH uP sO youR arGUmenT iS iNvaliD
Look at the top 10 most richest and most influential people in the world. Those are some ugly motherfuckers. From your incels logic, all attractive people are rich.
It's like your incels mindset is so neological intergrated within you beta male brain through years of advertisment and absorbing every society says without questioning, that it hurts you just to fathom those people you see an "enemy" actually have issues in their daily life as well. Classic incel believe. I guess you must really be mad at them Chads for fucking your crush kek
Even politicians tend to reach excessive levels of success and power without having much in the way of note worthy attractive features. Looks are extremely shallow and don't go do much for a person beyond the bedroom.
Cope harder. You clearly don't want to understand why you're wrong, instead pulling a Red Herring for people that don't matter at all in the first argument.
>Classic incel believe. I guess you must really be mad at them Chads for fucking your crush kek
fucking lol. This exactly. why would I even bother arguing with a clearly socially stunted incel?
italian or jew
Pro tip: Is the same
>There is 10/10 girls
Christ, how difficult is it for you morons to conjugate a verb?
>There ARE 10/10 girls
Was that so hard? Apparently, yes, it was.
He’s using it correctly, actually. Read the rest of the sentence.
did you not know 3 X-men movies exist with Rogue in them?
I seriously hope English is your second language
>having an extremely desirable quality is a disadvantage
with an ass like that, she either fucks black guys, or has an asian sugardaddy (the latter is surprisingly more common)
>I'm masturbating to pictures
cringe, but here's your (you)
The way that other user phrased it is confusing, but is not wrong. You are reading it as "there are girls who are a 10/10 and there are girls above that", but actually what he is saying is "there is this concept called 10/10 girls and there is a point above it".
Again, confusing phrasing, but technically not wrong.
The funniest shit is when lookism fags assume that a good-looking guy can't be a friendless basement-dweller. NEWSFLASH: You're a friendless, socially awkward faggot because your autistic ass refuses to socialize with people in a nice way instead of an arrogant asshole way.
>b-b-but I'm not liek that
Bullshit. Every single dude I met who claimed to be socially isolated because of their looks or some shit was also a giant asshole who talked shit about people behind their back. Every. Single. One.
We could really do with a /cel/
She's hotter in her symbiote form.
That's going to my art folder.
lol Hungary is a shit storm and has been for over a century kid and I'm sure she's so anxious when she's walking around in public half naked or posing for professional photographers that bend down to get the perfect angle for her ass
Or you just become a model or actor and take the free ride you were born into.
>walks around in crowds and gets picture taken for money
Attractive women don't know what real life crippling anxiety is and it losses when they talk about it. That girl from Riverdale is another supposed anxiety victim that wears lingerie to premiers.
Anxiety is just feeling a little bit nervous and not pacing around and repeatedly looking out through a crack in the blinds for 20 minutes to absolute make SURE there is nobody outside so you can take the garbage out.
The chalice
Unironically hard to break into even if you do look good. Hell, making it big in actor is also hard to break into even if you won the genetic lottery (it took Cavill a damn long time before he made it).