Post compass

>post compass
>favorite album

Ruth - Polaroid/Roman/Photo

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Welfare


fuck this meme psued bullshit

not unless you can tell me what the ideological common denominator is for nazis (so-called "authoritarian right") and libertarians (so-called "libertarian right).

Right libertarians generally have a socially conservative tilt as did nazis

The Fall - Hex Enduction Hour

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the green and red side

>mfw i became unironicaly a liberal
feels bad man

Messa - Close

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wrong. the answer is "commies hate them". they have nothing else in common and the "political compass" is pure propaganda.

I just told you what they have in common you dipshit

robert ashley - automatic writing
145 iq

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Van Morrison - Moondance

Attached: AAEF5044-BBE5-4882-93D9-28CC931BC9B8.jpg (781x576, 56.6K)

codeine - frigid stars

Attached: A97AA6A3-5176-4B86-AD8F-15DFC26DFF26.png (1500x651, 198.06K)

>tfw no right libertarian
it's over bros.

Kali Malone - The Sacrificial Code

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-05 215034.png (432x388, 8.06K)

i don't have Political Compass but i have this

The Goslings - Grandeur of Hair

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Alive 2007 - Daft Punk

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Current 93, Thunder Perfect Mind

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are we still living in 2012

Well, I didn't expect that
John Fahey - vol 6 days have gone by

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El Último Vecino - El Último Vecino (2013)

Attached: unknown.png (800x650, 60.35K)

authoritarians against the wall

red velvet - perfect velvet

i hate the political compass test.

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*calls the cops on you*
Enjoy jail thug

social darwinism

Meh, it's not really accurate, I'm a fascist (in the vein of the original Italian fascism 1919-1922)... This chart confuse conservatism/right wing and revolutionism/left wing.
I don't have a fav album, let's say I'm mainly into psych rock/krautrock/noise rock.
Based favorite album.

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Opeth - Damnation

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-06 at 14-07-55 The Political Compass.png (480x400, 15.41K)

Why do people enjoy labeling themselves this much? Do you think it counts as an actual personality?

>favorite album
>Why do people enjoy labeling themselves this much?
group identity. the people don't actually care about their ideology's end goal, it's more about the journey. for example, the average communist here doesn't actually want to "unite the world's workers", they just want to suck black penises and make funny memes without being racist. only exceptions are monarchists, fascists, etc.
>Do you think it counts as an actual personality?
it kind of does, but yeah, that's why they do it
t. not doing it because i'm not gay

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Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt

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Enlightened 19 year olds

bladee - the fool

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"authoritarian right" is a leftist meme. natsoc were leftists

modest mouse - lonesome crowded west

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Station to Station

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Boomer take (and I’m a neo nazi)

>i'm a communist but racist
don't care, bread lines go brrrr

>national SOCIALIST seeeee it was socialism because word there
Yeah and I guess antifa are really anti fascist huh

>take guns away
>centrally plan economy
>close borders so that people don't escape your "paradise"
sounds like socialism to me



>Yeah and I guess antifa are really anti fascist huh
Yes, they are communists and therefore oppose fascism. All socialists hate every other variant of socialism.
They also hate capitalism on account of being commies, despite capitalism being diametrically opposite to fascism, nazism and communism and every other variant of socialism.

Thick as a Brick

Attached: Political compass.png (490x482, 12.45K)

authoritarianism =\= socialism
When did they redistribute wealth? Did the workers own the means of production? Assuming you’re an adult, it’s important to know what words mean

>did they redistribute wealth

And from their program:
"We demand nationalization of all businesses which have been up to the present formed into companies (trusts). We demand that the profits from wholesale trade shall be shared out."

>Did the workers own the means of production?
No socialist country ever did this.

Nazis did what all the socialist countries do though, became authoritarian and let the government micromanage the economy.

Lmao did you even read the links you sent? Compulsory welfare tax is not full wealth redistribution, Hitler sided with the industrialists, allowed them to stay wealthy, when he needed more capital to fund the war. Actual socialists in the party were purged during the night of the long knives. Read a book kid

kill yourself rym mongrel

Crest- Bladee

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Since I Left You

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>Compulsory welfare tax is not full wealth redistribution
Oh wow, it was not FULL wealth redistribution, then it's fine!

>Hitler sided with the industrialists, allowed them to stay wealthy, when he needed more capital to fund the war
He didn't need their capital, he needed them to run their factories. Which they did, under the threat of nationalization and forced to take whatever the state offered them. All industries were effectively owned by the state.

It was a centrally planned economy, just like I said.

>Actual socialists in the party were purged during the night of the long knives
One group of socialists killed some other group of socialists. Just like in USSR.

only a leftycuck would be braindead enough to engage with this shitty thread

what does that make you?

He nationalized some industries in the 30s and then returned them to the private sector. Soviets actually nationalized everything and it stayed that way. THATS socialism. How the fuck are you socialist with massive industries remaining privatized?

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>He nationalized some industries in the 30s and then returned them to the private sector
Correct. Doesn't mean that he wasn't holding all industrialists by the balls and there was no free market economy. Just orders coming from the top and no option to say "No".

>Soviets actually nationalized everything and it stayed that way
Soviets had high level bureaucrats that controlled certain industries just like the Nazis had their industrialists.

In both cases there were no free markets.
In both cases the Party decided who owns what.

Lack of total free markets doesn’t equal socialism. Not even the markets in US are fully free, are they socialist?

It's a spectrum.

Also US is not even in the top 10.

Are you libertarian?


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Wish I knew that at the beginning of this argument, explains a lot. Take care

Absolutely based pick