I finally saw this for the first time

This movie was absolute kino and I loved it. Why couldn't they Zack Snyder let his vision come to fruition?

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/filename/ 1546166160112/

They hate what they don’t understand. Zacks vision was too good for our world.

Literally this. I will never not be mad about this.

The hate for it is just NPC "slow-motion man bad" crap.

Anyone else order the shirt?

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People still talk about it. No one talks about MCU movies

Holy shit, did I have a stroke when I was writing that?
>Why didn't they let Zack Snyder's vision come to fruition?
That's that I meant to type.

Why do you pretend you just watched it so you can make another pajeet snyder circlejerk thread?

Because I saw it last night. I'm thinking about watching it again tonight.

Because it performed below expectations so they had to get the trained monkey who directed Avengers to add more silly one liners so that all the twelve year olds buy more action figure.

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go back to plebbit capeshitter

I did. You know if anyone's started deciphering it yet?

People still talk about it in the same way people still talk about The Room

Snyder testosterone vs Marlel Soinamatic redditverse estrogen

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Have you ever participated in any of the threads? There are some memers, but the majority of the discussion is genuinely insightful. If you watch it again, make sure it's the three-hour Ultimate Cut, then search 4plebs for past threads. Pay special attention to the posts discussing the imagery. Zack used it in ways that few, if any, directors ever have.

It's even worth going back and watching MoS, too. The subtle revelations in BvS give you a new perspective on what *begins* happening in MoS. I don't want to say too much, because if you enjoyed it, you probably enjoy the feeling of discovering things for yourself. These movies are a treasure trove.

Low income tranny from twitter
archive.4plebs.org/_/search/filename/ 1546166160112/


woah, this is deep

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I've read some of the threads that have popped up from time to time and I recognized the scenes that were discussed in them. One of my favorite scenes in the movie is the Mad Max-esque flash forward and Batman fighting Superman SS cult soldiers. I wish we could have had the two parter Justice League like it was originally planned.
I also enjoyed Man of Steel as well. I could certainly tell that Zack had a vision and wanted to bring it to life.

Yea Forums is full of posters who are that critical combination of stupid, but with a massive superiority complex

While most people who watched BvS grew weary of Snyder beating us over the head with his on-the-nose symbolism (literally, in the case with Doomsday and the monument), BvS fans convince themselves that they were the only ones who "got it". This creates cognitive dissonance. Discussing the movie becomes a way of asserting their own intelligence, with increasingly absurd connections and interpretations being drawn out in essay-length posts of gibberish.

Most people were put off by Goyer's terrible dialogue, the messy plot, the dour characters, the shoehorned DCEU shilling and the tonal and editing issues. But to a BvS fan, the only reason somebody wouldn't enjoy the movie is if they didn't understand it.

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Kaballah tree of life

>Pay special attention to the posts discussing the imagery. Zack used it in ways that few, if any, directors ever have.
Be honest, did you think it was Moby Dick?

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I still hold out hope that they're following his outline. I really do believe that there is an element of a smear campaign against Snyder personally, a perfect storm of various factions of haters with various motivations. I think both he and the studio are aware of this, and his role moving forward will be downplayed, but that he and his fellow creators are still their story guys.

I believe they're telling one big story that combines elements of the old "Legends" miniseries from the 80s as a framework, expanding it outward to incorporate some of the most famous stories, and that it will culminate in Kingdom Come, but with a fitting inversion, one where it's not Billy Batson is the puppet, but someone possibly even more terrifying.

I think that some of that is hinted in the shirt from .

Nah, I never put much stock in that. I'm more interested in what the imagery around Superman, the Batman, and Lex was there to convey.

Kek, these deranged discord fucks do this all the time. Best one was when one of them tried to pretend that he'd just seen Justice League and how underrated it was. Good times.

>in time they will join you in the sun
how prophetic was this line, I believe in time people will appreciate mos/bvs for the Kino it truly is and see Snyder for the visionary he is

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I feel the same way. I pray that the Supergirl movie is set in the distant past like it was hinted in MoS. That would go a long way toward confirming my theories on where they're taking the myth arc, and what it means down to the thematic level, yet another thing hinted by the text on the back of that shirt from :

>"All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, are within you.”

I don't get it, what scene is this?

Forgot my pic.

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It's during the Fight Night scene. There were some guys that thought that was a Moby Dick reference, a vague outline suggesting a whale which sort of fits, but it's only Bruce chasing the target of his obsession, not Clark.

>I hate you and we have to fight to the death
>What, your mothers name is Martha? So is mine
>Sorry for trying to kill you. Best friends forever. Since our mothers have the same name I guess you aren’t a threat to the world after all

This movie was utter, directionless trash. Jesse was a miscast as Lex Luthor, and was a complete joke. Never thought I'd see Doctor Sivana get his due before Luthor

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>Brainlet: the Post

You are literally retarded.

It isn't about the name.